185 research outputs found

    Post-glacial climate forcing of surface processes in the Ganges–Brahmaputra river basin and implications for carbon sequestration

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 478 (2017): 89-101, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.08.013.Climate has been proposed to control both the rate of terrestrial silicate weathering and the export rate of associated sediments and terrestrial organic carbon to river-dominated margins – and thus the rate of sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in the coastal ocean – over glacial-interglacial timescales. Focused on the Ganges-Brahmaputra rivers, this study presents records of post-glacial changes in basin-scale Indian summer monsoon intensity and vegetation composition based on stable hydrogen (δD) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic compositions of terrestrial plant wax compounds preserved in the channel-levee system of the Bengal Fan. It then explores the role of these changes in controlling the provenance and degree of chemical weathering of sediments exported by these rivers, and the potential climate feedbacks through organic-carbon burial in the Bengal Fan. An observed 40‰ shift in δD and a 3–4‰ shift in both bulk organic-carbon and plant-wax δ13C values between the late glacial and mid-Holocene, followed by a return to more intermediate values during the late Holocene, correlates well with regional post-glacial paleoclimate records. Sediment provenance proxies (Sr, Nd isotopic compositions) reveal that these changes likely coincided with a subtle focusing of erosion on the southern flank of the Himalayan range during periods of greater monsoon strength and enhanced sediment discharge. However, grain-size-normalized organic-carbon concentrations in the Bengal Fan remained constant through time, despite order-of-magnitude level changes in catchment-scale monsoon precipitation and enhanced chemical weathering (recorded as a gradual increase in K/Si* and detrital carbonate content, and decrease in H2O+/Si*, proxies) throughout the study period. These findings demonstrate a partial decoupling of climate change and silicate weathering during the Holocene and that marine organic-carbon sequestration rates primary reflect rates of physical erosion and sediment export as modulated by climatic changes. Together, these results reveal the magnitude of climate changes within the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin following deglaciation and a closer coupling of monsoon strength with OC burial than with silicate weathering on millennial timescales.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [grant numbers OCE-1333826 and OCE-1333387]

    Sustained wood burial in the Bengal Fan over the last 19 My

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    Author Posting. © National Academy of Sciences, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of National Academy of Sciences for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(45), (2019): 22518-22525, doi:10.1073/pnas.1913714116.The Ganges–Brahmaputra (G-B) River system transports over a billion tons of sediment every year from the Himalayan Mountains to the Bay of Bengal and has built the world’s largest active sedimentary deposit, the Bengal Fan. High sedimentation rates drive exceptional organic matter preservation that represents a long-term sink for atmospheric CO2. While much attention has been paid to organic-rich fine sediments, coarse sediments have generally been overlooked as a locus of organic carbon (OC) burial. However, International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 354 recently discovered abundant woody debris (millimeter- to centimeter-sized fragments) preserved within the coarse sediment layers of turbidite beds recovered from 6 marine drill sites along a transect across the Bengal Fan (∼8°N, ∼3,700-m water depth) with recovery spanning 19 My. Analysis of bulk wood and lignin finds mostly lowland origins of wood delivered episodically. In the last 5 My, export included C4 plants, implying that coarse woody, lowland export continued after C4 grassland expansion, albeit in reduced amounts. Substantial export of coarse woody debris in the last 1 My included one wood-rich deposit (∼0.05 Ma) that encompassed coniferous wood transported from the headwaters. In coarse layers, we found on average 0.16 weight % OC, which is half the typical biospheric OC content of sediments exported by the modern G-B Rivers. Wood burial estimates are hampered by poor drilling recovery of sands. However, high-magnitude, low-frequency wood export events are shown to be a key mechanism for C burial in turbidites.This work was funded by National Science Foundation Grants OCE-1401217 and COL-T354A55 to S.J.F. and OCE-1400805 to V.G. Graduate student participation in the project received support from University of Southern California Provost’s Fellowship to H.L. Samples were provided by the International Ocean Discovery Program. We are grateful for the efforts of the Expedition 354 Science Party, Carl Johnson, and Zongguang Liu. C.F.-L. and A.G. were supported by IODP-France. We thank Colin Osborne and Maria Vorontsova for helpful discussions.2020-04-2

    Particulate organic carbon (POC) export from soil and vegetation in temperate mountain regions

