478 research outputs found

    Quality of Life in Nursing Homes: A Theoretical and Empirical Review

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    Quality of life is a complex and multi-dimensional notion which individuals and their families try to attain. This paper provides an overview of quality of life literature guided by Lawton’s (1983: 351) “Four Sectors of the Good Life”.” This model of organization demonstrates a multidimensional conceptual view of quality of life in which theoretical and empirical domains were recognized in the literature. Parameters used to understand quality of life and how it is studied provide the framework of the review, specifically in the nursing home setting. Quality of life is of growing importance because people are living longer and population projections suggest an increase in elderly over the next few decades will steadily increase

    Clinical Decision-Making in Transition to Consultative Physical Therapy Services for a Nine-Year-Old Girl with Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report

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    Background: Although many pediatric patients with non-progression conditions utilize rehabilitation services, clear pathways towards transitioning away from direct service aren’t adequately addressed in the literature. A number of established frameworks for clinical and ethical decision making can be utilized. Purpose: The purpose of this case report is to illustrate the application of established frameworks in the literature to a particular case of a nine-year-old female patient with mild spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy receiving weekly home-based physical therapy services, in which the ultimate decision was to reduce services, highlighting the utility and limitations of such an application. Case Description: This case is a nine-year-old Caucasian female with mild spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy receiving weekly physical therapy services in her home. Outcomes: The clinical decision-making process based on the literature and employed in the study was considered successful due to agreement of clinical expertise, supporting relevant literature, and acceptance to implementation by the established stakeholders, including patient and family. Discussion: The utility of the clinical and ethical frameworks in successfully guiding clinical decision-making were illustrated in this case

    A Comparative Approach to Promotional Methods for Seasonal Influenza Immunizations to Dorm Dwelling College Freshmen

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    Introduction: Comparing tailored e-mail messaging to mailed postcards promoting seasonal influenza immunizations for dorm dwelling college freshmen is important for early health prevention and promotion. Dorm dwelling college students are particularly at risk of viral diseases due to the close proximity of their living conditions. Understanding influences with health care decisions and practices is therefore also important with the college dorm dwelling population. Method: A convenience sample was used to collect data from influenza clinic participants on a Midwest college campus over three seasonal flu periods. A Health-E card was sent in 2010 via university issued student e-mail accounts informing students how to prevent influenza through immunization. Postcards were sent in 2008 and 2009 solely to dorm dwellers and parents of college freshmen. Short questionnaires gathered demographic data from participants at flu clinics for comparison. Results: In 2008 and 2009, 8% and 14% of dorm dwelling college freshmen participated in flu clinic following printed media sent to them and their parents. In 2010, only 3% of the same population participated in campus flu clinics following tailored e-mail messages sent via campus listserv. Discussion: Efficiency of social media e-mail messaging was established, however effectiveness of tailored e-mail to college freshmen was not supported. Family was most influential for the seasonal influenza in the third year of the study. Further study is needed to determine efficacy of social media intervention for college students and parental or family influence

    The Effect of Economic Recession on Institutional Support for Tenure-Track Librarians in ARL Institutions

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    The objective of this study was to reveal how the national economic recession has affected the nature and extent of support for tenure track librarians at Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member institutions. The authors surveyed 43 ARL Deans and University Librarians to discover the criteria for achieving tenure and the current institutional support for tenure-related activities. All of the responding libraries reported experiencing at least moderate reductions in their overall budgets, with the majority indicating increased workloads for faculty and reductions to monetary support for professional development. Despite this adversity, the survey indicated that the expectations for achieving tenure for librarians in the areas of research and service have not changed

    Introductory Information Systems Course Redesign: Better Preparing Business Students

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    Aim/Purpose The dynamic nature of the information systems (IS) field presents educators with the perpetual challenge of keeping course offerings current and relevant. This paper describes the process at a College of Business (COB) to redesign the introductory IS course to better prepare students for advanced business classes and equip them with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills demanded in today’s workplace. Background The course was previously in the Computer Science (CSC) Department, itself within the COB. However, an administrative restructuring resulted in the CSC department’s removal from the COB and left the core course in limbo. Methodology This paper presents a case study using focus groups with students, faculty, and advisory council members to assess the value of the traditional introductory course. A survey was distributed to students after implementation of the newly developed course to assess the reception of the course. Contribution This paper provides an outline of the decision-making process leading to the course redesign of the introductory IS course, including the context and the process of a new course development. Practical suggestions for implementing and teaching an introductory IS course in a business school are given. Findings Focus group assessment revealed that stakeholders rated the existing introductory IS course of minimal value as students progressed through the COB program, and even less upon entering the workforce. The findings indicated a complete overhaul of the course was required

