183 research outputs found

    Comparison of hybrid and native iOS mobile application development technologies

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    Mobile applications dedicated to iOS can be developed natively or hybrid. The subject of this paper is to compare these technologies on the example of a created mobile application. The performance of both technologies, the structure of projects, as well as resource consumption on the example of four smartphones operating under iOS, has been examined. Considering the performance analysis, the compilation time of the application, reading and writing data from the cloud database, as well as the time of sorting the read data was examined. On the test devices, it was checked how intense is the use of the system. The obtained results confirm that producing a mobile application in native technology is more perfor- mance efficient

    Dendrimer Structure Diversity and Tailorability as a Way to Fight Infectious Diseases

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    Dendrimers represent a distinct class of polymers—highly branched and uniform, with a relatively small size when compared to their mass. They are composed of the core, from which branched polymeric dendrons diverge and they are end‐capped with selected terminal groups. Recently, dendrimers have attracted considerable attention from medicinal chemists, mostly due to their well‐defined and easy‐to‐modify structure. This chapter aims to compile dendrimer applications and activities especially for prevention and fighting off infections caused by bacteria and fungi, viruses, and parasites/protozoa. Our goal in this review is to discuss selected modifications of dendrimers of potential value for pharmaceutical chemistry

    The activity of human telomerase in the cells of acute leukaemias

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    Telomeres are the end fragments of chromosomes formed by a number of non-coding double-stranded TTAGGG repeats in vertebrates. During cell division the number of repeats decreases, leading to cell senescence or apoptosis. In immortal cells, including cancer cells, the telomere length is stable and maintained by, among other factors, telomerase. The aim of the study is to compare telomerase activity in normal lymphocytes and in leukaemic cells. Samples of acute leukaemia cells, HL 60 cell line and the lymphocytes of healthy volunteers were examined. Telomerase analysis was performed using TeloTAGGG Telomerase PCR ELISAplus (Roche). The relative telomerase activities (RTA) in leukaemic and normal cells were analysed. A high level of RTA was observed in leukaemic cells

    Immunodetection of pectic epitopes, arabinogalactan proteins, and extensins in mucilage cells from the ovules of "Pilosella officinarum" Vaill. and "Taraxacum officinale" agg. (Asteraceae)

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    The main aim of this study was to compare the cytological difference between ovular mucilage cells in two Asteraceae species - Pilosella officinarum and Taraxacum officinale - in order to determine whether pectic epitopes, arabinogalactan proteins, or extensins are present. The immunocytochemical technique was used. Both the Taracacum and Pilosella genera have been used recently as models for understanding the mechanisms of apomixis. Knowledge of the presence of signal molecules (pectic epitopes, arabinogalactan proteins, and extensins) can help better understand the developmental processes in these plants during seed growth. The results showed that in Pilosella officinarum, there was an accumulation of pectins in the mucilage, including both weakly and highly esterified pectins, which was in contrast to the mucilage of Taraxacum officinale, which had low amounts of these pectins. However, Taraxacum protoplasts of mucilage cells were rich in weakly methyl-esterified pectins. While the mucilage contained arabinogalactan proteins in both of the studied species, the types of arabinogalactan proteins were different. In both of the studied species, extensins were recorded in the transmitting tissues. Arabinogalactan proteins as well as weakly and highly esterified pectins and extensins occurred in close proximity to calcium oxalate crystals in both Taraxacum and Pilosella cells

