102 research outputs found

    El Estudio DiSA-UMH: Estudio de cohorte prospectivo en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad Miguel Hernández

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    Introduction: Young adulthood is an important stage to establish dietary habits and lifestyle behaviors that could be linked to the long-term development of chronic diseases in later life. The 3 years follow-up prospective cohort DiSA-UMH study was set up with the main objectives of determining the nutritional status, lifestyle behaviors and health status, assessing the possible changes during the follow-up, and estimating their influence on the occurrence and development of chronic diseases.Material and Methods: Baseline information of 1204 health science students from Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) aged between 17 and 35 years was collected during the period from 2006 to 2012. All the participants completed a general questionnaire divided into separate sections that included a food frequency questionnaire, specific questions on physical activity, tobacco consumption, nutritional labelling use, weight, height, health status, and questions about the diagnosis of several diseases. In order to validate self-reported data, several reliability/validity investigations with different subsamples were specifically conducted. After baseline questionnaire, students were asked to obtain anthropometric measurements and fasting blood samples. To evaluate our assessment of dietary intake, between three and nine 24-hour recalls administered by telephone were conducted over one year.Results: The first follow-up period of 3-years finished in 2015 and the second 3-year follow-up period is still ongoing. Although the retention rates during these assessment periods were 59.2% and 52.2% respectively, the losses of follow-up happened in a random way because of characteristics of participants and non-participants during follow-up were similar.Introducción: La edad adulta es una etapa importante para el establecimiento de hábitos dietéticos y estilos de vida que pueden estar implicados en el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas posteriormente. El estudio de cohortes prospectivo con seguimiento a 3 años DiSA-UMH nació con el objetivo de determinar el estado nutricional, estilos de vida y la salud, evaluar los posibles cambios de estos durante el seguimiento y ver cómo influyen en la aparición y desarrollo enfermedades crónicas.Material y Métodos: La información basal de 1204 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de entre 18 y 35 años de la Universidad Miguel Hernández fue recogida entre los años 2006 y 2012. Todos los participantes autocumplimentaron un cuestionario que incluía un cuestionario de frecuencia de alimentos, preguntas sobre actividad física, consumo de tabaco, alcohol, uso del etiquetado nutricional, peso, talla, tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica y estado de salud, así como preguntas sobre la presencia de diversas enfermedades. Con el fin de validar la información autoaportada, se realizaron específicamente diversos estudios de validación con diferentes submuestras. Tras el cuestionario basal, se les preguntó a los estudiantes para obtener medidas antropométricas y muestra de sangre en ayunas. Para valorar la evaluación de ingesta dietética se recogieron entre 3 y 9 recordatorios de 24 horas realizados por teléfono durante un año.Resultados: En 2015 finalizó el trabajo de campo del primer seguimiento de 3 años, estando aún en marcha el segundo periodo de 3 años de seguimiento. Aunque las tasas de retención durante estos periodos fueron de 59,2% y 52,2% respectivamente, las pérdidas de seguimiento se produjeron de forma aleatoria, ya que las características generales de los que participan y no participan en el seguimiento eran similares

    Urinary Arsenic Speciation in Children and Pregnant Women from Spain

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    Inorganic arsenic (i-As) is a non-threshold human carcinogen that has been associated with several adverse health outcomes. Exposure to i-As is of particular concern among pregnant women, infants and children, as they are specifically vulnerable to the adverse health effects of i-As, and in utero and early-life exposure, even low to moderate levels of i-As, may have a marked effect throughout the lifespan. Ion chromatography-mass spectrometry detection (IC-ICP-MS) was used to analyse urinary arsenic speciation, as an exposure biomarker, in samples of 4-year-old children with relatively low-level arsenic exposure living in different regions in Spain including Asturias, Gipuzkoa, Sabadell and Valencia. The profile of arsenic metabolites in urine was also determined in samples taken during pregnancy (1st trimester) and in the children from Valencia of 7 years old. The median of the main arsenic species found in the 4-year-old children was 9.71 mug/l (arsenobetaine-AsB), 3.97 mug/l (dimethylarsinic acid-DMA), 0.44 mug/l (monomethylarsonic acid-MMA) and 0.35 mug/l (i-As). Statistically significant differences were found in urinary AsB, MMA and i-As according to the study regions in the 4-year-old, and also in DMA among pregnant women and their children. Spearman's correlation coefficient among urinary arsenic metabolites was calculated, and, in general, a strong methylation capacity to methylate i-As to MMA was observed

