229 research outputs found

    Complex Macromolecular And Electro-/photo-active Structures By “click Chemistry”

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011Başarılı bir polimerizasyon sürecinin sonrasında elde edilen polimerlerin modifikasyonu makromoleküler bilimin önemli bir görevidir. “Klik” tipi reaksiyonlar, özellikle metal katalizli azid/alkin “klick” reaksiyonu (terminal asetilen ve azidler arasında gerçekleşen Huisgen 1,3-dipolar siklokatılma reaksiyonunun bir varyasyonu) veya Diels-Alder (DA), [4 + 2] sistemi, (genel olarak bir dien ile dienolfilin molekül içi veya moleküller arası reaksiyonu) bu çaba yolunda önemli bir katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu yaklaşım malzeme bilimi açısından muazzam bir potansiyel taşımaktadır. “Klik” kimyasının temel özellikleri; yüksek verim, fonksiyonel gruplara karşı yüksek tolerans, basit ürün izolasyonu, yan ürün eksikliği, üstün regio-selektivite ve hafif/basit reaksiyon koşullarıdır. “Klik” tipi reaksiyonların hızlı gelişiminden bu yana, ilgili strateji makromoleküler mühendisliği alanına hızla entegre edilmiş ve lineer ile kompleks yapılar arasında değişen polimerlerin sentezinde yaygın olarak kullanılmıştır.. Bu çalışmada, “klik” tipi reaksiyonlar, 1,3-dipolar azid-alkin, [3 + 2], ya da Diels-Alder siklokatılma [4 + 2] reaksiyonları, iyi-tanımlı aşı copolimerlerin hazırlanmasında, gelişmiş özellikleri ile fotobaşlatıcı sistemlerini ve inorganik-organik iletken kompozitler elde etmek için reaktif öncülerin sentezinde yeni bir rota olarak uygulanmıştır.The modification of polymers after the successful achievement of a polymerization process represents an important task in macromolecular science. The “click”-type reactions, among them the metal catalyzed azide/alkyne „click‟ reaction (a variation of the Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between terminal acetylenes and azides) or the Diels-Alder reaction (DA), [4 + 2] system, generally consists of a coupling of a diene and a dienophile by intra- or intermolecular reaction represent an important contribution towards this endeavor. This approach brings an enormous potential in material science. The key features in “click” chemistry is represented by quantitative yields, high tolerans of functional groups, simple product isolations, lack of by-product, superior regioselectivity, and mild and simple reaction conditions. Since their fast growth, click chemistry strategies have been rapidly integrated into the field of macromolecular enginering and extensively been used in the synthesis of polymers ranging from linear to complex structures. The “click”-type reactions, 1,3-dipolar azide-alkyne, [3 + 2], or Diels–Alder cycloadditions, [4 + 2], were applied ,as a novel route, for the preparation of well-defined graft copolymers, photoinitiating systems with improved properties and reactive precursors for obtaining inorganic–organic conducting composites.DoktoraPh


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    Background:Healthcare-associated infections are the most common adverse event in healthcare, resulting in a significant burden on patients, their families, and health care systems. Hand hygiene is the leading measure for preventing the spread of pathogens and reducing health care associated infections, but health care providers’ adherence to recommended practices remains suboptimal in most settings, and (improvement) maintaining its standards  is difficult to sustain.Objective: This study attempts to explore the degree of compliance among nurses and nursing attendants in the strict implementation of the standards in hand washing practices. Methodology: Quantitative-quasi-experimental design was used to measure their degree of compliance of proper hand hygiene. Using a questionnaire based on the World Health Organization’s “My Five Moments of Hand Hygiene”. Convenience sampling was used in choosing 50 nurses and nursing attendants in selected wards of a hospital in Iligan City. Weighted Mean and Spearman-Rank Correlation was used as statistical tool. The data was encoded for analysis using the IBM-SPSS version 20 software. This study showed that out of the five moments of hand hygiene, (After Body Fluid Exposure Risk Moment) was the most practiced moment of hand washing. This is followed by the (After Touching the Patient Moment). The (Before Clean/ Aseptic Procedure Moment) and (After Touching Patient Surrounding Moment) was tied on third place. Only the (Before Touching a Patient Moment) fell into the “frequently” parameter. The study implies that the respondents were usually compliant to hand washing practices. Strict monitoring and implementation of hand washing protocol must be constantly observed

    SCintillation and IONosphere eXtended (SCION-X): A 12U CubeSat for Ionospheric and Atmospheric Science

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    SCION-X (SCintillation and IONosphere eXtended) is a 12U CubeSat that is being designed and developed by Upper Air Dynamics Laboratory, National Central University (NCU). SCION-X is the second funded CubeSat project being developed by NCU and is the largest self-developed spacecraft to date. This mission will help to further understand the variation of ionospheric irregularities, remote sensing methods for PM2.5 pollution distribution, and thermospheric photochemistry while serving as a relay station for amateur radio. Furthermore, it will help increase the communication and cooperation between universities in developing spaceflight capacity

