1,619 research outputs found

    Gender gap in self-rated health: a cohort perspective in eastern European countries

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    Background: The relationship between self-rated health and gender differs across countries and generations. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of socioeconomic conditions on self-rated health from a generational perspective, its differential effect on gender, and its influence on the gender gap in order to explore health diversity using a multidisciplinary approach and considering policy implications in Eastern European countries. Methods: We used data drawn from the European Health Interview Survey for eight Eastern European countries and EUROSTAT from 2006 through to 2009. We conducted multilevel analyses to understand the individual and national health determinants of self-rated health by gender and to determine whether national differences remain after controlling for micro variables. In order to analyze the role of equity (Gini quartile) in gender differences, Oaxaca analyses were used. Results: The self-rated health gender gap increases with age. Individual characteristics, such as educational level or smoking, influence citizens’ perceived health, and have a stronger effect on women than on men. Knowing both the characteristics (endowment effects) and the effects of individual characteristics (coefficient effects) on health is important in order to understand gender gaps among people from the silent generation. Conclusions: Our research indicates that random effects are greater for men than for women. Moreover, random effects might be explained to a certain extent by economic equity (Gini index). The combined effects of gender, cohort, and geographical differences on self-rated health have to be taken into account to develop public health policies. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Contemplative sciences: A future beyond mindfulness

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    Mindfulness is a psychological technique based on Eastern meditative practices that was developed in the late 1970s by Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts. Initially, there was a debate over whether it should be considered a scientific technique or labelled as part of the new wave practices. Today, mindfulness is omnipresent in modern societies but has suffered from merchandising and banalization, which has been strongly criticized. Despite some limitations regarding methodological aspects of mindfulness research, it is considered effective for treating many physical and psychological disorders, and even it is recommended in clinical guidelines such the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. During the last 2500 years, mindfulness practices have moved from Northern India across most of Asia, but their mixing with Western science and culture at the end of the 20(th) century is considered a key event in recent history. For the first time in human history, due to globalization, the wisdom of all contemplative traditions can be shared with all human beings and assessed by science. Mindfulness practices, yoga included, are giving birth to a new field of knowledge, contemplative sciences, which go beyond mindfulness and is devoted to helping humanity to reach higher levels of happiness and mental peace

    Estado periodontal y de la mucosa oral en un grupo de embarazadas: estudio clínico

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    Los cambios hormonales en el embarazo se reflejan en la salud periodontal de las pacientes, se pretende cuantificar y evaluar estos cambios en la cavidad oral de 165 pacientes embarazadas, así como el estado de su mucosa oral y relacionar su percepción de salud oral con los resultados de su estado periodontal. Métodos: Pacientes de revisión de rutina de un centro de atención primaria. Se les realiza una ex-ploración donde se evalúa el estado periodontal, mediante el Índice de Necesidad de Tratamiento Periodontal de la Comunidad (C.P.I.T.N.), y el estado de las mucosas. Los dientes escogidos para el sondaje fueron el 16, 11, 26, 36, 31 y 46 de cada paciente y se tomó como valor representativo el más alto de todos los sextantes. 56 acudieron para realizarse una reevaluación. Resultados: De las 165 embarazadas el 5% (9) fueron consideradas invalorables. El 35% dieron como resultado valor 0 (57); el 46% valor 1 (76); el 12% valor 2 (20); y el 2% valor 3 (1). De las 56 que acudieron a la reevaluación el 23% (13) mejoraron, el 10% (6) empeoraron y el 66% (37) se mantu-vieron. De las 165 sólo una presentó una lesión en mucosas, una ránula. Conclusiones: Aunque hubo un porcentaje sin patología periodontal, 35%, la mayoría padecía gin-givitis (46%) y algunas periodontitis (14%). Por tanto consideramos importante recomendar a las pacientes embarazadas una exploración bucodental y realizar una labor preventiva en todas las pacientes en edad fértil con el fin de evitar consecuencias negativas

    Population genetic structure of a sandstone specialist and a generalist heath species at two levels of sandstone patchiness across the Strait of Gibraltar

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    Many habitat specialist species are originally composed of small, discontinuous populations because their habitats are naturally fragmented or patchy. They may have suffered the long-term effects of natural patchiness. Mediterranean heathlands, a representative habitat in the Strait of Gibraltar region, are associated with nutrient-poor, acidic sandstone soils. Sandstone soil patches in the African side of the Strait (Tangier) are, in general, smaller and more scattered than in the European side (Algeciras). In this study, we analyze the effect of this sandstone patchiness on the population genetic diversity and structure of two Erica species from these Mediterranean heathlands that differ in their edaphic specificity, E. australis, sandstone specialist, and E. arborea, generalist. Average levels of within-population genetic diversity and gene flow between populations were significantly lower in Tangier (high sandstone patchiness) than in Algeciras (low patchiness) for the sandstone specialist, whereas no differences between both sides of the Strait were detected in the edaphic generalist. Since most endemic species in Mediterranean heathlands of the Strait of Gibraltar are sandstone specialists, these results highlight an increased vulnerability to loss of genetic diversity and local extinction of the heathland endemic flora in the Tangier side of the Strait of Gibraltar. © 2014 Gil-López et al.Project BREATHAL (CGL2011-28759/BOS) was financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.Peer Reviewe

