221 research outputs found

    Traumatic bilateral dissection of cervical internal carotid artery in the wake of a car accident: A case report

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    Background Bilateral carotid artery dissection secondary to severe trauma is rare and can be potentially life -threatening if not diagnosed and treated properly. Case Presentation We report a 29-year-old female who was admitted to the emergency department after a car accident. The patient was conscious at the time of admission and presented with an initial Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 15 presenting normal vital signs. The patient developed motor dysphasia with right upper limb paresis a few hours after the admission. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a bilateral cervical internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusion in addition to left frontal lobe infarct in a subacute phase. Medical management was successful and the patient was discharged from the hospital two weeks after the admission. Discussion Noninvasive vascular imagining modalities are merging as the gold standard in the early detection of carotid artery dissection (CAD). Typical pathognomonic findings on MRI include double lumen and intimal flap. The management with systemic anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy is aimed to prevent the development of ischemic stroke. In case of medical therapy being ineffective or in case of complication or any disorders suffered by a patient, endovascular treatment is performed. Conclusion With early detection and proper management, traumatic dissection of cervical carotid artery can have a benign outcome. As for the current patient, medical treatment with anticoagulation was sufficient and surgical management was therefore not required. Improvement in the patients’ speech was observed; nevertheless the continuation of speech therapy was indicated

    Predictors of intracranial cerebral artery stenosis in patients before cardiac surgery and its impact on perioperative and long-term stroke risk

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    Background The aim of this prospective study was to determine the prevalence of stenosis within intracranial and extracranial arteries in patients before coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG), to evaluate the influence of intracranial artery stenosis on neurological outcome and to identify preoperative risk factors for these patients. Methods One hundred and seventy-five patients (71% males, mean age=66.1) scheduled for CABG were enrolled for extracranial Doppler duplex sonography, transcranial color-coded duplex sonography (TCCS) and transcranial Doppler (TCD) examination. Results Twenty-six patients (14.7%) had extracranial stenosis or occlusion and 13 patients (7.3%) intracranial vascular disease. Six patients (3.5%) had both extra- and intracranial artery disease. The presence of peripheral artery disease and diabetes mellitus was a strong risk factor for extracranial artery stenosis but not for intracranial artery stenosis, which occurred independently also of typical atherosclerotic risk factors like age >70, male sex, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperhomocysteinemia, smoking habit, obesity (BMI>30) and waist to hip ratio >1. Functional neurological outcome of the patients with intracranial arterial disease evaluated 7 days after CABG was the same as the patients without extra- and intracranial stenosis. However, 12-months neurological follow-up revealed significantly more ischemic strokes in patients with intracranial artery stenosis compared to patients without intracranial stenosis (p=0.015). Conclusion The occurrence of intracranial artery stenosis in CABG patients cannot be predicted by well-known atherosclerotic risk factors and seems not to be associated with perioperative stroke

    How do xanthophylls protect lipid membranes from oxidative damage?

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    Here, we address the problem of the antioxidant activity of carotenoids in biomembranes. The activity of lutein and zeaxanthin in the quenching of singlet oxygen generated by photosensitization was monitored in lipid vesicles using a singlet oxygen-sensitive fluorescent probe and with the application of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. The antioxidant activity of xanthophylls was interpreted on the basis of electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry results showing that xanthophylls constitute a barrier to the penetration of molecular oxygen into lipid membranes: to a greater extent in the 13-cis configuration than in all-trans. These results are discussed in relation to the trans-cis photoisomerization of xanthophylls observed in the human retina. It can be concluded that photoisomerization of xanthophylls is a regulatory mechanism that is important for both the modulation of light filtration through the macula and photoprotection by quenching singlet oxygen and creating a barrier to oxygen permeation to membranes

    Quantitative characterization of fluorophores in multi-component nanoprobes by single-molecule fluorescence

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    Multi-modal nanoparticles incorporating fluorophores are increasingly being used for medical applications. The number of fluorophores incorporated into the nanoparticles during synthesis is stochastic, leaving some nanoparticles devoid of fluorophores. Determining the number, the brightness and the photostability of the fluorophores incorporated, and the percentage of labeled nanoparticles (labeling efficiency) remains challenging. We have determined the aforementioned quantities for two synthesized multi-modal nanoparticles by exploiting the photobleaching of fluorophores at the single-molecule level using a total internal reflection fluorescence microscope. Labeling efficiency was determined by fitting the distribution of incorporated fluorophores with a statistical model and verified by independent experiments

