244 research outputs found

    Nuevas musulmanas españolas: puzles identitarios y respuestas a los malestares espirituales y de género

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    Este artículo versa sobre las mujeres españolas que se han convertido a la religión musulmana. Situado en la llamada ‘historia del presente’, trata de responder a por qué existe un aumento de mujeres que abrazan el islam en los tiempos de islamofobia (de género) rampante de las últimas dos décadas. Para ello, interrogo el proceso de conversión y los cambios que a raíz de ello se han producido en las vidas de las nuevas musulmanas, incluidas sus identidades y la relación con el entorno, y analizo sus discursos islámicos y de género. Señalo la existencia de dos ejes transversales a la hora de entender la conversión y su vida como musulmanas: por un lado, un eje estructural e histórico en el que destacan malestares como la falta de marcos de espiritualidad y las desigualdades de género en el seno de la heteronormatividad secular; por otro lado, un eje personal que revela el encaje biográfico y fenomenológico del islam en cada una de las conversas. // This article focuses on Spanish women who have converted to Islam. It is framed within the so-called ‘history of the present’ and aims at answering why more and more women embrace Islam in the (gendered) Islamophobic environment of the last two decades. To do so, I analyse the conversion process and the transformations which have taken place in the lives of these new Muslim women, including their identities and relationship with the surrounding context. I also analyse their Islamic and gender discourses. In understanding their conversion processes as well as their lives as Muslims, I suggest we need to envision two transversal axes: a structural and historical one in which several types of unease merge – including the lack of spirituality and gender inequality within secular heteronormativity; and a personal axis which reveals how Islam fits the biography and phenomenology in each one of these women

    Recordando el archivo sexual y de género de la diáspora negra en Túnez: una perspectiva decolonial a la antropología histórica

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    The available studies on the cultural history of the Black diasporas in the Ottoman Mediterranean have focused on religious and other cultural manifestations, leaving out the inquiry about notions and practices related to gender and sexuality. Taking a cue from works on the Black Atlantic and the African continent, this article investigates the notions of gender and sexuality underlying the sub-Saharan worldviews and offers a template to interpret the subjecthood of enslaved sub-Saharans in the Maghribi diaspora. The first part of the essay lays out a historical contextualisation of the Black diaspora in early nineteenth-century Tunis. Then I take the reference to the practice of al-musāḥaqa (lesbianism) among the Black slaves in an 1808 Arabic manuscript as a starting point to investigate, by surveying different anthropological studies, whether al-musāḥaqa can be thought of as pertaining to the archive of sexual epistemology which the enslaved would have taken to Tunisia and, more importantly, to enquire into how we can understand it within a non-anthropocentric historical cosmology-which, ultimately, can contribute to the necessary decolonisation of feminist and queer studies, and history and anthropology more generally.Los trabajos que versan sobre la historia cultural de las diásporas negras en el Mediterráneo otomano se han centrado en manifestaciones religiosas y culturales, y han dejado de lado las concepciones y prácticas relacionadas con el género y la sexualidad. Partiendo de estudios sobre el Atlántico Negro y el continente africano, este artículo investiga las nociones de género y sexualidad que subyacen a las cosmovisiones sub-saharianas y ofrece un modelo para interpretar la subjetividad de las poblaciones sub-saharianas esclavizadas en la diáspora magrebí. La primera parte del ensayo ofrece una breve contextualización histórica de la diáspora negra en la Túnez de principios del s. XIX. Luego tomo la referencia a la práctica de al-musāḥaqa (lesbianismo) entre esclavas negras que aparece en un manuscrito árabe de 1808 como punto de partida para ver, a través de diferentes estudios antropológicos, si al-musāḥaqa puede ser considerada parte del archivo epistemológico sexual de las poblaciones esclavizadas en Túnez y, sobre todo, para investigar cómo se podría entender en el marco de una cosmología histórica no-antropocéntrica. En última instancia, el artículo pretende contribuir a la necesaria decolonización de los estudios feministas y queer, y de la historia y la antropología de manera más general

