146 research outputs found

    Effect of the fungicide Prochloraz-Mn on the cell wall structure of Verticillium fungicola

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    The chemical structure of the cell wall of two isolates of Verticillium fungicola collected from diseased fruit bodies of the commercial mushroom Agaricus bisporus treated with the fungicide Prochloraz-Mn was analyzed. The isolates were obtained during different periods of time and grown in the absence and presence of the LD50 values of the fungicide for V. fungicola. In addition, another V. fungicola isolate collected previous to the routine utilization of Prochloraz-Mn but grown under the same conditions was also analyzed. The overall chemical composition of the cell wall from the three isolates showed detectable differences in their basic components, with a significant decrease in the protein content in fungicide-treated cells. This inhibitory effect was partially compensated by an increase in neutral and/or aminated carbohydrates and was accompanied by appreciable modifications of polysaccharide structure, as deduced after methylation analysis and gas-liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (GLC-MS). Moreover, differences in hyphal morphology caused by the fungicide were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)


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    The flowering plants from the Serra del Maigmó (Alicante) in the south-eastern part of the lberian Peninsula has been studied. A list of the new or interesting species for the Alicante province is given.Como resultado de estudios florísticos en la Serra del Maigmó (Alicante, S.E. de España), se presenta un catálogo con los táxones más interesantes herborizados, muchos de los cuales suponen novedades provinciales

    Relationship between Determinants of Health, Equity, and Dimensions of Health Literacy in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

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    Background: Health literacy (HL) has been linked to empowerment, use of health services, and equity. Evaluating HL in people with cardiovascular health problems would facilitate the development of suitable health strategies care and reduce inequity. Aim: To investigate the relationship between different dimensions that make up HL and social determinants in patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in patients with cardiovascular disease, aged 50-85 years, accessing primary care services in Valencia (Spain) in 2018-2019. The Health Literacy Questionnaire was used. Results: 252 patients. Age was significantly related with the ability to participate with healthcare providers (p = 0.043), ability to find information (p = 0.022), and understanding information correctly to know what to do (p = 0.046). Level of education was significant for all HL dimensions. Patients without studies scored lower in all dimensions. The low- versus middle-class social relationship showed significant results in all dimensions. Conclusions: In patients with cardiovascular disease, level of education and social class were social determinants associated with HL scores. Whilst interventions at individual level might address some HL deficits, inequities in access to cardiovascular care and health outcomes would remain unjustly balanced unless structural determinants of HL are taken into account

    The upper Valanginian of the Oliva section (Prebetic Zone, Valencia): facies analysis, biostratigraphy, C-isotope stratigraphy and organic geochemistry

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    The Upper Valanginian stratigraphic section of the sierra de la Oliva (Prebetic, Valencia province) records a significant sedimentary episode which has been named as ”Weissert Event”.This event is characterized by a positive excursion in the δ13C profile, which have been considered to be linked to a global perturbation in the carbon cycle, with environmental consequences that have been the object of debate, especially the degree of oxygenation of the sea bottom waters.We studied the sedimentary evolution during the late Valanginian in a shallow platform setting, beginning with the drowning of the early Valanginian carbonate platform, followed by a succession of shallowing- upwards sequences, which define a general deepening-upward evolution. The δ13C profile records a positive excursion during the late Valanginian, and the biomarker study has revealed the episodic development of anoxia, coeval to the deposition of organic rich facies, occurred during the episode of maximum deepening of the platform.This study has demonstrated that the “Weissert Event” has been recorded in the Prebetic platform, and that the environmental perturbations gave place to the occasional development of anoxia in a context of high organic productivityLa sección estratigráfica del Valanginiense superior de la sierra de la Oliva (Prebético, provincia de Valencia) registra un interesante episodio sedimentario que ha sido denominado “Evento Weissert”. Este evento está caracterizado por una excursión positiva en los valores del δ13C, que se considera ligada a una perturbación global en el ciclo del carbono, cuyas consecuencias ambientales son objeto de discusión, especialmente las condiciones de oxigenación en los fondos marinos. El estudio presentado aquí muestra la evolución sedimentaria del Valanginiense superior en un ámbito de plataforma somera, que comienza con el drowning de la plataforma carbonatada del Valanginiense inferior, y continúa con una sucesión de secuencias de somerización, que en conjunto definen una evolución general de profundización. El perfil de δ13C registra una excursión positiva durante el Valanginiense superior, y el estudio de los biomarcadores ha puesto de manifiesto el desarrollo puntual de anoxia, simultáneo al depósito de facies ricas en materia orgánica, ocurrido en el momento de mayor profundización de la plataforma. Este estudio demuestra que el denominado “EventoWeissert” quedó reflejado en la plataforma Prebética, y que las perturbaciones ambientales locales dieron lugar al desarrollo puntual de anoxia en un contexto de elevada productividad orgánic

