127 research outputs found

    Development and testing of cabin sidewall acoustic resonators for the reduction of cabin tone levels in propfan-powered aircraft

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    The use of Helmholtz resonators to increase the sidewall transmission loss (TL) in aircraft cabin sidewalls is evaluated. Development, construction, and test of an aircraft cabin acoustic enclosure, built in support of the Propfan Test Assessment (PTA) program, is described. Laboratory and flight test results are discussed. Resonators (448) were located between the enclosure trim panels and the fuselage shell. In addition, 152 resonators were placed between the enclosure and aircraft floors. The 600 resonators were each tuned to a propfan fundamental blade passage frequency (235 Hz). After flight testing on the PTA aircraft, noise reduction (NR) tests were performed with the enclosure in the Kelly Johnson Research and Development Center Acoustics Laboratory. Broadband and tonal excitations were used in the laboratory. Tonal excitation simulated the propfan flight test excitation. The resonators increase the NR of the cabin walls around the resonance frequency of the resonator array. Increases in NR of up to 11 dB were measured. The effects of flanking, sidewall absorption, cabin absorption, resonator loading of trim panels, and panel vibrations are presented. Resonator and sidewall panel design and test are discussed

    Muscle parameters in fragility fracture risk prediction in older adults: A scoping review.

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    Half of osteoporotic fractures occur in patients with normal/osteopenic bone density or at intermediate or low estimated risk. Muscle measures have been shown to contribute to fracture risk independently of bone mineral density. The objectives were to review the measurements of muscle health (muscle mass/quantity/quality, strength and function) and their association with incident fragility fractures and to summarize their use in clinical practice. This scoping review follows the PRISMA-ScR guidelines for reporting. Our search strategy covered the three overreaching concepts of 'fragility fractures', 'muscle health assessment' and 'risk'. We retrieved 14 745 references from Medline Ovid SP, EMBASE, Web of Science Core Collection and Google Scholar. We included original and prospective studies on community-dwelling adults aged over 50 years that analysed an association between at least one muscle parameter and incident fragility fractures. We systematically extracted 17 items from each study, including methodology, general characteristics and results. Data were summarized in tables and graphically presented in adjusted forest plots. Sixty-seven articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In total, we studied 60 muscle parameters or indexes and 322 fracture risk ratios over 2.8 million person-years (MPY). The median (interquartile range) sample size was 1642 (921-5756), age 69.2 (63.5-73.6) years, follow-up 10.0 (4.4-12.0) years and number of incident fragility fractures 166 (88-277). A lower muscle mass was positively/not/negatively associated with incident fragility fracture in 28 (2.0), 64 (2.5) and 10 (0.2 MPY) analyses. A lower muscle strength was positively/not/negatively associated with fractures in 53 (1.3), 57 (1.7 MPY) and 0 analyses. A lower muscle function was positively/not/negatively associated in 63 (1.9), 45 (1.0 MPY) and 0 analyses. An in-depth analysis shows how each single muscle parameter was associated with each fragility fractures subtype. This review summarizes markers of muscle health and their association with fragility fractures. Measures of muscle strength and function appeared to perform better for fracture risk prediction. Of these, hand grip strength and gait speed are likely to be the most practical measures for inclusion in clinical practice, as in the evaluation of sarcopenia or in further fracture risk assessment scores. Measures of muscle mass did not appear to predict fragility fractures and might benefit from further research, on D3-creatine dilution test, lean mass indexes and artificial intelligence methods

    The antibiotic bedaquiline activates host macrophage innate immune resistance to bacterial infection

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    Antibiotics are widely used in the treatment of bacterial infections. Although known for their microbicidal activity, antibiotics may also interfere with the host's immune system. Here, we analyzed the effects of bedaquiline (BDQ), an inhibitor of the mycobacterial ATP synthase, on human macrophages. Genome-wide gene expression analysis revealed that BDQ reprogramed cells into potent bactericidal phagocytes. We found that 579 and 1,495 genes were respectively differentially expressed in naive- and M. tuberculosis-infected macrophages incubated with the drug, with an over-representation of lysosome-associated genes. BDQ treatment triggered a variety of antimicrobial defense mechanisms, including phagosome-lysosome fusion, and autophagy. These effects were associated with activation of transcription factor EB, involved in the transcription of lysosomal genes, resulting in enhanced intracellular killing of different bacterial species that were naturally insensitive to BDQ. Thus, BDQ could be used as a host-directed therapy against a wide range of bacterial infections

    Differential fine-tuning of gene expression regulation in coffee leaves by CcDREB1D promoter haplotypes under water deficit.