    Light-induced formation of dimeric LHCII

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    It emerges from numerous experiments that LHCII, the major photosynthetic antenna complex of plants, can appear not only in the trimeric or monomeric states but also as a dimer. We address the problem whether the dimeric form of the complex is just a simple intermediate element of the trimer–monomer transformation or if it can also be a physiologically relevant molecular organization form? Dimers of LHCII were analyzed with application of native electrophoresis, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The results reveal the appearance of two types of LHCII dimers: one formed by the dissociation of one monomer from the trimeric structure and the other formed by association of monomers into a distinctively different molecular organizational form, characterized by a high rate of chlorophyll excitation quenching. The hypothetical structure of such an energy quencher is proposed. The high light-induced LHCII dimerization is discussed as a potential element of the photoprotective response in plants

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms as predictors of treatment efficacy and adverse effects of morphine in palliative medicine — a literature review

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    Introduction: Pain has a significant negative impact on the quality of life of cancer patients and implies numerous clinical consequences. Moderate to severe pain is common in patients receiving palliative care. A major issue is the individual variability resulting in different degrees of response to the analgesic effects of opioids, including morphine, and to the occurrence of their adverse effects. According to one of the theories of pharmacogenomics, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with opioid metabolism. Material and methods: A literature review of the PubMed database identified 18 scientific articles concerning SNPs that affect the analgesic effects and adverse effects of morphine or other opioids, per morphine equivalent, from which additional 22 scientific articles were retrieved. Results: The review identified SNPs in the genes OPRM1 A118G, COMT rs4680, ABCB1 C3435T, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-⍺, TAOK3, HTR3B, UGT1A1/UGT1A8 and OPRM1 Arg181Cys, which were found to affect both the occurrence of potential adverse effects and the different demand in palliative care patients for a dose of morphine that will effectively relieve pain. SNPs were found to significantly affect morphine metabolism; the determination of this effect is individual-based. Most studies were conducted in small groups of individuals from ethnically diverse populations, which, if mutations are present, may significantly affect the efficacy of opioid-related SNP assays and the response of patients to the analgesic treatment administered. Conclusions: Findings raise the prospect of the use of SNPs in clinical practice as part of personalised medicine in the future.Ból nowotworowy ma poważny wpływ na jakość życia chorych i implikuje liczne kliniczne konsekwencje. Ból w stopniu od umiarkowanego do ciężkiego doświadcza większość pacjentów medycyny paliatywnej. Problem stanowi zmienność osobnicza powodująca różny stopień odpowiedzi na działanie przeciwbólowe opioidów, w tym morfiny i na wystąpienie ich efektów ubocznych. Jedną z teorii farmakogenomicznych mających na celu wyjaśnienie zmienności są polimorfizmy pojedynczych nukleotydów (SNP – single nucleotide polymorphisms) związane z metabolizmem opioidów. Przegląd literatury przeprowadzony w bazie PubMed zidentyfikował 16 artykułów naukowych dotyczących SNP wpływających na działanie przeciwbólowe i działania niepożądane morfiny bądź innych opioidów z przeliczeniem na ekwiwalent morfiny, z których dodatkowo pozyskano 22 istotne dla przeglądu artykuły naukowe. W przeglądzie zidentyfikowano SNP w genach OPRM1 A118G, COMT rs4680, ABCB1 C3435T, IL-6, IL-8, TNF⍺, TAOK3, HTR3B, UGT1A1/UGT1A8, a także OPRM1 Arg181Cys, które wykazały wpływ na zróżnicowane zapotrzebowanie pacjentów paliatywnych na dawkę morfiny skutecznie kontrolującej ból oraz na wystąpienie potencjalnych działań niepożądanych. Wykazano, że SNP istotnie wpływa na metabolizm morfiny. Określenie tego wpływu jest zależne osobniczo. W przeprowadzonej analizie większość badań opierała się na niewielkich liczebnie grupach pacjentów z różnorodnych etnicznie populacji, co w przypadku występowania mutacji może mieć istotny wpływ na skuteczność oznaczania SNP związanych z opioidami i na odpowiedź pacjentów na zastosowane leczenie przeciwbólowe. Liczba dostępnych dowodów naukowych w literaturze daje nadzieję na wykorzystanie SNP w praktyce klinicznej w przyszłości jako element medycyny spersonalizowanej