51 research outputs found

    Actitudes resilientes y proyecto de vida en estudiantes de secundaria de una institución educativa de Puquio en Ayacucho, 2021

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    El objetivo fue determinar la relación entre resiliencia y proyecto de vida en estudiantes de secundaria de una institución educativa de Puquio en Ayacucho, 2021, fue cuantitativa de tipo básica, de diseño no experimental y nivel correlacional, el muestreo fue no probabilístico por conveniencia, la muestra estuvo conformado por 40 estudiantes de 3ro, 4to y 5to año de secundaria de ambos sexos con edades de entre 14 a 17 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala de resiliencia E.R y la Escala de proyecto de vida EPV. Se evidencio que existe una correlación directa entre resiliencia y proyecto de vida (Correlación de Pearson=.590**). Se halló relación entre resiliencia y la dimensión posibilidad de logros y recursos de la variable proyecto de vida (p<0.05), se evidencio que existe relación entre resiliencia y la dimensión motivación y planeación de la meta (p<0.05), también se encontró que no existen diferencias significativas de acuerdo al sexo (p>.05) de todas las dimensiones y total de resiliencia, se halló que solo existe diferencia en la dimensión introspección (p<0.05) según año escolar. Se encontró que no existe diferencias significativas según sexo y año escolar en las dimensiones y el total de proyecto de vida

    Xeno-free bioengineered human skeletal muscle tissue using human platelet lysate-based hydrogels

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    Bioengineered human skeletal muscle tissues have emerged in the last years as new in vitro systems for disease modeling. These bioartificial muscles are classically fabricated by encapsulating human myogenic precursor cells in a hydrogel scaffold that resembles the extracellular matrix. However, most of these hydrogels are derived from xenogenic sources, and the culture media is supplemented with animal serum, which could interfere in drug testing assays. On the contrary, xeno-free biomaterials and culture conditions in tissue engineering offer increased relevance for developing human disease models. In this work, we used human platelet lysate-based nanocomposite hydrogels (HUgel) as scaffolds for human skeletal muscle tissue engineering. These hydrogels consist of human platelet lysate reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals (a-CNC) that allow tunable mechanical, structural, and biochemical properties for the 3D culture of stem cells. Here, we developed hydrogel casting platforms to encapsulate human muscle satellite stem cells in HUgel. The a-CNC content was modulated to enhance matrix remodeling, uniaxial tension, and self-organization of the cells, resulting in the formation of highly aligned, long myotubes expressing sarcomeric proteins. Moreover, the bioengineered human muscles were subjected to electrical stimulation, and the exerted contractile forces were measured in a non-invasive manner. Overall, our results demonstrated that the bioengineered human skeletal muscles could be built in xeno-free cell culture platforms to assess tissue functionality, which is promising for drug development applications

    Xeno-free bioengineered human skeletal muscle tissue using human platelet lysate-based hydrogels

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    Bioengineered human skeletal muscle tissues have emerged in the last years as new in vitro systems for disease modeling. These bioartificial muscles are classically fabricated by encapsulating human myogenic precursor cells in a hydrogel scaffold that resembles the extracellular matrix. However, most of these hydrogels are derived from xenogenic sources, and the culture media is supplemented with animal serum, which could interfere in drug testing assays. On the contrary, xeno-free biomaterials and culture conditions in tissue engineering offer increased relevance for developing human disease models. In this work, we used human platelet lysate (PL)-based nanocomposite hydrogels (HUgel) as scaffolds for human skeletal muscle tissue engineering. These hydrogels consist of human PL reinforced with aldehyde-cellulose nanocrystals (a-CNC) that allow tunable mechanical, structural, and biochemical properties for the 3D culture of stem cells. Here, we developed hydrogel casting platforms to encapsulate human muscle satellite stem cells in HUgel. The a-CNC content was modulated to enhance matrix remodeling, uniaxial tension, and self-organization of the cells, resulting in the formation of highly aligned, long myotubes expressing sarcomeric proteins. Moreover, the bioengineered human muscles were subjected to electrical stimulation, and the exerted contractile forces were measured in a non-invasive manner. Overall, our results demonstrated that the bioengineered human skeletal muscles could be built in xeno-free cell culture platforms to assess tissue functionality, which is promising for drug development applications.The authors thank the technical support of MicroFabSpace and Microscopy Characterization Facility, Unit 7 of ICTS 'NANBIOSIS' from CIBER-BBN at IBEC. We would also like to thank the muscle team from the Biosensors for Bioengineering group for their feedback in the review process of this manuscript. Human immortalized muscle satellite stem cells used in this study were kindly provided by Dr Bénédicte Chazaud (Institut NeuroMyoGène (INMG), Lyon, France). This project received financial support from European Research Council program Grant ERC-StG-DAMOC: 714317 (J R-A), European Commission under FET-open program BLOC Project: GA- 863037 (J R-A), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the 'Severo Ochoa' Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D: SEV-2016–2019, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: 'Retos de investigación: Proyectos I+D+i': TEC2017-83716-C2-2-R (J R-A), CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya: 2017-SGR-1079 (J R-A), and Fundación Bancaria 'la Caixa'- Obra Social 'la Caixa': project IBEC-La Caixa Healthy Ageing (J R-A). The authors also acknowledge the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under European Research Council Grant Agreement 772817 and Twinning Grant Agreement No. 810850—Achilles. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) for CEECIND/01375/2017 (M G-F) and 2020.03410.CEECIND (R M A D)