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    In assessing the significance of terrestrial particulate organic carbon (POC) export in the global carbon cycle, it is essential to be able to predict the POC yield and its make-up (broadly, fossil versus non-fossil) from any given setting. Because mountains vastly dominate the physical erosion load, an understanding of the processes operating in mountains of different kinds, and what controls them, is necessary. In particular, the dynamics of POC harvest in temperate forested uplands are poorly constrained, despite the large area covered by these zones. C and N concentration and isotopic composition data (for both riverine suspended sediment and carbon stores) are presented from two contrasting temperate mountain regions with vast stocks of soil organic carbon. In the northern Swiss Alps, as discharge increases, POC is initially diluted by lithic material through in-channel clearing, but beyond a threshold POC is added. This happens under moderate flow conditions when hillslopes are activated and rain- induced overland flow delivers soil POC to channels. As a result, the proportion of non-fossil POC increases significantly as discharge and suspended sediment load increase. In contrast to the Swiss Alps, overland flow occurs rarely in the Oregon Cascades and Coast Range. There, hillslope soil is decoupled from the channel, due largely to riparian vegetation that both prevents extensive mobilisation and traps sediment before it reaches the stream. Where channels are aggrading, there is no other input mechanism for soil or bedrock, resulting in very low total sediment and POC yields (and correspondingly high POC concentrations). In the Coast Range, with largely sedimentary rather than volcanic substrate, there is some evidence for hillslope soil mobilisation, but not (under moderate meteorological conditions) on the scale observed in Switzerland. Instead, nearly all POC exported comes from vegetation. Initial dilution of POC through in-channel clearing is still evident, and without subsequent activation of the soil reservoir, Oregon’s POC export (per unit area) is around an order of magnitude less than the Swiss system

    On discrimination between carbonate and silicate inputs to Himalayan rivers

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    We review new and published analyses of river waters, bedloads and their constituent minerals from the Dhauli Ganga and Alaknanda, headwaters of the Ganges in Garhwal, and the Marsyandi in Nepal and their tributaries. These data are used to discriminate between the inputs of major cations and Sr from silicate and carbonate sources. Methods of estimating the proportion of the carbonate and silicate inputs to river waters using mixing arrays in Sr-Ca-Mg-Na-K 87Sr/86Sr space are shown to suffer from systematic correlations between the magnitude of the precipitation of secondary calcite and the fraction of the silicate component. This results in factor-of two overestimates of the fractions of silicate-derived Ca, Mg and Sr. To correct for this the magnitude of secondary calcite precipitated and relative fractions of silicate and carbonate-derived cations are instead calculated by modeling the displacement of water compositions from the compositions of the carbonate and silicate components of the bedload in subsets of Sr-Ca-Mg-Na-K 87Sr/86Sr space. The compositions of the carbonate and silicate end-members in the bedload are determined by sequential leaching. The results of this modeling are compared with modeling of the modal mineral inputs to waters where mineral compositions are derived from electronmicroprobe analyses of the minerals in the bedload. In the upper Marsyandi catchment, which drains low-grade Tethyan Sedimentary Series formations, a set of mainstem samples collected over a two-year period define tight correlations in Sr-Ca-Mg-Na-K- 87Sr/86Sr space. Modeling of the magnitude of secondary carbonate precipitation and fractions of silicate-derived Ca, Mg and Sr in Sr-Ca-Mg 87Sr/86Sr space gives selfconsistent results that are compatible with both the calculations of mineral modes and published Mg-isotopic compositions, if the ratio of chlorite to biotite weathering is high or if there is another silicate source of Mg. These calculations imply that between 12 and 31 percent of the Sr and 44 and 72 percent of the Mg is derived from silicate minerals where the range reflects the seasonal change in the ratio of silicate-derived to carbonate-derived cations. Modeling in Sr-Ca-Na and/or K space is inconsistent with the Sr-isotopic and Mg-isotopic constraints and we conclude that in this catchment dissolution of Na and K are incongruent relative to Sr-Ca-Mg. Potassium is preferentially retained in micas whereas the controls on Na are unclear. Modeling of the catchments underlain by High Himalayan Crystalline and Lesser Himalayan Series in Garhwal is complicated by the presence of dolomite as well as calcite in the carbonate and the results imply that dolomite dissolves faster in the acetic acid leaches than in nature. Up to 60 percent of the Sr in the catchment on High Himalayan Crystalline Series and 20 to 30 percent of Sr in the catchments on Lesser Himalayan Series are estimated to be derived from silicates. However it should be noted that the element budgets are not all self-consistent and the use of bedrock-element ratios to model the sources of chemical inputs to river waters remains subject to uncertainties

