671 research outputs found

    Una necrópolis megalítica en el Pico Jano

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    UNA NECROPOLIS MEGALITICA EN EL PICO JANO H ace tiempo que se tenfan notic ias sobre la existen-cia de túmulos en los montes de Dobarganes y Enterrías (Vega de Liébana, Cantabria), localizados por Gonzalo Gómez, que había publicado alguno de ellos en la prensa regional 1. A rafz de diversas charlas mantenidas con vecinos de la zona sobre tradiciones de tesoros enterrados, se recogió el dicho popular: Entre los Co-rros y Palmedián está ente-rrado el tesoro del moro Galán. Ambos topónimos siguen denominando lugares concre-tos en la actualidad, y están recogidos en el mapa 1 :25.000 del Instituto Geográf ico Nacional, si bien el segundo aparece transcrito como Valmed ián. En base a estas informa-ciones se visitó el lugar en compañ ia del citado Gonzalo Gómez, reconociendo la exis-tencia de dos conjuntos megalfticos pertenecientes sin duda a una misma necrópolis, uno en los Corros y otro en Palmedián. Estos conjuntos están formados, al menos, por cinco monumentos en un deficiente estado de conser-vación; pues, como era de esperar, la tradición popular sobre "el tesoro del moro Galán" ha incitado a la violación reiterada de los túmulos. A la afanosa búsqueda de tesoros, hay que añadir la continuada explotación gana-dera de la zona, en régimen extensivo , que ha llevado a los pastores a constru ir co-rrales o "parideras" apro-vechando la piedra de los túmulos cercanos. Hay que tener en cuenta que estamos hablando de una zona de pastos de montaña, invadidos en parte por matorral bajo, compuesto principalmente por brezos y helechos. Una lim-pieza reciente puso al des-cubierto los túmulos , hasta entonces disimulados por la vegetación. ELCONJUNT.P DE PALMEDIAN A este grupo pertenece un túmulo con un diámetro supe-62 Arriba: Panorámica general del collado con la necrópolis de los Corros. Abajo:Vista de la cámara. Conjunto de Palmedián. rior a los 25 m ., en el que se observan claramente las lajas del peristal ito hincadas en sent ido contrario a la pen-diente , lo que da una idea de su funcionalidad para contener la masa tumular. Se observa tamb ién una corona circular de piedras, que podrfa hacer pensar en un crom lech, en medio del cual existen unas lajas que in-dicarían el reciento camera! propiamente dicho. Por ello, el cfrculo antes mencionado correspondería más bien a otro peristalito, aunque en este caso la masa tumular está tota lmente arrasada, hecho fácilmente explicable por la proximidad de un corral a este monumento. La existencia de peristalitos claramente diferenciados es algo novedoso en Cantabria, si exceptuamos el hallazgo, en el monumento de Larraiz (San Vicente de la Barquera), de dos lajas en la zona terminal de la masa del túmulo que parecen indicar la existencia de ese mismo tipo de estruc-tura, lo que resulta más signi-ficat ivo aún por ser el túmulo de tierra con muy pocas pie-dras, y de pequeño tamaño 2. El túmulo ubicado más al sur en el grupo de Palmedián, conserva tres lajas del recinto camera! en su posición origi-naria; no obstante , la masa tumular es una de las peor conservadas. Si a esto le uni-. mos la desapa,rición de las otras lajas, tendremos que pensar que en alguna de las violaciones apareció mater ial que animó a cont inuar la búsqueda. LOS CORROS Este conjunto está formado por cuatro túmulos de media-nas dimensiones y uno más pequeño casi circular. Los cuatro mayores definen , en planta, un romboide de lados similares dos a dos, lo que ha llevado a algunas personas a formular exóticas y pintores-cas teorías sobre su alineación con la salida del sol en el equinocio est ival, y en conse-cuencia su relación con cultos astronómicosIt has long been reported on the existence of megalithic tombs in the mountains of Dobarganes and Enterrías (Vega de Liébana, Cantabria), located by Gonzalo Gómez, who had published some of them in the Regional press. Following a series of talks with neighbors of the area about buried treasures, the popular saying was collected: Among the Coors and Palmedian is the treasure of the Moor Galán. Both place-names still refer to specific places today, and are included in the 1: 25,000 map of the National Geographic Institute, although the latter is transcribed as Valmedian. On the basis of this information, the site was visited by Gonzalo Gómez, acknowledging the existence of two megalithic complexes, undoubtedly belonging to the same necropolis, one in the Corros and the other in Palmedián. These sets consist of at least five monuments in a poor state of preservation; Because, as might be expected, the popular tradition of "the treasure of the Moor Galan" has incited the repeated violation of the tombs. To the strenuous pursuit of treasures, we must add the continued exploitation of the area, in an extensive regime, which has led the shepherds to build corrales or "parideras" using build material form the nearby tombs. We must bear in mind that we are talking about an area of ​​mountain pastures, invaded in part by low scrub, composed mainly of heather and fern. A recent cleansing made the tombs visible, hitherto concealed by vegetation. To the Palmedian group belongs a tomb with a diameter superior to 25 m. where some peristaltic slabs are clearly seen to lie opposite the pendant, which gives an idea of ​​its functionality to contain the tumulus mass. There is also a circular crown of stones, which might be thought as a cromlech, in the middle of which there are some slabs that would dictate the rest of the camera properly said. For this reason, the above-mentioned circle would correspond more to another peristalite, although in this case the mass of the tomb is totally devastated, what is easily explainable by the proximity of a corral to this monument. The existence of clearly differentiated peristals is something new in Cantabria, except for the discovery, in the monument of Larraiz (San Vicente de la Barquera), of two slabs in the terminal area of ​​the mass of the tomb that seem to indicate the existence of the same type of structure, which is even more significant because it is an earthy grave with very few stones. The southernmost tomb in the group of Palmedian preserves three slabs of the enclosure camera in its original position. However, the tumulus is one of the worst preserved. We could think that in some of the remotions by treasure hunters appeared material that encouraged them to continue the search. The Corros set consists of four half-sized tombs and a smaller, almost circular tomb. The four majors define, in plan, a rhomboid with similar sides two to two, which has led some people to formulate exotic theories about their alignment with the sunrise in the est equivalent, and consequently their relationship with astronomical cults

