172 research outputs found

    Análisis Prospectivo de la Detección Hiperespectral de Cultivos de Arroz (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    The objective of this work is to perform a prospective analysis of the wavelengths that can be used to recognize a rice crop due to its phenological status and variety. For this purpose, field measurements of spectral signature in the 350 nm -1049 nm range were employed. The rice cultivars FCA 616FL and IDIAP 54-05 were used. The study site was located in the Juan Hombrón area in the Coclé province, Panama. A principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out, which resulted in the lengths 728.16, 677.89 and 785.48 nm let phenological differentiation within the cultivar FCA 616FL and IDIAP 54-05, the lengths 729.72, 814.58 and 666.81 nm let distinguish between crop varieties FCA 616FL and IDIAP 54-05 in vegetative phase.Keywords: Rice, reflectance, hyperspectral signature, phonological state

    Let’s go fishing: A quantitative analysis of subsistence choices with a special focus on mixed economies among small-scale societies

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    The transition to agriculture is regarded as a major turning point in human history. In the present contribution we propose to look at it through the lens of ethnographic data by means of a machine learning approach. More specifically, we analyse both the subsistence economies and the socioecological context of 1290 societies documented in the Ethnographic Atlas with a threefold purpose: (i) to better understand the variability and success of human economic choices; (ii) to assess the role of environmental settings in the configuration of the different subsistence economies; and (iii) to examine the relevance of fishing in the development of viable alternatives to cultivation. All data were extracted from the publicly available cross-cultural database D-PLACE. Our results suggest that not all subsistence combinations are viable, existing just a subset of successful economic choices that appear recurrently in specific ecological systems. The subsistence economies identified are classified as either primary or mixed economies in accordance with an information-entropy-based quantitative criterion that determines their degree of diversification. Remarkably, according to our results, mixed economies are not a marginal choice, as they constitute 25% of the cases in our data sample. In addition, fishing seems to be a key element in the configuration of mixed economies, as it is present across all of them.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: Excellence Networks (HAR2017-90883-REDC) (VA, DZ, JC, JMG) and (RED2018-102518-T) (VA, JMG), as well as the CULM Project (HAR2016-77672-P) (DZ, JC); from the Catalan Government - AGAUR through 2017 SGR 212 (DZ); from the Junta de Castilla y León – Consejería de Educación through BDNS 425389 (VA, JMG); and from the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) through the NASA project (VA, JC, JMG). In addition, this work was partially supported by the European Social Fund, as VA is the recipient of a predoctoral grant from the Department of Education of Junta de Castilla y León. Lastly, the publication fee was partially supported by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Red de banda ancha rural inalámbrica para comunidad Wasa King, Mina Rosita, Región Autónoma Atlántico Norte de Nicaragua.

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    Presenta una propuesta de proyecto de radioenlace fiable y de calidad, para erradicar la problemática existente en la comunidad de Wasa King se desarrolla un diseño de radioenlace punto a punto para proporcionar internet a dicha comunidad con el propósito de llevar esta red de datos a los estudiantes y comunidad y proporcionar mejor vida socio- económica

    Calorimetric scrutiny of lipid binding by sticholysin II toxin mutants

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    The mechanisms by which pore-forming toxins are able to insert into lipid membranes are a subject of the highest interest in the field of lipid–protein interaction. Eight mutants affecting different regions of sticholysin II, a member of the pore-forming actinoporin family, have been produced, and their hemolytic and lipid-binding properties were compared to those of the wild-type protein. A thermodynamic approach to the mechanism of pore formation is also presented. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments show that pore formation by sticholysin II is an enthalpy-driven process that occurs with a high affinity constant (1.7×108 M−1). Results suggest that conformational flexibility at the N-terminus of the protein does not provide higher affinity for the membrane, although it is necessary for correct pore formation. Membrane binding is achieved through two separate mechanisms, that is, recognition of the lipid–water interface by a cluster of aromatic residues and additional specific interactions that include a phosphocholinebinding site. Thermodynamic parameters derived from titration experiments are discussed in terms of a putative model for pore formation