    Care dependency in patients with heart failure: A cross-sectional study in Spain

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    Background: Heart failure (HF) is a progressive and debilitating condition that represents an ever-growing problem for health systems worldwide. HF patients feel that they are a burden on their families, they feel socially isolated and have a low perception of their health. Accordingly, the objectives of this study were to: (1) to explore the profile of care dependency in a representative sample of Spanish HF patients through the Care Dependency Scale (CDS), and (2) to identify correlates of care dependency in this population. Material and Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of 187 patients admitted for HF decompensation to the Hospital Clínico of Zaragoza (Spain). Results: Only 15% of our sample was highly or completely dependent on care from others. More specifically, our results indicate that HF patients felt a greater level of dependency on care from others when it comes to moving, getting dressed and undressed, maintaining good personal hygiene, participating in daily and recreational activities and being continent. Conclusions: We find association between the CDS categories that present a low score for care dependency in HF patients and the patients’ physical deterioration

    Predictors of mortality and poor outcome in cancer patients with E. faecium bloodstream infection

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    Background. To analyze predictors of mortality and poor outcome in cancer patients diagnosed with E. faecium bloodstream infection. Methods. Demographic, clinical and microbiological data were collected (January 1998-June 2011). Results. After multivariate analysis, presence of a urinary catheter was associated with a worse 7-day prognosis, and higher mortality at discharge. A high Charlson index was also associated with higher 7-day mortality. Conclusion. Presence of a urinary catheter was associated with poor 7-day prognosis and higher mortality at discharge in the present series.Fundamento. Analizar los predictores de mortalidad y mal pronóstico en el paciente oncológico diagnosticado de bacteriemia por E. faecium. Métodos. Se analizaron datos demográficos, clínicos y microbiológicos (Enero 1998-Junio 2011). Resultados. El análisis multivariable demostró que la presencia de una sonda urinaria se asoció a mal pronóstico a los 7 días y alta mortalidad del paciente al final del estudio. Un índice de Charlson elevado se asoció a un aumento en la mortalidad a los 7 días. Conclusión. En nuestro estudio, la presencia de sonda urinaria se asoció con mal pronóstico del paciente a los 7 días y aumento de la mortalidad

    Grape Resveratrol Increases Serum Adiponectin and Downregulates Inflammatory Genes in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: A Triple-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, One-Year Clinical Trial in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.[Purpose] The grape and wine polyphenol resveratrol exerts cardiovascular benefits but evidence from randomized human clinical trials is very limited. We investigated dose-depending effects of a resveratrol-containing grape supplement on stable patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) treated according to currently accepted guidelines for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.[Methods] In a triple-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, one-year follow-up, 3-arm pilot clinical trial, 75 stable-CAD patients received 350 mg/day of placebo, resveratrol-containing grape extract (grape phenolics plus 8 mg resveratrol) or conventional grape extract lacking resveratrol during 6 months, and a double dose for the following 6 months. Changes in circulating inflammatory and fibrinolytic biomarkers were analyzed. Moreover, the transcriptional profiling of inflammatory genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was explored using microarrays and functional gene expression analysis.[Results] After 1 year, in contrast to the placebo and conventional grape extract groups, the resveratrol-containing grape extract group showed an increase of the anti-inflammatory serum adiponectin (9.6 %, p = 0.01) and a decrease of the thrombogenic plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) (−18.6 %, p = 0.05). In addition, 6 key inflammation-related transcription factors were predicted to be significantly activated or inhibited, with 27 extracellular-space acting genes involved in inflammation, cell migration and T-cell interaction signals presenting downregulation (p < 0.05) in PBMCs. No adverse effects were detected in relation to the study products.[Conclusions] Chronic daily consumption of a resveratrol-containing grape nutraceutical could exert cardiovascular benefits in stable-CAD patients treated according to current evidence-based standards, by increasing serum adiponectin, preventing PAI-1 increase and inhibiting atherothrombotic signals in PBMCs.This study was supported by public funds: Projects CICYT-BFU2007-60576 and Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-00063, Fun-C-Food) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and GERM-06-04486 (Fundación Séneca, Murcia, Spain). Dr. Tomé-Carneiro received a FPI grant from MICINN and Dr. Larrosa received a JAE-DOC contract from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spain).Peer reviewe

