1,355 research outputs found

    Land use change and ecosystem services: linking social and ecological systems across time

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    In light of the projected climate change for the coming decades, there is an urgent need for multifunctional landscapes that are capable to provide a diversity of ecosystem services. This requires a better understanding of social and ecological factors that influence how these landscapes are managed and how this, in turn, influences the provision of ecosystem services. Land Use Land Cover (LULC) changes are one of the main factors that lead to spatiotemporal changes of ecosystems services. As such, the identification of the main socioeconomic drivers of LULC can give important insights about the drivers of ecosystem services. However, the analysis of ecosystem services in a context of socio-ecological systems is still underdeveloped. Brazil has witnessed intense changes in LULC in the last five centuries, which may have influenced the provision of ecosystem services at local, regional and global scales. In the southeast mountain area of the Atlantic Forest biome, the Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais is characterized by a heterogeneous landscape mosaic composed of pasture and coffee fields intermingled with forest fragments, which are predominantly inhabited and managed by family farmers. The Zona da Mata is considered a complex socio-ecological system and is an interesting case to study the spatio-temporal provision of ecosystem services. In Chapter 2, I assessed the LULC changes from 1986 to 2015 and their main socioeconomic drivers. By combining data obtained from satellite images, workshops and secondary data, I showed that forest and coffee areas increased, and pasture decreased. These changes were associated with government measures to protect the environment, financial support of family farmers, migration to cities and the agroecological movement. A scenarios analysis of contrasting socio-economic narratives indicated that sustainable measures taken by the government to protect the environment and support family farmers with financial credit will lead to increase forest and coffee areas in the Green Road scenario. In contrast, the socioeconomic development in the Fossil Fuel scenario, which projects a decline in environmental protection and focuses on rapid economic development, there will be a decline in forest areas. In Chapter 3, I explored the spatial variation of ecosystem services from 1986 to 2015 and the impacts of LULC changes on ecosystem services provision levels and their interactions. To map the spatio variation of ecosystem services, I used the LULC maps from 1986 and 2015 (Chapter 2) and the InVEST model. This analysis indicated that the conversion of forest to pasture has strong negative impacts on soil erosion control and water flow regulation, manifesting mostly as trade-offs and dis-synergies between ecosystem services. In Chapter 4, I investigated the separate effects of LULC changes and climate on water dynamics from 1990 to 2015, and explored scenarios of LULC change and climate change for 2045. For this purpose, I used the SWAT model and climate data combined with historical and future LULC maps developed in Chapter 2. I found that the variation in climate variables was the main factor for the observed increase in the river streamflow in the study period and that forest can buffer extreme precipitation events. The exploration of future scenarios indicated that the increase in forest cover under the Green Road scenario is expected to decrease the surface runoff water and increase evapotranspiration as compared to the Fossil Fuel scenario, mitigating the impacts of soil erosion and climatic extremes in the region. Projected changes in precipitation and temperature are expected to have negative impacts for agriculture in the future. In Chapter 5, I assessed the impact of climate change on the suitability of Coffea arabica production in the study region and the potential of agroforestry systems to mitigate these impacts. For this, I combined the species distribution model MaxEnt with current and future climate projections. Agroforestry system have the potential to reduce air temperatures under the canopy of trees. I explored the effect of the altered the microclimate in agroforestry systems on the suitability for coffee production by adjusting future climate data to reflect conditions in agroforestry systems. I found that the area suitability for coffee production from the current monoculture coffee systems will decline by 60% under the projected climatic changes. However, the implementation of coffee agroforestry systems can mitigate these negative impacts of climatic change and maintain 75% of the area suitable for coffee production in 2050. Combining social and ecological systems in an interdisciplinary framework, generated insights in the relationships between climate and LULC change, and how this influences several ecosystem services. This framework connects different research fields and allows different stakeholders to work together to find effective ways to work towards multifunctional landscapes that promote the sustainable use of ecosystem services

    New records of the Neotropical genus Phaonantho Albuquerque (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)

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    The genus Phaonantho Albuquerque (Anthomyiidae) comprises three species: P. mallochi (Curran), P. benevola Couri, and P. sordilloae Pamplona & Couri. These species are distributed in the neotropics. In this study, we updated the distributional knowledge for Phaonantho species, including the first record of the genus in Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, and Mexico, and additional new records to Brazil

    Proceso de reconocimiento y valoración de los activos fijos en el sector público frente a las normas internacionales de contabilidad : un estudio de caso en la Anatel

