500 research outputs found

    Long-term dynamics of flora of karst lakes: Changes and current state

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    Long-term observations of the rates and pattern of changes in flora and vegetation contribute to understanding of one of the most important contemporary global problems, the eutrophication of water bodies. In this study, using classical floristic methods, we attempt to determine (for a period of almost 80 years) the nature and possible causes of changes in the floristic composition of the lakes of karst origin, Velikoe and Parovoe (Pustinskaya lake-river system, the right bank of Nizhny Novgorod oblast). The paper shows that over a long period of observations a significant transformation of the vegetation cover has occurred in the lakes. The process was accompanied by the disappearance of a number of native species and appearance of others, including adventitious ones (for example, Elodea canadensis Michx., Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Stapf, Bidens frondosa L. and Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn.). The weak saturation of the flora with adventive species indicates that the reservoirs are subject to moderate anthropogenic transformation. This is also indicated by the presence of characteristic indicator species, for example, Najas minor All., Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br., Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. and Stratiotes aloides L. in the plant communities. In addition, the studied water bodies are subject to a further increase in the degree of eutrophication. This can be judged by scattered records of Potamogeton trichoides Cham. et Schlecht., the disappearance of a number of species (such as Elatine alsinastrum L. and Callitriche hermaphroditica L.), as well as the presence of a significant number of macrophyte indicators of the eutrophic state of water bodies. We suggest that a gradual increase in the trophicity of the studied water bodies is due to a combination of anthropogenic impact (water withdrawal for economic needs, recreational load), natural and climatic features of the region (alternation of high and low water periods) and the natural succession processes associated with the current fundamental changes in the conditions of the runoff formation in the Volga River basin. As a result of studies conducted by authors in 2014–2015, it has been shown that in general the taxonomic and ecological structures of the flora of both lakes are quite diverse and traditional for the territory and the European part of Russia. Meanwhile, the flora of these two reservoirs insignificantly differs in taxonomic composition, which is due to their individual morphometric characteristics, the physical and chemical properties of the aquatic environment, and the nature of the anthropogenic load. At the same time, the equilibrium balance of coastal and aquatic plants in the flora of Lake Parovoe (in contrast to Lake Velikoe) indicates a degree of successional stability of its floristic complex.Long-term observations of the rates and pattern of changes in flora and vegetation contribute to understanding of one of the most important contemporary global problems, the eutrophication of water bodies. In this study, using classical floristic methods, we attempt to determine (for a period of almost 80 years) the nature and possible causes of changes in the floristic composition of the lakes of karst origin, Velikoe and Parovoe (Pustinskaya lake-river system, the right bank of Nizhny Novgorod oblast). The paper shows that over a long period of observations a significant transformation of the vegetation cover has occurred in the lakes. The process was accompanied by the disappearance of a number of native species and appearance of others, including adventitious ones (for example, Elodea canadensis Michx., Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Stapf, Bidens frondosa L. and Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn.). The weak saturation of the flora with adventive species indicates that the reservoirs are subject to moderate anthropogenic transformation. This is also indicated by the presence of characteristic indicator species, for example, Najas minor All., Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br., Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. and Stratiotes aloides L. in the plant communities. In addition, the studied water bodies are subject to a further increase in the degree of eutrophication. This can be judged by scattered records of Potamogeton trichoides Cham. et Schlecht., the disappearance of a number of species (such as Elatine alsinastrum L. and Callitriche hermaphroditica L.), as well as the presence of a significant number of macrophyte indicators of the eutrophic state of water bodies. We suggest that a gradual increase in the trophicity of the studied water bodies is due to a combination of anthropogenic impact (water withdrawal for economic needs, recreational load), natural and climatic features of the region (alternation of high and low water periods) and the natural succession processes associated with the current fundamental changes in the conditions of the runoff formation in the Volga River basin. As a result of studies conducted by authors in 2014–2015, it has been shown that in general the taxonomic and ecological structures of the flora of both lakes are quite diverse and traditional for the territory and the European part of Russia. Meanwhile, the flora of these two reservoirs insignificantly differs in taxonomic composition, which is due to their individual morphometric characteristics, the physical and chemical properties of the aquatic environment, and the nature of the anthropogenic load. At the same time, the equilibrium balance of coastal and aquatic plants in the flora of Lake Parovoe (in contrast to Lake Velikoe) indicates a degree of successional stability of its floristic complex