    Ecuaciones de referencia de la capacidad aeróbica máxima ciclo-ergoespirometría para la población española adulta

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    [EN] Background: Frequently used reference values for clinical exercise testing have been derived from non-random samples and some with poorly defined maximal criteria. Our objective was to obtain population based reference values for peak oxygen uptake ( ̇VO2 ) and work rate (WR) for cardiopulmonary exercise testing in a representative sample of Caucasian Spanish men and women. Methods: 182 men and women, 20–85 years old, were included and exercised on cycle-ergometer to exhaustion. ( ̇VO2 ) and WR were measured. The equations obtained from this sample were validated in an independent cohort of 69 individuals, randomly sampled form the same population. Then a final equation merging the two cohorts (=251) was produced. Results: Height, sex and age resulted predictive of both ̇VO2 peak and WR. Weight and physical activity added very little to the accuracy to the equations. The formulas ̇VO2 peak = 0.017 · height (cm) − 0.023 · age (years) + 0.864 · sex (female = 0/male = 1) ± 179 l min−1 , and peak WR = 1.345 · height (cm) − 2.074 · age (years) + 76.54 · sex (female = 0/male = 1) ± 21.2 W were the best compromise between accuracy and parsimony. Conclusions: This study provides new and accurate ̇VO2 peak and WR rate reference values for individuals of European Spanish descent[ES] Antecedentes: Los valores de referencia utilizados con frecuencia para las pruebas de esfuerzo clínicas derivan de muestras no aleatorias y los criterios máximos para algunos de ellos están mal definidos. Nuestro objetivo fue obtener valores de referencia basados en la población general para el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO 2 ) y la carga de trabajo (CT) para las pruebas de ejercicio cardiopulmonar a partir de una muestra representativa de varones y mujeres caucásicos españoles. Métodos: Se incluyeron 182 varones y mujeres, de entre 20 y 85 a ̃nos, que realizaron ejercicio en el cicloergómetro hasta el agotamiento. Se midieron el VO 2 y la CT. Las ecuaciones obtenidas de esta muestra se validaron en una cohorte independiente de 69 individuos, seleccionados aleatoriamente de la misma población. A continuación, se creó una ecuación final que fusionó las dos cohortes (n = 251). Resultados: La altura, el sexo y la edad resultaron predictivos tanto del ̇VO2 máximo como de la CT. El peso y la actividad física contribuyeron muy poco a la precisión de las ecuaciones. Las fórmulas ̇VO2 máximo = 0,017 × altura (cm) − 0,023 × edad (a ̃nos) + 0,864 × sexo (mujer = 0/varón = 1) ± 179 L × min−1 ; y CT máxima = 1,345 × altura (cm) − 2,074 × edad (a ̃nos) + 76,54 × sexo (mujer = 0/varón = 1) ± 21,2 W fueron el mejor equilibrio entre precisión y parsimonia. Conclusiones: Este estudio proporciona valores de referencia del ̇VO 2 máximo y la CT nuevos y precisos para personas de ascendencia espa ̃nola europea.This study was supported by a SEPAR (Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica/Spanish society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery) grant and NEUMOMADRD (Sociedad Madrileña de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica/Madrilenian Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery) research award

    Energy efficiency in software: A case study on sustainability in personal health records

