421 research outputs found

    Factores de riesgo ocupacional en el profesional de anestesiología, que labora en los hospitales de la zona oriental de El Salvador, año 2016

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    En motivo de las diferentes fuentes de contaminación que se encuentran en las instalaciones de salud de El Salvador; permitió realizar un estudio relevante sobre factores de riesgo ocupacional en el profesional de anestesiología que labora en la Zona Oriental del país. El objetivo de la investigación consistió en determinar los factores de riesgo a los que más se encuentra expuesto el profesional de anestesiología, cada vez que desarrolla sus funciones, identificando el factor al cual presentan mayor exposición y el factor al que menos se exponen. La metodología utilizada en la investigación fue de tipo descriptivo transversal, basada en un cuestionario validado previamente y ejecutado en los hospitales públicos del Oriente del país, en el cual cada uno de los ítems evaluó la frecuencia de exposición a los diferentes factores. En los resultados se determinó que el personal de anestesiología se encuentra más expuesto a los factores de riesgo biológico y químico, siendo identificados por las distintas características o agentes contaminantes que constituyen a cada factor de riesgo, por lo que se aceptó la hipótesis nula de la investigación la cual expresaba que los factores de riesgo a los que más se encuentra expuesto el personal de anestesiología no son los ocasionados por agentes biológicos y los agentes relacionados con la naturaleza del trabajo

    Ingeniería Del Conocimiento Aplicada Al Estudio De Percepción Del Turismo Utilizando Ontologías OWL Derivadas De Un Léxico Extendido Del Conocimiento Del Dominio

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    The integration of Knowledge Engineering and Tourism strengthens the interdisciplinary studies as an area of scientific research. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the perceptions of different focus groups regarding the sustainability of tourism development in Ciudad Juarez, through conceptual modeling, specifically, using ontologies OWL derived from the Knowledge of the Domain in an Extended Lexicon. As results, theoretical approaches of tourism as a scientific discipline are systematized and interdisciplinary related to Knowledge Engineering. The tourism system of Ciudad Juarez is characterized, recognizing that it should be reoriented towards the formation of a Smart Tourist Destination, as an advanced concept in tourism. Finally, the knowledge apprehended by each focus group in relation to the tourism model is analyzed, in order to obtain a comparison between the four ontologies generated, and this concludes with the integration of perceptions in an OWL synthesis, which would guide the strategic projection of the destination

    Evaluación cualitativa del sistema de recogida de sangre en Cataluña

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    La donación de sangre es indispensable para el mantenimiento de una prestación sanitaria de calidad. El estancamiento del número de donaciones en Cataluña hizo pertinente poner en marcha una evaluación externa del sistema de recogida de sangre que pudiera orientar las políticas futuras. Se diseñó una evaluación del sistema de hemocaptación en Cataluña adoptando una metodología cualitativa, que incluyó el uso de una variedad de técnicas como la observación participante, las entrevistas individuales, las entrevistas grupales y las técnicas documentales. El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo en la totalidad de los sectores hemopáticos de Cataluña del 23 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre de 1998. El análisis de la información siguió parcialmente las prescripciones de la Grounded Theory y de algunas modalidades de análisis de contenido temático usando la herramienta informática para el análisis cualitativo de datos textuales Atlas/ti. Los resultados muestran las características básicas y las carencias del proceso de hemocaptación, describen los puntos fuertes y débiles del proceso de hemocaptación y de su organización, detallan los argumentos sobre la donación de sangre que utilizan los agentes implicados en el proceso, y dan cuenta de las características atribuidas a los donantes.Blood donation is indispensable for quality health service provision. The stagnation of the number of donations in Catalonia prompted up an external evaluation of the system of blood collection that could orient the future policies. An evaluation of blood-donor services in Catalonia was designed adopting a qualitative methodology. The evaluation design included the use of a variety of techniques namely participant observation, individual interviews, group interviews and documentary techniques. The field work was carried out in all blood-donation sectors of Catalonia from the 23th November to the 4th December, 1998. Using Atlas/ti, a computer science tool for the qualitative analysis of textual data, the information analysis partially followed the prescriptions of "grounded theory" and of some modalities of thematic content analysis. The results show the basic characteristics and deficiencies of the process and its organization, describing their strong and weak points. The findings also detail arguments on blood donation that the agents implied in the process, donors an professionals, use. We also report what reasons the blood-donor service managers/providers gave for donating blood, and what perceptions they had of blood donors