    Zabalik, Interneten bidez Eusko Legebiltzarreko jardueretan parte hartzeko proiektua

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    El Parlamento Vasco ha puesto en marcha un servicio público y gratuito que permite a los ciudadanos informarse y participar en sus actividades a través de Internet. Zabalik ofrece a sus usuarios la posibilidad de elegir los asuntos que les interesan, recibir información semanal sobre su tramitación y participar en cualquier momento en ella. Acceso directo y a la carta para todos.Eusko Legebiltzarrak zerbitzu publiko bat jarri du martxan, doakoa, herritarrei Interneten bidez Legebiltzarreko jardueren berri izateko eta jarduera horietan parte hartzeko aukera ematen diena. Zabalik zerbitzuak norberaren intereseko gaiak aukeratzeko, astero-astero gai horien tramitazioaren berri jasotzeko eta edozein momentutan tramitazio horrretan parte hartzeko aukera ematen die bere erabiltzaileei. Sarbide zuzena da aukerakoa denontzat.Le Parlement Basque a mis en marche un service publique et gratuit qui permet aux citoyens de s'informer et de participer à leurs activités à travers Internet. Zabalik offre à ses usagers la possibilité de choisir les sujets qui les intéressent, de recevoir une information hebdomadaire sur ses démarches et d'y participer à tout moment. Accès directe et à la carte pour tous.The Basque Parliament has started a free public service that allows citizens to get information and participate in its activities through the Internet. Zabalik offers its users the possibility of choosing the matters they are interested in, receive weekly information on the work that is carried out there in and participate in those activities at any time. Direct .à la carte. access for everybody

    Comparison of theoretical heat transfer model with results from experimental monitoring installed in a refurbishment with ventilated facade

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    One of the main points to consider when a building is renovated is the improvement of its energy efficiency, minimizing the heat loss through the enclosures and its heating consumption. Under this scope idea a ventilated facade was designed and incorporated in an educational building located in the city of Burgos (Spain). The main objective of this document is a comparison between the theoretical model of heat transfer across the building envelope separating the environment and the interior space, and the heat intake through a linear regression model with installed experimental monitoring. For this it has been necessary to carry out an exhaustive study of the thermal transmission of each one of the materials that make up the thermal envelope of the building, as well as the linear thermal bridges that can be produced before and after the renovation. In addition, thanks to the monitoring installed in the demonstrator building, the interior and exterior temperatures and the heat consumption of each of the radiators is known. In this way expected and real energy savings have been compared

    Differential diagnoses and management strategies in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

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    Successful treatment of psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, is complicated and is affected by a broad range of factors associated with the diagnosis, choice of treatment and social factors. In these patients, treatment management must focus on accurate and early diagnosis, to ensure that correct treatment is administered as soon as possible. In both disorders, the treatment of the disease in the acute phase must be maintained long term to provide continuous relief and normal function; the treatment choice in the early stages of the disease may impact on long-term outcomes. In schizophrenia, treatment non-compliance is an important issue, with up to 50% of patients discontinuing treatment for reasons as diverse as efficacy failure, social barriers, and more commonly, adverse events. Treatment non-compliance also remains an issue in bipolar disorder, as tolerability of mood stabilizers, especially lithium, is not always good, and combination treatments are frequent. In order to achieve an optimal outcome in which the patient continues with their medication life-long, treatment should be tailored to each individual, taking into account treatment and family history, and balancing efficacy with tolerability to maximize patient benefit and minimize the risk of discontinuation. These case studies illustrate how treatment should be monitored, tailored and often changed over time to meet these needs

    Fórmula ingenieril para el cálculo del par de fricción en rodamientos de vuelco en vacío y bajo carga axial

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    Entre los diversos campos de investigación en los que participa el grupo de Análisis y Diseño Mecánico (ADM) de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Bilbao, se encuentra el campo de rodamientos de vuelco. Para este tipo de rodamiento, son diversas las áreas que se han estudiado, entre las que se encuentran el estudio del par de fricción, rigidez, influencia de los errores de fabricación etc. Este proyecto, forma parte de los diversos estudios que se han realizado en dicho grupo. Como resultado del mismo, se han obtenido unas fórmulas ingenieriles de sencilla aplicación para el cálculo del par de fricción en rodamientos de vuelco de cuatro puntos de contacto. Los resultados se presentan en forma de guía práctica para que los analistas y diseñadores que contemplen estos componentes en sus cálculos estructurales puedan utilizar las fórmulas propuestas, en el rango de funcionamiento adecuado y conociendo las limitaciones (errores máximos) de la formulación en cada caso.Bilboko Ingeniaritza Eskolako ADM taldeak lantzen dituen hainbat ikerketa arloen artean, iraultze errodamenduen gaineko ikerketak aurki daitezke. Horietan,errodamenduen marruskadura momentua, zurruntasuna eta pisten fabrikazio akatsen eragina aurki daitezke besteak beste. Proiektu hau, ikerketa horien parte da. Berton, erabilgarritasun handi eta errazeko hainbat formula aurkezten dira, zeintzuekin lau kontaktu puntuko iraultze errodamenduetan ematen den marruskadura momentua kalkula daitekeen. Emaitzak, gidaliburu bezala aurkezten dira zeini esker, elementu hauen kalkulu estrukturala burutzeaz arduratzen diren analistek, jarraian aurkeztuko diren formulak erabili ahal ditzaten beraien funtzionamendu eremu egokian eta haien mugak jakinez.Hitz gakoak:iraultze errodamenduak,marruskadura momentua, formulaThe ADM group of the Faculty of Engineeringof Bilbao performs some researchesabout slewing bearings. In these, parameters as friction torque, bearing stiffness, contact angle variation and the effect of ring fabrication error have been studied.This project is presented as a partof these researches where some engineering formulas have been obtained, enabling the easycalculation of the friction torque in four contact point slewing bearing. Results are presented as a guidethatcan be used by analysts who have to perform structural analysis in these components, in their appropriate range of use and knowing beforehand their limitations

    Gender and Sexuality in early 19th-century Tunisia: a Decolonial Reading of Aḥmad b. al-Qāḍī al-Timbuktāwī’s naṣīḥa on the sub-Saharan diaspora

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    This article examines the gender and sexuality politics in early nineteenth-century Tunisia, with particular reference to the healing rituals performed by the diasporic sub-Saharans and the attempts at disciplining them by Muslim religious scholars. It does so through an in-depth analysis of a 1808 naṣīḥa penned by the West African scholar Aḥmad b. al-Qāḍī al-Timbuktāwī, where the Tunisian rulers are urged to ban the religious practices of the sub-Saharan populations – mainly slaves – which are deemed un-Islamic. In addition to close-reading the naṣīḥa, I contextualise and compare it with other texts and literature to ‘unveil’ not only al-Timbuktāwī’s discourse but also the history of enslaved sub-Saharans and the larger social, cultural and political history of early nineteenth-century Tunisia. I argue that al-Timbuktāwī’s request to ban the rituals was religiously motivated, but also aimed at preventing the leadership and sexual intimacy which the rituals allegedly promoted, and I investigate whether such gender and sexual practices were (or not) perceived as disrupting the domestic Tunisian social and sexual order

    Hispano-Moroccan Mimesis in the Spanish War on Tetouan and its Occupation (1859-62)

