249 research outputs found

    PHOTCAL: The IRAF photometric calibration package

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    The IRAF photmetric calibration package PHOTCAL is discussed. PHOTCAL is a set of tasks designed to derive the transformation from the instrumental photometric system to the standard photometric system, and apply the transformation to the observations. The PHOTCAL package contains tasks for: (1) creating and/or editing standard star catalogs and observations catalogs, (2) creating, checking and editing the configuration file which specifies the format of the standard star and observations catalogs and the form of the transformation equations, (3) solving the transformation equations interactively or non-iteractively using non-linear least squares fitting routines, and (4) applying the transformation to the observations. PHOTCAL standard star and observations catalogs are simple text files, whose columns are delimited by whitespace, and whose first column contains the star names. This format makes it relatively easy to interface the output of non-IRAF photometry programs as well as the output of the IRAF APPHOT and DAOPHOT photometry packages to PHOTCAL. PHOTCAL maintains a standard star catalog directory for the convenience of the user, but users can easily create their own standard star catalogs and/or define their own standard star catalog directory. Separate observations files produced by APPHOT, DAOPHOT or a user program containing data for stellar fields taken through different filters, can be combined into observations catalogs using one of the PHOTCAL preprocessor tasks. The input configuration file required by PHOTCAL is a text file, consisting of a series of instructions written by the user in a mini-language understood by the PHOTCAL parser. These instructions: (1) assign names to the input data columns in the standard star and observations catalogs, (2) assign names and initial values to the parameters to be fit, (3) define and describe how to solve the transformation equations. The mini-language approach permits great flexibility in the format of the input catalogs and the form of the transformation equations

    Cuantificacion y distribucion de islotes epiteliales y quistes satelites en queratoquistes odontogenicos.

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    36 p.El Queratoquiste Odontogénico es una lesión de los maxilares que por su agresividad local y tendencia a la recurrencia tras el tratamiento quirúrgico, constituye un desafío para el clínico y el patólogo. El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar el, numero de islotes epiteliales y quistes satélites y la relación de estos con el epitelio quístico además de sus variables morfológicas. Ocho Queratoquistes Odontogénicos del Servicio de Histopatología del departamento de Estomatología de la Universidad de Talca, fijados en formalina al 10% e incluidos en parafina, de los que se obtuvieron cortes semiseriados de 5mu de espesor que fueron montados de a dos por cada portaobjeto, con un total de diez placas por caso y luego tenidos con hematoxilina de Harris y eosina al 5%. Se establecieron criterios de estudio analizándose la muestra por dos observadores en dos instancias. Se observo islotes epiteliales en el 100% de los casos, los que guardaban relación de proximidad con el epitelio quístico en el 50% de los casos. En tanto, quistes satélites fueron un hallazgo infrecuente observándose solo en dos casos, cercanos al epitelio luminal. Se encontró además hiperplasia epitelial asociadas con la presencia de inflamación, lo que podría constituir un probable origen de remanentes epiteliales, además del embrionario

    Caracteristicas y frecuencia de epitelio en granulomas periapicales

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    52 p.Con el fin de determinar la incidencia y las características morfológicas y funcionales del componente epitelial de granulomas periapicales, se seleccionaron 54 casos de granulomas periapicales , los cuales fueron fijados en formalina al 10% e incluidos en parafina. Se efectuó un corte de 5 UM de grosor, montando dos cortes en cada placa, los que fueron teñidos con Hematoxilina-Eosina. En relación a los resultados se determine) que el 30% de los granulomas periapicales presenta un componente epitelial. Este componente epitelial presento tres orígenes encontrándose que en un 88% se origina a partir de Restos Epiteliales de Malassez, en un 6% de Epitelio Respiratorio y en un 6% de Epitelio Bucal. En cuanto a las características morfológicas que presentan específicamente los Restos epiteliales de Malassez, se determino que en su mayor parte se encontraban en estado proliferativo, presentando un marcado crecimiento arciforme. Además pudimos observar quistes incipientes con una longitud inferior a 10mm. Estas observaciones ratifican que las lesiones periapicales, algunas tan comunes como granuloma apical o quiste radicular no pueden ser diferenciadas guiándose solamente por parámetros clínicos o radiográfico tal como el tamaño de la lesión, si no que además es necesario utilizar exámenes histológicos que nos permitan corroborar y complementar nuestros diagnósticos

