652 research outputs found

    Gamification as a resourse for improving English learning in primary education

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    La presente investigación ha buscado aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes mediante el uso de las TIC y la gamificación en el aprendizaje de la segunda lengua, el inglés, en niños de Educación Primaria. La metodología de investigación empleada, con un enfoque experimental, utilizó dos grupos de quinto de Educación Primaria en los que se aplicó el programa y otro grupo del mismo nivel a modo de grupo de control. Se recogieron datos relativos a las variables mediante un cuestionario de motivación y un sistema de evaluación de rúbricas que identifica la producción escrita del alumno. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis estadístico de los mismos, que confirmó la eficacia del programa. Los alumnos pertenecientes a los grupos experimentales mostraron incrementos estadísticamente significativos frente a los alumnos del grupo de control en el grado de motivación hacia el estudio de la asignatura y en el nivel de competencia lingüística en comunicación escritaThe present research has the goal to increase the motivation of students through the use of ICT and gamification in the second language learning in Primary Education. The methodology used was an experimental approach, with two groups of the fifth grade of Primary Education in which the program was applied and another group of the same level as a control group. Data related to the variables were collected through a study using a motivation questionnaire and a standard evaluation system based on a series of performance criteria that identifies the student's written production. Subsequently, a statistical analysis of them was carried out, which confirmed the effectiveness of the program. The students belonging to the experimental groups grew statistically significant compared to the students of the control group in the degree of motivation for the study of the subject and in the level of linguistic competence in written communicatio

    Peucedanum officinale l. subsp. brachyradium García-Martín y Silvestre: nuevo taxon de Umbelliferae

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    Se propone un nuevo taxon de la familia Umbellíferae, Peucedanum officinale L. subsp. brachyradium García-Martin & Silvestre, recolectado en Sierra Bermeja (Málaga), dándose su descripción, ilustración y ecología

    Contribución al atlas palinológico de Andalucía Occidental, VI. Caprifoliaceae

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    En el presente trabajo se l leva a cabo un estudio morfológico de los granos de pol en de Lonicera etrusca G. Santi , L. i mplexa Ai ton , L. pericl ymenum L. , L. splendida Boiss ., Sambucus ebulus L. , S.. nigra L. y Viburnum tinus L., tanto en microscopía óptica como electr ónica de barrido . Se reconocen tres t ipos de polen diferentes , para cuya separación han servido fundamenta lmente las aperturas y la ornamentaciónThe polleo morphology of Lonicera etrusca G. San t i, L. implexa Ai to'n , L. periclymenum L. , L. splendida Boiss . , Sacumbus ebul us L. , S. nigra L. and Viburnum tinus L. have benn s t udied by light and scanning electron mi croscopy . Three types of pollen are recognized using the apertures a nd the ornamenta ti e

    Una nueva especie ibérica de Ferulago Koch (Apiaceae)

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    Se describe Ferulago ternatifolia Solanas, M.B. Crespo & García Martín, sp. nov., a partir de poblaciones encontradas en zonas litorales (Puigcampana y Vall de Gallinera) de la provincia de Alicante y en la Sierra de Moratalla (Pico Revolcadores) de la provincia de Murcia. Se analizan los caracteres morfológicos y estructurales que la definen y se establecen las principales diferencias con otras especies ibéricas del género

    Molecular structure of one-electron diatomic molecules subject to plasma screening and its e ect on the dynamics

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    ABSTRACT: The effect of plasma screening on the electronic and vibrational structure of one-electron diatomic molecules is analyzed by including screened Coulomb interactions among all their particles in the solution of the Schrodinger equation. The breakdown of the well-known separability of the Schrodinger equation in confocal elliptical coordinates, the lost of long-range Coulomb interaction and the non-degeneracy in both the united atom and separated atom limits bring new elements into the analysis of the modified binding energies (electronic and vibrational), adiabatic correlation rules, molecular Stark mixings due to polarization effects, unexpected presence of molecular shape resonances and changes in non-adiabatic and radiative couplings upon the variation of the screening strength

    Effect of potential screening on the H2 autoionizing states

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    ABSTRACT: We study the behavior of autoionizing states of the hydrogen molecule subject to screened Coulomb interactions using an ab initio Feshbach configuration interaction method. Special attention is given to the algorithms developed for the evaluation of (i) screened molecular orbitals expressed in terms of one-center expansions using B-spline polynomial basis functions and (ii) screened two-electron integrals between configurations expressed in terms of such molecular orbitals, by solving the screened Poisson equation. As an illustration of the method we focus on the lowest Feshbach resonance of the Q1 1+g series of doubly excited states of H2, which lies between the first H2 + (1sσg) and the second H2 + (2pσu) ionization thresholds. We show that Coulomb screening in the electron-proton interaction and between electrons may significantly alter the resonance position and autoionizing decay as a function of internuclear distance. In general, screening increases the resonance lifetime. However, when electron-proton screening dominates over electron-electron screening, we find that the Q1 resonance acquires a pronounced shape-resonance character at internuclear distances where the resonance approaches the lower ionization threshold, thus leading to a pronounced decrease of its lifetime

    Límites de responsabilidad de las convenciones internacionales de transporte de mercancías y posibilidad de recuperación bajo los seguros de transporte

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    Desde comienzos del siglo XX se ha buscado por la comunidad internacional crear una serie de reglas claras sobre las limitaciones de responsabilidad que tienen los transportadores de carga. Los límites contenidos en estas convenciones pueden llegar a ser inferiores a lo que las compañías de seguros pueden estar obligadas a reconocer a sus asegurados en ciertos siniestros, afectando de esta forma la posibilidad de recuperación para las aseguradoras cuando repiten en contra del transportador. Por esto, este trabajo busca establecer un panorama de los límites contenidos en las convenciones internacionales y las posibilidades de recuperación que tienen las compañías de seguros cuando repiten en contra de los transportadores.Since the beginning of the XX century, the international community has been trying to develop a series of rules regarding liability limitations applied to cargo transportation. The liability limitations established in such conventions can be inferior to claims that insurance companies are obliged to recognize to the insured, thus affecting the possibility of the insurance company to recuperate part of the paid claim when they prosecute the transporter. This document studies the panorama, for insurers, regarding the liability limitations established in international conventions and the possibilities to recover when they repeat against the transporter.Especialista en Derecho de SegurosEspecializació

    Asymmetric electron angular distributions in resonant dissociative photoionization of H2 with ultrashort xuv pulses

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    ABSTRACT: Photoelectron angular distributions from fixed-in-space H2 molecules exposed to ultrashort xuv laser pulses have been evaluated. The theoretical method is based on the solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in a basis of stationary states that include all electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. Asymmetric angular distributions are observed as a consequence of the delayed ionization from the H2 doubly excited states, which induces interferences between gerade and ungerade ionization channels. The analysis of this asymmetry as a function of pulse duration can provide an estimate of the corresponding autoionization widths