256 research outputs found

    O Mistério do Samba

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    Formas e sentidos da identidade nacional: o malandro na cultura de massas (1884-1929)

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    Este artigo é um estudo da presença do malandro como símbolo nacional em dois momentos da cultura de massas: a virada do século e a década de 1920. Ao analisar o malandro em dois contextos diferentes, o autor pretende apontar usos e sentidos diversos deste tipo na construção de uma identidade nacional.This article is a study about the malandro as a Brazilian national symbol at two moments of the mass culture: the turn of the XIX century and the 1920's. Analyzing the malandro according to these two separate contexts, the author intends to demonstrate the different uses and meanings of this type at the construction of a national identity


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    As research on entrepreneurship matured, the activators and inhibitors of entrepreneurial intention has been widespread. However, the implementation of ideas and development of new innovative enterprises is more than intent. It requires action. Therefore, to clarify what is known about the intention of entrepreneurship and shed light on important issues that could help entrepreneurs and policy makers to develop a more comprehensive understanding of why some countries tend to be more entrepreneurial than others, the intent of this study is to use existing theories and change the ratio of the fundamental variables. The main variables were compared directly using a probit model applied to a sample of 10,267 entrepreneurs from twenty-seven countries. The results of the study offer a different perspective from previous research in our understanding of entrepreneurship beyond the entrepreneurial intention and therefore, provides insight into the decision in creating new

    Low-Level Laser Therapy Approach of Bilateral Necrotizing Sialometaplasia of the Hard and Soft Palates

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    Introduction: Necrotizing sialometaplasia (NS) is a rare locally destructive inflammatory benign disease that commonly affects the minor salivary glands. It is frequently associated with the glands located in the posterior portion of the hard and soft palates. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also called photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT), has been deemed a substantial method for the regenerative wound process.Case Presentation: A 32-year-old male patient was referred with a chief complaint of two asymptomatic crater-like ulcers measuring approximately 1.5 cm wide on the right side of the hard and soft palates, and another measuring 0.3 cm wide on the left side of the hard palate. The lesion had two weeks of evolution followed by a previous infectious “sore throat” event that kept the patient hospitalized for 4 days. A clinical diagnosis of NS was made. LLLT was applied during 2 sessions per week, favoring the total wound healing within 2 weeks. At 3 months of clinical follow-up, the patient did not present any complication or relapse and was thus released.Conclusion: This is, to our knowledge, the first clinical report of LLLT applied for the management of NS. Large palatal ulcers caused by NS usually have long healing periods. The shortened healing period observed in this case encourages the inclusion of LLLT in any treatment protocol for similar lesions

    PROFISSÃO DOCENTE: desafios, perspectivas e debates contemporâneos

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    A coletânea intitulada “Questões contemporâneas sobre a profissão docente”, organizada por Daniela Oliveira Vidal da Silva, Eliane Guimarães de Oliveira e Vera Lúcia Fernandes de Brito, reúne pesquisadores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), socializando importantes investigações que têm sido realizadas no âmbito do Programa, cujo foco se constitui na profissão docente

    Characterization of the Antidiabetic Role of Parkinsonia aculeata (Caesalpineaceae)

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    This paper reports the characterization of the antidiabetic role of a hydroethanolic extract from Parkinsonia aerial parts (HEPA), in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats, treated with HEPA (125 and 250 mg/kg; p.o.). Oral glucose tolerance test, acute oral toxicity test and preliminary phytochemical analyses were performed. The diabetic rats treated with HEPA showed a significant reduction in serum and urinary glucose, urinary urea and triglyceride levels, as compared to the diabetic untreated group. However, in the normal treated groups, a significant reduction was found only in serum triglyceride levels. In all treated diabetic groups, an improvement in hepatic glycogen was observed, as well as a decrease in liquid intake and urinary volume, and an enhancement in the weight of skeletal muscles (soleus and extensor digitorum longus), kidneys and epididymal adipose tissue. Nevertheless, body and liver weights were ameliorated only in the diabetic group treated with HEPA (250 mg/kg). Moreover, oral glucose tolerance was higher in animals treated with HEPA, while results also showed that HEPA could be considered toxicologically safe. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of tanins, flavonoids and steroids in HEPA. In conclusion, P. aculeata presents an antidiabetic activity and other beneficial effects that ameliorate diabetes and associated complications


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    A presente resenha versa sobre a obra “Docência universitária e formação docente: perspectivas, movimento e inovação pedagógica”, publicada por Pedro e João Editores, que reúne um conjunto de artigos referentes à docência universitária e formação docente

    Diagnóstico oral precoz en el SUS : el análisis individual, vigilancia de la salud y el trabajo en equipo como posibilidad de (re)estructuración