    Long-term population dynamics in a healthy Posidonia oceanica meadow

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    Wide losses of Posidonia oceanica led some authors to suggest this species showed evidence of decline in a global scale. Our aim was to survey the long-term evolution of a healthy and mature meadow of Posidonia oceanica at Tabarca Island (SE, Spanish coast). We surveyed cover and density at three depths (-4, -12 and -20m) and the dynamics at border meadows (erosion fronts vs adjacent edges) by one transect laid from -0,5m to -12m depth. Sexual reproduction as a repair mechanism was tested by monitoring the survival of seedling in five random sites. At each sampling site, sea-bottom roughness was estimated. Density and cover at sampling depths of -12 and -20 m were steady for 22 years (1988-2010), but both descriptors significantly decreased at upper limit (-4m) in 2010. Erosion fronts measured on transect went back -0.87±0.75 m y-1, though this fact was compensated by the progress of its adjacent edges in 0.6±0.69 m y-1. Density of survival seedlings has maintained a steady state for two years after settlement and it was strongly correlated with sea-bottom roughness. Our results suggest P. oceanica meadows of Tabarca Island could have remained stable long-term. But we detected “hot areas”, such as those placed in upper limit or in erosion fronts, where likely a quick decline by natural causes (e.g. waves) was offset by natural repair mechanisms (e.g. settlement of seedlings and vegetative growth).Amplias perdidas de praderas de Posidonia oceanica condujeron a algunos autores a sugerir que esta especie mostraba evidencias de un declive a escala global. Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la evolución a largo plazo de una pradera madura y sana de Posidonia oceanica de la Isla de Tabarca (costa SE de España). Medimos la cobertura y densidad en tres profundidades (-4, -12 y -20 m) y la dinámica en el borde de la pradera (frentes de erosión frente a los bordes adyacentes) mediante un transepto establecido desde -0,5 a -12 m de profundidad. Se comprobó además, si la reproducción sexual funcionaba como un mecanismo de reparación de las praderas, mediante la monitorización de la supervivencia de plántulas en cinco sitios aleatorios. La rugosidad del fondo marino se estimó en cada sitio de muestreo. Las densidades y coberturas en las profundidades de -12 y -20 m fueron estables durante 22 años (1988-2010); aunque ambos descriptores disminuyeron significativamente en el limite superior (- 4 m), en 2010. Los frentes de erosión retrocedieron en el transepto fijo -0.87±0.75 m a-1, aunque este hecho fue compensado por el progreso de su borde adyacente con 0.6±0.69 m a-1 de nueva pradera. La densidad de las plántulas supervivientes se mantuvo estable durante dos años después de su enraizamiento y se encontró fuertemente correlacionada con la rugosidad del fondo marino. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las praderas de P. oceanica de la isla de Tabarca permanecieron estable durante un largo periodo. Aunque, hemos detectado “áreas calientes”, como aquellas situadas en el límite superior o en los frentes de erosión, donde probablemente un rápido declive causado por causas naturales (por ejemplo olas) fue seguido por mecanismos de reparación natural (por ejemplo asentamiento de plántulas y crecimiento vegetativo)

