29 research outputs found

    Nitrogen input by bamboos in neotropical forest: a new perspective

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    Background Nitrogen (N) is an important macronutrient that controls the productivity of ecosystems and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is a major source of N in terrestrial systems, particularly tropical forests. Bamboo dominates theses forests, but our knowledge regarding the role of bamboo in ecosystem functioning remains in its infancy. We investigated the importance of a native bamboo species to the N cycle of a Neotropical forest. Methods We selected 100 sample units (100 m2 each) in a pristine montane Atlantic Forest, in Brazil. We counted all the clumps and live culms of Merostachys neesii bamboo and calculated the specific and total leaf area, as well as litter production and respective N content. Potential N input was estimated based on available data on BNF rates for the same bamboo species, whose N input was then contextualized using information on N cycling components in the study area. Results With 4,000 live culms ha−1, the native bamboo may contribute up to 11.7 kg N ha−1 during summer (January to March) and 19.6 kg N ha−1 in winter (July to September). When extrapolated for annual values, M. neesii could contribute more than 60 kg N ha−1y−1. Discussion The bamboo species’ contribution to N input may be due to its abundance (habitat availability for microbial colonization) and the composition of the free-living N fixer community on its leaves (demonstrated in previous studies). Although some N is lost during decomposition, this input could mitigate the N deficit in the Atlantic Forest studied by at least 27%. Our findings suggest that M. neesii closely regulates N input and may better explain the high diversity and carbon stocks in the area. This is the first time that a study has investigated BNF using free-living N fixers on the phyllosphere of bamboo

    Carbon and Beyond:The Biogeochemistry of Climate in a Rapidly Changing Amazon

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    The Amazon Basin is at the center of an intensifying discourse about deforestation, land-use, and global change. To date, climate research in the Basin has overwhelmingly focused on the cycling and storage of carbon (C) and its implications for global climate. Missing, however, is a more comprehensive consideration of other significant biophysical climate feedbacks [i.e., CH4, N2O, black carbon, biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), aerosols, evapotranspiration, and albedo] and their dynamic responses to both localized (fire, land-use change, infrastructure development, and storms) and global (warming, drying, and some related to El Niño or to warming in the tropical Atlantic) changes. Here, we synthesize the current understanding of (1) sources and fluxes of all major forcing agents, (2) the demonstrated or expected impact of global and local changes on each agent, and (3) the nature, extent, and drivers of anthropogenic change in the Basin. We highlight the large uncertainty in flux magnitude and responses, and their corresponding direct and indirect effects on the regional and global climate system. Despite uncertainty in their responses to change, we conclude that current warming from non-CO2 agents (especially CH4 and N2O) in the Amazon Basin largely offsets—and most likely exceeds—the climate service provided by atmospheric CO2 uptake. We also find that the majority of anthropogenic impacts act to increase the radiative forcing potential of the Basin. Given the large contribution of less-recognized agents (e.g., Amazonian trees alone emit ~3.5% of all global CH4), a continuing focus on a single metric (i.e., C uptake and storage) is incompatible with genuine efforts to understand and manage the biogeochemistry of climate in a rapidly changing Amazon Basin

    Convergence of soil nitrogen isotopes across global climate gradients

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    Quantifying global patterns of terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycling is central to predicting future patterns of primary productivity, carbon sequestration, nutrient fluxes to aquatic systems, and climate forcing. With limited direct measures of soil N cycling at the global scale, syntheses of the (15)N:(14)N ratio of soil organic matter across climate gradients provide key insights into understanding global patterns of N cycling. In synthesizing data from over 6000 soil samples, we show strong global relationships among soil N isotopes, mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP), and the concentrations of organic carbon and clay in soil. In both hot ecosystems and dry ecosystems, soil organic matter was more enriched in (15)N than in corresponding cold ecosystems or wet ecosystems. Below a MAT of 9.8°C, soil δ(15)N was invariant with MAT. At the global scale, soil organic C concentrations also declined with increasing MAT and decreasing MAP. After standardizing for variation among mineral soils in soil C and clay concentrations, soil δ(15)N showed no consistent trends across global climate and latitudinal gradients. Our analyses could place new constraints on interpretations of patterns of ecosystem N cycling and global budgets of gaseous N loss