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    O artigo se estrutura em dois estudos exploratórios sobre o exercício do diagnóstico clínico de lesões bucais no SUS. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionários, aplicados durante atividades de educação continuada. Aproximadamente 300 cirurgiões-dentistas que atuam na atenção básica responderam. Para a maioria (79,5%), há tempo, infraestrutura e intenção de realizar diagnóstico precoce. Por outro lado, os profissionais manifestaram dificuldades em realizar o exame clínico voltado para o câncer, por necessitarem de mais informações sobre a doença. Os resultados serviram de base para apresentar a interpretação auto-referida do cirurgião-dentista, no plano individual, bem como serviram de base para, a partir da revisão bibliográfica, apresentar a interpretação individual sob marcos conceituais da saúde comportamental (teoria do comportamento planejado), na perspectiva individual; e a interpretação da sociologia das profissões e das teorias de planejamento e programação para a promoção e vigilância em saúde, na perspectiva coletiva. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe article was based on two exploratory studies focusing on clinical practice regarding the diagnosis of oral lesions in the Brazilian Health System. Data were collected through questionnaires administered during continuing education activities. Around 300 dentists of primary health care answered. Most of those (79.5%) have reported having adequate time and infrastructure, as well as the intention to early diagnose cancer. Otherwise, professionals have expressed difficulties in performing clinical examination focused on cancer, because they required more information about the disease. In an individual perspective, the results allowed a self-reported interpretation of dental practice. From a literature standpoint, the results also make possible the presentation of an individual and collective interpretation. In an individual perspective, health behavior constructs were utilized based on the theory of planned behavior. In the collective perspective, the interpretation was based on the sociology of professions and theories of planning and programming for the promotion and health surveillance. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEl artículo está estructurado en dos estudios exploratorios sobre el ejercicio de diagnóstico clínico de las lesiones orales. Los datos fueron obtenidos a través de cuestionarios administrados durante las actividades de educación continua. Alrededor de 300 dentistas que trabajan en atención primaria respondieran. Para la mayoría (79,5%), hay tiempo, infraestructura y voluntad de un diagnóstico precoz. Por otro lado, los profesionales han expresado dificultades para realizar el exámen clínico centrado en el cáncer, debido a que necesitan más informaciones sobre la enfermedad. Los resultados proporcionan la base para la interpretación de auto-reporte del cirujano dentista, a nivel individual, así como la base para, a partir de la revisión de la literatura, de la actualidad para la interpretación individual de los marcos conceptuales en el comportamiento de la salud (la teoría del comportamiento planificado) desde el punto de vista individual, y la interpretación de la sociología de las profesiones y las teorías de la planificación y programación para la promoción y vigilancia de la salud, en la perspectiva colectiva

    O planejamento tributário e seus diversos regimes de regulação

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    Iremos abordar, por meio do presente trabalho, o instituto do Planejamento Tributário face à sua aplicabilidade em matéria de ordem fiscal. O tratamento dado para o referido instituto vem despertando enormes discussões doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais de notáveis juristas, principalmente no que concerne à repercussão social gerada pela diferenciação dos paradigmas da elisão, evasão e elusão no âmbito da economia empresarial. Primeiramente, iremos apresentar alguns conceitos fundamentais que se relacionam ao tema, para maior compreensão da matéria. Em seguida, passaremos à análise dos aspectos práticos, bem como sua relação com o dever fundamental de recolher tributos no Estado Democrático de Direito. Em seguida, superada a compreensão inicial do tema, através dos conceitos apresentados, passaremos à análise da inovação do artigo 116, parágrafo único, do Código Tributário Nacional. Por fim, adentraremos no estudo da aplicabilidade do Planejamento Tributário consoante o Princípio da Sobrevivência Empresarial. Palavras-Chave: Planejamento tributário. Elisão, evasão e elusão fiscais. Princípio da sobrevivência empresarial. Abstract We will address, through this work, the Tax Planning institute according to its applicability in terms of tax issues. The treatment given to the institute is attracting great doctrinal and jurisprudential discussions of notable lawyers, especially regarding the social impact generated by the differences between the paradigms of Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion and related, within the business economy. First of all, we will present some fundamental concepts related to the theme for a better understanding of the subject of this article. Then, we will analyze the practical aspects as well as its relationship with the fundamental duty of collecting taxes in a democratic State. Then, overcome initial understanding of the issue through the concepts presented, we will analyze the innovation of Article 116, paragraph one, of the National Tax Code. Finally, we will study the applicability of the Tax Planning according to the Principle of Business Survival.. Key Words: Tax Planning. Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion and related. Principle of business survival