    Integration, Launch, and First Results from IDEASSat/INSPIRESat-2 - A 3U CubeSat for Ionospheric Physics and Multi-National Capacity Building

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    The Ionospheric Dynamics and Attitude Subsystem Satellite (IDEASSat) is a 3U CubeSat carrying a Compact Ionospheric Probe (CIP) to detect ionospheric irregularities that can impact the usability and accuracy of global satellite navigation systems (GNSS), as well as satellite and terrestrial over the horizon communications. The spacecraft was developed by National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan, with additional development and operational support from partners in the International Satellite Program in Science and Education (INSPIRE) consortium. The spacecraft system needed to accommodate these mission objectives required three axis attitude control, dual band communications capable of supporting both tracking, telemetry and command (TT&C) and science data downlink, as well as flight software and ground systems capable of supporting the autonomous operation and short contact times inherent to a low Earth orbit mission developed on a limited university budget with funding agency-imposed constraints. As the first spacecraft developed at NCU, lessons learned during the development, integration, and operation of IDEASSat have proven to be crucial to the objective of developing a sustainable small satellite program. IDEASSat was launched successfully on January 24, 2021 aboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 Transporter 1 flight. and successfully began operations, demonstrating power, thermal, and structural margins, as well as validation of uplink and downlink communications functionality, and autonomous operation. A serious anomaly occurred after 22 days on orbit when communication with the spacecraft were abruptly lost. Communication was re-established after 1.5 months for sufficient time to downlink stored flight data, which allowed the cause of the blackout to be identified to a high level of confidence and precision. In this paper, we will report on experiences and anomalies encountered during the final flight model integration and delivery, commissioning, and operations. The agile support from the international amateur radio community and INSPIRE partners were extremely helpful in this process, especially during the initial commissioning phase following launch. It is hoped that the lessons learned reported here will be helpful for other university teams working to develop spaceflight capacity

    Use of triazole-ring formation to attach a Ru/TsDPEN complex for asymmetric transfer hydrogenation to a soluble polymer

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    The cycloaddition of a chiral ligand containing a terminal alkyne to a soluble polymer containing an azide provides a convenient means for the attachment of an asymmetric transfer hydrogenation catalyst to a soluble polymer support. Using these ligands in complexes with Ru(II), gave good results in terms of conversion and enantioselectivity (up to 95% ee) in ketone reduction reactions

    An emerging aerosol climatology via remote sensing over Metro Manila, the Philippines

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    Aerosol particles in Southeast Asia are challenging to characterize due to their complex life cycle within the diverse topography and weather of the region. An emerging aerosol climatology was established based on AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) data (December 2009 to October 2018) for clear-sky days in Metro Manila, the Philippines. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) values were highest from August to October, partly from fine urban aerosol particles, including soot, coinciding with the burning season in insular Southeast Asia when smoke is often transported to Metro Manila during the southwest monsoon. Clustering of AERONET volume size distributions (VSDs) resulted in five aerosol particle sources based on the position and magnitude of their peaks in the VSD and the contributions of specific particle species to AOD per cluster based on MERRA-2. The clustering showed that the majority of aerosol particles above Metro Manila were from a clean marine source (58 %), which could be related to AOD values there being relatively low compared to other cities in the region. The following are the other particle sources over Metro Manila: fine polluted sources (20 %), mixed-dust sources (12 %), urban and industrial sources (5 %), and cloud processing sources (5 %). Furthermore, MERRA-2 AOD data over Southeast Asia were analyzed using empirical orthogonal functions. Along with AOD fractional compositional contributions and wind regimes, four dominant aerosol particle air masses emerged: two sulfate air masses from East Asia, an organic carbon source from Indonesia, and a sulfate source from the Philippines. Knowing the local and regional aerosol particle air masses that impact Metro Manila is useful in identifying the sources while gaining insight into how aerosol particles are affected by long-range transport and their impact on regional weather.</p

    Förster Resonance Energy Transfer across interpolymer complexes of poly(acrylic acid) and poly(acrylamide)

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    YesInterpolymer complexes of homopolymer macromolecules are often described as ‘laddered’ or ‘ribbon’ type structures. The proposition of the existence of these ladder structures seems to us not reasonable and here we examine this hypothesis. To address this we have used polymers enabled for Förster Energy Transfer (FRET). Chromophores bound to a macromolecular backbone can transfer energy across short distances via FRET. The close binding of poly(acrylamide) and poly(acrylic acid) interpolymer complex formation at low pH forms a structure compact enough for significant energy transfer to occur between different chains containing naphthalene and anthracene labels. In the context of the proposition that ladder polymers can form it was surprising that the distance between labels on the same polymer back-bone was equivalent regardless of whether the polymer was complexed or not. The data indicated that the bicomponent structure may be more compact than previously supposed: I.e. the complexes are not ladders composed of extended chains. This evidence suggests formation not of ordered ‘ladder’ systems but colloidal ‘co-globules’.This work was carried out in part thanks to an EPSRC CASE funded PhD studentship at the University of Sheffield, sponsored by SNF (UK) Ltd