    La Base de Datos: zonas arqueológicas de Andalucía

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    Order Restricted Inference for Oscillatory Systems for Detecting Rhythmic Signals

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    Many biological processes, such as cell cycle, circadian clock, menstrual cycles, are governed by oscillatory systems consisting of numerous components that exhibit rhythmic patterns over time. It is not always easy to identify such rhythmic components. For example, it is a challenging problem to identify circadian genes in a given tissue using time-course gene expression data. There is a great potential for misclassifying non-rhythmic as rhythmic genes and vice versa. This has been a problem of considerable interest in recent years. In this article we develop a constrained inference based methodology called Order Restricted Inference for Oscillatory Systems (ORIOS) to detect rhythmic signals. Instead of using mathematical functions (e.g. sinusoidal) to describe shape of rhythmic signals, ORIOS uses mathematical inequalities. Consequently, it is robust and not limited by the biologist’s choice of the mathematical model. We studied the performance of ORIOS using simulated as well as real data obtained from mouse liver, pituitary gland and data from NIH3T3, U2OS cell lines. Our results suggest that, for a broad collection of patterns of gene expression, ORIOS has substantially higher power to detect true rhythmic genes in comparison to some popular methods, while also declaring substantially fewer non-rhythmic genes as rhythmic.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [MTM2015-71217-R]Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte [FPU14/04534]Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) [Z01 ES101744-04

    II Encuentro Galaico-Portugués de Biometría

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    The study of biological rhythms is receiving a lot of attention in the literature in recent years. At the core of this research lies the methodological problem of how to detect rhythmic signals in measured data. Night and day, or dark and light patterns impact on human health in many different ways. For this reason, researchers are studying the effect of sleep on the circadian clock in human body during various stages of life. Important components of this clock are the circadian genes which have rhythmic expression overtime with phases suitably matching the night and day. Consequently, the identification of rhythmic signals is a problem of considerable interest for biologists. In this work, we develop a novel statistical procedure to detect rhythmic signals in oscillatory systems based on Order Restricted Inference (ORI). This methodology is tested both on simulations and on real data bases. Moreover the obtained results are compared with the most widely extended rhythmicity detection algorithms in literature

    The regulation factor as a determinant of energy consumption and CO2 emissions

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    En los últimos a˜nos la literatura económica ha prestado especial atención a la relación entre emisiones contaminantes, consumo de energía y actividad económica. Este trabajo pretende profundizar en dicha relación, prestando especial atención al posible efecto que la aplicación de los planes nacionales de asignación ha tenido sobre el comportamiento emisor y energético de los países analizados. En concreto, se estudia si han logrado ser efectivos a la hora de reducir 2 variables clave como son las emisiones de CO2 y el consumo de energía, incluso cuando se han producido caídas en la actividad económica debido a la crisis de los últimos a˜nos. Los países que se han tenido en cuenta para este trabajo son: Espa˜na, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Portugal y Reino Unido. El periodo considerado es 2000-2010, y se utilizan datos publicados por la Unión Europea relativos a emisiones, asignaciones de derechos, consumo de energía y nivel de producción de los países analizados

    Comparative Analysis of Muscle Transcriptome between Pig Genotypes Identifies Genes and Regulatory Mechanisms Associated to Growth, Fatness and Metabolism.