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    The ‘War of Africa’/‘War of Tetouan’ (1859–60) and the subsequent Spanish occupation of Tetouan (1860–62) have commonly been considered a historical landmark signalling the end of Morocco’s independence. While it is hardly arguable that Spain consolidated its position in Morocco throughout the second half of the nineteenth century thanks to the favourable conditions established in the treaties that followed the end of the war, the goal of this article is to nuance the reification of the power of the colonisers and the powerlessness of the colonised that many historiographical narratives have purported. I will analyze the political change that took place among the Spaniards who were on the ground during the initial stage of the occupation of Tetouan. Despite mainly relying on Spanish sources, I will also highlight the ways in which Moroccan diplomacy, the city’s inhabitants, and local practices shaped this transformation by creating anxieties that permeated the Spanish colonisation. I argue that the Spaniards on the ground increasingly empathised with – and even admired – the local population, and consequently constructed notions of Hispano-Moroccan similarity. This colonial mimesis went hand in hand with the perception of Moroccans as unyielding, which ultimately led the Spanish to admit the difficulty, even impossibility, of their colonialist venture

    Full scale experimental performance assessment of a prefabricated timber panel for the energy retrofitting of multi-rise buildings

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    A prefabricated timber façade system is presented for the energy retrofitting of buildings. Large panel dimensions facilitate the installation of this system, with reduced disturbance to building users and increased overall quality in terms of thermal bridge mitigation and air tightness of architectural junctions. A full scale proof of concept test is performed, where several prefabricated timber panels were installed over a pre-existing brick façade, their junctions tested, and the differential thermal performance of the system is evaluated. It is concluded that the overall thermal performance of the system is satisfactory in terms of overall U-value, thermal bridge coefficient and, temperature factor. Furthermore, and based on experimentally obtained data, a dynamic characterization of the harmonic thermal response of the system is performed.This paper has been drafted thanks to the funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 636984. The content of this paper does not reflect the opinion of the European Union

    Fórmula ingenieril para el cálculo del par de fricción en rodamientos de vuelco en vacío y bajo carga axial

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    Entre los diversos campos de investigación en los que participa el grupo de Análisis y Diseño Mecánico (ADM) de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Bilbao, se encuentra el campo de rodamientos de vuelco. Para este tipo de rodamiento, son diversas las áreas que se han estudiado, entre las que se encuentran el estudio del par de fricción, rigidez, influencia de los errores de fabricación etc. Este proyecto, forma parte de los diversos estudios que se han realizado en dicho grupo. Como resultado del mismo, se han obtenido unas fórmulas ingenieriles de sencilla aplicación para el cálculo del par de fricción en rodamientos de vuelco de cuatro puntos de contacto. Los resultados se presentan en forma de guía práctica para que los analistas y diseñadores que contemplen estos componentes en sus cálculos estructurales puedan utilizar las fórmulas propuestas, en el rango de funcionamiento adecuado y conociendo las limitaciones (errores máximos) de la formulación en cada caso.Bilboko Ingeniaritza Eskolako ADM taldeak lantzen dituen hainbat ikerketa arloen artean, iraultze errodamenduen gaineko ikerketak aurki daitezke. Horietan,errodamenduen marruskadura momentua, zurruntasuna eta pisten fabrikazio akatsen eragina aurki daitezke besteak beste. Proiektu hau, ikerketa horien parte da. Berton, erabilgarritasun handi eta errazeko hainbat formula aurkezten dira, zeintzuekin lau kontaktu puntuko iraultze errodamenduetan ematen den marruskadura momentua kalkula daitekeen. Emaitzak, gidaliburu bezala aurkezten dira zeini esker, elementu hauen kalkulu estrukturala burutzeaz arduratzen diren analistek, jarraian aurkeztuko diren formulak erabili ahal ditzaten beraien funtzionamendu eremu egokian eta haien mugak jakinez.Hitz gakoak:iraultze errodamenduak,marruskadura momentua, formulaThe ADM group of the Faculty of Engineeringof Bilbao performs some researchesabout slewing bearings. In these, parameters as friction torque, bearing stiffness, contact angle variation and the effect of ring fabrication error have been studied.This project is presented as a partof these researches where some engineering formulas have been obtained, enabling the easycalculation of the friction torque in four contact point slewing bearing. Results are presented as a guidethatcan be used by analysts who have to perform structural analysis in these components, in their appropriate range of use and knowing beforehand their limitations