    Quaternary climate modulation of Pb isotopes in the deep Indian Ocean linked to the Himalayan chemical weathering

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    We use reductive sediment leaching to extract lead (Pb) from the authigenic fraction of marine sediments and reconstruct the Pb isotope evolution of the deep central Indian Ocean over the past 250 thousand years at ∼3 kyr resolution. Temporal variations define a binary mixing line that is consistent with data from ferromanganese nodules and which records mixing between two well-defined endmembers through time. The unradiogenic endmember appears to represent a widely-distributed Pb source, from mid-ocean ridges or possibly volcanic aerosols, while the radiogenic endmember coincides with the composition of Ganges–Brahmaputra river sediments that are indicative of the Himalayan weathering inputs. Glacial–interglacial Pb isotope variations are striking and can be explained by an enhancement of Himalayan contributions by two to three times during interglacial periods, indicating that climate modulates the supply of dissolved elements to the ocean. While these changes could accurately record variations in the continental chemical weathering flux in response to warmer and wetter conditions during interglacials, the relative proportions of Pb derived from the Ganges and Brahmaputra appear to have been constant through time. This observation may point towards particulate-dissolved interactions in the estuary or pro-delta as a buffer of short timescale variability in the composition (and potentially flux) of the fluvial inputs. In addition, the changes are recorded at 3800 m water depth, and with the lack of deep water formation in the Bay of Bengal, a mechanism to transfer such a signature into the deep ocean could either be reversible scavenging of dissolved Pb inputs and/or boundary exchange on the deep sea fan. Unless the mechanism transferring the Pb isotope signature into the deep ocean was itself highly sensitive to global climate cycles, and with the absence of a precessional signal in our Pb isotope data, we suggest that the Indian climate and its influence on basin-scale chemical weathering were strongly modulated by glacial versus interglacial boundary conditions

    Survival of graphitized petrogenic organic carbon through multiple erosional cycles

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    Graphite forms the endpoint for organic carbon metamorphism; it is extremely resilient to physical, biological and chemical degradation. Carbonaceous materials (CM) contained within sediments, collected across Taiwan and from the Gaoping submarine canyon, were analyzed using Raman spectroscopy to determine the crystallinity. This allowed the erosional and orogenic movements of petrogenic organic carbon (OCpetro) during the Taiwanese orogeny to be deduced. After automatically fitting and classifying spectra, the distribution of four groups of CM within the sediments provides evidence that many forms of OCpetro have survived at least one previous cycle of erosion, transport and burial before forming rocks in the Western Foothills of the island. There is extensive detrital graphite present in rocks that have not experienced high-grade metamorphism, and graphite flakes are also found in recently deposited marine sediments off Taiwan. The tectonic and geological history of the island shows that these graphite flakes must have survived at least three episodes of recycling. Therefore, transformation to graphite during burial and orogeny is a mechanism for stabilizing organic carbon over geological time, removing biospheric carbon from the active carbon cycle and protecting it from oxidation during future erosion events

    A boundary exchange influence on deglacial neodymium isotope records from the deep western Indian Ocean

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    The use of neodymium (Nd) isotopes to reconstruct past water mass mixing relies upon the quasi-conservative behaviour of this tracer, whereas recent studies in the modern oceans have suggested that boundary exchange, involving the addition of Nd from ocean margin sediments, may be an important process in the Nd cycle. Here we suggest that the relative importance of water mass advection versus boundary exchange can be assessed where the deep western boundary current in the Indian Ocean flows past the Madagascan continental margin; a potential source of highly unradiogenic Nd. Foraminiferal coatings and bulk sediment reductive leachates are used to reconstruct bottom water Nd isotopic composition (εNd) in 8 Holocene age coretops, with excellent agreement between the two methods. These data record spatial variability of ∼4 εNd units along the flow path of Circumpolar Deep Water; εNd≈−8.8 in the deep southern inflow upstream of Madagascar, which evolves towards εNd≈−11.5 offshore northern Madagascar, whereas εNd≈−7.3 where deep water re-circulates in the eastern Mascarene Basin. This variability is attributed to boundary exchange and, together with measurements of detrital sediment εNd, an isotope mass balance suggests a deep water residence time for Nd of ≤400 yr along the Madagascan margin. Considering deglacial changes, a core in the deep inflow upstream of Madagascar records εNd changes that agree with previous reconstructions of the Circumpolar Deep Water composition in the Southern Ocean, consistent with a control by water mass advection and perhaps indicating a longer residence time for Nd in the open ocean away from local sediment inputs. In contrast, sites along the Madagascan margin record offset εNd values and reduced glacial–interglacial variability, underlining the importance of detecting boundary exchange before inferring water mass source changes from Nd isotope records. The extent of Madagascan boundary exchange appears to be unchanged between the Holocene and Late Glacial periods, while a consistent shift towards more radiogenic εNd values at all sites in the Late Glacial compared to the Holocene may represent a muted signal of a change in water mass source or composition