    Influence of cobalt and molybdenum additives on the structure and shape memory parameters of reaction-sintered porous nickel titanium alloys

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    We have studied the structure and properties of porous nickel titanium (TiNi) alloys obtained upon reaction sintering of Ti and Ni powders with Co and Mo additives. It is established that Co and Mo doping additives retain the compaction of Ni powder achieved at the initial stage of sintering. The maximum deformation of porous samples loaded in the austenite state was observed upon adding Co, while the addition of Mo resulted in minimum deformation. The addition of Co leads to single-stage martensitic transformation in TiNi phase, while the addition of Mo leads to the two-stage transformation that is more homogeneous over the volume. Both Co and Mo additives lead to increase in the maximum accumulated strain due to the formation of favorably oriented stress-induced martensite and reoriented quench-induced martensite

    Флора карстовых озер государственного природного заказника «Пустынский» (Нижегородская область)

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    Pustynsky State Natural Reserve of Regional Importance (area 19,730 hectares) was established by decree of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod oblast on September 16, 2013. It is located in the Tyoshe-Seryozhinsky karst area of the Oka-Sura karst region or Seryozhe-Panskoy karst lake district. Its creation is justified by the need to protect the rare species of living organisms, diverse types of vegetation, unique landscapes and plant communities that are concentrated in this territory. Despite the fact that in 1934 on the shore of the Great Lake in the Staraya Pustyn village the biological station of the State University of Nizhny Novgorod was founded, local flora of the karst lakes which are linked into a single system by the channel of the River Seryozha, remains insufficiently studied. In 2014 and 2015 the authors conducted a study of the flora of the Pustynsky lake-river complex. The collection of material for study of the taxonomic composition of the flora of the reservoirs and the collection of herbarium material were carried out by the route method from a rowing boat and, in part, by traversing along the shore. Taxonomic, ecological (including the spectrum of life forms of plants) and ecobiomorphological analysis of the flora, including the analysis of the ratio of its latitudinal and longitude elements, was carried out in cameral conditions. The taxonomic analysis of flora showed 162 species of vascular plants from 61 genera and 42 families, 6 of these species – Najas minor All., N. major All., Trapa natans L., Potamogeton praelongus Wulf., P. trichoides Cham. et Schlecht. and Carex bohemica Schreb, being included in the List of Rare and Protected Species on the Territory of Nizhny Novgorod oblast. On the basis of the annotated list of plant species, taxonomic, geographic, ecological-coenotic and ecobiomorphological analysis of the flora of the water reservoirs was made. We confirmed that the flora of the lake-river complex is traditional for this territory. Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Polygonaceae and Asteraceae belong to the dominant families and Potamogeton L., Carex L., Juncus L. and Salix L. belong to the dominant genera of the Pustynsky lake-river system. The level of the hybrid component of the flora is extremely low, which is typical for the watershed lakes. We found that a 6.5 km stretch of the Seryozha River accounts for about 30% of species of the vascular plants belonging to the flora in the Volga River basin. The high species richness of the flora of this territory is due, primarily, to the specific features of the shoreline, forming a broad range of habitats and the relatively stable water level regime despite the strong fluctuation in the level of anthropogenic pressure. We found that boreal and plurizonal elements dominate zonally but Holarctic and Eurasian species – regionally. The predominance of species typical for the ecotone zones of lakes (hygrophytes, hydrophytes and mesophytes) is an integral feature of the ecological-coenotic diversity which is characteristic of the Volga River basin. According to the Raunkiaer classification of life forms, hemicryptophytes are the most numerous group and the hamephytes are the least numerous one. A biomorphological analysis shows the predominance of vegetative mobile, clearly polycentric and vegetative immobile monocentric ecobiomorphs. Государственный природный заказник регионального значения «Пустынский» площадью 19 730 га, образован постановлением правительства Нижегородской области от 16 сентября 2013 г., и расположен в Теше-Сережинском карстовом районе Окско-Сурской карстовой области или Сереже-Пьянском карстовом озерном районе. Его создание обосновано необходимостью охраны редких видов живых организмов, разнообразных типов растительности, уникальных ландшафтов и фитоценозов, сосредоточенных на данной территории. Несмотря на то, что уже в 1934 г. на берегу оз. Великое в с. Старая Пустынь образована биологическая станция Нижегородского государственного университета, флора местных озер карстового происхождения, связанных между собой в единую систему руслом р. Сережа, по-прежнему изучена недостаточно полно. В 2014 и 2015 годах авторами проведено исследование флоры Пустынского озерно-речного комплекса. Выявлен таксономический состав флоры сосудистых растений, насчитывающий 162 вида, из них 6 (Najas minor All., N. major All., Trapa natans L., Potamogeton praelongus Wulf., P. trichoides Cham. et Schlecht. и Carex bohemica Schreb) входят в перечень редких и особо охраняемых видов Нижегородской области. На основе представленного в работе аннотированного списка видов выполнен таксономический, географический, эколого-ценотический и экобиоморфологический анализ флоры водоемов. По таксономической и экологической структуре флора исследуемого озерно-речного комплекса традиционна для данной территории. Различия во флоре отдельных озер обусловлены разнообразием биотопов, степенью сохранности растительного покрова и характером антропогенной нагрузки. Особенностью озерно-речной системы является то, что на участке длиной 6,5 км сосредоточено около 30% таксонов сосудистых растений, входящих в состав флоры бассейна р. Волга.&nbsp

