41 research outputs found

    Data acquisition system in submetering networks with Modbus/TCP communications

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    [ES] El sector industrial representa entre el 20% y el 40% del consumo energético de la sociedad, y se prevé un aumento de dicho consumo de cara al futuro. Este hecho supone la necesidad de implementar técnicas de control de consumo energético efectivas, las cuales dependen de la disponibilidad de datos masivos y detallados. En la actualidad existen diversas herramientas enfocadas en la gestión energética, pero que, sin embargo, presentan una serie de problemas que comprometen el dinamismo de las mismas, convirtiéndolas en herramientas ciertamente rígidas e ineficaces al tratarse de gestionar sistemas complejos, debido a la variedad de dispositivos existentes, con sus propias exigencias en lo que se refiere a generación de datos y monitorización. En el presente proyecto se desarrollará una herramienta de adquisición de datos multipropósito, basada en el conocido lenguaje de programación Python, orientada tanto a la gestión energética como a la automatización de procesos, que pretende satisfacer así las necesidades de sistemas complejos de gestión. También se implementará una aplicación web desarrollada mediante el conocido framework Django, para simplificar la configuración y parametrización de la misma, ocultando la complejidad técnica asociada a la programación que la implementa. Los datos adquiridos serán volcados a una base de datos de Microsoft SQL Server. Por último, se analiza el comportamiento de la herramienta mediante la realización de una serie de experimentos para evaluar las ventajas de la misma frente a las herramientas comerciales existentes.[EN] The industrial sector represents between 20% and 40% of society's energy consumption, and this consumption is expected to increase in the future. This fact implies the need to implement effective energy consumption control techniques that depend on the availability of massive and detailed data. Currently there are several tools focused on energy management, but nevertheless, they present a number of problems that compromise their dynamism, making them certainly rigid and ineffective tools when it comes to managing complex systems, due to the variety of existing devices, with their own requirements in terms of data generation and monitoring. This project will develop a multipurpose data acquisition tool, based on the well-known Python programming language, oriented both to energy management and process automation, which aims to meet the needs of complex management systems. A web application developed using the well-known Django framework will also be implemented, in order to simplify its configuration and parameterization, hiding the technical complexity associated with the programming that implements it. The acquired data will be stored into a Microsoft SQL Server database. Finally, the behavior of the tool is analyzed by performing a series of experiments to evaluate its advantages over existing commercial tools

    Guidelines to develop demonstration models on industry 4.0 for engineering training

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    [EN] Industrial digitization is currently a great challenge which involves continuous advances in tech-nologies such as automation, robotics, internet of things, cloud computing, big data, virtual and augmented reality or cybersecurity. Only those companies able to adapt and with qualified work-ers will be competitive. Therefore, it is necessary to design new environments to train students and workers in these enabling technologies. In this paper, a set of guidelines is proposed to develop a demonstration model on Industry 4.0. Following these guidelines, an existing manufacturing industrial system, based on an electro-pneumatic cell for classifying pieces, is updated to the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The result is an Industry 4.0 demonstration model where enabling tech-nologies are added in an integrated way. In this manner, students do not only train in each technology, but also understand the interactions between them. In the academic year 2020/21, this demonstration model has been used by engineering students in a subject of a master’s degree. Impressions and comments from students about the structure and management of the environ-ment, as well as the influence on their learning process are collected and discussed.SIThis work was supported by the Spanish State Research Agency, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under Grant PID2020-117890RB-I00. The work of José Ramón Rodríguez- Ossorio was supported by a grant of the Research Programme of the Universidad de León 2020. The work of Guzmán González-Mateos was supported by a grant of the Research Programme of the University of León 202

    Flow virtual sensor based on deep learning techniques

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    [ES] En el contexto de la digitalización de la industria, los sensores virtuales resultan muy útiles tanto para construir gemelos digitales, que permiten simular comportamientos que ayudan a optimizar el proceso productivo y prevenir errores, como para ser utilizados en las situaciones en las que un sensor real es muy costoso o directamente no puede ser instalado. En este artículo se propone un método para implementar sensores virtuales utilizando tres de las técnicas de deep learning más comunes: redes convolucionales, redes neuronales densas y redes recurrentes. El método se ha utilizado para construir un sensor virtual de caudal en una maqueta de control de procesos que dispone de instrumentación industrial real.[EN] In the context of industry digitalization, virtual sensors are very useful both to develop digital twins, which simulate behaviors that help us to optimize the process and prevent faults, such as to be used on the cases where a real sensor is very expensive or cannot be installed. In this paper, it is proposed a method to develop virtual sensors using three of the most common deep learning techniques: convolutional networks, dense neural networks and recurrent neural networks. The method has been used to develop a flow virtual sensor for a pilot plant that has real industrial instrumentation