    Ruta turística de fiestas tradicionales en el departamento del Valle del Cauca

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    142 páginas : ilustraciones, mapas, gráficos, fotografías.The degree work consists of a series of elements that show the design of a tourist route of the traditional festivals that are in the department of Valle del Cauca during the December and January season. The route includes 4 traditional festivals such as: "la feria de Cali", "el carnaval de blancos y negros in I Cerrito", "la feria del manjar blanco y la gelatina in Andalucia" and "la feria del bordado in Cartago"; the duration of the route is 15 days and its main objective is to encourage the intangible cultural attractions that the Colombian territory has, in this case the Valle del Cuca department with a great variety of samples that exemplify gastronomy, dance, embroidery, musical performance and others. Similarly, the route seeks economic and tourist growth in the region,becuase of the local community and public and private actors who have the main resources for the development of this.El trabajo de grado consta de una serie de elementos que muestran el diseño de una ruta turística de las fiestas tradicionales que se desarrollan en el departamento del Valle del Cauca durante la temporada de diciembre y enero. El recorrido de esta ruta turística abarca 4 fiestas tradicionales tales como: la feria de Cali, el carnaval de blancos y negros en el Cerrito, la feria del manjar blanco y la gelatina en Andalucía y la feria del bordado en Cartago; la duración de la ruta es de 15 días y su principal objetivo es incentivar los atractivos culturales inmateriales que ha caracterizado el territorio colombiano, en este caso del departamento del Valle del Cauca con una gran variedad de muestras que ejemplifican la gastronomía, danza, bordados, actos musicales, entre otros. De igual manera, la ruta busca un crecimiento económico y turístico de la región, puesto que es la misma comunidad local y actores públicos y privados quienes poseen los recursos principales para el desarrollo de esta.Administrador(a) de Empresas Turísticas y HotelerasPregrad

    Influencia de la comunicación interna en la identidad corporativa de los servidores de una municipalidad del sur del Perú, 2023

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre la comunicación interna y la identidad corporativa de los servidores de una Municipalidad del sur del Perú, 2023, aplicando una metodología de diseño no experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo y alcance correlacional. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y como instrumento se aplicó dos cuestionarios de tipo escala de Likert a una muestra de 177 servidores. Se obtuvo como resultado de la investigación que sí existe una relación altamente significativa entre la comunicación interna y la identidad corporativa (Sig. < 0,01) de tipo directa moderada, ya que se obtuvo un coeficiente Rho de Spearman de 0,500, llegando así a la conclusión que si se mejora la comunicación interna también mejorará la identidad corporativa

    Why gender and land matter: Examples from rural Ghana

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    An occupational therapy intervention for residents with stroke living in care homes in the United Kingdom: A content analysis of occupational therapy records from the OTCH trial

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    Introduction: This study aimed to describe the content of occupational therapy delivered in a randomized controlled trial of United Kingdom care home residents with stroke (The Occupational Therapy in Care Homes (OTCH) trial). The trial intervention aimed to maintain or improve residents’ activity levels in relation to personal activities of daily living and mobility. Method: A qualitative design was adopted using content analysis to thematically code and analyse the occupational therapy notes of residents in the intervention arm of the trial. Treatment notes comprised of an initial assessment, a goal and treatment plan and a description of activities at each visit. A purposive sample of 50 sets of therapy notes was selected reflecting the geographical locations, care home types and resident characteristics observed in the OTCH trial intervention group. Findings: Occupational therapists individually assessed residents’ function and goals. Planning was sometimes client-centred, but not all residents were able to share personal goals. Carers impacted on the success of the intervention. Treatment outcomes in relation to increasing functional activity were noted in some cases, but not always fully realized in this frail population. Conclusion: Increasing functional activity is challenging in care home populations; future studies should assess occupational therapy for residents in relation to leisure or social activities

    Relajación residual postoperatoria en pacientes mayores de 65 años en la Unidad de Cuidado Postanestésico

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    Abstract Introduction: Few studies have been made on the incidence of residual paralysis from nondepolarizing relaxants in people over 65 years old; however, estimating the number of cases and treatment thereof are both important. Objective: To study the incidence of residual paralysis with non-depolarizing relaxants in patients over 65 years of age and discuss treatment. Methodology: Analytical observational study based on a cohort design. Results: The pre-extubation residual paralysis was estimated at 23.2% and at 9.2% at patient admission to the Recovery Suite. Pharmacological reversal showed 89.4% and 100% success rates with Neostigmine and Sugammadex respectively, with similar times at T4/T1 > 0.9. Conclusions: The incidence of pre-extubation residual paralysis was lower than the figure published worldwide. Pharmacological reversal therapies were typically highly effective.Introducción: La incidencia de Relajación Residual por relajantes no despolarizantes en mayores de 65 años ha sido poco estudiada, siendo relevante su calculo y su tratamiento. Objetivo: Estudiar la incidencia de Relajación residual en pacientes mayores de 65 años con relajantes neuromusculares no despolarizantes y describir su tratamiento. Metodología: Estudio Observacional Analítico con Diseño de Cohorte. Resultados: La Relajación Residual pre-extubación fue del 23.2% y al ingreso a la Sala de Recuperación del 9.2%. La reversión farmacológica con Neostigmina exhibió un éxito del 89.4% y con Sugammadex del 100%, con similares tiempos a una T4/T1 > 0.9. Conclusiones: Las incidencias de Relajación Residual pre-extubación y en la Sala de Recuperación fueron mas bajas que las publicadas a nivel mundial. Las terapias de reversión farmacológica se distinguieron por su alta eficacia