    "Flora of Russia" on iNaturalist: a dataset

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    The "Flora of Russia" project on iNaturalist brought together professional scientists and amateur naturalists from all over the country. Over 10,000 people were involved in the data collection. Within 20 months, the participants accumulated 750,143 photo observations of 6,857 species of the Russian flora. This constitutes the largest dataset of open spatial data on the country’s biodiversity and a leading source of data on the current state of the national flor

    DNA metabarcoding and spatial modelling link diet diversification with distribution homogeneity in European bats

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    Inferences of the interactions between species’ ecological niches and spatial distribution have been historically based on simple metrics such as low-resolution dietary breadth and range size, which might have impeded the identification of meaningful links between niche features and spatial patterns. We analysed the relationship between dietary niche breadth and spatial distribution features of European bats, by combining continent-wide DNA metabarcoding of faecal samples with species distribution modelling. Our results show that while range size is not correlated with dietary features of bats, the homogeneity of the spatial distribution of species exhibits a strong correlation with dietary breadth. We also found that dietary breadth is correlated with bats’ hunting flexibility. However, these two patterns only stand when the phylogenetic relations between prey are accounted for when measuring dietary breadth. Our results suggest that the capacity to exploit different prey types enables species to thrive in more distinct environments and therefore exhibit more homogeneous distributions within their rangesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resonant Visible Light Modulation with Graphene

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    Fast modulation and switching of light at visible and near-infrared (vis-NIR) frequencies is of utmost importance for optical signal processing and sensing technologies. No fundamental limit appears to prevent us from designing wavelength-sized devices capable of controlling the light phase and intensity at gigaherts (and even terahertz) speeds in those spectral ranges. However, this problem remains largely unsolved, despite recent advances in the use of quantum wells and phase-change materials for that purpose. Here, we explore an alternative solution based upon the remarkable electro-optical properties of graphene. In particular, we predict unity-order changes in the transmission and absorption of vis-NIR light produced upon electrical doping of graphene sheets coupled to realistically engineered optical cavities. The light intensity is enhanced at the graphene plane, and so is its absorption, which can be switched and modulated via Pauli blocking through varying the level of doping. Specifically, we explore dielectric planar cavities operating under either tunneling or Fabry-Perot resonant transmission conditions, as well as Mie modes in silicon nanospheres and lattice resonances in metal particle arrays. Our simulations reveal absolute variations in transmission exceeding 90% as well as an extinction ratio >15 dB with small insertion losses using feasible material parameters, thus supporting the application of graphene in fast electro-optics at vis-NIR frequencies.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 54 reference

    Production of Medical Radioisotopes with High Specific Activity in Photonuclear Reactions with γ\gamma Beams of High Intensity and Large Brilliance

