172 research outputs found

    Coping Strategies of internal refugees in Baku, Azerbaijan, A qualitative study

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    Author: Jenny Geuken Title: Coping Strategies of internal refugees in Baku, Azerbaijan, A qualitative study Supervisor: Kristina Göransson Abstract This paper explores how internal refugees living in Baku, from the area of Nagorno-karabakh, have coped with trauma during the waiting period of returning to their home regions. Also including how they have dealt with the waiting period itself and not just their trauma. Results were reached using a qualitative research method in the form of interviewing 10 Internal refugees. The data was later analyzed through the transactional coping theory. All participants of the study used hope of returning to their home regions, helping- and talking to each other about their problems. Other coping strategies employed were patience, withdrawal, work and visiting graves. They have used both approach- and avoidant styles of coping. Avoidant styles of coping were more common in dealing with their trauma, while approach styles of coping was common in dealing with stressors of everyday life as a internal refugee. There were also differing attitudes towards the idea of receiving mental health services where the majority would not use them. Instead all internal refugees desired to return home

    Incorporating sufficient physical information into artificial neural networks: a guaranteed improvement via physics-based Rao-Blackwellization

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    The concept of Rao-Blackwellization is employed to improve predictions of artificial neural networks by physical information. The error norm and the proof of improvement are transferred from the original statistical concept to a deterministic one, using sufficient information on physics-based conditions. The proposed strategy is applied to material modeling and illustrated by examples of the identification of a yield function, elasto-plastic steel simulations, the identification of driving forces for quasi-brittle damage and rubber experiments. Sufficient physical information is employed, e.g., in the form of invariants, parameters of a minimization problem, dimensional analysis, isotropy and differentiability. It is proven how intuitive accretion of information can yield improvement if it is physically sufficient, but also how insufficient or superfluous information can cause impairment. Opportunities for the improvement of artificial neural networks are explored in terms of the training data set, the networks' structure and output filters. Even crude initial predictions are remarkably improved by reducing noise, overfitting and data requirements

    Optimizing artificial neural networks for mechanical problems by physics-based Rao-Blackwellization: example of a hyperelastic microsphere model

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    The Rao-Blackwell scheme provides an algorithm on how to implement sufficient information into statistical models and is adopted here to deterministic material modeling. Even crude initial predictions are improved significantly by Rao-Blackwellization, which is proven by an error inequality. This is first illustrated by an analytical example of hyperelasticity utilizing knowledge on principal stretches. Rao-Blackwellization improves a 1-d uniaxial strain-energy relation into a 3-d relation that resembles the classical micro-sphere approach. The presented scheme is moreover ideal for data-based approaches, because it supplements existing predictions with additional physical information. A second example hence illustrates the application of Rao-Blackwellization to an artificial neural network to improve its prediction on load paths, which were absent in the original training process

    Amperometric Self-Referencing Ceramic Based Microelectrode Arrays for D-Serine Detection

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    D-serine is the major D-amino acid in the mammalian central nervous system. As the dominant co-agonist of the endogenous synaptic NMDA receptor, D-serine plays a role in synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory. Alterations in D-serine are linked to neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia. Thus, it is of increasing interest to monitor the concentration of D-serine in vivo as a relevant player in dynamic neuron-glia network activity. Here we present a procedure for amperometric detection of D-serine with self-referencing ceramic-based microelectrode arrays (MEAs) coated with D-amino acid oxidase from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis (RgDAAO). We demonstrate in vitro D-serine recordings with a mean sensitivity of 8.61 ± 0.83 pA/µM to D-serine, a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.17 ± 0.01 µM, and a selectivity ratio of 80:1 or greater for D-serine over ascorbic acid (mean ± SEM; n = 12) that can be used for freely moving studies

    Feasibility of endometrial sampling by vaginal tampons in women with Lynch syndrome

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    Background: Endometrial sampling for the surveillance of women with Lynch syndrome is an invasive and painful procedure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a less invasive procedure of collecting vital cells by vaginal tampons. Methods: This was a prospective feasibility study of women scheduled to undergo annual gynecological surveillance, including endometrial sampling. We included consecutive asymptomatic women with Lynch syndrome or first-degree relatives and asked them to insert a vaginal tampon 2-4 h before attending their outpatient appointment. Feasibility was evaluated by the following metrics: Patient acceptance, pain intensity of each procedure (assessed by visual analog scale; range 0-10), and the presence of vital cells obtained by tampon-based or endometrial sampling methods. Two pathologists independently evaluated all samples. Results: In total, 25 of 32 approached women completed the tampon-based procedure, with 23 of these subsequently undergoing invasive endometrial sampling. The median visual analog scale scores for tampon use and invasive endometrial sampling were 0 (range, 0-10) and 5.5 (range, 1-10) (p < 0.001). None of the tampon samples analyzed by cytology showed endometrial cells, but they did contain vital squamous cells and granulocytes. By contrast, 18 (78%) of the invasive endometrial samples contained enough endometrial tissue for analysis. No endometrial abnormalities were found by endometrial sampling. Conclusions: Tampon-based endometrial surveillance was a well-accepted and non-painful procedure, and although tampons contained vital cells, they did not provide endometrial cells. However, this study was limited to asymptomatic women with Lynch syndrome (no endometrial pathology), indicating that research is needed to evaluate whether the tampon method has any utility for endometrial surveillance in women with Lynch syndrome

    The kynurenine pathway as a therapeutic target in cognitive and neurodegenerative disorders