    Formación en materia de igualdad para profesionales que trabajan con menores

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    Las relaciones, que a lo largo de los tiempos han mantenido hombres y mujeres, han constituido el guion cultural de las distintas sociedades. Sus relaciones establecen una forma de vida, unas normas y unos valores que van marcando el camino social, que a su vez es el que determina las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres, estableciéndose un círculo que se retroalimenta. Estos valores, normas y formas de relacionarse entre hombres y mujeres, surgen de la propia interacción y del aprendizaje, siendo por tanto flexibles y modificables. Esto supone un punto de optimismo para los profesionales que trabajamos directamente con las personas y concretamente con menores, ya que nos permite moldear su comportamiento y su personalidad mediante una la educación en valores adaptativos. Los valores suponen un aspecto fundamental en la interacción de las personas con el ambiente que les rodea, ya que son unas características adquiridas que le muestran el camino en las relaciones interpersonales, laborales o de cualquier otra índole de la sociedad en la que viven. Uno de esos valores sociales, que determinan en parte nuestro comporta-miento y que puede condicionar distintos factores de nuestra vida, es el relacionado con la igualdad

    Role of rare earth sites and vacancies in the anomalous compression of modulated scheelite tungstates

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    X-ray powder diffraction experiments at high pressures combining conventional sources and synchrotron radiation, together with theoretical simulations have allowed us to study the anomalous compression of the entire α-RE2(WO4)3 (RE = La-Ho) family with modulated scheelite structure (α phase). The investigated class of materials is of great interest due to their peculiar structural behavior with temperature and pressure, which is highly sought after for specialized high-tech applications. Experimental data were analyzed using full-profile refinements and were complemented with computational methods based on density functional theory (DFT) total energy calculations for a subset of the samples investigated. An unusual change in the compression curves of the lattice parameters a, c, and β was observed in both the experiments and theoretical simulations. In particular, in all the studied compounds the lattice parameter a decreased with pressure to a minimum value and then increased upon further compression. Pressure evolution of the experimental x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and cell parameters is correlated with the ionic radius of the rare earth element: (1) the lighter La-Nd tungstates underwent two phase transitions, and both transition pressures decreased as the rare earth's ionic radius increased. The XRD patterns of the first high pressure phase could be indexed with propagation vectors parallel to the a axis (tripling the unit cell). At higher pressures, the lattice parameters for the second phase (referred to as the preamorphous phase) showed little variation with pressure. (2) The heavier tungstates, from Sm to Dy, undergo a transition to the preamorphous phase without any intermediate phase. The reversibility of both phase transitions was investigated. DFT calculations support this unusual response of the crystal structures under pressure and shed light on the structural mechanism of negative linear compressibility (NLC) and the resulting softening. The pressure dependence of the structural modifications is related to tilting, along with small elongation and alignment, of the WO2−4 tetrahedrons. These changes correlate with those in the alternating RE…RE…RE chains and blocks of cationic vacancies arranged along the a axis. Possible stacking defects, which emerge between them, helped to explain this anomalous compression and the pressure induced amorphization. Such mechanisms were compared with other ferroelastic families of molybdates, niobates, vanadates, and other compounds with similar structural motifs classified as having “hinge frames.

    On the buildup of massive early-type galaxies at z<~1. I- Reconciling their hierarchical assembly with mass-downsizing

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    Several studies have tried to ascertain whether or not the increase in abundance of the early-type galaxies (E-S0a's) with time is mainly due to major mergers, reaching opposite conclusions. We have tested it directly through semi-analytical modelling, by studying how the massive early-type galaxies with log(M_*/Msun)>11 at z~0 (mETGs) would have evolved backwards-in-time, under the hypothesis that each major merger gives place to an early-type galaxy. The study was carried out just considering the major mergers strictly reported by observations at each redshift, and assuming that gas-rich major mergers experience transitory phases of dust-reddened, star-forming galaxies (DSFs). The model is able to reproduce the observed evolution of the galaxy LFs at z<~1, simultaneously for different rest-frame bands (B, I, and K) and for different selection criteria on color and morphology. It also provides a framework in which apparently-contradictory results on the recent evolution of the luminosity function (LF) of massive, red galaxies can be reconciled, just considering that observational samples of red galaxies can be significantly contaminated by DSFs. The model proves that it is feasible to build up ~50-60% of the present-day mETG population at z<~1 and to reproduce the observational excess by a factor of ~4-5 of late-type galaxies at 0.8<z<1 through the coordinated action of wet, mixed, and dry major mergers, fulfilling global trends that are in general agreement with mass-downsizing. The bulk of this assembly takes place during ~1 Gyr elapsed at 0.8<z<1. The model suggests that major mergers have been the main driver for the observational migration of mass from the massive-end of the blue galaxy cloud to that of the red sequence in the last ~8 Gyr.(Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; 21 pages, 8 figures. Minor corrections included, shortened title. Results and conclusions unchange

