8,491 research outputs found

    A Novel Multiobjective Cell Switch-Off Framework for Cellular Networks

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    Cell Switch-Off (CSO) is recognized as a promising approach to reduce the energy consumption in next-generation cellular networks. However, CSO poses serious challenges not only from the resource allocation perspective but also from the implementation point of view. Indeed, CSO represents a difficult optimization problem due to its NP-complete nature. Moreover, there are a number of important practical limitations in the implementation of CSO schemes, such as the need for minimizing the real-time complexity and the number of on-off/off-on transitions and CSO-induced handovers. This article introduces a novel approach to CSO based on multiobjective optimization that makes use of the statistical description of the service demand (known by operators). In addition, downlink and uplink coverage criteria are included and a comparative analysis between different models to characterize intercell interference is also presented to shed light on their impact on CSO. The framework distinguishes itself from other proposals in two ways: 1) The number of on-off/off-on transitions as well as handovers are minimized, and 2) the computationally-heavy part of the algorithm is executed offline, which makes its implementation feasible. The results show that the proposed scheme achieves substantial energy savings in small cell deployments where service demand is not uniformly distributed, without compromising the Quality-of-Service (QoS) or requiring heavy real-time processing

    Preparing for generation Z:how can technology enhanced learning be firmly embedded in our students' learning experience? A case study from Abertay University

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    Abertay is a relatively small, modern university (undergraduate population of around 4000) with a wide portfolio and a diverse student population. Around 35% of our students are direct entry from local partner colleges to years 2 and 3 of our programmes and a significant number are first generation higher education within their families. As such, partnership working with colleges and support to aid student transitions are key aspects of Abertay’s provision. Since 2013/14, the university has developed and implemented a new Teaching and Learning Enhancement strategy that has catalysed wholescale transformation across the institution. This paper provides an overview of technology enhanced learning at the university with the drivers for change being to the quality of our students' learning experience, improve student retention and progression and enhance learners’ engagement

    Relating free will beliefs and attitudes

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    D.W. was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) grant agreement no. 665501 and the Flemish Science Foundation (FWO) grant FWO.KAN.2019.0023.01. E.C. was supported by FWO grants FWO18/PDO/049 and 12U0322N. C.G.-G. was supported by MSCA grant no. 835767 and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant IJC2019-040208-I. M.B. was supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin (Einstein Strategic Professorship). ReferencesMost people believe in free will, which is foundational for our sense of agency and responsibility. Past research demonstrated that such beliefs are dynamic, and can be manipulated experimentally. Much less is known about free will attitudes (FWAs; do you value free will?), whether they are equally dynamic, and about their relation to free will beliefs (FWBs). If FWAs were strongly positive, people might be reluctant to revise their beliefs even in the face of strong evidence to do so. In this registered report, we developed a novel measure of FWAs and directly related FWBs and attitudes for the first time. We found FWBs and attitudes to be positively related, although to a lesser degree than determinism or dualism beliefs/attitudes. Nevertheless, an experimental manipulation technique aimed at reducing FWBs (Crick text) showed remarkably specific effects on FWBs only, and no effects on FWAs. Overall, these results provide valuable new insights into laypeople’s views on free will by including a novel measure of FWAs. They also provide evidence for the validity of a common experimental technique that has been rightfully criticized in the literature lately.European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) 665501FWO FWO.KAN.2019.0023.01 FWO18/PDO/049 12U0322N MSCA 835767Spanish Government IJC2019-040208-IEinstein Foundation Berlin (Einstein Strategic Professorship

    Teitos para selfis

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    Graña García, Armando and González Álvarez, David (2015): «Teitos para selfis». Atlántica XXII, 38: 56-59.N

    Inclusión social de personas con discapacidad física a través de la natación de alto rendimiento

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    Es un hecho que las personas que tienen algún tipo de discapacidad, históricamente han sufrido algún tipo de marginación y exclusión social. Frente a esta tendencia, un gran número de autores defienden una sociedad para todos, es decir, una sociedad en la que todos formemos parte de ella, puesto que la inclusión lleva aparejada la aceptación de la diversidad (Forest & Pearpoint, 2010; O’Brien, Forest, Pearpoint, Snow, & Hasbury, 1989). La actividad física es, sin duda, una de las herramientas que permiten garantizar la inclusión social de las personas con discapacidad. Desde el Club Fidias de Córdoba se intenta apoyar y colaborar en el fomento, la promoción y la competición del deporte para discapacitados y en especial a través de las Actividades Acuáticas. Estas, además de tener un fin deportivo, se convierten en un instrumento de mejora de la calidad de vida, así como en un instrumento de inclusión social. El objetivo fundamental de este estudio ha consistido en valorar el deporte como estrategia de inclusión social y, más concretamente, en el campo de la natación adaptada para personas con discapacidad física. De su práctica se han derivado altos niveles de satisfacción por parte de sus practicantes y efectos positivos en la incorporación de los mismos a la vida social. El trabajo ha supuesto un análisis exhaustivo de dimensiones tales como ocio y tiempo libre, autonomía y satisfacción, apoyo del entorno familiar y social cercano, entrenadora y nivel de satisfacción, por medio de un estudio de tipo no experimental, descriptivo y correlacional

    Inclusió social de persones amb discapacitat física a través de la natació d’alt rendiment