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    Despite the importance of the DREB1D gene (also known as CBF4) in plant responses to water deficit and cold stress, studies analysing its regulation by transgenic approaches are lacking. In the current work, a functional study of three CcDREB1D promoter haplotypes (named HP15, HP16 and HP17) isolated from drought-tolerant and droughtsensitive clones of Coffea canephora was carried out in plants of C. arabica stably transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens by analysing their ability to regulate the expression of the uidA reporter gene in response to water deficit mimicked by polyethylene glycol (−2.0 MPa) and low relative humidity treatments

    Effects of a single aerobic exercise session on body image

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    Background and Objectives Most research on the effects of exercise on body image has concentrated on the benefits of regular exercise. However, some research has indicated that exercise has an immediate impact on body image. The aims of this study were to investigate the immediate effects of aerobic exercise in a fitness class and the at-home environment on body image, and to examine the impact of nutritional status (i.e., normal weight vs. overweight/obesity) and exercise addiction on these changes. Method 322 Hungarian women participated in the study with two different environmental conditions, fitness class condition (N = 155) and at-home video condition (N = 167). They completed the Body Appreciation Scale and Exercise Addiction Inventory before and after a one-hour aerobic exercise session. Self-report data on weight, height and exercise frequency were also collected. Results There were no significant differences between the fitness class and video groups in terms of age, educational level, BMI, body appreciation, exercise frequency and exercise addiction. We found that 7.5% (N = 24) of the participants were at risk for exercise addiction. Aerobic exercise had a significant positive effect on body appreciation (t(321) = 7.564, p < .001) independently from environment and nutritional status. Exercise addiction moderated the relationship between exercise and body image, the at risk for exercise addiction group showed the greatest improvement (F(1) = 3.252, p = .040). Conclusion The results indicate that even a one-hour aerobic exercise session has a positive effect on body image; this has important practical implications for intervention strategies and weight-loss treatments. | Elméleti háttér és célkitűzés Bár a legtöbb kutatás a rendszeres testedzés testképre gyakorolt pozitív hatására fókuszál, néhány vizsgálat eredménye a testedzés testképre tett azonnali hatására hívja fel a figyelmet. Jelen tanulmány célja az aerobik edzés testképre gyakorolt azonnali hatásának vizsgálata fitnesztermi és otthoni edzési körülmények között, továbbá a tápláltsági állapot (normális testsúly vs. túlsúly/elhízás) és a testedzésfüggőség potenciális moderátor szerepének vizsgálata az edzés és a testkép alakulása közötti kapcsolatban. Módszer A vizsgálatba aerobikedzést folytató nőket vontunk be (n = 322). A résztvevők egyik része edzőteremben folytatta a testgyakorlást (n = 155), másik része otthon végzett aerobik testedzést, video vagy DVD segítségével (n = 167). Mérőeszközök önbeszámolóval nyert testtömeg és testmagasság, a testedzés gyakoriságára vonatkozó kérdés, Testértékelési Skála, Testedzés Addikció Kérdőív. Az adatfelvétel az egyórás testgyakorlást megelőzően és azt követően történt. Eredmények Nem találtunk szignifikáns különbséget az edzőteremben és az otthonukban aerobik edzést folytató nők között az életkor, az iskolai végzettség, a BMI, a testértékelés, a testedzés gyakorisága és a testedzésfüggőség tekintetében. A válaszadók 7,5%-a (n = 24) esetében jelenik meg a testedzésfüggőség kockázata. Az egyórás testedzés szignifikáns, kedvező hatást gyakorolt a testképre (t(321) = 7,564; p < 0,001), amely hatás a testgyakorlás helyszínétől (edzőterem vs. otthon) és a tápláltsági állapottól függetlennek bizonyult. A testedzésfüggőség azonban moderálta a testgyakorlás és a testkép változásának kapcsolatát: a testedzést követően a testedzésfüggőség szempontjából veszélyeztetett csoportban mutatkozott meg a legnagyobb mértékű, pozitív irányú változás a testkép tekintetében (F(1) = 3,252; p = 0,040). Következtetés Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy akár egy egyórás testgyakorlásnak is pozitív hatása lehet a testképre, amelynek jelentős gyakorlati implikációi vannak a testsúlycsökkentő kezelések szempontjából

    Faith-based Institutions as Venues for Obesity Prevention

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    Purpose of review: To critique the scope and value of recent studies with a focus on obesity-related health promotion in faith organizations. Recent findings: Electronic database searches, scanning of the reference lists of identified articles, and hand searching of journals for articles written in English and published in 2013-16, revealed 16 studies. Half of the studies involved African-Americans, in churches and with predominantly female participants. Research among other ethnic groups was more likely to be exploratory. All of the 11 studies reporting the impact of programs on weight-related measures showed favourable outcomes. However due to study limitations (small sample size; short duration; attrition), significant unbiased effects cannot yet be concluded for most of the interventions reviewed. Study strengths included application of theory in community engagement, and detailed description of cultural tailoring. Summary: Faith organizations show promise as settings for obesity prevention among high-risk groups, particularly African-Americans. Support for progressing formative work to adequately powered, randomized controlled trials is vital. Wider involvement of diverse faith settings, and targeting obesity in men and childhood, would be valuable developments