    Origine des minéralisations stratiformes de fluorine de la bordure sud-est du bassin de Paris

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    In France, unconformity-related stratabound fluorite deposits occurred at the base of Mesozoic sedimentary units from the Paris Basin around the Morvan Massif, and reserves are estimated to about 5.5 Mt. This work mainly concerns four fluorite deposits in sandstones at Antully, in limestones at Courcelles-Frémoy and in dolomite at Pierre-Perthuis and Marigny-sur-Yonne. The aim of this study is to constrain the age and origin of mineralizations inferred from a multi-disciplinary approach including geochronoly, petrography, elementary and isotopic geochemistry in order to produce a metallogenic model. Firstly, the geochronological study allows to determine the age of the geodic fluorite stage at Pierre-Perthuis at 130 ± 15 Ma. The detailed paragenetic sequence displays two major mineral successions of “fluorite-barite-quartz”, occurring after two dissolution or karstification events that affect the carbonate phases in host-rocks. During the dissolution event, the fluid is enriched in calcium and plays a key role for the fluorite mineralization. The microthermometric study of fluid inclusions in geodic fluorite crystals shows CaCl₂-rich fluids with temperature around 80-100°C, with sporadic higher temperatures. All these data has been confronted to the thermal history of southeastern part of Paris Basin and allows to evoke deep ascendant hydrothermal brine circulation during the Early Cretaceous at the basement/basin unconformity. The meteoritic origin of fluid is determined by the oxygen isotopic compositions in the quartz stages. The implication of basement source has been demonstrated by the radiogenic lead isotopic compositions added to the study of major minerals in basement with the involvement of biotite as a potential source of fluor. During the Early Cretaceous, it is proposed that flows of meteoric waters percolated downwards to depths of 2-5 km, driven by a hydraulic gradient due to the flexural deformation of the Paris Basin. The carbonate dissolution by the fluor-bearing ascendant hydrothermal fluids will allows the deposition of fluorite mineralization during the Ca enrichment of fluids in the basin at the basement/cover unconformity.En France, des minéralisations stratiformes de fluorine spatialement liées à une discordance socle/couverture sont localisées à la base de la série sédimentaire mésozoïque du bassin de Paris autour du Morvan cristallin, avec des réserves estimées à environ 5.5 Mt de fluorine. Ce travail concerne principalement quatre gisements de fluorine développés au sein de grès/conglomérats à Antully, de calcaires à Courcelles-Frémoy et de dolomies à Pierre-Perthuis et Marigny-sur-Yonne. L’objectif est d’apporter des contraintes sur l’âge et l’origine de ces minéralisations à l’aide d’une approche pluri-disciplinaire combinant géochronologie, pétrographie, géochimie élémentaire et isotopique afin d’élaborer un modèle métallogénique. Une première étude géochronologique permet de déterminer l’âge de mise en place des minéralisations de la génération géodique de fluorine de Pierre-Perthuis à 130 ± 15 Ma. L’élaboration d’une paragenèse générale détaillée révèle deux séquences minérales de type « fluorine-barytine-quartz », précédées par un événement de dissolution/karstification affectant les phases carbonatées des roches encaissantes. Au cours de ces phases de dissolution, le fluide s’enrichit en calcium et joue un rôle majeur pour la minéralisation en fluorine. Une étude microthermométrique des inclusions fluides piégées dans les cristaux géodiques de fluorine montre la présence de fluides particulièrement riches en CaCl₂ avec des températures entre 80-100°C, et des températures ponctuellement plus élevées. L’ensemble de ces données a été confronté à l’histoire thermique du sud-est du bassin de Paris et permet d’évoquer une remontée de fluides hydrothermaux au Crétacé inférieur jusqu’à la discontinuité entre le socle et la base du bassin sédimentaire. L’origine météorique de l’eau a été identifiée par les isotopes stables de l’oxygène sur les générations de quartz. L’implication d’une source granitique a été démontrée par les rapports isotopiques ²⁰⁶Pb/²⁰⁴Pb très radiogéniques dans la galène et l’étude des minéraux constituants du socle granitique, avec l’implication de la biotite en tant que source potentielle du fluor. Au cours du Crétacé inférieur, le soulèvement des bordures du bassin de Paris génère un gradient hydraulique susceptible de provoquer la mise en charge de fluides météoriques dans les massifs cristallins, percolant à travers le socle en profondeur (2 à 5 km). La dissolution des carbonates par les fluides ascendants hydrothermaux contenant du fluor va permettre la formation de la fluorine au cours de l’enrichissement du fluide en calcium dans le bassin au niveau de la discontinuité socle/couverture

