73 research outputs found

    The long journey of Orthotrichum shevockii (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida): From California to Macaronesia

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Biogeography, systematics and taxonomy are complementary scientific disciplines. To understand a species' origin, migration routes, distribution and evolutionary history, it is first necessary to establish its taxonomic boundaries. Here, we use an integrative approach that takes advantage of complementary disciplines to resolve an intriguing scientific question. Populations of an unknown moss found in the Canary Islands (Tenerife Island) resembled two different Californian endemic species: Orthotrichum shevockii and O. kellmanii. To determine whether this moss belongs to either of these species and, if so, to explain its presence on this distant oceanic island, we combined the evaluation of morphological qualitative characters, statistical morphometric analyses of quantitative traits, and molecular phylogenetic inferences. Our results suggest that the two Californian mosses are conspecific, and that the Canarian populations belong to this putative species, with only one taxon thus involved. Orthotrichum shevockii (the priority name) is therefore recognized as a morphologically variable species that exhibits a transcontinental disjunction between western North America and the Canary Islands. Within its distribution range, the area of occupancy is limited, a notable feature among bryophytes at the intraspecific level. To explain this disjunction, divergence time and ancestral area estimation analyses are carried out and further support the hypothesis of a long-distance dispersal event from California to Tenerife IslandThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CGL2007- 61389/BOS) to F.L., the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CGL2011-28857/BOS) to V.M., the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CGL2013-43246-P) to R.G., and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (CGL2016-80772-P) to I.D. and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grants IJCI-2014-19691 and RYC-2016-20506) to J.P. J.P. also received the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant 747238. J.M.G-M and A.L-L. are grateful for funding from Parque Nacional del Teide. B.V. benefited from the support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grant BES2012-051976 of the Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) programme. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset: a fundamental tool for ecological studies

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    Bryophytes are a diverse group of organisms with unique properties, yet they are severely underrepresented in plant trait databases. Building on the recently published European Red List of bryophytes and previous trait compilations, we present the Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) data set, including biological traits such as those related to life history, growth habit, sexual and vegetative reproduction; ecological traits such as indicator values, substrate and habitat; and bioclimatic variables based on the species' European range. The data set includes values for 65 traits and 25 bio-climatic variables, containing more than 135,000 trait values with a completeness of 82.7% on average. The data set will enable future studies in bryophyte biology, ecology and conservation, and may help to answer fundamental questions in bryology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus

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    Introduction. Following on from work on the European bryophyte Red List, the taxonomically and nomenclaturally updated spreadsheets used for that project have been expanded into a new checklist for the bryophytes of Europe. Methods. A steering group of ten European bryologists was convened, and over the course of a year, the spreadsheets were compared with previous European checklists, and all changes noted. Recent literature was searched extensively. A taxonomic system was agreed, and the advice and expertise of many European bryologists sought. Key results. A new European checklist of bryophytes, comprising hornworts, liverworts and mosses, is presented. Fifteen new combinations are proposed. Conclusions. This checklist provides a snapshot of the current European bryophyte flora in 2019. It will already be out-of-date on publication, and further research, particularly molecular work, can be expected to result in many more changes over the next few years.Peer reviewe

    A miniature world in decline: European Red List of Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts

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    AimThis Red List is a summary of the conservation status of the European species of mosses, liverworts and hornworts, collectively known as bryophytes, evaluated according to IUCN’s Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Level. It provides the first comprehensive, region-wide assessment of bryophytes and it identifies those species that are threatened with extinction at a European level, so that appropriate policy measures and conservation actions, based on the best available evidence, can be taken to improve their status.ScopeAll bryophytes native to or naturalised in Europe (a total of 1,817 species), have been included in this Red List. In Europe, 1,796 species were assessed, with the remaining 21 species considered Not Applicable (NA). For the EU 28, 1,728 species were assessed, with a remaining 20 species considered NA and 69 species considered Not Evaluated (NE). The geographical scope is continentwide, extending from Iceland in the west to the Urals in the east, and from Franz Josef Land in the north to theCanary Islands in the south. The Caucasus region is not included. Red List assessments were made at two regional levels: for geographical Europe and for the 28 Member States of the European Union.ResultsOverall, 22.5% of European bryophyte species assessed in this study are considered threatened in Europe, with two species classified as Extinct and six assessed as Regionally Extinct (RE). A further 9.6% (173 species) are considered Near Threatened and 63.5% (1,140 species) are assessed as Least Concern. For 93 species (5.3%), there was insufficient information available to be able to evaluate their risk of extinction and thus they were classified as Data Deficient (DD). The main threats identified were natural system modifications (i.e., dam construction, increases in fire frequency/intensity, and water management/use), climate change (mainly increasing frequency of droughts and temperature extremes), agriculture (including pollution from agricultural effluents) and aquaculture.RecommendationsPolicy measures• Use the European Red List as the scientific basis to inform regional/national lists of rare and threatened species and to identify priorities for conservation action in addition to the requirements of the Habitats Directive, thereby highlighting the conservation status of bryophytes at the regional/local level.• Use the European Red List to support the integration of conservation policy with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other national and international policies. For example, CAP Strategic Plans should include biodiversity recovery commitments that could anticipate, among others, the creation of Important Bryophyte Areas. An increased involvement of national environmental agencies in the preparation of these strategic plans, and more broadly in ongoing discussions on the Future CAP Green Architecture, would likely also ensure the design of conservation measures better tailored to conserve bryophytes in agricultural landscapes.• Update the European Red List every decade to ensure that the data remains current and relevant.• Develop Key Biodiversity Areas for bryophytes in Europe with a view to ensuring adequate site-based protection for bryophytes.Research and monitoring• Use the European Red List as a basis for future targeted fieldwork on possibly extinct and understudied species.• Establish a monitoring programme for targeted species (for example, threatened species and/or arable bryophytes).• Use the European Red List to obtain funding for research into the biology and ecology of key targeted species.Action on the ground• Use the European Red List as evidence to support multi-scale conservation initiatives, including designation of protected areas, reform of agricultural practices and land management, habitat restoration and rewilding, and pollution reduction measures.• Use the European Red List as a tool to target species that would benefit the most from the widespread implementation of the solutions offered by the 1991 Nitrates Directive (Council Directive 91/676/EEC), including the application of correct amounts of nutrients for each crop, only in periods of crop growth under suitable climatic conditions and never during periods of heavy rainfall or on frozen ground, and the creation of buffer zones to protect waters from run-off from the application of fertilizers.Ex situ conservation• Undertake ex situ conservation of species of conservation concern in botanic gardens and spore and gene banks, with a view to reintroduction where appropriate.</p

    New national and regional bryophyte records, 45

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    Estudio brioflorístico de una formación relíctica de Prunus lusitanica L. de la Sierra de Gredos (Ávila, España)

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    El estudio brioflorístico de una formación riparia relíctica de loros (Prunus lusitanica L.) situada en Poyales del Hoyo (vertiente sur de la Sierra de Gredos, Ávila) aporta una catálogo de 71 táxones de briófitos (21 hepáticas y 50 musgos), 23 especies constituyen primera cita provincial y 5 tienen en esta localidad la cita más interior en la Península. La alta riqueza y diversidad taxonómica, unida a la dominancia de hepáticas y a la elevada representación del elemento atlántico (42,3 %), refleja la originalidad ecológica y corológica de la brioflora de la formación estudiada, que aparece como una isla oceánica dentro de un área mediterránea continental

    An important area for Orthotrichum consimile Mitt. in Europe: the north-western Iberian Peninsula

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    Until the recent work by Lewinsky-Haapasaari, Ederra and Schmidt (1995), O. consimile was considered to be extinct in Europe. The localities reported by the latter authors suggested a surprisingly continental trend compared to its American distribution as well as an endangered status. However, its discovery in numerous new localities in north-western Iberian Península supplies a new biogeographical view of the occurrence of this species in Europe

    Distribution and abundance of corticolous species of the genus Ulota Mohr (Orthotrichaceae, Musci) in the NW Iberian Peninsula

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    Based on the study of more than 100 forests from the northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula, the distribution and abundance of Ulota coarctata, U. hruchii and U. crispa are mapped and discussed. Ulota coarctata is scarce and its distribution confirms its affinity for montane en vironments, while Ulota bruchii and U. crispa are frequent in the study area and have been commonly found growing together. Although both of the latter species show an oceanic-montane tendency, data on the abundance suggest that oceanic affinity is stronger in U. crispa than in U. bruchii