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    O ativo imobilizado é um item tangível, do qual se espera a utilização por mais de um período. Com o processo de convergência aos padrões internacionais de contabilidade, os principais pontos a serem considerados para a sua contabilização são o reconhecimento dos ativos, a determinação dos seus valores contábeis e os valores de depreciação e perdas por desvalorização a serem reconhecidas. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de reconhecimento e mensuração do ativo imobilizado, por meio de estudo comparativo segundo o disposto nas Normas Brasileiras de Contabilidade (NBCASP), no Manual de Contabilidade Aplicado ao Setor Público (MCASP) e nas International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); e de estudo de caso na Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL). Documentação, registros em arquivos e entrevistas foram utilizados e os dados e registros foram obtidos por meio do Sistema Integrado de Administração Financeira do Governo Federal (SIAFI) e são relativos aos exercícios de 2009, 2010 e 2011. A inovação consiste em apresentar um fluxograma com as etapas a serem observadas na esfera governamental face aos padrões internacionais, que pode ser aplicado a todos os órgãos públicos. Os resultados mostram que a ANATEL vem executando o procedimento contábil da depreciação para os bens adquiridos a partir de 2010, mas os procedimentos relativos à reavaliação e ajuste de impairment ainda não foram executados. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe fixed asset is a tangible item which is expected to be used for more than one period. With the convergence process to international accounting standards, the main points to be considered for its accounting are the recognition of the asset, the determination of their accounting values and the depreciation values and impairment to be recognized. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the process of recognition and measurement of these assets, through a comparative study between the Brazilian Accounting Standards (NBCASP), the Accounting Manual Applied for Public Sector (MCASP) and the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); and a case study of National Telecommunication Agency (ANATEL). Documentation, record files and interviews were used, and data and records were obtained from the Integrated System of Federal Government Financial Administration (SIAFI), regarding the years of 2009, 2010 and 2011. The innovation is to present a flowchart with the steps to be observed by the government sphere front the international standards that can be applied to all public institutions. The results show that ANATEL has been practicing the depreciation accounting procedure for the fixed assets acquired from 2010 on, but the procedures related to impairment have not been executed yet. ________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEl activo fijo es un elemento tangible que se espera utilizar en más de un período. Con el proceso de convergencia a las normas internacionales de contabilidad, los principales puntos a considerar para su contabilidad son el reconocimiento de los activos, la determinación de sus valores contables y los valores de depreciación y pérdidas por deterioro a ser reconocidas. En este sentido, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de reconocimiento y valoración de los activos fijos por medio de estudio comparativo en conformidad con las disposiciones en las Normas Contables Brasileñas(NBCASP), en el Manual de Contabilidad Aplicado para el Sector Público (MCASP ) y en las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad del Sector Público (IPSAS); y de estudio de caso de la Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (ANATEL). Documentación, registros en archivo y entrevistas han sido utilizados, además los datos y registros fueron obtenidos por intermedio del Sistema Integrado de Gestión Financiera del Gobierno Federal (SIAFI) y corresponden a los años 2009, 2010 y 2011. La innovación consiste en proporcionar un diagrama de flujo con los pasos que deben observarse en la esfera de gobierno frente a las normas internacionales, que se puede aplicar a todos los organismos públicos. Los resultados muestran que ANATEL está llevando a cabo el procedimiento de la depreciación contable de los activos adquiridos a partir de 2010, pero los procedimientos de revisión y ajuste de deterioro, no han sido ejecutados


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    Snakes have a great ecological importance, interacting to others species and feeding on some that are considered plagues and illness reservoirs. The present work aims to list the snake species present in the Ituiutaba Municipality. The data were collected through previously preserved specimens deposited in zoological collections, visual searches and occasional encounters. Fifty six snakes were analyzed, and classified in twenty three species, distributed in five families. The richness found is relatively high, considering the elevated degree of modification in the natural environment, where only 15% remain intact. Of analyzed individuals, several have substantial medical and pharmacological importance, mainly the genera Bothrops and Crotalus. The present study contribute with the knowledge about the Cerrado snake assemblage, and emphasizes the importance of knowing the local fauna, mostly in environments with anthropic action, where there evident habitat loss.Snakes play an important ecological role, interacting with other species and feeding on some that are considered pests and illness vectors. The present work aims to list the snake species present in the Municipality of Ituiutaba, southeastern Brazil. The data were obtained from preserved specimens deposited in zoological collections, visual surveys and occasional encounters. Fifty-seven individuals were analyzed, and we identified twenty-three species, distributed in five families. The number of species found is relatively high, considering the advanced degree of alterations in the natural environment, where only 15% remains intact. In our sample, we identified individuals of two viperid genera with medical and pharmacological importance. The present study contributes to the knowledge on snake assemblages in the Cerrado, and emphasizes the importance of inventories of the local fauna, mostly in environments with anthropic action, resulting in loss of habitats


