653 research outputs found

    Risk evaluations and condom use decisions of homeless youth: a multi-level qualitative investigation.

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    BackgroundHomeless youth are at higher risk for sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy than non-homeless youth. However, little is known about how they evaluate risk within the context of their sexual relationships. It is important to understand homeless youths' condom use decisions in light of their sexual relationships because condom use decisions are influenced by relationship dynamics in addition to individual attitudes and event circumstances. It is also important to understand how relationship level factors, sexual event circumstances, and individual characteristics compare and intersect.MethodsTo explore these issues, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 37 homeless youth in Los Angeles County in 2011 concerning their recent sexual relationships and analyzed the data using systematic methods of team-based qualitative data analysis.ResultsWe identified themes of risk-related evaluations and decisions at the relationship/partner, event, and individual level. We also identified three different risk profiles that emerged from analyzing how different levels of risk intersected across individual respondents. The three profiles included 1) Risk Takers, who consistently engage in risk and have low concern about consequences of risk behavior, 2) Risk Avoiders, who consistently show high concern about protection and consistently avoid risk, and 3) Risk Reactors, those who are inconsistent in their concerns about risk and protection and mainly take risks in reaction to relationship and event circumstances.ConclusionsInterventions targeting homeless youth should reflect multiple levels of risk behavior and evaluation in order to address the diversity of risk profiles. Relationship/partner-, event-, and individual-level factors are all important but have different levels of importance for different homeless youth. Interventions should be tailored to address the most important factor contributing to homeless youth reproductive needs

    Interaksi Trofik Jenis Serangga Di Atas Permukaan Tanah Dan Permukaan Tanah Beberapa Pertanaman Varietas Jagung (Zea Mays Linn.)

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    The aim of the reasearch was to know the tropic interaction of insect on the soil surface and above of soil surface for many varieties of corn (Zea mays Linn.) and index diversity value of insect of corn. The research was conducted in BBI of Tanjung Slamat and Agriculture Pest Laboratory in University of Sumatera Utara, Medan from November (2013) until March (2014). The insect trapped used yellow stiky trap and pitt fall trap. The result of the research showed that insects caught each consist of 9 ordo and 33 family. The highest relative density values in PRG NK603 (application of glyphosate) variety was 16.691% and the lowest was 0.681%. The highest relative density values in PRG NK603 variety was 16.363% and the lowest was 0.578%. The highest relative density values in C7 variety was 15.499 % and the lowest was 0.577 %. The highest relative density values in DK979 variety was 15.073 % and the lowest was 0.450 %. Shanon-Weiner (H') Index diversity value of insect in PRG NK603 (application of glyphosate) variety was 2.950309 (standart), in PRG NK603 was 3.006432 (stable), in C7 variety was 3.051692 (stable), and in DK979 variety was 3.082916 (stable)

    Pengaruh Kecepatan Rotor dan Konsentrasi Katalis pada Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Cpo dengan Reaksi Esterifikasi Menggunakan Sentrifugal Kontaktor

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    Fuel needed for diesel engines in Indonesia each year increased along with the number of industrial machinery and the amount of diesel vehicles engine. With limited oil reserves, it is necessary to look for alternative sources of energy. Centrifugal contactor technology is one of the alternative technology of biodiesel production is very likely to be developed. Therfore, we need a study of biodiesel production using palm oil feedstock and methanol as reagent and sulfuric acid as a catalyst by using the esterification reaction. And this study used centrifugal contractors as the main equipment, which is equipped with a heater, raw material tank, product tank and pumps. Fixed variables selected in this study is the reaction time of 120 minutes, the molar ratio of feed is 9:1, and 60 ° C operating temperature. While the manipulated variable is rotor speed (1200, 1800 and 2400 rpm), the concentration of sulfuric acid catalyst (5%, 10% and 15% v/v methanol). The results of the research that has been done is the characteristics of biodiesel produced in this study, the kinematic viscosity values from 2,41 to 2,51 mm2/s, density 858-863 kg/m3, and acid number 6,30 to 6,66 mg-KOH/g. The composition of the methyl ester obtained is 0,33% behenic metyl ester, 48,87% palmitic methyl ester and 50,80% oleic methyl ester. The best conversion is 56,03% at the optimum operating conditions with a catalyst concentration of sulfuric acid 10% v/v methanol and the rotor speed of 2400 rpm. Correlation of rotor speed on reaction rate constant is k = 0,0002Re(0,1928) . And the relationship of the catalyst concentration the reaction rate constant is k = 0,0055[Q] 0,089

    LNK (SH2B3): paradoxical effects in ovarian cancer.