    Assessing Associations between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 Functional Module and Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers

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    While interplay between BRCA1 and AURKA-RHAMM-TPX2-TUBG1 regulates mammary epithelial polarization, common genetic variation in HMMR (gene product RHAMM) may be associated with risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Following on these observations, we further assessed the link between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 functional module and risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Forty-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 15,252 BRCA1 and 8,211 BRCA2 mutation carriers and subsequently analyzed using a retrospective likelihood approach. The association of HMMR rs299290 with breast cancer risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers was confirmed: per-allele hazard ratio (HR) = 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04 - 1.15, p = 1.9 x 10(-4) (false discovery rate (FDR)-adjusted p = 0.043). Variation in CSTF1, located next to AURKA, was also found to be associated with breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers: rs2426618 per-allele HR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.03 - 1.16, p = 0.005 (FDR-adjusted p = 0.045). Assessment of pairwise interactions provided suggestions (FDR-adjusted p(interaction) values > 0.05) for deviations from the multiplicative model for rs299290 and CSTF1 rs6064391, and rs299290 and TUBG1 rs11649877 in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Following these suggestions, the expression of HMMR and AURKA or TUBG1 in sporadic breast tumors was found to potentially interact, influencing patients' survival. Together, the results of this study support the hypothesis of a causative link between altered function of AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 and breast carcinogenesis in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers.Peer reviewe

    Propriedades psicométricas da escala de detecção do sexismo em adolescentes de instituições educacionais de Villa El Salvador

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    En 972 adolescentes de 14 a 17 años, de ambos sexos, de cinco instituciones educativas de Villa El Salvador, se evaluaron las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Detección de Sexismo en Adolescentes (DAS). El tipo de investigación fue cuantitativo, siendo el diseño psicométrico de corte transversal. Se identificó coeficientes altamente significativos p<.001 para los 26 ítems de la escala mediante la V de Aiken y la prueba binomial, mientras que en la validez de constructo con el análisis factorial por componentes principales y rotación Oblimin se identificó dos factores que explican el 41.08% de la variabilidad de los datos, con cargas factoriales y comunalidades mayores a .30, para la validez concurrente se identificó correlaciones significativas con la Escala de Sexismo Ambivalente ISA tanto a nivel general como con las dos dimensiones. En relación a la confiabilidad se identificó un Alpha de Cronbach de 0.899 para el sexismo hostil, .797 para el sexismo benévolo y .91 para la escala general. El estudio hallo diferencias significativas en sexismo hostil y sexismo a nivel general en función a las variables sociodemográficas sexo y edad.Tesi