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    A personal health record is an eHealth technology in which users can observe their progress over time for a given condition. A research gap was identified in the literature concerning the study of the amount of energy that these systems need for their operation, and the energy efficiency that may be attained depending on their design. After the selection of five representative personal health records, a total of 20 tasks commonly done, and based on previous work, were performed with regard to two proposed scenarios, namely patient use and health personnel usage. The power consumption of the main components of a host machine was measured during the performance of the proposed duties. To that end, a hardware tool called the Energy Efficiency Tester was employed. The data collected were analyzed statistically, and significant differences were found in the respective consumption of the display (χ2 (4) = 23.782, p = 0.000), the processor (χ2 (4) = 29.018, p = 0.000) and the whole PC (χ2 (4) = 28.582, p = 0.000). For all of these components, NoMoreClipBoard was the personal health record that required the least energy (57.699 W for the display, 3.162 W for the processor and 181.113 W for the whole PC). A total of two strong correlations were found in the energy consumption between the hard disk and the graphics card (r = 0.791, p < 0.001), and the processor and the PC (r = 0.950, p < 0.001). Some features generated special amounts of power consumption, such as the news wall found on PatientsLikeMe, or the use of load icons that had an impact on most PC components. In addition, an in-depth analysis of the user interfaces was performed. A discussion was carried out on the design of the user interfaces, also taking into account recommendations drawn from the literature, checking for their implementation in the personal health records selected. With the aim of promoting sustainability among software developers, a best practice guideline on sustainable software design was proposed. Basic sustainability recommendations were collected for professionals to consider when developing a software system in general, and a personal health record in particular.Un registro de salud personal es una tecnología de salud electrónica en la que los usuarios pueden observar su progreso a lo largo del tiempo para una condición determinada. Se identificó un vacío de investigación en la literatura referente al estudio de la cantidad de energía que estos sistemas necesitan para su funcionamiento, y la eficiencia energética que se puede alcanzar dependiendo de su diseño. Después de la selección de cinco registros de salud personales representativos, se realizaron un total de 20 tareas comúnmente realizadas, y con base en trabajos previos, con respecto a dos escenarios propuestos, a saber, el uso del paciente y el uso del personal de salud. Se midió el consumo de energía de los principales componentes de una máquina host durante el desempeño de las tareas propuestas. Para ello, se empleó una herramienta de hardware denominada Energy Efficiency Tester. Los datos recopilados fueron analizados estadísticamente,2 (4) = 23.782, p = 0.000), el procesador (χ 2 (4) = 29.018, p = 0.000) y toda la PC (χ 2(4) = 28.582, p = 0.000). Para todos estos componentes, NoMoreClipBoard fue el registro de salud personal que requirió la menor cantidad de energía (57.699 W para la pantalla, 3.162 W para el procesador y 181.113 W para toda la PC). Se encontraron un total de dos fuertes correlaciones en el consumo de energía entre el disco duro y la tarjeta gráfica (r = 0.791, p < 0.001), y el procesador y la PC (r = 0.950, p < 0.001). Algunas características generaron cantidades especiales de consumo de energía, como el muro de noticias que se encuentra enpatientslikeme, o el uso de íconos de carga que tuvieron un impacto en la mayoría de los componentes de la PC. Además, se realizó un análisis en profundidad de las interfaces de usuario. Se realizó una discusión sobre el diseño de las interfaces de usuario, teniendo en cuenta también las recomendaciones extraídas de la literatura, comprobando su implantación en las historias clínicas personales seleccionadas. Con el objetivo de promover la sostenibilidad entre los desarrolladores de software, se propuso una guía de mejores prácticas sobre diseño de software sostenible. Se recopilaron recomendaciones básicas de sustentabilidad para que los profesionales las consideren al desarrollar un sistema de software en general y un registro de salud personal en particular

    Dificultades en la enseñanza de mapas geológicos: Causas, propuestas de solución y desarrollo de material didáctico

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    Las prácticas de identificación e interpretación cartográfica de estructuras geológicas y la elaboración de perfiles geológicos están presentes en numerosas asignaturas de Geología de titulaciones de la Universidad de Jaén. Básicamente, su dificultad radica en los problemas de comprensión y visualización tridimensional de estructuras geológicas (estratificación, fallas, pliegues…) a partir de la información de superficie que proporcionan los mapas geológicos (Fig. 1). Esto se halla muy relacionado con la falta de conocimiento sobre sistemas de proyección.Fuera del ámbito universitario de la licenciatura en Ciencias Geológicas, situación en la que nos encontramos en la Universidad de Jaén, el problema se agrava, ya que el diseño de los planes de estudios determina una disponibilidad muy limitada de tiempo para su impartición. Esto lleva a los alumnos a que interpreten, erróneamente, que se trata de conocimientos accesorios sin relación directa con su futuro desarrollo profesional generando una desmotivación generalizada, que se traduce en un problema adicional para el desarrollo de las prácticas