    Luxación Traumática de Cadera en el Niño

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    La luxación traumática de cadera en el niño es una lesión poco frecuente. Los autores presentan un caso de luxación anterior de cadera en un niño de 4 años producida por traumatismo mínimo. La exploración realizada en urgencias mostró impotencia funcional para la deambulación y gran dolor. El seguimiento ha sido de 18 meses tras los cuales el paciente no presenta complicaciones. Exponen su experiencia en el caso y revisión de la bibliografía.Traumatic hip dislocation of the hip is rare in children. The authors report a case of anterior hip dislocation in a 4-year-old boy who received relatively minor trauma. He was unable to walk and was in severe pain when seen in emergency room. He was followed-up for 18 months and no complications have appeared. They report here their experience with one case and review the literature

    Post-fledging dependence period and onset of natal dispersal in Bearded Vultures (Gypaetus barbatus): new insights from GPS satellite telemetry.

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    Utilizamos telemetría satelital para estudiar el periodo de dependencia post emplumamiento de tres individuos silvestres y seis individuos cautivos de Gypaetus barbatus. El primer vuelo tuvo lugar cuando los pollos tenían 126 ± 7 días de edad (rango  =  111-134 días) y el inicio de la dispersión ocurrió a los 193 ± 40 días desde el primer vuelo (rango  =  143-231 días). Los jóvenes permanecieron en sus áreas natales (o de liberación, en el caso de aves criadas en cautiverio) durante los primeros dos meses desde la fecha de emplumamiento. Luego, comenzaron a incrementar progresivamente la distancia a sus áreas natales; durante este tiempo, la mayoría de los desplazamientos de larga distancia (>15 km) tuvieron lugar antes del mediodía. Los tamaños de las áreas de acción registrados en este estudio fueron superiores a los descritos con anterioridad para la especie, principalmente debido a la diferencia en los métodos de rastreo empleados: la telemetría satelital permitió la detección de movimientos de larga distancia más allá del rango de medición del rastreo por radio convencional. Finalmente, la adquisición de la independencia (i.e., emancipación) se solapó con la siguiente temporada de cría de los adultos

    Accumulation of De-Icing Salt and Leaching in Spanish soils surrounding roadwayss

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    The environmental implications of soil salinity caused by accumulation of de-icing salt and leaching in soils of northeastern Spain were examined. For this purpose, the concentrations of ions associated with diagnosing and managing this problem were evaluated from several measurements performed over one year along a road. This analysis demonstrated a higher concentration of soluble Na+ in the soil 3 m from a road in the northernmost part of the study area in February, which made the soil saline-sodic. Data from the rest of the study period (during the spring and summer) demonstrated that the de-icing salt moved to areas farther south by runoff water, which caused environmental impacts by modifying soil characteristics. These results suggest that leaching of Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations occurred faster in the studied systems in sodic soils. Leaching of these cations may affect plant yield, and results in environmental impacts within 3–30 m from the road. Awareness of this impact will be useful for developing future strategies for evaluating and reporting these complex relationships within Spain’s transport system and environment

    Updating known distribution models for forecasting climate change impact on endangered species

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    To plan endangered species conservation and to design adequate management programmes, it is necessary to predict their distributional response to climate change, especially under the current situation of rapid change. However, these predictions are customarily done by relating de novo the distribution of the species with climatic conditions with no regard of previously available knowledge about the factors affecting the species distribution. We propose to take advantage of known species distribution models, but proceeding to update them with the variables yielded by climatic models before projecting them to the future. To exemplify our proposal, the availability of suitable habitat across Spain for the endangered Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata) was modelled by updating a pre-existing model based on current climate and topography to a combination of different general circulation models and Special Report on Emissions Scenarios. Our results suggested that the main threat for this endangered species would not be climate change, since all forecasting models show that its distribution will be maintained and increased in mainland Spain for all the XXI century. We remark on the importance of linking conservation biology with distribution modelling by updating existing models, frequently available for endangered species, considering all the known factors conditioning the species’ distribution, instead of building new models that are based on climate change variables only.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and FEDER (project CGL2009-11316/BOS