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    LNK (SH2B3) is an adaptor protein studied extensively in normal and malignant hematopoietic cells. In these cells, it downregulates activated tyrosine kinases at the cell surface resulting in an antiproliferative effect. To date, no studies have examined activities of LNK in solid tumors. In this study, we found by in silico analysis and staining tissue arrays that the levels of LNK expression were elevated in high-grade ovarian cancer. To test the functional importance of this observation, LNK was either overexpressed or silenced in several ovarian cancer cell lines. Remarkably, overexpression of LNK rendered the cells resistant to death induced by either serum starvation or nutrient deprivation, and generated larger tumors using a murine xenograft model. In contrast, silencing of LNK decreased ovarian cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Western blot studies indicated that overexpression of LNK upregulated and extended the transduction of the mitogenic signal, whereas silencing of LNK produced the opposite effects. Furthermore, forced expression of LNK reduced cell size, inhibited cell migration and markedly enhanced cell adhesion. Liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy identified 14-3-3 as one of the LNK-binding partners. Our results suggest that in contrast to the findings in hematologic malignancies, the adaptor protein LNK acts as a positive signal transduction modulator in ovarian cancers

    The vertical distribution of ozone instantaneous radiative forcing from satellite and chemistry climate models

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    We evaluate the instantaneous radiative forcing (IRF) of tropospheric ozone predicted by four state-of-the-art global chemistry climate models (AM2-Chem, CAM-Chem, ECHAM5-MOZ, and GISS-PUCCINI) against ozone distribution observed from the NASA Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) during August 2006. The IRF is computed through the application of an observationally constrained instantaneous radiative forcing kernels (IRFK) to the difference between TES and model-predicted ozone. The IRFK represent the sensitivity of outgoing longwave radiation to the vertical and spatial distribution of ozone under all-sky condition. Through this technique, we find total tropospheric IRF biases from -0.4 to + 0.7 W/m(2) over large regions within the tropics and midlatitudes, due to ozone differences over the region in the lower and middle troposphere, enhanced by persistent bias in the upper troposphere-lower stratospheric region. The zonal mean biases also range from -30 to + 50 mW/m(2) for the models. However, the ensemble mean total tropospheric IRF bias is less than 0.2 W/m(2) within the entire troposphere

    Measurement of the 154Gd(n,γ) cross section and its astrophysical implications

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    The neutron capture cross section of 154Gd was measured from 1 eV to 300 keV in the experimental area located 185 m from the CERN n_TOF neutron spallation source, using a metallic sample of gadolinium, enriched to 67% in 154Gd. The capture measurement, performed with four C6D6 scintillation detectors, has been complemented by a transmission measurement performed at the GELINA time-of-flight facility (JRC-Geel), thus minimising the uncertainty related to sample composition. An accurate Maxwellian averaged capture cross section (MACS) was deduced over the temperature range of interest for s process nucleosynthesis modelling. We report a value of 880(50) mb for the MACS at kT = 30 keV, significantly lower compared to values available in literature. The new adopted 154Gd(n,γ ) cross section reduces the discrepancy between observed and calculated solar s-only isotopic abundances predicted by s-process nucleosynthesis models

    Rino-orbital-cerebral Mucormicosys in A Patient Type 1 Diabetic: A Case Report

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    Mucormycosis is an opportunistic andfrequently fulminating fungal infection causedby members of the family Mucoraceae, orderMucorales and class Zygomycetes which highly invasive and high mortality. Mucormycosis occurs in diabetic patients with poor blood glucose control. We reported a case of rhinocerebral mucormycosis in 20-year-old female patient with type 1 diabetes. The patient was treated for diabetic ketoacidosis and swollen symptoms in the left eye and out secretions from the left nose containing blackish spots. The probable diagnosis of rhinocerebral mucormycosis is made based on the results of direct examination and culture of nasal and palate tissue biopcywhich result suitable for Mucor sp. She was given systemic antifungal therapy with amphotericin B and symptoms of swelling of the left eye and secretions of the left nose with patches of blackness improved