16 research outputs found

    Cretaceous mantle exhumation in the central Pyrenees: New constraints from the peridotites in eastern Ariè ge (North Pyrenean zone, France)

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    International audienceWe provide new constraints on the modes of mantle exhumation and denudation in the pre-orogenic Pyrenees by investigating the poorly known peridotites located east of the Lherz body, in eastern Ariè ge (Vicdessos, Urs, Bestiac, Caussou and Prades main peridotitic bodies). We show that: (1) numerous peridotite bodies, not described so far, are constituted by decametric to sub-metric outcrops scattered between and around the main outcrops identified by Monchoux (1970); (2) most of the peridotites form blocks and lenses of various sizes, from millimetric monocrystalline grains to hectometric olistoliths, embedded in debris flows involving mainly Mesozoic metasediments; these peridotites can therefore be linked to the S-type peridotites of Lagabrielle et al. (2010), and share similarities with the peridotites of Lherz region (Clerc et al., 2012). All originated from tectono-sedimentary processes associated with mantle exhumation in relation with extreme thinning and breakoff of the continental basement; (3) the various petrographic characters of these peridotites and their heterogeneity in serpentinisation degree imply a peculiar mode of exhumation, which merges mantle fragments inherited from different structural levels; (4) the lack of tectonic structures such as faults and shear planes associated with the ultramafic-rich breccia formation and the presence of neoformation of metamorphic minerals within the matrix preclude their origin as cataclasites related to the Latest Cretaceous and Tertiary Pyrenean contractional deformation. The peridotites of eastern Ariè ge are indisputable witnesses of the presence of an inverted hyper-extended Cretaceous passive margin forming the current North Pyrenean zone. The geometry of the extensional system was complex and probably associated with strike-slip faults and transcurrent motion. ß 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Acadé mie des sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Antiviral efficacy of favipiravir against Zika and SARS-CoV-2 viruses in non-human primates

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    International audienceAbstract The COVID-19 pandemic has exemplified that rigorous evaluation in large animal models is key for translation from promising in vitro results to successful clinical implementation. Among the drugs that have been largely tested in clinical trials but failed so far to bring clear evidence of clinical efficacy is favipiravir, a nucleoside analogue with large spectrum activity against several RNA viruses in vitro and in small animal models. Here, we evaluate the antiviral activity of favipiravir against Zika or SARS-CoV-2 virus in cynomolgus macaques. In both models, high doses of favipiravir are initiated before infection and viral kinetics are evaluated during 7 to 15 days after infection. Favipiravir leads to a statistically significant reduction in plasma Zika viral load compared to untreated animals. However, favipiravir has no effects on SARS-CoV-2 viral kinetics, and 4 treated animals have to be euthanized due to rapid clinical deterioration, suggesting a potential role of favipiravir in disease worsening in SARS-CoV-2 infected animals. To summarize, favipiravir has an antiviral activity against Zika virus but not against SARS-CoV-2 infection in the cynomolgus macaque model. Our results support the clinical evaluation of favipiravir against Zika virus but they advocate against its use against SARS-CoV-2 infection

    PERISCOPE: road towards effective control of pertussis

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    International audienceThe resurgence and changing epidemiology of pertussis in high-income countries, the high infant mortality caused by pertussis in low-income countries, and the increasing morbidity in all age groups worldwide call for a concerted effort to both improve the current vaccines and develop new vaccines and vaccination strategies against pertussis. In this Personal View, we identify several key obstacles on the path to developing a durable solution for global control of pertussis. To systematically address these obstacles, the PERtussIS Correlates Of Protection Europe (PERISCOPE) Consortium was established in March, 2016. The objectives of this consortium are to increase scientific understanding of immunity to pertussis in humans induced by vaccines and infections, to identify biomarkers of protective immunity, and to generate technologies and infrastructure for the future development of improved pertussis vaccines. By working towards the accelerated licensure and implementation of novel, well tolerated, and effective pertussis vaccines, we hope to strengthen and stimulate further collaboration and transparency between the key stakeholders, including the public, the scientific community, public health institutes, regulatory authorities, and vaccine manufacturers

    D. Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen.

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    Habiter le Grand Paris ! Ou? Quand? Comment?

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    Face à ces questions sensibles pour l’avenir du Grand Paris, les 15 équipes pluridisciplinaires, d’architectes, d’urbanistes et de chercheurs qui composent le Conseil scientifique de l’Atelier International du Grand Paris, présentent les résultats de leur recherches, leurs analyses et leurs propositions. Ces réflexions, qui donneront lieu à la parution d’un livre, constituent autant d’éclairages pour répondre aux enjeux métropolitains et aux défis quantitatifs et qualitatifs de l’évolution du logement et des modes d’habiter dans le Grand Paris. > du 1er au 7 juillet : Une exposition organisée autour de films courts réalisés par les quinze équipes de l’AIGPainsi qu’autour de parcours de trois photographes de l’agence Magnum dans le Grand Paris : Patrick Zachmann, Marc Power et Olivia Arthur. • La restitution d’ateliers participatifs organisés par des équipes de l’AIGP sur des territoires du Grand Paris