36 research outputs found

    Identification and characterization of popular rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties through chemical tests

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    Identification and characterization of crop varieties are crucial for ensuring the genetic purity of seeds. The present investigation was carried out to identify suitable chemical methods that are fast, reliable and easy for seed analysts, breeders and seed producers for identification of a variety. Twenty-five popular rice varieties in the seed supply chain of Tamil Nadu were subjected to phenol, modified phenol, NaOH, aroma, gelatinization temperature (alkali spreading value), GA3 and 2,4-D tests. The results of the experiment revealed that phenol and modified phenol tests changed the colour of TKM 9 and TRY 1 variety to brown but no colour change was observed in the variety I.W. Ponni variety. The NaOH test is useful for the identification of TKM 9 variety as it changed the colourless solution to red. GA3 and 2,4-D tests characterized the varieties based on the shoot growth into two and three groups respectively. However, all the variety lacked aroma and exhibited a high gelatinization temperature

    Rice landraces of Tamil Nadu –a review 

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    India being a floristically diverse and genetically rich nation is endowed with huge rice germplasm collections. As per the vedic evidences, in olden days about 400 landraces of paddy had been in cultivation in Tamil Nadu which is an agrarian state of India. But due to the introduction of high yielding cultivars these landraces went out of cultivation leading to genetic erosion. However, a few hundreds of landraces are in cultivation in small pockets in Tamil Nadu. So it is our bound duty to conserve the available landraces, sort out the duplications and maintain the identity of the cultivars by the way of precise morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization for the valuable traits possessed by these landraces. According to ancient Tamil literature, some of these landraces are resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses while some others are known for their nutritional and therapeutic values in rice. Landraces of Tamil Nadu origin were extensively studied for their tolerance against abiotic stresses whereas the clinical validation of several of the landraces with nutritional and medicinal value is gaining importance in view of the growing interest of the consumers for a health conscious diet. In this context, traditional knowledge about the indigenous cultivars will help to explore the scientific basis of the nutraceutical values of the traditional cultivars by the plant breeders for sustaining food as well as the nutritional security and for overcoming the future challenges

    Structure Functions of the Nucleon in a Statistical Model

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    Deep inelastic scattering is considered in a statistical model of the nucleon. This incorporates certain features which are absent in the standard parton model such as quantum statistical correlations which play a role in the propagation of particles when considering Feynman diagrams containing internal lines. The inclusion of the O(αs){\cal O}(\alpha_{s}) corrections in our numerical calculations allows a good fit to the data for x0.25x\geq 0.25. The fit corresponds to values of temperature and chemical potential of approximately T=0.067T=0.067 GeV and μ=0.133\mu=0.133 GeV. The latter values of parameters, however, give rise, for all xx, to a large value for R=σL/σTR=\sigma_{L}/\sigma_{T}.Comment: 16 pages TeX, 11 figures available as Postscript files, University of Bielefeld preprint BI-TP 93/3

    Bulletin of Tropical Legumes

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    The Bulletin of Tropical Legumes is a quarterly publication of the Tropical Legumes III (TL III) project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and jointly implemented by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi- Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in close collaboration with partners in the National Agricultural Research Systems of target countries in sub- Saharan Africa and South Asia. TL III aims to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in drought-prone areas of the two regions through enhanced productivity and production of grain legumes

    Statistical effect in the parton distribution functions of the nucleon

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    A new and simple statistical approach is performed to calculate the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the nucleon in terms of light-front kinematic variables. We do not put in any extra arbitrary parameter or corrected term by hand, which guarantees the stringency of our approach. Analytic expressions of the xx-dependent PDFs are obtained in the whole xx region [0,1], and some features, especially the low-xx rise, are more agreeable with experimental data than those in some previous instant-form statistical models in the infinite-momentum frame (IMF). Discussions on heavy-flavored PDFs are also presented.Comment: 16 latex pages, 10 figures, to appear in PL