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    Understanding the neurochemical basis for cognitive function is one of the major goals of neuroscience, with a potential impact on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of a range of psychiatric and neurological disorders. In this review, the focus will be on a biochemical pathway that remains under-recognised in its implications for brain function, even though it can be responsible for moderating the activity of two neurotransmitters fundamentally involved in cognition – glutamate and acetylcholine. Since this pathway – the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism - is induced by immunological activation and stress it also stands in an unique position to mediate the effects of environmental factors on cognition and behaviour. Targetting the pathway for new drug development could, therefore, be of value not only for the treatment of existing psychiatric conditions, but also for preventing the development of cognitive disorders in response to environmental pressures

    Priorities for future research on reducing and stopping psychiatric medicines using a James Lind Alliance priority setting partnership: The PROTECT study protocol [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: There is a growing number of service users looking to discontinue use of psychiatric medicines. Tapering is the recommended approach for reducing and/or discontinuing the use of psychiatric medicines. This involves gradually reducing the dose over time to minimise the potential for withdrawal symptoms. However, many uncertainties exist regarding the process of reducing and stopping psychiatric medicines. This study will use a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership to determine the Top 10 unanswered questions and uncertainties about reducing and stopping psychiatric medicines. Methods: The Priority Setting Partnership will be conducted using the James Lind Alliance methodology. It will involve seven stages: (i) creating an international Steering Group of representatives from key stakeholder groups that will include people with lived experience of taking and/or stopping psychiatric medicines, family members, carers/supporters and healthcare professionals, and identifying potential partners to support key activities (e.g. dissemination); (ii) gathering uncertainties about reducing and stopping psychiatric medicines from key stakeholders using an online survey; (iii) data processing and summarising the survey responses; (iv) checking the summary questions against existing evidence and verifying uncertainties; (v) shortlisting the questions using a second online survey; (vi) determining the Top 10 research questions through an online prioritisation workshop; (vii) disseminating results. Conclusions: This study will use a Priority Setting Partnership to generate a Top 10 list of research questions and uncertainties about reducing and stopping psychiatric medicines. This list will help to guide future research and deliver responsive and strategic allocation of research resources, with a view to ultimately improving the future health and well-being of individuals who are taking psychiatric medicines

    Heme Mediated STAT3 Activation in Severe Malaria

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    The mortality of severe malaria [cerebral malaria (CM), severe malaria anemia (SMA), acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)] remains high despite the availability associated with adequate treatments. Recent studies in our laboratory and others have revealed a hitherto unknown correlation between chemokine CXCL10/CXCR3, Heme/HO-1 and STAT3 and cerebral malaria severity and mortality. Although Heme/HO-1 and CXCL10/CXCR3 interactions are directly involved in the pathogenesis of CM and fatal disease, the mechanism dictating how Heme/HO-1 and CXCL10/CXCR3 are expressed and regulated under these conditions is still unknown. We therefore tested the hypothesis that these factors share common signaling pathways and may be mutually regulated.We first clarified the roles of Heme/HO-1, CXCL10/CXCR3 and STAT3 in CM pathogenesis utilizing a well established experimental cerebral malaria mouse (ECM, P. berghei ANKA) model. Then, we further determined the mechanisms how STAT3 regulates HO-1 and CXCL10 as well as mutual regulation among them in CRL-2581, a murine endothelial cell line.The results demonstrate that (1) STAT3 is activated by P. berghei ANKA (PBA) infection in vivo and Heme in vitro. (2) Heme up-regulates HO-1 and CXCL10 production through STAT3 pathway, and regulates CXCL10 at the transcriptional level in vitro. (3) HO-1 transcription is positively regulated by CXCL10. (4) HO-1 regulates STAT3 signaling.Our data indicate that Heme/HO-1, CXCL10/CXCR3 and STAT3 molecules as well as related signaling pathways play very important roles in the pathogenesis of severe malaria. We conclude that these factors are mutually regulated and provide new opportunities to develop potential novel therapeutic targets that could be used to supplement traditional prophylactics and treatments for malaria and improve clinical outcomes while reducing malaria mortality. Our ultimate goal is to develop novel therapies targeting Heme or CXCL10-related biological signaling molecules associated with development of fatal malaria

    Molecular changes in hepatobiliary function and injury after human liver transplantation

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    De lever vervult een belangrijke rol in de stofwisseling van het lichaam. De lever betsaat uit diverse celtypen die elk hun eigen functie hebben. De hepatocyten zijn het meest frequent voorkomende celtype in de lever. Ongeveer 80% van de cellen in de lever zijn hepatocyten. Hepatocyten zijn gepolariseerde cellen. Dit wil zeggen dat een deel van de hepatocytenmembraan grenst aan een bloedvat (sinusoidale of basolaterale membraan) en het andere deel van de hepatocytenmembraan grenst aan de galwegen (apicale of canaliculaire membraan). De hepatocyten vervullen een aantal belangrijke functies waaronder (i) de stofwisseling van koolhydraten, vetten, eiwitten en hormonen en (ii) de vorming van gal. Galsynthese is noodzakelijk voor een efficiënte vertering en absorptie van vetten en in vet oplosbare vitaminen (vitaminen A, D, E en K) in de darm. Verder komen er via de gal diverse lichaamsvreemde producten (onder andere medicijnen) en lichaamseigen afvalstoffen (waaronder bilirubine) in de darm terecht zodat deze overbodige stoffen uit het lichaam kunnen worden verwijderd. Zie: Samenvatting
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