    Fé, esperanza y caridad : drama en cinco actos,

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    Para representarse con estraordinario aplauso en el Teatro del la Cruz, el 31 de julio de 1853Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Pie de imprenta tomado del colofónSign.:1-3(4º)Texto a dos col.Colección de comedias representadas con éxito en los Teatros de la Cort

    Construction of a novel Pichia pastoris strain for production of xanthophylls

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    In this study, we used the yeast carotenogenic producer Pichia pastoris Pp-EBIL strain, which has been metabolically engineered, by heterologously expressing β-carotene-pathway enzymes to produce β-carotene, as a vessel for recombinant astaxanthin expression. For this purpose, we designed new P. pastoris recombinant-strains harboring astaxanthin-encoding genes from carotenogenic microorganism, and thus capable of producing xanthophyllic compounds. We designed and constructed a plasmid (pGAPZA-WZ) containing both the β-carotene ketolase (crtW) and β-carotene hydroxylase (crtZ) genes from Agrobacterium aurantiacum, under the control of the GAP promoter and containing an AOX-1 terminator. The plasmid was then integrated into the P. pastoris Pp-EBIL strain genomic DNA, producing clone Pp-EBILWZ. The recombinant P. pastoris (Pp-EBILWZ) cells exhibited a strong reddish carotenoid coloration and were confirmed, by HPLC, to produce not only the previous described carotenoids lycopene and β-carotene, but also de novo synthesized astaxanthin.J. M. A-G. is the recipient of an AECID scholarship from the Spanish Foreign Affairs MinistryS

    Limiting spread of COVID-19 in an orthopaedic department-a perspective from Spain

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    Besides national and international recommendations, orthopaedic departments face significant changes in daily activity and serious issues to maintain their standards in musculoskeletal care during the pandemic Covid-19 crisis that we are facing. This report retrospectively addresses measures that were progressively put in place to modify in a week time the activity of a busy orthopaedic department in a large tertiary university hospital in face of the pandemic. Surgical priorities and surgical outcomes are key aspects to consider. The experience may offer some insight to areas where the spread of the disease may be slower or delayed. Abrupt stop of scheduled surgery and clinics is useful to adapt an orthopaedic department to the overall hospital resource reorganization. Orthopaedic surgeons need to be aware of the risks to patients and personnel in view of underdiagnosed cases, which make pre-operative Covid-19 evaluation mandatory for all surgical case

    A Comprehensive Study of Vesicular and Non-Vesicular miRNAs from a Volume of Cerebrospinal Fluid Compatible with Clinical Practice

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    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as potential biomarkers for minimally invasive diagnosis of central nervous system malignancies. However, despite significant advances in recent years, this field still suffers from poor data reproducibility. This is especially true in cases of infants, considered a new subject group. Implementing efficient methods to study miRNAs from clinically realistic CSF volumes is necessary for the identification of new biomarkers. Methods: We compared six protocols for characterizing miRNAs, using 200-mu L CSF from infants (aged 0-7). Four of the methods employed extracellular vesicle (EV) enrichment step and the other two obtained the miRNAs directly from cleared CSF. The efficiency of each method was assessed using real-time PCR and small RNA sequencing. We also determined the distribution of miRNAs among different CSF shuttles, using size-exclusion chromatography. Results: We identified 281 CSF miRNAs from infants. We demonstrated that the miRNAs could be efficiently detected using only 200 mu L of biofluid in case of at least two of the six methods. In the exosomal fraction, we found 12 miRNAs that might be involved in neurodevelopment. Conclusion: The Norgen and Invitrogen protocols appear suitable for the analysis of a large number of miRNAs using small CSF samples.This work was supported by the Basque Government [IT989-16], the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO [SAF2015066312], and the Ramon Areces Foundation [FRA-17-JMF]. We thank MINECO for the REDIEX (Spanish Excellence Network in Exosomes) and the Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation (SEV-2016-0644). Funding for open access charge: Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation (SEV-2016-0644)