1,324 research outputs found

    The holographic RG flow in a field theory on a curved background

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    As shown by Freedman, Gubser, Pilch and Warner, the RG flow in N=4{\cal N}=4 super-Yang-Mills theory broken to an N=1{\cal N}=1 theory by the addition of a mass term can be described in terms of a supersymmetric domain wall solution in five-dimensional N=8{\cal N}=8 gauged supergravity. The FGPW flow is an example of a holographic RG flow in a field theory on a flat background. Here we put the field theory studied by Freedman, Gubser, Pilch and Warner on a curved AdS4AdS_4 background, and we construct the supersymmetric domain wall solution which describes the RG flow in this field theory. This solution is a curved (non Ricci flat) domain wall solution. This example demonstrates that holographic RG flows in supersymmetric field theories on a curved AdS4AdS_4 background can be described in terms of curved supersymmetric domain wall solutions.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Control de Bromus, Lolium, Papaver y Avena en cereal de invierno

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    Un aspecto fundamental para un control integrado de malas hierbas es conocer la biología de las especies que causan problemas en cada caso. Si se puede prever el momento de su emergencia y se conoce el comportamiento de sus semillas en el suelo y otros aspectos básicos de su biología, podremos emplear aquellas herramientas más eficaces y aplicarlas en el momento más adecuado, o cuando la hirba se encuentre más vulnerable. El uso de herbicidas no se debe considerar como el único método de control, sino sólo como una opción más, valorando además las posibilidades de un control mecánico o cultural, que nos ayude a mitigar la incidencia de las especies problema. Hay que considerar que cuanto más repetitivo sea el uso de un herbicida, generalmente menos años tardará en perder eficaciaPublishe

    Sporangia and Spores in the Fern Genera Spicantopsis and Struthiopteris (Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida)

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    Struthiopteris (Blechnaceae) has recently been classified on the basis of molecular and morphological evidence, and some of its species are now included in the sister genus Spicantopsis. However, the lack of studies on several important morphological features impedes a sound assessment of their congruence with this new systematic arrangement, as well as of their range of variation and taxonomic value in this group of ferns. Here we present a study on the spores and sporangia using both light and scanning electron microscopy in Struthiopteris and Spicantopsis, using samples of all their species, and almost all their varieties. We provide full morphological descriptions of the spores and sporangia of all these taxa. We point out that the perispore structure and ornamentation and the number and the thickness of stomium cells in the sporangium clearly distinguish both generaThe Universidad Complutense de Madrid partially supported this research through the funding of a project PR26/16-20295, and a field trip to Iceland (International Mobility Program 2016

    Multilayered Nanostructures Integrated with Emerging Technologies

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    Surface and interface functionalization are crucial steps to introduce new functionalities in numerous applications, as faster dynamics occur on surfaces rather than bulk. Within this context, the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique is a versatile methodology to controllably form organized nanostructures from the spontaneous adsorption of charged molecules. It enables the assembly of multilayered LbL films on virtually any surface using non-covalent molecular interactions, allowing the nanoengineering of interfaces and creation of multifunctional systems with distinct building blocks (polymers, clays, metal nanoparticles, enzymes, organic macromolecules, etc.). Several applications require thin films on electrodes for sensing/biosensing, and here we explore LbL films deposited on interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) that were 3D-printed using the fusing deposition modeling (FDM) technique. IDEs covered with LbL films can be used to form multisensory systems employed in the analysis of complex liquids transforming raw data into specific patterns easily recognized by computational and statistical methods. We extend the FDM 3D-printing methodology to simplify the manufacturing of electrodes and microchannels, thus integrating an e-tongue system in a microfluidic device. Moreover, the continuous flow within microchannels contributes to faster and more accurate analysis, reducing the amount of sample, waste, and costs

    Animal remains from Neolithic Lameiras, Sintra: the earliest domesticated sheep, goat, cattle and pigs in Portugal and some notes on their evolution