    Creación y difusión de recursos interactivos y audiovisuales para la formación en comunicación III

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    Esta propuesta de Innovación Docente consiste en el desarrollo de la plataforma web https://comunicahistoria.com, que divulga material realizado por los estudiantes y que, de una manera original, creativa, rigurosa y, sobre todo, amena, favorece el aprendizaje y las competencias profesionales, despierta el interés del alumnado por las materias e impulsa la creación de contenidos relacionados con los ámbitos de la comunicación y la historia.Depto. de Periodismo y Comunicación GlobalFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónFALSEUniversidad Complutense de Madridsubmitte

    Minimising Mortality in Endangered Raptors Due to Power Lines: The Importance of Spatial Aggregation to Optimize the Application of Mitigation Measures

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    Electrocution by power lines is one of the main causes of non-natural mortality in birds of prey. In an area in central Spain, we surveyed 6304 pylons from 333 power lines to determine electrocution rates, environmental and design factors that may influence electrocution and the efficacy of mitigation measures used to minimise electrocution cases. A total of 952 electrocuted raptors, representing 14 different species, were observed. Electrocuted raptors were concentrated in certain areas and the environmental factors associated with increased electrocution events were: greater numbers of prey animals; greater vegetation cover; and shorter distance to roads. The structural elements associated with electrocutions were shorter strings of insulators, one or more phases over the crossarm, cross-shaped design and pylon function. Of the 952 carcasses found, 148 were eagles, including golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) and Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata). Electrocuted eagles were clustered in smaller areas than other electrocuted raptors. The factors associated with increased eagle electrocution events were: pylons function, shorter strings of insulators, higher slopes surrounding the pylon, and more numerous potential prey animals. Pylons with increased string of insulators had lower raptor electrocution rates than unimproved pylons, although this technique was unsuccessful for eagles. Pylons with cable insulation showed higher electrocution rates than unimproved pylons, both for raptors and eagles, despite this is the most widely used and recommended mitigation measure in several countries. To optimize the application of mitigation measures, our results recommend the substitution of pin-type insulators to suspended ones and elongating the strings of insulators

    Digital twin of an electro-pneumatic classification cell

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    [Resumen] Actualmente se está produciendo una transformaci´on digital en la industria gracias a la incorporaci´on de diversas tecnologías habilitadoras como la automatización, robótica, computación en la nube, ciberseguridad industrial, integración de sistemas o gemelos digitales, entre otras. Esta última está generando un gran interés por el valor añadido que supone incorporar simulaciones realistas y completamente operativas de los procesos. En este trabajo, se propone una metodología para desarrollar gemelos digitales, en los que se incorporan, además, otras tecnologías habilitadoras como la integración de sistemas o la computación en la nube. Adicionalmente, se presenta una aplicación desarrollada con Unity3D donde se emplea dicha metodología para obtener un gemelo digital de una célula electro-neumática robotizada.[Abstract] A digital transformation is currently taking place in industry thanks to the incorporation of various enabling technologies, such as automation, robotics, cloud computing, industrial cybersecurity, systems integration or digital twins, among others. The latter is generating great interest due to the added value of incorporating realistic and fully operational simulations of the processes. This paper proposes a methodology for developing digital twins, which also incorporates other enabling technologies such as systems integration or cloud computing. In addition, an application developed with Unity3D is presented where this methodology is used to obtain a digital twin of a robotic electro-pneumatic cell.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; PID2020-117890RBI0

    Flow control with a virtual sensor based on deep learning techniques

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    [Resumen] En el ámbito del control industrial, resulta sumamente interesante el empleo de sensores virtuales en los casos en los que no se puede tener acceso a la variable física a controlar, bien sea porque el sensor real es costoso, no puede ser instalado o se encuentra averiado. En este artículo se propone la implementación de un lazo de control del caudal de una planta piloto industrial, comparando el desempeño de este lazo cuando se emplea el caudalímetro real y cuando se emplea un sensor virtual de caudal. El sensor virtual utilizado se ha desarrollado empleando una red neuronal recurrente.[Abstract] In the field of industrial control, the use of virtual sensors has great interest in cases where it is not possible to have access to the physical variable to be controlled, either because the real sensor is expensive, cannot be installed or is broken-down. This paper proposes the implementation of a flow control loop in an industrial pilot plant, comparing the performance of this loop when the real flow meter is used with the performance when a virtual flow sensor is used. The virtual sensor used has been developed using a recurrent neural network.Esta publicación es parte de proyecto PID2020-117890RB-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/. El trabajo de José Ramón Rodríguez-Ossorio y de Guzmán González-Mateos ha sido financiado por un beca del Programa de Investigación de la Universidad de León.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; 10.13039/50110001103