    Robustness of cooperation to movement patterns in a hunter-fisher-gatherer model

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    Most societies often face social dilemmas in which there can be contradictions between individual interests versus those of the community as a whole. Hunter-fisher-gatherer societies can be considered as paradigmatic examples of these phenomena. The fact that many of these societies tend to live permanently disaggregated produces a specific need for maintaining the social tissue as well as for reproducing social and economic knowledge and values that depend on individual behaviour. Therefore, aggregation events are of special relevance as they represent the optimal occasion to deal with specific social aspects that in these cases need extraordinary circumstances to be held. Our case of study is focused on cooperative processes developed by historical hunterfisher- gatherer-societies from the Beagle channel (Tierra del Fuego), that developed their existence mainly through an economy focused on the exploitation of coastal and maritime resources. Yamana households moved across the territory in their canoes in search for needed resources. In spite of this, Yamana society has different ways to strength social cohesion: visiting each other or because of the celebration of different types of ceremonies. Initiation ceremonies were of special relevance, and the need for maintaining the group meanwhile these rituals were being developed became essential. The finding of a beached whale, and the subsequent aggregation event that took place through a public call, created the ideal context for the development of economic and social processes in a cooperative way

    Focal-Plane Scale Space Generation with a 6T Pixel Architecture

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    Aiming at designing a CMOS image sensor that combines high fill factor and focal-plane implementation of instrumental image processing steps, we propose a simple modification in a standard pixel architecture in order to allow for charge redistribution among neighboring pixels. As a result, averaging operations may be performed at the focal plane, and image smoothing based on Gaussian filtering may thus be implemented. By averaging neighboring pixel values, it is also possible to generate intermediate data structures that are required for the computation of Haar-like features. To show that the proposed hardware is suitable for computer vision applications, we present a systemlevel comparison in which the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm is executed twice: first, on data obtained with a classical Gaussian filtering approach, and then on data generated from the proposed approach. Preliminary schematic and extracted layout pixel simulations are also presented.Brazilian Research Agencies CNPq 204382/2014-9, CNPq 309148/2013-8, CNPq 479437/2013-0, FAPERJ E-26/201.514/2014, FAPERJ E-26/110.099/2013Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-38921- C02Junta de Andalucía TIC 2338-2013Office of Naval Research USA N00014141035

    Gender perspective in nature sport tourism

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    Dada la relevancia que está tomando el turismo de naturaleza como principal alternativa de ocio, siguiendo los principios de sostenibilidad, minimizando el impacto ambiental, la cultura local, y contribuyendo a la generación de ingresos y empleo; estudios anteriores han tratado de analizar la demanda considerando a los turistas como un grupo homogéneo. El desarrollo del turismo requiere incorporar el enfoque de género para conocer su impacto diferenciado en materia de sostenibilidad lo que le permitirá implementar las acciones y actividades turísticas indicadas, eficaces y efectivas. Por consiguiente, este estudio pretende analizar el perfil sociodemográfico del turista de naturaleza en España segmentándolo desde una perspectiva de género, para ofrecer una oferta ordenada que permita satisfacer la necesidad de acercarse al medio natural y contribuir a la igualdad de género. Para ello, se han analizado los datos obtenidos de la Encuesta de Turismo de Residentes del Instituto Nacional de Estadística de 2019, a partir de una muestra de 3.768 personas, seleccionando aquellos viajeros cuyo motivo de viaje principal fuera turismo de naturaleza. Los hallazgos muestran que hay un mayor porcentaje de mujeres que de hombres, en su mayoría con un perfil más joven, que viven en pareja o con cónyuges, con un mayor porcentaje sin carga familiar, con un mejor nivel académico y mayores ingresos que los hombres, que trabajan por cuenta ajena con empleos fijos. En conclusión, es importante realizar un estudio detallado desde la perspectiva de género para que el turismo de naturaleza aborde realmente los retos de la sociedad y promueva las herramientas necesarias para lograr la igualdad de género a nivel global.Given the relevance that nature tourism is taking as the main leisure alternative, following the principles of sustainability, minimizing environmental impact, local culture, and contributing to the generation of income and employment; previous studies have tried to analyze the demand considering tourists as a homogeneous group. Tourism development requires incorporating the gender approach to understand its differentiated impact on sustainability, which will enable it to implement appropriate, efficient and effective tourism actions and activities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the sociodemographic profile of the nature tourist in Spain, segmenting it from a gender perspective, in order to provide an ordered offer to satisfy the need to approach the natural environment and contribute to gender equality. To this end, data obtained from the 2019 National Statistics Institute’s Resident Tourism Survey of the National Institute of Statistics have been analyzed, based on a sample of 3,768 people, selecting those travelers whose main reason for travel was nature tourism. The findings show that there is a higher percentage of women than men, mostly with a younger profile, living as a couple or with spouses, with a higher percentage with no family burden, with a better academic level and higher income than men, who are employed with permanent jobs. In conclusion, it is important to carry out a detailed study from a gender perspective so that nature tourism really addresses the challenges of society and promotes the necessary tools to achieve gender equality at a global level

