156 research outputs found

    Traducción automática y posedición : perfiles y competencias en los programas de formación de traductores

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    Los estudios sobre el mercado profesional de la traducción muestran que cada vez más los empleadores demandan que los traductores dominen las herramientas relacionadas con traducción automática. Esto obliga a los centros de formación de traductores a preguntarse cuáles son los nuevos perfiles profesionales y cuáles son las nuevas competencias que deberían adquirir los estudiantes. En este artículo reflexionamos sobre estos aspectos a partir de una revisión bibliográfica y del análisis de las páginas web de grados y másteres de traducción impartidos en las universidades españolas en el curso 2017-2018. Este análisis se ha centrado en la presencia de la traducción automática (TA) y posedición (PE) en los enunciados de perfiles profesionales, competencias y contenidos. Nuestros resultados indican que el aprendizaje de esta tecnología ocupa aún un lugar marginal en los programas de formación de traductores. El artículo concluye con la propuesta de un marco general de perfiles y competencias que integra la TA y la PE.Studies on the professional translation market show that employers increasingly demand translators who master tools related to machine translation. This fact compels translator training centers to consider what the new professional profiles are and what new competences students should acquire. In this article we reflect on these two aspects through a literature survey and an analysis of the web pages of undergraduate and master's degrees in translation taught at Spanish universities in academic year 2017-2018. Our analysis has focused on the presence of machine translation (MT) and post-editing (PE) in professional profiles, competencies and contents described in academic curricula. Our results indicate that the learning of this technology plays a marginal role in translator training programmes. The article concludes with a proposal of a general framework of competences which integrates both MT and PE

    Machine translation and post-editing: profiles and competences in translator training programmes

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    Los estudios sobre el mercado profesional de la traducción muestran que cada vez más los empleadores demandan que los traductores dominen las herramientas relacionadas con traducción automática. Esto obliga a los centros de formación de traductores a preguntarse cuáles son los nuevos perfiles profesionales y cuáles son las nuevas competencias que deberían adquirir los estudiantes. En este artículo reflexionamos sobre estos aspectos a partir de una revisión bibliográfica y del análisis de las páginas web de grados y másteres de traducción impartidos en las universidades españolas en el curso 2017-2018. Este análisis se ha centrado en la presencia de la traducción automática (TA) y posedición (PE) en los enunciados de perfiles profesionales, competencias y contenidos. Nuestros resultados indican que el aprendizaje de esta tecnología ocupa aún un lugar marginal en los programas de formación de traductores. El artículo concluye con la propuesta de un marco general de perfiles y competencias que integra la TA y la PE.Studies on the professional translation market show that employers increasingly demand translators who master tools related to machine translation. This fact compels translator training centers to consider what the new professional profiles are and what new competences students should acquire. In this article we reflect on these two aspects through a literature survey and an analysis of the web pages of undergraduate and master’s degrees in translation taught at Spanish universities in academic year 2017-2018. Our analysis has focused on the presence of machine translation (MT) and post-editing (PE) in professional profiles, competencies and contents described in academic curricula. Our results indicate that the learning of this technology plays a marginal role in translator training programmes. The article concludes with a proposal of a general framework of competences which integrates both MT and PE.El presente trabajo forma parte del proyecto ProjecTA-U, del grupo Tradumàtica (FFI2016-78612-R)

    Trend analysis in tobacco use in Andalusia (2011-2014) and factors related to use

