1,969 research outputs found

    Hyperbolic surface subgroups of one-ended doubles of free groups

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    Gromov asked whether every one-ended word-hyperbolic group contains a hyperbolic surface group. We prove that every one-ended double of a free group has a hyperbolic surface subgroup if (1) the free group has rank two, or (2) every generator is used the same number of times in the amalgamating words. To prove this, we formulate a stronger statement on Whitehead graphs and prove its specialization by combinatorial induction for (1) and the characterization of perfect matching polytopes by Edmonds for (2).Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. This version has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Topolog

    Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome with G608G LMNA Mutation

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    Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is a rare condition originally described by Hutchinson in 1886. Death result from cardiac complications in the majority of cases and usually occurs at average age of thirteen years. A 4-yr old boy had typical clinical findings such as short stature, craniofacial disproportion, alopecia, prominent scalp veins and sclerodermatous skin. This abnormal appearance began at age of 1 yr. On serological and hormonal evaluation, all values are within normal range. He was neurologically intact with motor and mental development. An echocardiogram showed calcification of aortic and mitral valves. Hypertrophy of internal layer at internal carotid artery suggesting atherosclerosis was found by carotid doppler sonography. He is on low dose aspirin to prevent thromboembolic episodes and on regular follow up. Gene study showed typical G608G (GGC- > GGT) point mutation at exon 11 in LMNA gene. This is a rare case of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome confirmed by genetic analysis in Korea

    Decadal variability of the upper ocean heat content in the East/Japan Sea and its possible relationship to northwestern Pacific variability

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012): C02017, doi:10.1029/2011JC007369.The upper ocean heat content variability in the East/Japan Sea was investigated using a 40 year temperature and salinity data set from 1968 to 2007. Decadal variability was identified as the dominant mode of variability in the upper ocean (0–300 m) aside from the seasonal cycle. The decadal variability is strong to the west of northern Honshu, west of the Tsugaru Strait, and west of southern Hokkaido. Temperature anomalies at 50–125 m exhibit a large contribution to the decadal variability, particularly in the eastern part of the East/Japan Sea. The vertical structure of regressed temperature anomalies and the spatial patterns of regressed 10°C isotherms in the East/Japan Sea suggest that the decadal variability is related to upper ocean circulation in the East/Japan Sea. The decadal variability also exhibits an increasing trend, which indicates that the regions showing large decadal variations experienced warming on decadal time scales. Further analysis shows that the decadal variability in the East/Japan Sea is not locally isolated but is related to variability in the northwestern Pacific.This work was supported by grants from the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs, Korea (Ocean Climate Variability Program and EAST-I Project).2012-08-0

    Manifestation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the Kuroshio

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 36 (2009): L16602, doi:10.1029/2009GL039216.Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index is strongly correlated with vertically integrated transport carried by the Kuroshio through the East China Sea (ECS). Transport was determined from satellite altimetry calibrated with in situ data and its correlation with PDO index (0.76) is highest at zero lag. Total PDO-correlated transport variation carried by the ECS-Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current is about 4 Sv. In addition, PDO index is strongly negatively correlated, at zero lag, with NCEP wind-stress-curl over the central North Pacific at ECS latitudes. Sverdrup transport, calculated from wind-stress-curl anomalies, is consistent with the observed transport variations. Finally, PDO index and ECS-Kuroshio transport are each negatively correlated with Kuroshio Position Index in the Tokara Strait; this can be explained by a model in which Kuroshio path is steered by topography when transport is low and is inertially controlled when transport is high.MA, MW and JP were supported by ONR grant N000140210271. XZ was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 40776021 and the National Basic Research Programs of China under grant 2006CB400603. KK and KC were supported by the Korea EAST-I Program

    Abdominal Ultrasonography Findings in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury in Korea

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    This is a retrospective study of 500 patients with spinal cord injury who underwent abdominal ultrasonography as a routine screening test from 2000 to 2003. We analyzed the results according to the different abdominal organ systems. Among the 500 cases, 226 (45.2%) showed abnormal findings. 98 cases of abnormal findings in the liver included 75 of fatty liver and 13 of mass. The 88 cases of abnormal findings in the bladder included 56 of bladder wall thickening, 14 of cystitis and 10 of urinary stone. The 35 cases of abnormal findings in the kidney included 19 of renal cyst and 6 of pelvic dilatation. The 35 cases with gallbladder abnormalities included 19 with gallstones and 11 with biliary sludge. Excluding the cases with bladder wall thickening, there were still 170 cases with abnormal ultrasonographic findings. Abdominal sonography seems to be a useful tool in detecting hidden intraabdominal pathologies in patients with spinal cord injury

    Antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of extracts from Cirsium japonicum roots

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    This study investigated the antioxidant activity of methanol (MeOH) and water extracts from roots of Cirsium japonicum in vitro. MeOH extract showed a stronger free radical scavenging activity than water extract. However, both of extracts showed a concentration dependent hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, reducing power and metal chelating ability. MeOH extract had greater phenolic and flavonoid contents than water extract. The antidiabetic activity of these two extracts was evaluated by the α-glucosidase inhibition assay. The water extract showed a considerable α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. To our knowledge, this may be the first time to report the antioxidant and antidiabetic activities in Cirsium japonicum roots

    The potential of chitosan-tripolyphosphate microparticles in the visualisation of latent fingermarks

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    Chitosan (CS) is a cationic polymer with excellent film, gel and particle-forming properties. This polymer has been investigated widely for its potential in the development of food and drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical applications, however it has not generally been considered in forensic applications for example fingerprints (fingermarks). Fingerprints are a very common form of physical evidence. The most commonly used procedure for revealing the ridge pattern is powder dusting, which relies on the mechanical adherence of fingerprint formulation to the fatty components of the skin deposit that are secreted by sweat pores that exist on friction ridges. Cross-linking between oppositely charged molecules can be used to prepare chitosan microparticles. Tripolyphosphate (TPP) is a nontoxic polyanion; it can form particles by ionic interaction between positively charged amino groups of CS and negatively charged counter ions of TPP. In the present study chitosan microparticles (CSMPs) were prepared under four different processing/formulation conditions. The development of latent fingermarks using CSMPs was analysed by using a 23 factorial design, which considered simultaneously three main factors: pH, ionic strength and CS: TPP (v/v) ratio. In this study CS: TPP ratio has the strongest effect on fingerprint quality. The best conditions for fingerprint visualisation were pH 4.8, CS: TPP of 2:1 and 0.2 M of ionic strength in buffer (AB-12)

    Designing chitosan-tripolyphosphate microparticles with desired size for specific pharmaceutical or forensic applications

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    Chitosan (CS) is a natural cationic polymer obtained by the partial N-deacetylation of chitin. Chitosan microparticles can be prepared by cross-linking with tripolyphosphate (TPP) via the ionic interaction between positively charged amino groups (CS) and negatively charged counter ions (TPP). This can be controlled by the charge density of CS and TPP, which depend on the pH and ionic strength of the solution. The purpose of this study is to investigate the combined effects of three independent variables (pH, ionic strength and CS: TPP ratio) on three important physico-chemical properties (viscosity, zeta potential and particle size) during the preparation of microparticles. CS: TPP microparticles were prepared using experimental design and equations were generated and used to predict relative viscosity, zeta potential and particle size under different conditions. This gives us the ability to design tuneable CS-TPP microparticles with desired size for specific pharmaceutical or forensic applications e.g. latent fingerprint visualisation

    Hypereosinophilia Presenting as Eosinophilic Vasculitis and Multiple Peripheral Artery Occlusions without Organ Involvement

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    We report here a case with hypereosinophilia and peripheral artery occlusion. A 32-yr-old Korean woman presented to us with lower extremity swelling and pain. Angiography revealed that multiple lower extremity arteries were occlusive. The biopsy specimen showed perivascular and periadnexal dense eosinophilic infiltration in dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Laboratory investigations revealed a persistent hypereosinophilia. She was prescribed prednisolone 60 mg daily. Her skin lesion and pain were improved and the eosinophil count was dramatically decreased. After discharge, eosinophil count gradually increased again. Cyanosis and pain of her fingers recurred. She had been treated with cyclophosphamide pulse therapy. Her eosinophilia was decreased, but the cyanosis and tingling sense were progressive. The extremity arterial stenoses were slightly progressed. Skin biopsy showed perivascular eosinophilic infiltration in the dermis and CD40 ligand (CD40L) positive eosinophilic infiltration. The serum TNF-α was markedly increased. These results suggest that CD40L (a member of TNF-α superfamily) could play a role in the inflammatory processes when eosinophil infiltration and activation are observed. We prescribed prednisolone, cyclophosphamide, clopidogrel, cilostazol, beraprost and nifedipine, and she was discharged