    Quantifying the relationship between food sharing practices and socio-ecological variables in small-scale societies: A cross-cultural multi-methodological approach

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    This article presents a cross-cultural study of the relationship among the subsistence strategies, the environmental setting and the food sharing practices of 22 modern small-scale societies located in America (n = 18) and Siberia (n = 4). Ecological, geographical and economic variables of these societies were extracted from specialized literature and the publicly available D-PLACE database. The approach proposed comprises a variety of quantitative methods, ranging from exploratory techniques aimed at capturing relationships of any type between variables, to network theory and supervised-learning predictive modelling. Results provided by all techniques consistently show that the differences observed in food sharing practices across the sampled populations cannot be explained just by the differential distribution of ecological, geographical and economic variables. Food sharing has to be interpreted as a more complex cultural phenomenon, whose variation over time and space cannot be ascribed only to local adaptation.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities: SimulPast Project (CSD2010-00034 CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), (VA, JC, EB, DZ, MM, JMG), Consolider Excellence Network (HAR2017-90883-REDC) (VA, JC, EB, DZ, MM, JMG), and CULM Project (HAR2016-77672-P)(DZ, JC, MM)

    Ethnoarchaeology of hunter‐fisher‐gatherers societies in the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego): ethnographical sources and social simulation

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    Research from the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego) offers a rich ethnographic and historical record produced by the late inclusion of Tierra del Fuego in the industrial world (the Beagle Channel was discovered by R. Fitz- Roy in 1830). This is an interesting frame for using new techniques (social simulation by Agent Based Modelling (ABM)) to generate new hypotheses in archaeology. In this case, the hypothesis is focused on the role of social cooperation in Yámana hunter-fisher-gatherer societyEtnoarqueología de sociedades cazadoras-pescadoras-recolectoras en el canal Beagle (Tierra del Fuego): fuentes etnográficas y simulación social La investigación etnoarqueológica en el canal Beagle (Tierra del Fuego) ofrece un abundante registro documental etnográfico e histórico producto de su tardía incorporación al mundo industrial (el canal Beagle es descubierto por R. Fitz-Roy en 1830). Este marco posibilita la aplicación de técnicas novedosas (simulación social mediante “agent based modelling” (ABM)) para la generación de hipótesis a contrastar arqueológicamente. En el caso de nuestro proyecto esa hipótesis versa sobre el papel de la cooperación social en la sociedad cazadora-pescadora-recolectora YámanaEthnoarchéologie des sociétés de chasseurs-pêcheurs-cueilleurs dans le canal de Beagle (Tierra del Fuego): sources ethnographiques et simulation sociale La recherche ethnoarchéologique dans le Canal Beagle (Tierra del Fuego) offre un registre riche de documents historiques et ethnographiques come conséquence de son entrée tardive dans le monde industriel (le canal de Beagle est découvert par R. Fitz-Roy en 1830). Ce cadre permet l’application de nouvelles techniques (simulation sociale à l’aide de «modélisation de l’agent sur la base» (ABM)) pour générer des hypothèses à tester dans le registre archéologique. Pour notre projet cette hypothèse concerne le rôle de la coopération sociale dans les chasseur-pêcheur-cueilleurs YámanaMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad de España. Project: “Social and environmental transitions: Simulating the past to understand human behaviour (SimulPast) (CSD2010-00034)” and “Marcadores Arqueológicos de Relaciones Sociales: etnoarqueología de cazadores-recolectores en el Canal Beagle (HAR2009-06996)”. -Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina. Project: “Procesos de agregación social entre las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras del canal Beagle: nuevas metodologías de análisis (PIP0706)”. -The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Project: “Social aggregation: a Yamana Society’s short-term episode to Analyse Social Interaction.

    Albero polymeric mortar and its possibilities in building construction

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the properties and main characteristics of a polymeric mortar made with an specific orange-yellowish aggregate named Albero. This aggregate can only be found in the province of Seville. The main objective is to develop a new building material named Polialbero, which can face the widely used Albero in Sevilian and Andalusian architecture, from façades to granular pedestrian pavements