    Nuclear EMC Effect in a Statistical Model

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    A simple statistical model in terms of light-front kinematic variables is used to explain the nuclear EMC effect in the range x[0.2, 0.7]x \in [0.2,~0.7], which was constructed by us previously to calculate the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the nucleon. Here, we treat the temperature TT as a parameter of the atomic number AA, and get reasonable results in agreement with the experimental data. Our results show that the larger AA, the lower TT thus the bigger volume VV, and these features are consistent with other models. Moreover, we give the predictions of the quark distribution ratios, \emph{i.e.}, qA(x)/qD(x)q^A(x) / q^D(x), qˉA(x)/qˉD(x)\bar{q}^A(x) / \bar{q}^D(x), and sA(x)/sD(x)s^A(x) / s^D(x), and also the gluon ratio gA(x)/gD(x)g^A(x) / g^D(x) for iron as an example. The predictions are different from those by other models, thus experiments aiming at measuring the parton ratios of antiquarks, strange quarks, and gluons can provide a discrimination of different models.Comment: 26 latex pages, 3 figure

    A new high yielding black kolukattai grass variety CO 2 (Cenchrus setigerus) suitable for Pasture lands

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    Cenchrus setigerus is commonly known as black kolukkattai grass and is a herbaceous perennial pasture land grass. TNCS 265 is a selection from Kangayam local developed at Department of Forage Crops, Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. TNCS 265 had registered high biomass yield in Station Trials (38.9 t/ha), Multi Location Trials (50.5 t/ha) and in On Farm Trials (46.8 t/ha) which is 12.75, 21.3 and 19.7 per cent yield increase over the check CO 1, respectively. The culture TNCS 265 was promoted to All India Coordinated Research Projects on Forage Crops & Utilization trials during the year 2016 to 2018 and it was evaluated at nine locations in the South zone. Among the cultures evaluated, TNCS 265 registered a mean green fodder yield of 69.0 t/ ha than the national check CAZRI-76 (54.87 t/ha) and the qualifying variety IGFRI-96-706 (57.98 t/ha) which showed an improvement of 25.76 and 19.01 per cent yield increase over the check, respectively. It ranked first in green fodder yield in all three years of evaluation, under AICRP trials in south zone. It has the crude protein content of 8.18 per cent. The fibre fractions such as Acid Detergent Fibre (%) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (%) were comparatively lesser (42.5 & 64.17 %) than the national check CAZRI-76 (45.43 & 70.4 %) indicating higher digestibility and intake of green fodder of proposed entry. It was also evident from its higher value of in vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (55.47 %) than the national check CAZRI-76 (51.93 %). Hence, considering the stable performance of TNCS 265 (Cenchrus setigerus), it was proposed and released as black kolukkattai grass CO 2 for pasture land cultivation in the south zone of India during 2019 and notified as per Gazette Notification No. S.O. 99(E). dt. 06.01.2020 for general cultivatio

    Neutron spin structure function and its precise evaluation

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    363-365<span style="font-size:14.0pt;line-height: 115%;font-family:" times="" new="" roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"times="" roman";="" color:black;mso-ansi-language:en-in;mso-fareast-language:en-in;mso-bidi-language:="" hi"="" lang="EN-IN">The neutron spin structure function g<span style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic">n1 and the Bjorken sum rule have been precisely evaluated in the kinematic range 0.014< 0.7 at an average value of the square of the four momentum transfer. Q2 = 5 GeV2 using Thermody namical Bag Model(TBM)and the results have been compared with the experimental values obtained in the Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS) of polarised electrons by polarised 3He nuclei.</span

    Resonance region spin structure functions for proton and deuteron

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    721-723The proton and deuteron spin structure functions  g  and g are evaluated in the resonance region of W2 2 at Q2 =0.5 and 1.2 GeV2 by thermodynamical Bag model (TBM). The calculated values are compared with the measured values obtained by the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) of 9.7 GeV polarised electrons off polarised 15NH3 and 15ND3 targets