44 research outputs found

    A census of dense cores in the Aquila cloud complex: SPIRE/PACS observations from the <i>Herschel</i> Gould Belt survey

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    We present and discuss the results of the HerschelHerschel Gould Belt survey (HGBS) observations in an ~11 deg2deg^2 area of the Aquila molecular cloud complex at dd ~ 260 pc, imaged with the SPIRE and PACS photometric cameras in parallel mode from 70μm70\mu m to 500μm500\mu m. Using the multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction algorithm getsourcesgetsources, we identify a complete sample of starless dense cores and embedded (Class 0-I) protostars in this region, and analyze their global properties and spatial distributions. We find a total of 651 starless cores, ~60% ± 10% of which are gravitationally bound prestellar cores, and they will likely form stars in the future. We also detect 58 protostellar cores. The core mass function (CMF) derived for the large population of prestellar cores is very similar in shape to the stellar initial mass function (IMF), confirming earlier findings on a much stronger statistical basis and supporting the view that there is a close physical link between the stellar IMF and the prestellar CMF. The global shift in mass scale observed between the CMF and the IMF is consistent with a typical star formation efficiency of ~40% at the level of an individual core. By comparing the numbers of starless cores in various density bins to the number of young stellar objects (YSOs), we estimate that the lifetime of prestellar cores is ~1 Myr, which is typically ~4 times longer than the core free-fall time, and that it decreases with average core density. We find a strong correlation between the spatial distribution of prestellar cores and the densest filaments observed in the Aquila complex. About 90% of the HerschelHerschel-identified prestellar cores are located above a background column density corresponding to AVA_V ~ 7, and ~75% of them lie within filamentary structures with supercritical masses per unit length ≳16 M/pcM_{\odot}/pc. These findings support a picture wherein the cores making up the peak of the CMF (and probably responsible for the base of the IMF) result primarily from the gravitational fragmentation of marginally supercritical filaments. Given that filaments appear to dominate the mass budget of dense gas at AV>7A_V> 7, our findings also suggest that the physics of prestellar core formation within filaments is responsible for a characteristic “efficiency” SFR/MdenseSFR/M_{dense} ~52+2x108yr15^{+2}_{-2}x 10^{-8}yr^{-1} for the star formation process in dense gas

    Prioritizing multiple therapeutic targets in parallel using automated DNA-encoded library screening

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    AbstractThe identification and prioritization of chemically tractable therapeutic targets is a significant challenge in the discovery of new medicines. We have developed a novel method that rapidly screens multiple proteins in parallel using DNA-encoded library technology (ELT). Initial efforts were focused on the efficient discovery of antibacterial leads against 119 targets from Acinetobacter baumannii and Staphylococcus aureus. The success of this effort led to the hypothesis that the relative number of ELT binders alone could be used to assess the ligandability of large sets of proteins. This concept was further explored by screening 42 targets from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Active chemical series for six targets from our initial effort as well as three chemotypes for DHFR from M. tuberculosis are reported. The findings demonstrate that parallel ELT selections can be used to assess ligandability and highlight opportunities for successful lead and tool discovery.</jats:p

    Underlying Mechanisms of Gene–Environment Interactions in Externalizing Behavior: A Systematic Review and Search for Theoretical Mechanisms

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    Post-translational lipid modification and nucleotide binding of Myelin 2',3'-Cyclic Nucleotide 3'-Phosphodiesterase (CNP)

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    The myelin protein CNP (2spprime,3spprime(2 sp prime,3 sp prime-Cyclic Nucleotide 3spprime sp prime-Phosphodiesterase) is thio-palmitoylated. Since acylation plays an important role in the protein-membrane interaction, CNP palmitoylation was further investigated. Seven cysteine residues in CNP were individually converted into serines and the palmitoylation was analyzed in either COS-7 cells or an in vitro acylation reaction. No single Cys to Ser mutation could reduce substantially the level of palmitoylation, which may indicate that the turnover of palmitate on CNP is high and that there are multiple palmitoylation sites. Immunostaining and subcellular fractionation showed that isoprenylation is the major factor to control the membrane association of CNP while palmitoylation may serve as a fine tuning mechanism. A double mutation of Cys 231 to Ser and Thr 374 to Pro greatly reduced CNPase activity and the level of palmitoylation. CNP was expressed in Sf9 cells and the mutant C397S was purified to near homogeneity. Since CNP contains several ATPase consensus motifs, we investigated in a preliminary way its ATPase/ATP-binding properties. CNP was affinity-photolabeled by lbrackalphasp32 lbrack alpha- sp{32}P) 8-azido ATP in a specific and saturable way, although no apparent ATPase activity was detected. The binding of 8N3 ATP could be competed by ATP, GTP and CTP at different concentrations

    Testing the universality of the star-formation efficiency in dense molecular gas

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    Context. Recent studies with, for example, Spitzer and Herschel have suggested that star formation in dense molecular gas may be governed by essentially the same “law” in Galactic clouds and external galaxies. This conclusion remains controversial, however, in large part because different tracers have been used to probe the mass of dense molecular gas in Galactic and extragalactic studies. Aims. We aimed to calibrate the HCN and HCO+ lines commonly used as dense gas tracers in extragalactic studies and to test the possible universality of the star-formation efficiency in dense gas (≳104 cm-3), SFEdense. Methods. We conducted wide-field mapping of the Aquila, Ophiuchus, and Orion B clouds at ~0.04 pc resolution in the J = 1 − 0 transition of HCN, HCO+, and their isotopomers. For each cloud, we derived a reference estimate of the dense gas mass MHerschelAV > 8, as well as the strength of the local far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation field, using Herschel Gould Belt survey data products, and estimated the star-formation rate from direct counting of the number of Spitzer young stellar objects. Results. The H13CO+(1–0) and H13CN(1–0) lines were observed to be good tracers of the dense star-forming filaments detected with Herschel. Comparing the luminosities LHCN and LHCO+ measured in the HCN and HCO+ lines with the reference masses MHerschelAV > 8, the empirical conversion factors αHerschel − HCN (=MHerschelAV > 8/LHCN) and αHerschel − HCO+ (=MHerschelAV > 8/LHCO+) were found to be significantly anti-correlated with the local FUV strength. In agreement with a recent independent study of Orion B by Pety et al., the HCN and HCO+ lines were found to trace gas down to AV ≳ 2. As a result, published extragalactic HCN studies must be tracing all of the moderate density gas down to nH2 ≲ 103 cm-3. Estimating the contribution of this moderate density gas from the typical column density probability distribution functions in nearby clouds, we obtained the following G0-dependent HCN conversion factor for external galaxies: αHerschel − HCNfit′ = 64 × G0-0.34. Re-estimating the dense gas masses in external galaxies with αHerschel − HCNfit′(G0), we found that SFEdense is remarkably constant, with a scatter of less than 1.5 orders of magnitude around 4.5 × 10-8 yr-1, over eight orders of magnitude in dense gas mass. Conclusions. Our results confirm that SFEdense of galaxies is quasi-universal on a wide range of scales from ~ 1–10 pc to > 10 kpc. Based on the tight link between star formation and filamentary structure found in Herschel studies of nearby clouds, we argue that SFEdense is primarily set by the “microphysics” of core and star formation along filaments