    Quantification of endogenous levels of IAA, IAAsp and IBA in micro-propagated shoots of hybrid chestnut pre-treated with IBA

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    Endogenous levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were measured during the first 8 d of in vitro rooting of rootstock from the chestnut ‘M3’ hybrid by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Rooting was induced either by dipping the basal ends of the shoots into a 4.92-mM IBA solution for 1 min or by sub-culturing the shoots on solid rooting medium supplemented with 14.8- μM IBA for 5 d. For root development, the induced shoots were transferred to auxin-free solid medium. Auxins were measured in the apical and basal parts of the shoots by means of HPLC. Endogenous levels of IAA and IAAsp were found to be greater in IBA-treated shoots than in control shoots. In extracts of the basal parts of the shoots, the concentration of free IAA showed a significant peak 2 d after either root inductive method and a subsequent gradual decrease for the remainder of the time course. The concentration of IAAsp peaked at day 6 in extracts of the basal parts of shoots induced with 14.8-μM IBA for 5 d, whereas shoots induced by dipping showed an initial increase until day 2 and then remained stable. In extracts from basal shoot portions induced by dipping, IBA concentration showed a transient peak at day 1 and a plateau between day 2 and 4, in contrast to the profile of shoots induced on auxin-containing medium, which showed a significant reduction between 4 and 6 d after transferred to auxin-free medium. All quantified auxins remained at a relatively low level, virtually constant, in extracts from apical shoot portions, as well as in extracts from control non-rooting shoots. In conclusion, the natural auxin IAA is the signal responsible for root induction, although it is driven by exogenous IBA independently of the adding conditions

    Snake Cytotoxins Bind to Membranes via Interactions with Phosphatidylserine Head Groups of Lipids

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    The major representatives of Elapidae snake venom, cytotoxins (CTs), share similar three-fingered fold and exert diverse range of biological activities against various cell types. CT-induced cell death starts from the membrane recognition process, whose molecular details remain unclear. It is known, however, that the presence of anionic lipids in cell membranes is one of the important factors determining CT-membrane binding. In this work, we therefore investigated specific interactions between one of the most abundant of such lipids, phosphatidylserine (PS), and CT 4 of Naja kaouthia using a combined, experimental and modeling, approach. It was shown that incorporation of PS into zwitterionic liposomes greatly increased the membrane-damaging activity of CT 4 measured by the release of the liposome-entrapped calcein fluorescent dye. The CT-induced leakage rate depends on the PS concentration with a maximum at approximately 20% PS. Interestingly, the effects observed for PS were much more pronounced than those measured for another anionic lipid, sulfatide. To delineate the potential PS binding sites on CT 4 and estimate their relative affinities, a series of computer simulations was performed for the systems containing the head group of PS and different spatial models of CT 4 in aqueous solution and in an implicit membrane. This was done using an original hybrid computational protocol implementing docking, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. As a result, at least three putative PS-binding sites with different affinities to PS molecule were delineated. Being located in different parts of the CT molecule, these anion-binding sites can potentially facilitate and modulate the multi-step process of the toxin insertion into lipid bilayers. This feature together with the diverse binding affinities of the sites to a wide variety of anionic targets on the membrane surface appears to be functionally meaningful and may adjust CT action against different types of cells

    Manipulation of Plant Defense Responses by the Tomato Psyllid (Bactericerca cockerelli) and Its Associated Endosymbiont Candidatus Liberibacter Psyllaurous

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    Some plant pathogens form obligate relationships with their insect vector and are vertically transmitted via eggs analogous to insect endosymbionts. Whether insect endosymbionts manipulate plant defenses to benefit their insect host remains unclear. The tomato psyllid, Bactericerca cockerelli (Sulc), vectors the endosymbiont “Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous” (Lps) during feeding on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Lps titer in psyllids varied relative to the psyllid developmental stage with younger psyllids harboring smaller Lps populations compared to older psyllids. In the present study, feeding by different life stages of B. cockerelli infected with Lps, resulted in distinct tomato transcript profiles. Feeding by young psyllid nymphs, with lower Lps levels, induced tomato genes regulated by jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) (Allene oxide synthase, Proteinase inhibitor 2, Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase 5, Pathogenesis-related protein 1) compared to feeding by older nymphs and adults, where higher Lps titers were found. In addition, inoculation of Lps without insect hosts suppressed accumulation of these defense transcripts. Collectively, these data suggest that the endosymbiont-like pathogen Lps manipulates plant signaling and defensive responses to benefit themselves and the success of their obligate insect vector on their host plant