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    Iberian ham production includes both purebred (IB) and Duroc-crossbred (IBxDU) Iberian pigs, which show important differences in meat quality and production traits, such as muscle growth and fatness. This experiment was conducted to investigate gene expression differences, transcriptional regulation and genetic polymorphisms that could be associated with the observed phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs. Nine IB and 10 IBxDU pigs were slaughtered at birth. Morphometric measures and blood samples were obtained and samples from Biceps femoris muscle were employed for compositional and transcriptome analysis by RNA-Seq technology. Phenotypic differences were evident at this early age, including greater body size and weight in IBxDU and greater Biceps femoris intramuscular fat and plasma cholesterol content in IB newborns. We detected 149 differentially expressed genes between IB and IBxDU neonates (p < 0.01 and Fold-Change > 1. 5). Several were related to adipose and muscle tissues development (DLK1, FGF21 or UBC). The functional interpretation of the transcriptomic differences revealed enrichment of functions and pathways related to lipid metabolism in IB and to cellular and muscle growth in IBxDU pigs. Protein catabolism, cholesterol biosynthesis and immune system were functions enriched in both genotypes. We identified transcription factors potentially affecting the observed gene expression differences. Some of them have known functions on adipogenesis (CEBPA, EGRs), lipid metabolism (PPARGC1B) and myogenesis (FOXOs, MEF2D, MYOD1), which suggest a key role in the meat quality differences existing between IB and IBxDU hams. We also identified several polymorphisms showing differential segregation between IB and IBxDU pigs. Among them, non-synonymous variants were detected in several transcription factors as PPARGC1B and TRIM63 genes, which could be associated to altered gene function. Taken together, these results provide information about candidate genes, metabolic pathways and genetic polymorphisms potentially involved in phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs associated to meat quality and production traits

    The Regulatory Effect of National Allocation Plans on CO2 Emissions

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    En los últimos años la literatura económica ha prestado especial atención a la relación entre emisiones contaminantes y actividad económica. El análisis de esta relación tiene en cuenta tres efectos básicos: escala, estructura y técnico. El interés de este trabajo se centra en un nuevo efecto, el efecto regulador que considera la relación entre determinadas medidas de política económica ambiental y las emisiones de CO2. En concreto, se estudia si los Planes Nacionales de Asignación (PNA) han logrado ser efectivos a la hora de reducir las citadas emisiones. Para ello, se realizan diferentes estimaciones econométricas con datos de seis países de la Unión Europea (UE) y considerando los PNA como variables cualitativas

    Capturing the complexity of COVID-19 research: Trend analysis in the first two years of the pandemic using a bayesian probabilistic model and machine learning tools

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    Regarding Susana Mendes, this work was funded by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project MARE (UIDB/04292/2020 and UIDP/04292/2020) and the project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET.Publications about COVID-19 have occurred practically since the first outbreak. Therefore, studying the evolution of the scientific publications on COVID-19 can provide us with information on current research trends and can help researchers and policymakers to form a structured view of the existing evidence base of COVID-19 and provide new research directions. This growth rate was so impressive that the need for updated information and research tools become essential to mitigate the spread of the virus. Therefore, traditional bibliographic research procedures, such as systematic reviews and meta-analyses, become time-consuming and limited in focus. This study aims to study the scientific literature on COVID-19 that has been published since its inception and to map the evolution of research in the time range between February 2020 and January 2022. The search was carried out in PubMed extracting topics using text mining and latent Dirichlet allocation modeling and a trend analysis was performed to analyze the temporal variations in research for each topic. We also study the distribution of these topics between countries and journals. 126,334 peerreviewed articles and 16 research topics were identified. The countries with the highest number of scientific publications were the United States of America, China, Italy, United Kingdom, and India, respectively. Regarding the distribution of the number of publications by journal, we found that of the 7040 sources Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, PLoS ONE, and Sci. Rep., were the ones that led the publications on COVID-19. We discovered a growing tendency for eight topics (Prevention, Telemedicine, Vaccine immunity, Machine learning, Academic parameters, Risk factors and morbidity and mortality, Information synthesis methods, and Mental health), a falling trend for five of them (Epidemiology, COVID-19 pathology complications, Diagnostic test, Etiopathogenesis, and Political and health factors), and the rest varied throughout time with no discernible patterns (Therapeutics, Pharmacological and therapeutic target, and Repercussion health services).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Covid-19 literacy as a modulator of emotions linked to the pandemic

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    An inquiry-based teacher training proposal concerning covid-19 was implemented during lockdown with Pre-Primary Education Degree students. The objective was to analyse how the workshop changed the students' emotions and their knowledge linked to the pandemic. To this end, the participants responded to an open-ended questionnaire passed out before and after the workshop, and to a Likert-type questionnaire on emotions when they handed in their responses. The results show that, in the case of learning, the students modified their covid-19 literacy to a greater or lesser extent and, in the case of emotions, they felt less fear, anger, concern, and insecurity, and greater tranquillity and optimism. In conclusion, an emotional modulation is perceived in which scientific literacy participates.Andalusian FEDER Operational Program 2014-2020. Research Program for the Promotion of Basic Knowledge). Code: UHU-202006.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio