98 research outputs found

    Sustainable limestone and EAF aggregate concretes through particle packing models (PPMs) and life cycle assessment (LCA)

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    V.I. 226p. V.II 131 p.In view of the current concern about environmental problems, the use of slags from the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) as aggregates in the concrete has been proved to be successful for multiple applications avoiding the use of natural aggregates. Hence, the range of aggregates available for designing concretes is continuously growing.The main objective of this thesis is to design economic and environmentally sustainable concrete mixes made with natural limestone (NL) aggregates and electric arc furnace (EAF) aggregate through a particle packing density perspective without compromising their compressive strength and workability.In order to verify the potential of particle packing theories to design more economical and environmentally sustainable NL aggregate and EAF aggregate concrete mixes, two traditional optimal curves and two current discrete packing models were validated with experimental packing results to demonstrate its feasibility in the prediction of the most compacted structure. Several (17) NL and EAF aggregate concrete mixes were then designed by varying the aggregate proportion and the content of cement paste to analyse the effect of aggregate packing density on the fresh and hardened concrete properties. Finally, the economic and environmental impact of the different concrete mixes were assessed to evaluate the potential of the particle packing methods in the development of more sustainable concrete.It was concluded that the concrete mixtures designed by maximizing the coarse aggregates content in the range of the maximum packing density present the highest compressive strength and workability and the low environmental and economic impact. In addition, due to the higher compressive strength and the low contribution of aggregate in the concrete environmental impact, the EAF aggregate concrete contributes to a greater reduction of the environmental and economic impact.Tecnali

    In-silico assay of a dosing vehicle based on chitosan-TiO2 and modified benzofuran-isatin molecules against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    A high priority of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the study of drugs against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which has developed antibiotic resistance. In this order, recent research is analyzing biomaterials and metal oxide nanoparticles, such as chitosan (QT) and TiO2 (NT), which can transport molecules with biological activity against bacteria, to propose them as drug carrier candidates. In the present work, 10 modified benzofuran-isatin molecules were studied through computational simulation using density functional theory (DFT) and molecular docking assays against Hfq and LpxC (proteins of P. aeruginosa). The results show that the ligand efficiency of commercial drugs C-CP and C-AZI against Hfq is low compared with the best-designed molecule MOL-A. However, we highlight that the influence of NT promotes a better interaction of some molecules, where MOL-E generates a better interaction by 0.219 kcal/mol when NT is introduced in Hfq, forming the system Hfq-NT (Target-NT). Similar behavior is observed in the LpxC target, in which MOL-J is better at 0.072 kcal/mol. Finally, two pharmacophoric models for Hfq and LpxC implicate hydrophobic and aromatic-hydrophobic fragments

    Ámbitos de gobernanza en las políticas alimentarias urbanas: una mirada operativa

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    The present research tries to identify the different areas of governance, which are significant to urban food policies, and its operational weaknesses and potentialities. With this aim, it analyses the actions developed to improve food governance in 13 Spanish cities, all of them related to the Network of Cities for Agroecology. The information obtained through a questionnaire has been complemented with personal interviews and analysis of documentation on specific actions. In addition, three Local Food Strategies (Valladolid, Zaragoza and Segovia) have been analyzed). The study identifies at least six fields of food governance (1-Grassroots; 2-Multi-actor; 3-Intra-administration; 4-Multi-level; 5-Territorial; and 6-Trans-local). Around these areas, urban food policies discuss concepts such as the new multi-actor institutions, dialectics between grassroots movements, farmers and local governments, or the relevance of different approaches such as the City-Region Food System. The conclusions suggest deepening the articulation of the top-down and bottom-up approaches to food policies, giving centrality to the role of the organic farming sector and to the marginalized urban groups, as well as to the importance of transcending the merely local scale in order to develop the potential for sustainable food policies. In this sense, the governance of urban food policies goes beyond urban territories and landscapes and general urban dynamics generate significant impacts overall territory.La presente investigación pretende identificar los ámbitos de gobernanza significativos en las políticas alimentarias urbanas, así como las deficiencias y potencialidades en su implementación. Para ello se analizan las acciones para mejorar la gobernanza alimentaria en 13 ciudades españolas, relacionadas todas ellas con la Red de Ciudades por la Agroecología. La información obtenida mediante un cuestionario ha sido complementada con entrevistas personales y análisis de documentación sobre acciones específicas. Además, se han analizado las Estrategias Alimentarias Urbanas de tres ciudades (Valladolid, Zaragoza y Segovia). El estudio identifica 6 ámbitos de la gobernanza alimentaria (1-De base; 2-Multi-actor; 3-Intra-administración; 4-Multi-nivel; 5-Territorial; y 6-Gobernanza translocal). En torno a estos ámbitos se discuten conceptos como las nuevas institucionalidades multi-actor que se están generando en torno a las políticas alimentarias urbanas; la dialéctica entre administración, organizaciones sociales y sector agrario o la pertinencia de distintas miradas como los enfoques de Sistema Alimentario de Ciudad-Región. Las conclusiones sugieren profundizar en la articulación de los enfoques top-down y bottom-up de las políticas alimentarias, aportando centralidad al papel del sector agrario ecológico y a actores urbanos desfavorecidos, así como a la importancia de trascender la escala meramente local para poder desarrollar el potencial de sostenibilidad de las políticas alimentarias. De esta forma, la gobernanza de las políticas alimentarias urbanas va más allá de los territorios y paisajes urbanos, del mismo modo que las dinámicas generales urbanas generan importantes impactos sobre el conjunto del territorio

    Cytogenetic and genomic analysis of a patient with turner syndrome and t(2;12): a case report

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    Background: Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that afects women. It is caused by an absent or incomplete X chromosome, which can be presented in mosaicism or not. There are 12 cases of Turner syndrome patients who present structural alterations in autosomal chromosomes. Case presentation: The present case report describes a patient with a reciprocal, maternally inherited translocation between chromosomes 2 and 12 with a mosaicism of X monosomy 45,X,t(2;12)(p13;q24)[95]/46,XX,t(2;12)(p13;q24) [5]. Through genetic mapping arrays, altered genes in the patient were determined within the 23 chromosome pairs. These genes were associated with the patient’s clinical features using a bioinformatics tool Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the frst case in which a translocation (2;12) is reported in a patient with Turner syndrome and confrmed by conventional cytogenetics, FISH and molecular genetics. Clinical features of our patient are closely related with the loss of one X chromosome, however mild intellectual disability can be likely explained by autosomal genes. The presence of familial translocations was a common fnding, thus emphasizing the need for familiar testing for further genetic counselling

    10 años Maestría en Docencia de las Ciencias Naturales

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    The reflection on the teacher's figure as an intellectual in the Natural Sciences area outlined in this paper has three main pillars. The first is the importance of historical-epistemological studies of science, which allow the teacher to recognize the different trends that emerge and the contributions that mark the evolution of society and scientific knowledge. The second concerns theoretical deepening from a disciplinary perspective, which provides arguments to delve into theoretical-practical aspects and promotes understanding about a particular object of study. The third emphasizes alternative proposals in the teaching of natural sciences. Under these precepts, teachers, who assume themselves as intellectuals, notice the importance of the historical-epistemological deepening in the consolidation of a theoretical corpus. In addition to conceiving the classroom as a system of emerging relationships that make it possible problematization of natural phenomena, based on alternative proposals for science teaching.La serie Pre•Impresos Estudiantes es una iniciativa editorial del Proyecto Comunicación y Publicaciones de la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología (FCT), cuya idea central es trabajar por la cualificación de la escritura, para dar visibilidad a la producción intelectual de los maestros en formación y en ejercicio. Con esta publicación se busca tender puentes entre los saberes especializados y la cultura en general, además de contribuir al fortalecimiento de la docencia y la investigación en educación.   Asimismo, constituye una estrategia de comunicación que posibilita la circulación adecuada de información y promueve la reflexión sobre temas y actividades inherentes a las ciencias, la matemática, la tecnología y su enseñanza. Con ella también se espera favorecer la integración de los equipos de trabajo y la construcción de relaciones de cooperación entre los diferentes miembros de la comunidad académica de la Facultad.   Estos aspectos, relacionados con los fines misionales de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, resultan pertinentes y significativos en la formación de nuevas generaciones de maestros e investigadores en pedagogía, que en su futura práctica profesional afrontarán diversos retos y circunstancias que el entorno social del país le plantea a la educación

    BRAF V600E mutational load as a prognosis biomarker in malignant melanoma

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    Analyzing the mutational load of driver mutations in melanoma could provide valuable information regarding its progression. We aimed at analyzing the heterogeneity of mutational load of BRAF V600E in biopsies of melanoma patients of different stages, and investigating its potential as a prognosis factor. Mutational load of BRAF V600E was analyzed by digital PCR in 78 biopsies of melanoma patients of different stages and 10 nevi. The BRAF V600E load was compared among biopsies of different stages. Results showed a great variability in the load of V600E (0%-81%). Interestingly, we observed a significant difference in the load of V600E between the early and late melanoma stages, in the sense of an inverse correlation between BRAF V600E mutational load and melanoma progression. In addition, a machine learning approach showed that the mutational load of BRAF V600E could be a good predictor of metastasis in stage II patients. Our results suggest that BRAF V600E is a promising biomarker of prognosis in stage II patients.This research was supported by the Basque Government (grants ELKARTEK-KK2016-036 and KK2017-041 to MDB, grant IT1138-16 to SA and predoctoral fellowship PRE_2014_1_419 to AS), and by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (grant GIU17/066). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    A Quick Guide for Using Microsoft Onenote as an Electronic Laboratory Notebook