    Urinary Arsenic Speciation in Children and Pregnant Women from Spain

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    Inorganic arsenic (i-As) is a non-threshold human carcinogen that has been associated with several adverse health outcomes. Exposure to i-As is of particular concern among pregnant women, infants and children, as they are specifically vulnerable to the adverse health effects of i-As, and in utero and early-life exposure, even low to moderate levels of i-As, may have a marked effect throughout the lifespan. Ion chromatography-mass spectrometry detection (IC-ICP-MS) was used to analyse urinary arsenic speciation, as an exposure biomarker, in samples of 4-year-old children with relatively low-level arsenic exposure living in different regions in Spain including Asturias, Gipuzkoa, Sabadell and Valencia. The profile of arsenic metabolites in urine was also determined in samples taken during pregnancy (1st trimester) and in the children from Valencia of 7 years old. The median of the main arsenic species found in the 4-year-old children was 9.71 lg/l (arsenobetaine—AsB), 3.97 lg/l (dimethylarsinic acid—DMA), 0.44 lg/l (monomethylarsonic acid—MMA) and 0.35 lg/l (i-As). Statistically significant differences were found in urinary AsB, MMA and i-As according to the study regions in the 4-year-old, and also in DMA among pregnant women and their children. Spearman’s correlation coefficient among urinary arsenic metabolites was calculated, and, in general, a strong methylation capacity to methylate i-As to MMA was observed

    Validation of self-reported weight and height university population and factors associated with differences between self reported and measured antropometrics

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    Introducción: La obesidad es un problema de salud pública importante que se asocia a un mayor riesgo muerte por enfermedades crónico-degenerativas como diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares y varios cánceres. En estudios epidemiológicos de amplio tamaño donde a veces solo es posible obtener datos auto-referido de peso y talla, pueden surgir dudas sobre las estimaciones del índice de masa corporal (IMC). Objetivo: En este estudio se comparan datos auto-referido de peso, talla e IMC frente a datos obtenidos por medición directa en población adulta joven, y se analizan los factores asociados a la discrepancia entre datos referidos y medidos. Metodología: Entre 2006-2012 un total de 628 universitarios de ciencias de la salud (476 mujeres) aceptaron cumplimentar un cuestionario con preguntas sobre peso y talla y realizar posteriormente un examen físico con la toma del peso y talla siguiendo protocolos estandarizados en ropa ligera. El peso de la ropa ligera se sustrajo del peso medido en 1 kg para los hombres y 0,9 kg para las mujeres. Se analizó la validez de las estimaciones antropométricas auto-referidas frente a las medidas para peso, talla y obesidad mediante índices de sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos y índice kappa y se usó regresión lineal múltiple para analizar los factores asociados a las discrepancias entre datos referidos y medidos. Resultado: La media del peso, talla e IMC auto-referido fueron 62,5 kg, 167,6 cm y 22,1 kg/m2, y de los medidos, 62,6 kg, 167,4 cm y 22,2 kg/m2 respectivamente. Las correlaciones entre datos declararos y medidos fueron de r = 0,97, 0,96 y 0,95 respectivamente. La sensibilidad para detectar exceso de peso (IMC ≥ 25 kg/m2) mediante datos declarados fue del 81,0%, la especificidad del 98,5%, el valor predictivo positivo 90,6% y el índice kappa de 0,75. La discrepancia entre peso, talla e IMC medido y declarado se asoció significativamente con una mayor edad, y para la talla también con un mayor número de horas de sueño. Conclusiones: A pesar de una ligera infraestimación observada para el peso y el IMC y una sobreestimación para la talla auto-referidos, la validez de las medidas auto-referidas es adecuada para usar en estudios epidemiológicos en población joven.Introduction: Obesity is an important public health problem related to a higher risk of death from chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer. In epidemiological studies of big sample size, only self-reported weight and height can be collected for feasibility reasons and body mass index (BMI) estimates may be questioned. Objectives: In this study we compare self-reported and measured weight, height and BMI in a mostly young population of university students, and explore factors associated with discrepancies between self-reported and measured data. Methods: In the period 2006-2012, 628 University students (476 women) from health sciences subject gave consent to participate in this study. Self-reported weight and height were collected by questionnaire and compared with weight and height measured afterward in health exams wearing light clothes and using standardized protocols. The validity of self-reported anthropometric estimates was explored by correlation coefficients and sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and kappa to detect measured overweight/obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2). Multiple linear regression was used to explore the factors related to the discrepancies between self-reported and measured data. Results: The mean of self-reported weight, height and BMI was 62.5 kg, 167.6 cm and 22.1 kg/m2 and the mean of measured data was 62.6 kg, 167.4 cm y 22.2 kg/m2 respectively. Correlations between self-reported and measured data were r = 0.97 for weight, 0.96 for height and 0.95 for BMI. The sensitivity to detect overweight (IMC ≥ 25 kg/m2) using self-reported data was 81.0%, the specificity was 98.5%, the predictive value was 90.6% and the kappa index was 0.75. The discrepancy between measured and self-reported weight, height and BMI was associated with a higher age, and a higher sleeping time was also associated to discrepancies in self-reported and measured height. Conclusions: Despite the self-reported weight and BMI may underestimate the true weight and BMI, and self-reported height overestimate, the validity of self-reported anthropometric measures is adequate to use be used in epidemiological studies among young people with a high educational level.Este estudio ha sido financiado en parte por proyectos de la Consejería de Sanidad-Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP/2010/115; 087/2008; 084/2010). Fatoumata Rosita Savane es becaria predoctoral de AECID (Agencia de Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo)