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    O presente artigo apresenta uma abordagem sobre a obrigatoriedade das audiências de conciliação ou mediação em conformidade com o novo Código de Processo Civil. Atualmente é uma realidade a utilização de meios singulares de resolução dos litígios, e como esses meios foram crescendo ao longo dos anos, se popularizando e tornando-se de acordo o com o código de processo civil vigente, obrigatórios como é o caso da conciliação e da mediação, quanto a sua utilização já no início do processo, quando o juiz em seu primeiro ato marca a audiência para tentar compor um acordo e acabar com a lide. Traz ainda o conceito sobre as modalidades da mediação e da conciliação, e como os dois institutos são parecidos e tem a mesma finalidade, a de trazer ao judiciário uma solução eficaz de solução de conflitos de forma pacífica e participativa com os envolvidos que compõem os litígios. Foi realizada uma análise geral sobre a colaboração da mediação e conciliação para o bom andamento processual, e dessa forma diminuir os muitos processos em trâmite em todo o país. A metodologia adotada é a de pesquisas bibliográficas, relacionadas as técnicas alternativas de resolução de conflitos para melhor compreensão práticas, e analisar a possibilidade eletiva no procedimento comum no Código de Processo Civil instituto da mediação e conciliação no direito brasileiro, conhecer estudo se justifica com o intuito de verificar o funcionamento dessas

    Surgical maneuvers performed on rhinoplasty procedures carried out at an otorhinolaryngology residency program

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    SummaryRhinoplasty is one of the most challenging surgical procedures, due both to the diversity of the techniques and to the difficulty in foreseeing long-term outcomes. Each patient has a different nasal anatomy, dictated by genetic inheritance - race, thus requiring a different technique for each case. The international literature emphasizes the techniques used for the Caucasian nose, which is rarely seen in our region.AimEvaluate and discuss surgical maneuvers used on rhinoplasty procedures performed on local patients at our ENT residency services.Materials and MethodsWe evaluated the operative notes from all patients submitted to rhinoplasty at the Residency Program on Otorhinolaryngology at the Federal University of Uberlândia, from December 2003 to June 2004.ResultsOne hundred and sixty-six patients were submitted to rhinoplasty, in which marginal incisions were performed in 118 (71.1%), with the delivery technique performed on the inferior lateral cartilages and some procedures carried out on them (strut, sheen, sutures, etc). Only 45 patients (27.1%) were submitted to basic rhinoplasty and 3 (1.8%) to open rhinoplasty.ConclusionMost of our patients demanded additional procedures, and the “basic rhinoplasty”, commonly performed on the Caucasian nose was an exception on our patients

    Oral and maxillofacial lesions in older individuals and associated factors : a retrospective analysis of cases retrieved in two different services

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    Studies on the oral and maxillofacial lesions (OMLs) in older people usually assess data of laboratory services and data from oral medicine clinic have been poorly described. The aim of this study was to describe and to compare OMLs in older individuals considering two data sources, besides to assess associated factors with the three most frequent lesions. A retrospective study was conducted with individuals aged 60 years or older. Data of individuals and lesions reported in both services were collected. Univariate analysis was used to test the association between the occurrence of the lesion and the independent variables. The level of significance was set at 5%. A total of 1,695 (37.3%) records were from the Oral Medicine clinic and 2,848 (62.7%) from the Laboratory service. Inflammatory/reactive lesion group was the most frequent in both services (40.4% in Oral Medicine Clinic and in 44.2% Laboratory). The second and third groups of lesions in the Oral Medicine clinic were infectious diseases (18.5%), and variations of normality (10.8%), while in the laboratorial service were the malignant neoplasms (17.6%) and potentially malignant disorders (13.3%). Differences between services regarding the frequency of lesion groups occurred (p<0.05), except for pigmented (p=0.054) and infectious (p=0.054) groups. Females (OR: 2.08; CI: 1.81?2.39) and individuals who wore a removable prosthesis (OR: 3.99; CI: 2.83?5.62) were also likely to have inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia. Old?old individuals (OR: 1.70; CI: 1.30?2.21), male (OR: 3.63; CI: 3.00?4.39), smoking (OR: 6.05; CI: 4.84?7.56) or alcohol use (OR: 3.95; CI: 3.12?5.01) were likely to have squamous cell carcinoma. The results showed different frequencies of OMLs in older individuals according to the data sources and age group. The findings are important to direct public policies for this age group


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    Emissions of greenhouse gases contribute to global warming, which makes it necessary to adopt measures for the mitigation of greenhouse gases, such as technological progress and productive efficiency. Thus, this paper seeks to ascertain whether the countries of Annex I and Non-Annex I of the Kyoto Protocol achieved technological and efficiency changes, as well as a possible convergence of efficiency across countries for the period 1995-2010. For this, we used the Data Envelopment Analysis, which by means of the Malmquist Index can verify these changes. The results showed technological change and convergence efficiency, demonstrating the greater concern of countries in relation to climate change.As emissões de gases de efeito estufa contribuem para o aquecimento global, o que torna necessária a adoção de medidas para a mitigação desses gases, como o progresso tecnológico e maior eficiência produtiva. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho busca verificar se os países do Anexo I e do Não Anexo I do Protocolo de Quioto obtiveram mudanças tecnológicas e de eficiência, bem como uma possível convergência da eficiência entre os países no período de 1995 a 2010. Para isso, utiliza-se a análise envoltória de dados, que, por meio do índice de Malmquist, permite verificar essas mudanças. Os resultados mostram que houve mudança tecnológica e convergência na eficiência, o que demonstra maior preocupação dos países com relação às mudanças climáticas