    Potentiating vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy through CSF-1R modulation of myeloid cells in a preclinical model of prostate cancer

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    Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) induces rapid destruction of targeted tissues and is a promising therapy for prostate cancer. However, the resulting immune response, which may play an important role in either potentiating or blunting the effects of VTP, is still incompletely understood. Myeloid cells such as myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and macrophages are often found in tumors and are widely reported to be associated with cancer angiogenesis, tissue remodeling, and immunosuppression. These cells are also known to play a critical role in wound-healing, which is induced by rapid tissue destruction. In this study, we investigated the effects of VTP on the recruitment of tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells, specifically MDSCs and tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), in the Myc-Cap and TRAMP C2 murine prostate cancer models. We report that VTP increased the infiltration of myeloid cells into the tumors, as well as their expression of CSF1R, a receptor required for myeloid differentiation, proliferation, and tumor migration. As anti-CSF1R treatment has previously been used to deplete these cells types in other murine models of prostate cancer, we hypothesized that combining anti-CSF1R with VTP therapy would lead to decreased tumor regrowth and improved survival. Importantly, we found that targeting myeloid cells using anti-CSF1R in combination with VTP therapy decreased the number of tumor MDSCs and TAMs, especially M2 macrophages, as well as increased CD8 T cell infiltration, decreased tumor growth and improved overall survival. These results suggest that targeting myeloid cells via CSF1R targeting is a promising strategy to potentiate the anti-tumor effects of VTP

    Charged extracellular residues, conserved throughout a G-protein-coupled receptor family, are required for ligand binding, receptor activation, and cell-surface expression

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    For G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in general, the roles of extracellular residues are not well defined compared with residues in transmembrane helices (TMs). Nevertheless, extracellular residues are important for various functions in both peptide-GPCRs and amine-GPCRs. In this study, the V1a vasopressin receptor was used to systematically investigate the role of extracellular charged residues that are highly conserved throughout a subfamily of peptide-GPCRs, using a combination of mutagenesis and molecular modeling. Of the 13 conserved charged residues identified in the extracellular loops (ECLs), Arg116 (ECL1), Arg125 (top of TMIII), and Asp204 (ECL2) are important for agonist binding and/or receptor activation. Molecular modeling revealed that Arg125 (and Lys 125) stabilizes TMIII by interacting with lipid head groups. Charge reversal (Asp125) caused re-ordering of the lipids, altered helical packing, and increased solvent penetration of the TM bundle. Interestingly, a negative charge is excluded at this locus in peptide-GPCRs, whereas a positive charge is excluded in amine-GPCRs. This contrasting conserved charge may reflect differences in GPCR binding modes between peptides and amines, with amines needing to access a binding site crevice within the receptor TM bundle, whereas the binding site of peptide-GPCRs includes more extracellular domains. A conserved negative charge at residue 204 (ECL2), juxtaposed to the highly conserved disulfide bond, was essential for agonist binding and signaling. Asp204 (and Glu204) establishes TMIII contacts required for maintaining the α-hairpin fold of ECL2, which if broken (Ala204 or Arg204) resulted in ECL2 unfolding and receptor dysfunction. This study provides mechanistic insight into the roles of conserved extracellular residues