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    És un fet que les persones que tenen algun tipus de discapacitat, històricament han patit algun tipus de marginació i exclusió social. Enfront d’aquesta tendència, un gran nombre d’autors defensen una societat per a tots, és a dir, una societat en què tots formem part d’ella, ja que la inclusió comporta l’acceptació de la diversitat (Forest & Pearpoint, 2010; O’Brien, Forest, Pearpoint, Snow, & Hasbury, 1989). L’activitat física és, sens dubte, una de les eines que permeten garantir la inclusió social de les persones amb discapacitat. Des del Club Fidias de Còrdova s’intenta donar suport al foment, la promoció i la competició de l’esport per a discapacitats, i col·laborar-hi, i en especial a través de les activitats aquàtiques. Aquestes, a més de tenir un fi esportiu, es converteixen en un instrument de millora de la qualitat de vida, així com en un instrument d’inclusió social. L’objectiu fonamental d’aquest estudi ha consistit a valorar l’esport com a estratègia d’inclusió social i, més concretament, en el camp de la natació adaptada per a persones amb discapacitat física. De la seva pràctica s’han derivat alts nivells de satisfacció per part dels practicants i efectes positius en la incorporació d’aquests a la vida social. El treball ha suposat una anàlisi exhaustiva de dimensions tals com oci i temps lliure, autonomia i satisfacció, suport dels entorns familiar i social pròxim, entrenadora i nivell de satisfacció, per mitjà d’un estudi de tipus no experimental, descriptiu i correlacional

    A Data-Driven Learning Method for Constitutive Modeling: Application to Vascular Hyperelastic Soft Tissues

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    We address the problem of machine learning of constitutive laws when large experimental deviations are present. This is particularly important in soft living tissue modeling, for instance, where large patient-dependent data is found. We focus on two aspects that complicate the problem, namely, the presence of an important dispersion in the experimental results and the need for a rigorous compliance to thermodynamic settings. To address these difficulties, we propose to use, respectively, Topological Data Analysis techniques and a regression over the so-called General Equation for the Nonequilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling (GENERIC) formalism (M. Grmela and H. Ch. Oettinger, Dynamics and thermodynamics of complex fluids. I. Development of a general formalism. Phys. Rev. E 56, 6620, 1997). This allows us, on one hand, to unveil the true “shape” of the data and, on the other, to guarantee the fulfillment of basic principles such as the conservation of energy and the production of entropy as a consequence of viscous dissipation. Examples are provided over pseudo-experimental and experimental data that demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Pyroxenites and Megacrysts From Alkaline Melts of the Calatrava Volcanic Field (Central Spain): Inferences From Trace Element Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotope Composition

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    Alkaline volcanic rocks from explosive monogenetic centers often carry an unusual cargo of crystals and rock fragments, which may provide valuable constraints on magma source, ascent and eruption. One of such examples is the Cenozoic Calatrava Volcanic Field in central Spain, a still poorly explored area to address these issues. Clinopyroxene, amphibole and phlogopite appear either as megacryst/phenocrysts or forming fine-grained cumulates (pyroxenite enclaves s.l.) in some eruptive centers of this volcanic field. They have previously been interpreted as cogenetic high-P minerals formed within the upper lithospheric mantle. The presence of Fe-Na-rich green and Mg-Cr-rich colorless clinopyroxene types as phenocryst cores or as oscillatory zoned crystals in pyroxenite enclaves points to a complex evolution of mineral fractionates from petrogenetically related magmas. In trace element chemistry all studied clinopyroxene types show parallel rare earth element patterns irrespective of whether they are megacrysts, colorless or green core phenocrysts, or zoned crystals within pyroxenite cumulates. This similarity indicates a genetic relationship between all the fractionated minerals. This is in agreement with the overlapping of initial 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of pyroxenite enclaves (0.512793–0.512885 and 0.703268–0.703778) that is within the chemical field of the host magmas and the Calatrava volcanics. The initial 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of megacrystic clinopyroxene, amphibole and phlogopite show a more restricted range (0.512832–0.512890 and 0.703217–0.703466), also falling within the isotopic composition of the Calatrava volcanic rocks. Deep magmatic systems beneath monogenetic volcanic fields involve several stages of melt accumulation, fractionation and contamination at variable depths. Trace element and isotope mineral chemistry are powerful tools to understand the history of ascent and stagnation of alkaline basaltic magmas and discriminate between magma mixing, wall-rock contamination and closed magmatic system evolution. In our study, we establish a cogenetic origin for green and colorless clinopyroxene as high-pressure precipitates from liquids of different fractionation degrees (up to 80%, for the highly evolved melts equilibrated with the green clinopyroxene), originated from a highly solidified front of silica-undersaturated alkaline magmas at mantle reservoirs

    Frustration free gapless Hamiltonians for Matrix Product States

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    For every Matrix Product State (MPS) one can always construct a so-called parent Hamiltonian. This is a local, frustration free, Hamiltonian which has the MPS as ground state and is gapped. Whenever that parent Hamiltonian has a degenerate ground state (the so-called non-injective case), we construct another 'uncle' Hamiltonian which is local and frustration free but gapless, and its spectrum is R+\R^+. The construction is obtained by linearly perturbing the matrices building up the state in a random direction, and then taking the limit where the perturbation goes to zero. For MPS where the parent Hamiltonian has a unique ground state (the so-called injective case) we also build such uncle Hamiltonian with the same properties in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 36 pages, new version with some contents rearranged, and a correction in the injective cas