    Space Syntax w strukturze komunikacyjnej dzielnicy Kośminek w Lublinie

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    Urban structures are one of the most complicated forms designed ad used by people. Degree of their complexity due to internal communication and simplicity of movement from one point to another depends on various of factors and may be measured by various tools. One of that tool is Space Syntax method mainly based on measuring integration and connectivity in particular structure. This method was used to research a communication system in one of the Lublin’s district – Kośminek. Conclusions are coming down to specify streets in urban grid which have the highest factor of connectivity and integration value and comparison them in scattergrams.Układy urbanistyczne miast są jednymi z najbardziej złożonych struktur zaprojektowanych, wykonanych oraz użytkowanych przez człowieka, Stopień ich skomplikowania pod względem komunikacyjnym i łatwość przemieszczania się po nich jest zależna od wielu czynników i może być mierzona w różny sposób. Jednym z narzędzi parametrycznych umożliwiających badanie takich struktur jest metoda Space Syntax utworzona przez zespół naukowców z Bartlett University College London pod opieką Bill Hillier oraz Juliene Hanson. Do analizy wybrano fragment miasta Lublina położony pomiędzy ul. Męczenników Majdanka i ul. Władysława Kunickiego – dzielnicę Kośminek. Wykonano mapę osiową (ang. axial map) wybranego obszaru i poddano ją analizom przeprowadzonym przy użyciu programu Depthmap v. 0.3b. Współczynniki jakimi posłużono się aby poznać cechy układu urbanistycznego to współczynnik łączności (ang. Connectivity) i integralności (ang. Integration HH). Analizowany obszar i utworzone mapy osiowe podzielono na dwa etapy różniące się ilością uwzględnionych ulic pod względem ich przeznaczenia. Pierwszym etapem było utworzenie mapy osiowej z uwzględnieniem dostępnych ulic, drugim etapem było dodanie do istniejącej mapy wjazdów na posesje, dróg prywatnych oraz obszarów z ograniczeniami dla ruchu samochodowego. Wygenerowane zależności ukazane w formie schematów oraz zestawienia współczynników w diagramach rozproszenia posłużyły do odnalezienia problemów komunikacyjnych wybranego fragmentu. Metoda obliczeniowa Space Syntax umożliwia określenie wzajemnych powiązań przestrzeni pomiędzy obiektami kubaturowymi. Metoda ta jest stosowana nie tylko dla układów urbanistycznych ale również dla analiz rzutów budynków i wzajemnej korelacji ich pomieszczeń. Formułowane wnioski na temat organizacji danej struktury są zależne od synergii wielu współczynników wykorzystywanych dla jej określenia. Poprzez analizę diagramów rozproszenia pomiędzy zmiennymi Integration HH i Connectivity określono brak spójności przestrzeni w centrum wybranego obszaru, szczególnie ul. Długiej. Metoda Space Syntax jest stale rozwijana i ulepszana aby uzyskiwać coraz dokładniejsze wyniki a jej stosowanie i wykorzystywanie do analiz urbanistycznych może przyczynić się do rozwiązywania problemów komunikacyjnych w miastach

    Space Syntax w strukturze komunikacyjnej Lublina

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    Urban structures of the cities are one of the most complicated structures inthe whole world. It depends on many factors, that continuously change and develop them.Among many research tools which can be helpful in understanding urban structure designing,there is a Space Syntax method. This method of analyzing grid structures provides a lot of information about connectivity and integration of urban space as a research area. This method was used to perform an analysis of the urban tissue of the city of Lublin. Conclusions resulting from those analysis help identify weaknesses and problematic areas on urbanlayout of Lublin, especially related to integration and connectivity of streets and may be used as a basis for further research.Układy urbanistyczne miast są jednymi z najbardziej złożonych strukturna świecie zależnych od wielu czynników nieprzerwanie je tworzących i przekształcających.Wśród wielu narzędzi badawczych wykorzystywanych przy m.in. projektowaniustruktur miejskich istnieje metoda oparta na teorii Space Syntax. Metoda ta pozwala naprzeanalizowanie danej struktury pod względem wielu współczynników np.: integracji lubłączności przestrzeni jako obszaru badawczego. Do wykonania analiz przestrzennychwykorzystano tkankę miejską miasta Lublina. Wyniki badań pozwalają określić słabei problematyczne obszary układu miejskiego a także są wstępem do dalszych badań

    Risk Factors in Normal-Tension Glaucoma and High-Tension Glaucoma in relation to Polymorphisms of Endothelin-1 Gene and Endothelin-1 Receptor Type A Gene

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    The aim of the research is to analyse the influence of polymorphisms of endothelin-1 gene and endothelin-1 receptor type A gene on the clinical condition of patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Methods. 285 Polish patients took part in the research (160 normal-tension glaucoma and 125 high-tension glaucoma). DNA was isolated by standard methods and genotype distributions of four polymorphisms in genes encoding endothelin-1 (K198N) and endothelin-1 receptor type A polymorphisms (C1222T, C70G, and G231A) were determined. Genotype distributions were compared between NTG and HTG groups. The clinical condition of participants was examined for association with polymorphisms. Results. A similar frequency of occurrence of the polymorphic varieties of the studied genes was observed in patients with NTG and HTG. There is no relation between NTG risk factors and examined polymorphisms. NTG patients with TT genotype of K198N polymorphism presented with the lowest intraocular pressure in comparison to GG + GT genotype (p=0.03). In NTG patients with CC genotype of C1222T polymorphism (p=0.028) and GG of C70G polymorphism (p=0.03) the lowest values of mean blood pressure were observed. Conclusions. The studied polymorphic varieties (K198N, C1222T) do have an influence on intraocular pressure as well as arterial blood pressure in NTG patients

    Nurses and Pharmacists in Interdisciplinary Team of Health Care Providers in Photodynamic Therapy

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    Background: The modern treatment is based on wide cooperation between diverse representatives of medical professions. The photodynamic therapy is a noninvasive method of treatment both neoplastic diseases and miscellaneous noncancerous illnesses. It is complementary and competitive in some way to various traditional treatment techniques, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. This review emphasizes the significance of collaboration between specialists engaged in research, development, and practical use of photodynamic therapy