    Reactivity of neodymium carriers in deep sea sediments: Implications for boundary exchange and paleoceanography

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    The dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotopic distribution in the deep oceans is determined by continental weathering inputs, water mass advection, and boundary exchange between particulate and dissolved fractions. Reconstructions of past Nd isotopic variability may therefore provide evidence on temporal changes in continental weathering inputs and/or ocean circulation patterns over a range of timescales. However, such an approach is limited by uncertainty in the mechanisms and importance of the boundary exchange process, and the challenge in reliably recovering past seawater Nd isotopic composition (εNd) from deep sea sediments. This study addresses these questions by investigating the processes involved in particulate–solution interactions and their impact on Nd isotopes. A better understanding of boundary exchange also has wider implications for the oceanic cycling and budgets of other particle-reactive elements. Sequential acid-reductive leaching experiments at pH ∼2–5 on deep sea sediments from the western Indian Ocean enable us to investigate natural boundary exchange processes over a timescale appropriate to laboratory experiments. We provide evidence that both the dissolution of solid phases and exchange processes influence the εNd of leachates, which suggests that both processes may contribute to boundary exchange. We use major element and rare earth element (REE) data to investigate the pools of Nd that are accessed and demonstrate that sediment leachate εNd values cannot always be explained by admixture between an authigenic component and the bulk detrital component. For example, in core WIND 24B, acid-reductive leaching generates εNd values between −11 and −6 as a function of solution/solid ratios and leaching times, whereas the authigenic components have εNd ≈ −11 and the bulk detrital component has εNd ≈ −15. We infer that leaching in the Mascarene Basin accesses authigenic components and a minor radiogenic volcanic component that is more reactive than Madagascan-derived clays. The preferential mobilisation of such a minor component demonstrates that the Nd released by boundary exchange could often have a significantly different εNd composition than the bulk detrital sediment. These experiments further demonstrate certain limitations on the use of acid-reductive leaching to extract the εNd composition of the authigenic fraction of bulk deep sea sediments. For example, the detrital component may contain a reactive fraction which is also acid-extractible, while the incongruent nature of this dissolution suggests that it is often inappropriate to use the bulk detrital sediment elemental chemistry and/or εNd composition when assessing possible detrital contamination of leachates. Based on the highly systematic controls observed, and evidence from REE patterns on the phases extracted, we suggest two approaches that lead to the most reliable extraction of the authigenic εNd component and good agreement with foraminiferal-based approaches; either (i) leaching of sediments without a prior decarbonation step, or (ii) the use of short leaching times and low solution/solid ratios throughout

    Tropical-cyclone-driven erosion of the terrestrial biosphere from mountains

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    The transfer of organic carbon from the terrestrial biosphere to the oceans via erosion and riverine transport constitutes an important component of the global carbon cycle. More than one third of this organic carbon flux comes from sediment-laden rivers that drain the mountains in the western Pacific region. This region is prone to tropical cyclones, but their role in sourcing and transferring vegetation and soil is not well constrained. Here we measure particulate organic carbon load and composition in the LiWu River, Taiwan, during cyclone-triggered floods. We correct for fossil particulate organic carbon using radiocarbon, and find that the concentration of particulate organic carbon from vegetation and soils is positively correlated with water discharge. Floods have been shown to carry large amounts of clastic sediment. Non-fossil particulate organic carbon transported at the same time may be buried offshore under high rates of sediment accumulation. We estimate that on decadal timescales, 77–92% of non-fossil particulate organic carbon eroded from the LiWu catchment is transported during large, cyclone-induced floods. We suggest that tropical cyclones, which affect many forested mountains within the Intertropical Convergence Zone, may provide optimum conditions for the delivery and burial of non-fossil particulate organic carbon in the ocean. This carbon transfer is moderated by the frequency, intensity and duration of tropical cyclones