    Correlacion clinico-histologica de pulpas de dientes con enfermedad periodontal cronica moderada-avanzada y coronas indemnes.

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    63 p.Con el propósito de determinar el estado histológico pulpar, en dientes con enfermedad periodontal crónica moderada-avanzada, y su relación con tests clínicos de vitalidad pulpar, se recolectaron un total de 13 dientes humanos unirradiculares, los cuales debían presentar diagnóstico de E.P.C.M. ( N.I. entre 5 y 7 mm.) o E.P.C.A. ( N.I. mayor a 7 mm.), indicación de extracción e indemnidad coronaria, o sea, clínica y radiográficamente libres de caries, restauraciones y lesiones cervicales. Las muestras se obtuvieron, de pacientes entre 40 y 65 años de edad, sin antecedentes de enfermedades sistémicas ni traumatismo dentoalveolar. Previo a la exodoncia, se determino el estado clínico de cada pieza dentaria, mediante la aplicación de tests de vitalidad pulpar térmicos (frío y calor) y eléctricos, y se evaluó además su estado periodontal. Una vez extraídas las piezas dentarias, procedió cortar el ápice a 2 mm. de el, para luego fijar el tejido, en formalina al 10% por 48 horas. Luego fueron descalcificadas en ácido fórmico al 5% por 21 días, para que después de ser sometidas a técnica histológica corriente y teñidas con hematoxilina-eosina, identificar el estado histológico pulpar. De los dientes estudiados, se encontró que la totalidad de ellos, mantenían la vitalidad pulpar, además de presentar cambios como fibrosis, calcificaciones distróficas, cambios en la predentina y alteraciones de la capa odontoblástica. Tales cambios fueron más severos en los dientes con E.P.C.A., existiendo entonces, una correlación entre la severidad de la enfermedad periodontal y las alteraciones histológicas observadas. Se estableció además, que no existe una correlación entre el estado histológico pulpar y la respuesta pulpar a pruebas de vitalidad, en dientes con E.P.C.A., hecho que es contrario en dientes con E.P.C.M. Por esto, se concluye que los tests de vitalidad pulpar frío, calor y vitalómetro, no son buenos predictores del estado histológico pulpar, en dientes con E.P.C.A

    Targeted Magnetic Intra-Lysosomal Hyperthermia produces lysosomal reactive oxygen species and causes Caspase-1 dependent cell death

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    Therapeutic strategies using drugs which cause Lysosomal Cell Death have been proposed for eradication of resistant cancer cells. In this context, nanotherapy based on Magnetic Intra-Lysosomal Hyperthermia (MILH) generated by magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that are grafted with ligands of receptors overexpressed in tumors appears to be a very promising therapeutic option. However, mechanisms whereby MILH induces cell death are still elusive. Herein, using Gastrin-grafted MNPs specifically delivered to lysosomes of tumor cells from different cancers, we provide evidences that MILH causes cell death through a non-apoptotic signaling pathway. The mechanism of cell death involves a local temperature elevation at the nanoparticle periphery which enhances the production of reactive oxygen species through the lysosomal Fenton reaction. Subsequently, MILH induces lipid peroxidation, lysosomal membrane permeabilization and leakage of lysosomal enzymes into the cytosol, including Cathepsin-B which activates Caspase-1 but not apoptotic Caspase-3. These data highlight the clear potential of MILH for the eradication of tumors overexpressing receptors