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    Nowadays, smoking is the single greatest preventable cause of death in the world and tobacco is the most prevalent drug ever used. Considering that many people begin smoking in early adolescence, it is essential to further research this matter in order to better understand this behavior as well as enact adequate prevention and health-promotion programs. Despite data confirming a decrease in tobacco consumption in the last few years, it is still necessary to pay more attention to factors that may be related to adolescent smoking. Regarding these factors, a relationship between age and gender in relation to tobacco use has been fully established, showing higher use among older adolescents and females. Furthermore, parental smoking has shown to be a common catalyst for smoking initiation during adolescence. However, results are not completely consistent regarding this association. Some studies suggest that close friends’ smoking provides a substantial source of modeling of experimentation with tobacco, even more powerful than parents’ smoking. The current study seeks to identify trends in smoking behaviour (2011 – 2014) and investigates the relationship between age, gender, parental smoking and best friend’s smoking, and tobacco use among Andalusian adolescent students. The sample for this study is composed of 17,662 students aged 11 to 18 years old: 15,684 in 2011 (7,822 girls) and 1,978 in 2014 (962 girls). In both cases, the data are representative of Andalusian adolescent students. We used some items of the tobacco consumption questionnaire designed by the international team of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (HBSC): adolescent current tobacco consumption, tobacco use of best friend, mother and father. Data confirm a decrease in adolescent tobacco use between 2011 and 2014. Females smoke more than males in 2011 and 2014, although gender differences diminish in 2014. Moreover, age, gender and close people’s smoking explain a higher percentage of variance in 2011 than in 2014. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of monitoring tobacco use in adolescence in order to adjust intervention policies. In this respect, even though this study confirms a decline in consumption, this may be attributable to the application of anti-smoking laws or the implementation of prevention programs, as well as a change in recent years in factors related to us

    Creación de un espacio web 2.0 como punto de encuentro para debatir fórmulas de creación de empresas de comunicación y mejora de la formación en cretividad publicitaria

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    Las innovaciones docentes y nuevas concepciones sobre la enseñanza universitaria parten del hecho de que el alumno pasa a ser el centro del proceso didáctico, pasa de ser un sujeto pasivo en el aula a ser un sujeto implicado en el proceso de aprendizaje, con una serie de responsabilidades sobre la toma de decisiones. El estudiante se hace partícipe de sus propios recursos y establece relaciones de ayuda con el profesor y con los propios compañeros de aula. El papel del profesor también varía; de ser el sujeto protagonista asume un nuevo papel como colaborador en el proceso de la enseñanza. Por ello, la intención partió de la puesta en práctica del Aprendizaje basado en un proyecto real” que cumpla dos objetivos: creación de una idea de negocio y cumplimentar la formación en Creatividad Publicitaria. Lo cierto es que estamos ante una tecnología diferente, un nuevo modo de de entretenernos e informarnos, de comprar y de consumir medios y de informarse. Estamos en la era del marketing interactivo, de la web 2.0 donde la unión creatividad - tecnología es un par indisoluble. Así, durante el curso académico 2008/2009 se realizó en la Universidad de Cádiz un proyecto piloto de creación de una web 2.0 como espacio de trabajo para crear e intercambiar ideas en el contexto de la licenciatura en Publicidad y RR.PP. La experiencia fue tan positiva que, con posterioridad, en el curso 2009/2010 se realizó un proyecto similar con alumnos de un perfil parecido pero en otra universidad, la Universidad de Sevilla. Este estudio analiza las necesidades 2.0 del mercado actual y pone de manifiesto la experiencia de este proyecto piloto y sus consecuencias en la docencia en comunicación.Innovations in teaching and new ideas about university education based on the fact that the student becomes the center of the learning process, goes from being a passive subject in the classroom to be a subject involved in the learning process with a series of responsibility for decision making. The student becomes part of their own resources and help build relationships with one's teacher and classmates. The teacher's role also changes from being the subject protagonist that assumes a new role as a partner in the process of teaching. Therefore, the intention was based on the implementation of “Learning based on a real project” meet two objectives: creating a business idea and complete training in “Creatividad Publicitaria” subject. The truth is that this is a different technology, a new way to entertain and inform, to buy and consume media and information. This is the era of interactive marketing, web 2.0, where the union creativity-technology is an inseparable pair. Thus, during the academic year 2008/2009 was held at the Universidad de Cádiz a pilot project to create a web 2.0 working space to create and exchange ideas in the context of a degree in Advertising and Public Relations experience was so positive that, subsequently, in the 2009/2010 academic year a similar project was conducted with students of a similar profile but at another university, the Universidad de Sevilla. This study analyzes the current market needs 2.0 and highlights the experience of this pilot project and its impact on teaching communication

    Irvalec Inserts into the Plasma Membrane Causing Rapid Loss of Integrity and Necrotic Cell Death in Tumor Cells