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    We study the production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine in (γ,xn+yp)(\gamma,x{\rm n}+y{\rm p}) photonuclear reactions or (γ,γ\gamma,\gamma') photoexcitation reactions with high flux [(1013101510^{13}-10^{15})γ\gamma/s], small diameter (100μ\sim (100 \, \mum)2)^2 and small band width (ΔE/E103104\Delta E/E \approx 10^{-3}-10^{-4}) γ\gamma beams produced by Compton back-scattering of laser light from relativistic brilliant electron beams. We compare them to (ion,xxn+y + yp) reactions with (ion=p,d,α\alpha) from particle accelerators like cyclotrons and (n,γ\gamma) or (n,f) reactions from nuclear reactors. For photonuclear reactions with a narrow γ\gamma beam the energy deposition in the target can be managed by using a stack of thin target foils or wires, hence avoiding direct stopping of the Compton and pair electrons (positrons). (γ,γ)(\gamma,\gamma') isomer production via specially selected γ\gamma cascades allows to produce high specific activity in multiple excitations, where no back-pumping of the isomer to the ground state occurs. We discuss in detail many specific radioisotopes for diagnostics and therapy applications. Photonuclear reactions with γ\gamma beams allow to produce certain radioisotopes, e.g. 47^{47}Sc, 44^{44}Ti, 67^{67}Cu, 103^{103}Pd, 117m^{117m}Sn, 169^{169}Er, 195m^{195m}Pt or 225^{225}Ac, with higher specific activity and/or more economically than with classical methods. This will open the way for completely new clinical applications of radioisotopes. For example 195m^{195m}Pt could be used to verify the patient's response to chemotherapy with platinum compounds before a complete treatment is performed. Also innovative isotopes like 47^{47}Sc, 67^{67}Cu and 225^{225}Ac could be produced for the first time in sufficient quantities for large-scale application in targeted radionuclide therapy.Comment: submitted to Appl. Phys.

    Status of ART-XC/SRG Instrument

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    Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) is an X-ray astrophysical observatory, developed by Russia in collaboration with Germany. The mission will be launched in March 2016 from Baikonur, by a Zenit rocket with a Fregat booster and placed in a 6-month-period halo orbit around L2. The scientific payload consists of two independent telescopes - a soft-x-ray survey instrument, eROSITA, being provided by Germany and a medium-x-ray-energy survey instrument ART-XC being developed by Russia. ART-XC will consist of seven independent, but co-aligned, telescope modules. The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is fabricating the flight mirror modules for the ART-XC/SRG. Each mirror module will be aligned with a focal plane CdTe double-sided strip detectors which will operate over the energy range of 6-30 keV, with an angular resolution of less than 1, a field of view of approximately 34 and an expected energy resolution of about 10 percent at 14 keV

    Fusion dual-tracer SPECT-based hepatic dosimetry predicts outcome after radioembolization for a wide range of tumour cell types

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    Purpose Fusion dual-tracer SPECT imaging enables physiological rather than morphological voxel-based partitioning and dosimetry for Y-90 hepatic radioembolization (RE). We evaluated its prognostic value in a large heterogeneous cohort of patients with extensive hepatic malignancy. Methods A total of 122 patients with primary or secondary liver malignancy (18 different cell types) underwent SPECT imaging after intraarterial injection of Tc-99m macroaggregated albumin (TcMAA) as a simulation of subsequent Y-90 microsphere distribution, followed by administration of an excess of intravenous Tc-99m-labelled sulphur colloid (TcSC) as a biomarker for functional liver, and a second SPECT scan. TcMAA distribution was used to estimate Y-90 radiation absorbed dose in tumour (D (T)) and in functional liver. Laboratory and clinical follow-up were recorded for 12 weeks after RE, and radiographic responses according to (m)RECIST were evaluated at 3 and 6 months. Dose-response relationships were determined for efficacy and toxicity. Results Patients were treated with a median of 1.73 GBq activity of resin microspheres (98 patients) or glass microspheres (24 patients), in a whole-liver approach (97 patients) or a lobar approach (25 patients). The objective response rate was 41 % at 3 months and 48 % at 6 months. Response was correlated with D (T) (P <0.01). Median overall survival was 10.1 months (95 % confidence interval 7.4 - 12.8 months). Responders lived for 36.0 months compared to 8.7 months for nonresponders (P <0.01). Stratified for tumour cell type, D (T) was independently associated with survival (P <0.01). Absorbed dose in functional liver was correlated with toxicity grade change (P <0.05) and RE-induced liver disease (P <0.05). Conclusion Fusion dual-tracer SPECT imaging offers a physiology-based functional imaging tool to predict efficacy and toxicity of RE. This technique can be refined to define dosing thresholds for specific tumour types and treatments, but appears generally predictive even in a heterogeneous cohort