    The influence of natural fire and cultural practices on island ecosystems: insights from a 4800 year record from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands

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    Aim: Long-term ecological data provide a stepped frame of island ecosystem transformation after successive waves of human colonization, essential to determine conservation and management baselines. However, the timing and ecological impact of initial human settlement on many islands is still poorly known. Here we report analyses from a 4800-year sedimentary sequence from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands), with the goal of disentangling forest responses to natural fire from early human pressure on the island.Location: La Calderilla, a volcanic maar caldera at 1770 m a.s.l. on Gran Canaria.Taxon: plants and fungi.Methods: A core from the caldera infill was analysed for sediment properties, pollen, micro- and macrocharcoal, with radiocarbon and biochronology dating. Fossil data were statistically zoned and interpreted with the help of cross-correlation and ordination analyses. Surface samples and a pollen–vegetation training set were used as modern analogues for vegetation reconstruction.Results: Before human settlement (4800–2000 cal. yr BP), pine (Pinus canariensis) pollen dominated. Extensive dry pine forests characterised the highlands, although with temporary declining phases, followed by prompt (sub-centennial scale) recovery. Towards 2280 cal. yr BP there was a shift to open vegetation, marked by an increase in coprophilous spores. Coincidental with independent evidence of human settlement in the pine belt (2000–470 cal. yr BP) there was a decline of pine and a peak in charcoal. Following historic settlement (470–0 cal. yr BP), pollen producers from anthropogenic habitats, secondary vegetation and coprophilous fungi increased in abundance, reflecting higher pressure of animal husbandry and farming. Modern moss polsters reflect extensive reforestation since 1950 CE (Common Era).Main conclusions: From 4800 cal. yr BP, the pristine vegetation covering the Gran Canaria highlands was a mosaic of dry pine forests and open vegetation. The pine forests sustained intense fires, which may well have promoted habitat diversity. Human interference was initiated around 2280 cal. yr BP probably by recurrent cultural firing and animal husbandry, triggering a steady trend of forest withdrawal and expansion of grasses and scrubs, until the final disappearance of the pine forest locally in the 20th century. Grasslands were found to be of ancient cultural origin in the summit areas of Gran Canaria, although they underwent an expansion after the Castilian Conquest

    Relationship between olive oil consumption and ankle-brachial pressure index in a population at high cardiovascular risk

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    The aim of this study was to ascertain the association between the consumption of different categories of edible olive oils (virgin olive oils and olive oil) and olive pomace oil and ankle-brachial pressure index (ABI) in participants in the PREDIMED-Plus study, a trial of lifestyle modification for weight and cardiovascular event reduction in individuals with overweight/obesity harboring the metabolic syndrome. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Consumption of any category of olive oil and olive pomace oil was assessed through a validated food-frequency questionnaire. Multivariable linear regression models were fitted to assess associations between olive oil consumption and ABI. Additionally, ABI ≤1 was considered as the outcome in logistic models with different categories of olive oil and olive pomace oil as exposure. Results: Among 4330 participants, the highest quintile of total olive oil consumption (sum of all categories of olive oil and olive pomace oil) was associated with higher mean values of ABI (beta coefficient: 0.014, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.002, 0.027) (p for trend = 0.010). Logistic models comparing the consumption of different categories of olive oils, olive pomace oil and ABI ≤1 values revealed an inverse association between virgin olive oils consumption and the likelihood of a low ABI (odds ratio [OR] 0.73, 95% CI [0.56, 0.97]), while consumption of olive pomace oil was positively associated with a low ABI (OR 1.22 95% CI [1.00, 1.48]). Conclusions: In a Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk, total olive oil consumption was associated with a higher mean ABI. These results suggest that olive oil consumption may be beneficial for peripheral artery disease prevention, but longitudinal studies are needed