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    Irvalec is a marine-derived antitumor agent currently undergoing phase II clinical trials. In vitro, Irvalec induces a rapid loss of membrane integrity in tumor cells, accompanied of a significant Ca2+ influx, perturbations of membrane conductivity, severe swelling and the formation of giant membranous vesicles. All these effects are not observed in Irvalec-resistant cells, or are significantly delayed by pretreating the cells with Zn2+. Using fluorescent derivatives of Irvalec it was demonstrated that the compound rapidly interacts with the plasma membrane of tumor cells promoting lipid bilayer restructuration. Also, FRET experiments demonstrated that Irvalec molecules localize in the cell membrane close enough to each other as to suggest that the compound could self-organize, forming supramolecular structures that likely trigger cell death by necrosis through the disruption of membrane integrity

    Decreased pain in split-thickness skin graft donor sites with the use of a non-adherent polyurethane dressing

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    Donor sites of split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs) are painful and limit patient rehabilitation. We conducted this study to assess the efficacy of a non-adherent polyurethane dressing in reducing pain and its effect on the epithelialization rate of donor sites of STSGs. Methods: Fifteen patients requiring an STSG were included. In 10 patients the donor sites were randomly divided into two halves and covered with either a non-adherent polyurethane dressing or a standard non-adherent gauze. In five patients with bilateral donor sites, one side was covered with the non-adherent polyurethane dressing and the other with non-adherent gauze. The pain was assessed with a visual analog scale and epithelialization was also assessed, calculating non-epithelialized areas with image software by a blinded surgeon. Epithelialization of the wounds covered with the non-adherent polyurethane dressing was assessed at day 8 and 10 and those with non-adherent gauze at day 10. Results: Postoperative pain significantly decreased with the non-adherent polyurethane dressing during the length of the study (6.07 ± 1.46 vs. 1.72 ± 1.6) and at each time point (p < 0.001). Epithelialization was not affected with the polyurethane dressing, compared to the standard method

    Observación de oportunidad de un Giro argelino al sur de Cabo de Palos (Mediterráneo sudoccidental)

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    Large anticyclonic eddies can detach from the Algerian Current, forming open-sea Algerian Eddies. These mesoscale structures have been intensively studied by means of sea surface temperature and altimetry data, and using numerical models. However, few studies describe an in situ sampling of their whole vertical structure. Furthermore, the area extending from Cape La Nao (western edge of the Balearic Channels) to the Almería-Orán Front has received very little attention, and it could be considered that there is a gap in our present oceanographic knowledge of this part of the western Mediterranean. An Algerian Eddy lasting for several months was detected in December 2021 to the south of Cape Palos. In order to analyse this eddy, an opportunity sampling was designed taking advantage of the periodic monitoring campaign RADMED 0222. This sampling revealed that the eddy had a baroclinic character, affecting the whole water column. These results suggest that this eddy was generated at the Algerian Current, finally affecting an area close to the eastern Spanish coast. The presence of these structures in this region of the western Mediterranean could alter the southward progression of the Northern Current and even the presence and structure of the Almería-Orán Front.Giros anticiclónicos de gran tamaño pueden desprenderse de la Corriente Argelina, llegando a formar giros en mar abierto. Estas estructuras de mesoescala han sido estudiadas intensamente mediante datos de temperatura superficial del mar, datos de altimetría, y modelos numéricos. Sin embargo, hay pocos trabajos que describan mediante medidas&nbsp;in situ&nbsp;la estructura vertical de estos giros. Al margen de esta circunstancia, la zona que se extiende desde el Cabo La Nao (en el extremo occidental de los Canales Baleares) hasta el Frente Almería-Orán, ha recibido poca atención, pudiéndose considerar que existe una laguna en nuestro conocimiento sobre la oceanografía de esta zona. Un giro anticiclónico fue detectado en diciembre de 2021 al sur de Cabo de Palos, pudiéndose observar durante varios meses. Para analizar este giro se diseñó un muestreo de oportunidad, aprovechando la campaña rutinaria RADMED0222. Este muestreo mostró la estructura baroclina del giro, la cual afectaba a toda su extensión vertical. Los resultados obtenidos también sugieren que el giro se formó en la Corriente Argelina, afectando finalmente a una zona próxima a la costa española. La presencia de este tipo de estructuras en esta región del Mediterráneo Occidental podría afectar a la progresión hacia el sur de la Corriente Septentrional, e incluso a la presencia y estructura del Frente Almería-Orán