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    [Abstract] Scientific data recording and reporting systems are of a great interest for endorsing reproducibility and transparency practices among the scientific community. Current research generates large datasets that can no longer be documented using paper lab notebooks (PLNs). In this regard, electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) could be a promising solution to replace PLNs and promote scientific reproducibility and transparency. We previously analyzed five ELNs and performed two survey-based studies to implement an ELN in a biomedical research institute. Among the ELNs tested, we found that Microsoft OneNote presents numerous features related to ELN best functionalities. In addition, both surveyed groups preferred OneNote over a scientifically designed ELN (PerkinElmer Elements). However, OneNote remains a general note-taking application and has not been designed for scientific purposes. We therefore provide a quick guide to adapt OneNote to an ELN workflow that can also be adjusted to other nonscientific ELNs

    Atherosclerotic plaque development in mice is enhanced by myeloid ZEB1 downregulation.

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    Accumulation of lipid-laden macrophages within the arterial neointima is a critical step in atherosclerotic plaque formation. Here, we show that reduced levels of the cellular plasticity factor ZEB1 in macrophages increase atherosclerotic plaque formation and the chance of cardiovascular events. Compared to control counterparts (Zeb1WT/ApoeKO), male mice with Zeb1 ablation in their myeloid cells (Zeb1∆M/ApoeKO) have larger atherosclerotic plaques and higher lipid accumulation in their macrophages due to delayed lipid traffic and deficient cholesterol efflux. Zeb1∆M/ApoeKO mice display more pronounced systemic metabolic alterations than Zeb1WT/ApoeKO mice, with higher serum levels of low-density lipoproteins and inflammatory cytokines and larger ectopic fat deposits. Higher lipid accumulation in Zeb1∆M macrophages is reverted by the exogenous expression of Zeb1 through macrophage-targeted nanoparticles. In vivo administration of these nanoparticles reduces atherosclerotic plaque formation in Zeb1∆M/ApoeKO mice. Finally, low ZEB1 expression in human endarterectomies is associated with plaque rupture and cardiovascular events. These results set ZEB1 in macrophages as a potential target in the treatment of atherosclerosis.S

    Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Withdrawal Is Associated with Higher Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19

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    Our main aim was to describe the effect on the severity of ACEI (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) and ARB (angiotensin II receptor blocker) during COVID-19 hospitalization. A retrospective, observational, multicenter study evaluating hospitalized patients with COVID-19 treated with ACEI/ARB. The primary endpoint was the incidence of the composite outcome of prognosis (IMV (invasive mechanical ventilation), NIMV (non-invasive mechanical ventilation), ICU admission (intensive care unit), and/or all-cause mortality). We evaluated both outcomes in patients whose treatment with ACEI/ARB was continued or withdrawn. Between February and June 2020, 11,205 patients were included, mean age 67 years (SD = 16.3) and 43.1% female; 2162 patients received ACEI/ARB treatment. ACEI/ARB treatment showed lower all-cause mortality (p < 0.0001). Hypertensive patients in the ACEI/ARB group had better results in IMV, ICU admission, and the composite outcome of prognosis (p < 0.0001 for all). No differences were found in the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events. Patients previously treated with ACEI/ARB continuing treatment during hospitalization had a lower incidence of the composite outcome of prognosis than those whose treatment was withdrawn (RR 0.67, 95%CI 0.63-0.76). ARB was associated with better survival than ACEI (HR 0.77, 95%CI 0.62-0.96). ACEI/ARB treatment during COVID-19 hospitalization was associated with protection on mortality. The benefits were greater in hypertensive, those who continue


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    Los sistemas de registro y de reporte de datos son de gran interés, puesto que respaldan la reproducibilidad y transparencia científica. La investigación actual genera una gran cantidad de datos que ya no se pueden documentar utilizando cuadernos de laboratorio de papel (CLP). Los cuadernos electrónicos de laboratorio (CEL) podrían ser una solu-ción prometedora para reemplazar los CLP y promover la reproducibilidad científica y su transparencia. Anteriormente analizamos cinco CEL y realizamos dos encuestas para implementar un CEL en un instituto de investigación biomédica. Entre los CEL proba-dos, encontramos que Microsoft OneNote presenta numerosas características relacio-nadas con las mejores funcionalidades del CEL. Además, ambos grupos encuestados prefirieron OneNote sobre un CEL científico (Elements de PerkinElmer). Sin embargo, OneNote es una aplicación general para tomar notas que no ha sido diseñada para fi-nes científicos. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo proporcionamos varias pautas para adaptar OneNote a un flujo de trabajo experimental