    How Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Pandemic Affect the Depression Symptomatology in Mediterranean Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome?

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    Background and Aims. To control the COVID-19 spread, in March 2020, a forced home lockdown was established in Spain. In the present study, we aimed to assess the effect of mobility and social COVID-19-established restrictions on depressive symptomatology in older adults with metabolic syndrome. We hypothesize that severe restrictions might have resulted in detrimental changes in depressive symptomatology. Methods. 2,312 PREDIMED-Plus study participants (men = 53:9%; mean age = 64:9±4:8 years) who completed a COVID-19 lockdown questionnaire to assess the severity of restrictions/lockdown and the validated Spanish version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) during the three established phases concerning the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain (prelockdown, lockdown, and postlockdown) were included in this longitudinal analysis. Participants were categorized according to high or low lockdown severity. Analyses of covariance were performed to assess changes in depressive symptomatology across lockdown phases. Results. No significant differences in participant depression symptomatology changes were observed between lockdown severity categories (low/high) at the studied phases. During the lockdown phase, participants showed a decrease in BDI-II score compared to the prelockdown phase (mean (95% CI), -0.48 (-0.24, -0.72), P < 0:001); a nonsignificantly larger decrease was observed in participants allocated in the low-lockdown category (low: -0.59 (-0.95, -0.23), high: -0.43 (-0.67, -0.19)). Similar decreases in depression symptomatology were found for the physical environment dimension. The post- and prelockdown phase BDI-II scores were roughly similar. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown was associated with a decrease in depressive symptomatology that returned to prelockdown levels after the lockdown. The degree of lockdown was not associated with depressive symptomatology. The potential preventive role of the physical environment and social interactions on mental disorders during forced home lockdown should be further studie

    Ultra-processed foods consumption as a promoting factor of greenhouse gas emissions, water, energy, and land use: A longitudinal assessment

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    Background: Dietary patterns can produce an environmental impact. Changes in people's diet, such as the increased consumption of ultra-processed food (UPF) can not only influence human health but also environment sustainability. Objectives: Assessment of the impact of 2-year changes in UPF consumption on greenhouse gas emissions and water, energy and land use. Design A 2-year longitudinal study after a dietary intervention including 5879 participants from a Southern European population between the ages of 55-75 years with metabolic syndrome. Methods Food intake was assessed using a validated 143-item food frequency questionnaire, which allowed classifying foods according to the NOVA system. In addition, sociodemographic data, Mediterranean diet adherence, and physical activity were obtained from validated questionnaires. Greenhouse gas emissions, water, energy and land use were calculated by means of the Agribalyse® 3.0.1 database of environmental impact indicators for food items. Changes in UPF consumption during a 2-year period were analyzed. Statistical analyses were conducted using computed General Linear Models. Results: Participants with major reductions in their UPF consumption reduced their impact by −0.6 kg of CO2eq and −5.3 MJ of energy. Water use was the only factor that increased as the percentage of UPF was reduced. Conclusions: Low consumption of ultra-processed foods may contribute to environmental sustainability. The processing level of the consumed food should be considered not only for nutritional advice on health but also for environmental protection

    Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales : second update 2018

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    In October 2018, the order Bunyavirales was amended by inclusion of the family Arenaviridae, abolishment of three families, creation of three new families, 19 new genera, and 14 new species, and renaming of three genera and 22 species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).Non peer reviewe

    Taxonomy of the family Arenaviridae and the order Bunyavirales : update 2018

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    In 2018, the family Arenaviridae was expanded by inclusion of 1 new genus and 5 novel species. At the same time, the recently established order Bunyavirales was expanded by 3 species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the family Arenaviridae and the order Bunyavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) and summarizes additional taxonomic proposals that may affect the order in the near future.Peer reviewe