    Phytogrowth properties of limonoids isolated from Cedrela ciliolata

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    An epimeric mixture of the limonoid photogedunin, isolated from the heartwood of C. ciliolata, as well as its R- and S-acetate derivative were evaluated for phytotoxicity in mono- and dicotyledoneous plants. A mixture of epimeric photogedunin 1 and 2, a mixture of epimeric photogedunin acetate, (R)-photogedunin acetate 3, and (S)-photogedunin acetate 4 inhibited seed germination, seedling growth, and root and hypocotyl/coleoptyle growth in all species assayed. The concentration of phytochemicals required for 50% inhibition ranged from 4.5 to 300 mu M. Inhibitory plant responses appeared to require that the OH-group at C-23 be acetylated in photogedunin, since the nonacetylated compound showed less phytotoxic activity

    The Leaders across Borders Certification Program—A Systemic Multiple Level Observation of Groups Analysis Approach to Measure Effective Leadership: A Case Study

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    Leadership measurement, feedback, and development have grown in importance for the field of management. The Mexico–US Border defined as the area of land within 100 km (62.5 miles) north and south of the international boundary, shares common challenges, and requires the development of multicultural change agents who conduct binational actions toward the improvement of public health and quality of life of the population in the region. Leaders across Borders (LaB) was established in 2010 as an advanced certified binational leadership development program aimed at building the capacity of public health, health care, and other community sector leaders working to improve the health of the communities in the Mexico–US Border region. Leadership as a social interaction process requires leader skills development to achieve goals promoting unity and reducing polarization to optimize interactions between all resources, thus improving teamwork. Therefore, measurement and feedback model of general values and beliefs that guide effective behavior, not only individual personality assessments need to drive a proactive learning and action plan development to improve interactions in a team, thus optimizing leadership. Starting 2014, we administered a new model named Systemic Multiple Level Observation of Groups (SYMLOG) to measure the values and beliefs that guide the behavior of learners and team facilitators. We also evaluated the effectiveness of each team of the program and established benchmarks and action plans to optimize interactions and communication between all the learners during the 8-month program. This leads to a stronger systemic network upon graduation from the program. The SYMLOG approach measured initial and improved situations of individual leadership and team performance effectiveness because of the LaB Program training and skills development sessions. The SYMLOG also provided positive feedback to each participant, which had a direct impact on the optimization of members’ interactions of all teams, as well as developing effective leadership values and behaviors of participants. This study presents a case study of this application, the challenges in the design and implementation of the SYMLOG measurement model, and the results obtained for last three cohorts 2014–2016 of LaB Program

    Clinical guide for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of overweight and obesity in children [Guía clínica para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad en pediatría.]

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    The prevalence of overweight has significantly increased thorough the world and Mexico is not an exception considering that the National Survey of Nutrition (1999) showed that 19.5% of scholar children in Mexico have overweight and other survey from Mexico City (ENURBAL, 2002) have shown that 17% in the same range of age are obese. Therefore, this clinical guide pretends to be an instrument for supporting the professionals of health for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of obesity in children using the levels of medical attention. It is known that the treatment is difficult and it requires a full multidisciplinary team of professionals and that the key of prevention is the modification of the sedentary lifestyle and the decrease of energy intake. This guide was elaborated by pediatricians working in nutrition in public and university institutions, family and general physicians and pediatricians with private practice

    [Nutritional status of vitamin A in preschoolers with ocular diseases]

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    The purpose was to evaluate the nutritional status of vitamin A in preschool children with ocular diseases attending to the Hospital Civil of Guadalajara. In a cross sectional design 100 preschool children between 24 and 71 mo of age with ocular diseases were included. Vitamin A intake was evaluated by 24 h dietetic recall, plasma Retinol concentration by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC); and, conjunctiva impression cytology (CIC) was carried out by a trained pathologist. ANOVA and U Mann Whitney tests, and also Spearman correlations were estimated. There were 44.1% females and 55,9% males. Strabismus was the most common disease (41,9%), conjunctivitis (19,4%), and congenital diseases (17,2%). The mean intake of Vitamin A was 374 microg/d +/- 706 and the serum concentration of retinol was of 30 microg/dL +/- 7,6; CIC was normal in 75,6%. The percentage of vitamin A deficiency was 3,2% according to the serum concentration of Retinol and 3,5% to the CIC criteria. It was not association between the nutritional status of vitamin A and ocular diseases. A positive correlation between vitamin A intake and weight/height index (r = 0,244) was found. In conclusion, most preschool children covered the dietary reference intake recommendation of vitamin A; deficiency of this vitamin was lower and, it was not associated to ocular diseases