    Isotopic evidence that nitrogen enrichment intensifies nitrogen losses to the atmosphere from subtropical mangroves

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    Nitrogen (N) enrichment can have large effects on mangroves' capacity to provide critical ecosystem services by affecting fundamental functions such as N cycling and primary productivity. However, our understanding of excess N input effects on N cycling in mangroves remains quite limited. To advance our understanding of how N enrichment via water or air pollution affects mangroves, we evaluated whether increasing N inputs would decrease biological N fixation (BNF), but intensify N dynamics and N losses to the atmosphere in these systems. We measured N concentrations in sediment and vegetation, rates of BNF in sediment and litter, and net sediment ammonification and nitrification rates. We also evaluated long-term integrated N dynamics and N losses to the atmosphere using the natural abundance of N stable isotopes (delta N-15) in the sediment-plant system and in estuarine water. We performed these analyses at non-N-enriched and N-enriched (that is, polluted) fringe and basin mangroves in southeastern Brazil. The delta N-15 in the sediment-plant system was higher at N-enriched than non-N-enriched fringe sites, indicating increased N losses to the atmosphere from N-enriched sites. However, N concentrations in sediment and vegetation were similar or lower at N-enriched relative to non-N-enriched sites. BNF and net ammonification and nitrification rates were also similar between N-enriched and non-N-enriched sites. Excess N inputs intensified N losses to the atmosphere from mangroves, but N pools, BNF, and net ammonification and nitrification rates were not affected by N enrichment, likely because excess N was quickly lost from the system by direct denitrification and volatilization511261144CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal e Nível SuperiorCNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico1422671; 88881.132767/2016-01141069/2016-

    Consequences of removal of exotic species (eucalyptus) on carbon and nitrogen cycles in the soil-plant system in a secondary tropical Atlantic forest in Brazil with a dual-isotope approach

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    The impact of exotic species on heterogeneous native tropical forest requires the understanding on which temporal and spatial scales these processes take place. Functional tracers such as carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic composition in the soil-plant system might help track the alterations induced by the exotic species. Thus, we assess the effects from the removal of the exotic species eucalyptus (Corymbia cytriodora) in an Atlantic forest Reserve, and eucalyptus removal on the alteration of the nutrient dynamics (carbon and nitrogen). The hypotheses were: (1) the eucalyptus permanence time altered δ13C and δ15N in leaves, soils and litter fractions (leaves, wood, flowers + fruits, and rest); and (2) eucalyptus removal furthered decomposition process of the soil organic matter. Hence, we determined the soil granulometry, the δ13C and δ15N in leaves, in the superficial soil layer, and litter in three sites: a secondary forest in the Atlantic forest, and other two sites where eucalyptus had been removed in different times: 12 and 3 months ago (M12 and M3, respectively). Litter samples presented intermediate δ13C and δ15N values in comparison with leaves and soil. In the M3, the greater δ13C values in both litter rest fraction and soil indicate the presence, cycling and soil incorporation of C, coming from the C4 photosynthesis of grassy species (Poaceae). In the secondary forest, the soil δ15N values were twice higher, compared with the eucalyptus removal sites, revealing the negative influence from these exotic species upon the ecosystem N dynamics. In the M12, the leaves presented higher δ13C mean value and lower δ15N values, compared with those from the other sites. The difference of δ13C values in the litter fractions regarding the soil led to a greater fractioning of 13C in all sites, except the flower + fruit fractions in the secondary forest, and the rest fraction in the M3 site. We conclude that the permanence of this exotic species and the eucalyptus removal have altered the C and N isotopic and elemental compositions in the soil-plant system. Our results suggest there was organic matter decomposition in all litter fractions and in all sites. However, a greater organic matter decomposition process was observed in the M3 soil, possibly because of a more intense recent input of vegetal material, as well as the presence of grassy, easily-decomposing herbaceous species, only in this site. Therefore, the dual-isotope approach generated a more integrated picture of the impact on the ecosystem after removing eucalyptus in this secondary Atlantic forest, and could be regarded as an option for future eucalyptus removal studies