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    The fauna of Neolithic Lameiras includes abundant sheep. Many could be securely identified by applying criteria described by the late Joachim Boessneck as well as metrical methods. Sheep bones from Early Neolithic contexts, several dated directly via 14C, pinpoint the arrival here, 5450 cal BC, of this exotic animal three thousand years after its domestication 5000 km to the east. Thus sheep were transported at a rate of 1,6 km per year – considerably faster than suggested by the ‘wave of advance’ theory. It therefore seems probable that part of the journey was undertaken by ship. Most of the mammal remains identified at Lameiras belonged to domesticated forms and besides sheep and some goat, they include cattle and pig. Zooarchaeologically there is little difference between Early and Late Neolithic. However the Neolithic spectrum of species contrasts with that from a small assemblage in the underlying Mousterian level as well as other pre-Neolithic assemblages in Portugal. It is possible that in southern Portugal the adoption of animal husbandry was sudden. Measurements of the remains of Canis, Bos, Ovis, Capra and Sus compared with an increasingly large corpus of data from the South-Western part of the Iberian Peninsula indicate several occasions when these animals underwent size changes. Bos, Capra and Canis were considerably larger in the Pleistocene – a size difference now documented in other regions. Besides a Pleistocene-Holocene reduction in size, they underwent a further diminution associated with their domestication. It is possible that aurochs and wild boar recovered some of their former size after the Neolithic, perhaps due to a relaxation of hunting pressure after the Mesolithic. Domestic sheep, goats and cattle increased in size in more recent times perhaps reflecting Moslem and Christian improvements.La fauna neolítica de Lameiras incluye numerosas ovejas. Muchas pudieron ser identificadas al aplicar los criterios descritos por el fallecido J. Boessneck y por métodos métricos. Los huesos de oveja de los contextos del Neolítico temprano, algunos datados a través del C14, apuntan a la llegada de esta especie hacia el 5.450 cal. D.C. 3.000 años después de su domesticación a 5.000 km de distancia hacia el Oriente. De este modo, las ovejas fueron transportadas a un ritmo de 1,6 km al año lo cual es considerablemente más rápido que lo sugerido por la llamada teoría de la “ola de avance”. Por ello, parece probable que parte de este viaje se haya llevado a cabo en barco. La mayoría de los restos de mamíferos identificados en Lameiras representan formas domésticas que además de la oveja y alguna cabra incorporan vacuno y porcino. Desde un punto de vista zooarqueológico existe poca diferencia entre el Neolítico temprano y tardío. Sin embargo, el espectro de especies neolíticas contrasta con el de una pequeña muestra en el nivel musteriense que subyace a estos depósitos así como a otras muestras preneoliticas en Portugal. Es posible que en el sur de Portugal la adopción de la práctica ganadera haya sido rápida. Los valores de los restos de Canis, Bos, Ovis, Capra y Sus apuntan a varios momentos en los cuales los animales sufrieron cambios de tamaño, datos que encajan con el corpus osteométrico que se viene recopilando para el sector sudoccidental de la Península Ibérica. Bos, Capra y Canis eran considerablemente más grandes en el Pleistoceno, una diferencia de talla ahora documentada en otras regiones. Además de la reducción de tamaño durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno estas especies sufrieron otra adicional asociada con su proceso de domesticación. Es posible que tanto uros como jabalíes recuperasen parte de sus antiguas tallas al concluir el Neolítico. Quizás ello se deba a una relajación en la presión de caza operada tras el Mesolítico. Las ovejas, cabras y vacas domésticas aumentaron de tamaño en épocas más recientes reflejando posiblemente mejoras en las prácticas pecuarias de musulmanes y cristianos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expanded Vandermonde powers and sum rules for the two-dimensional one-component plasma

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    The two-dimensional one-component plasma (2dOCP) is a system of NN mobile particles of the same charge qq on a surface with a neutralising background. The Boltzmann factor of the 2dOCP at temperature TT can be expressed as a Vandermonde determinant to the power Γ=q2/(kBT)\Gamma=q^{2}/(k_B T). Recent advances in the theory of symmetric and anti-symmetric Jack polymonials provide an efficient way to expand this power of the Vandermonde in their monomial basis, allowing the computation of several thermodynamic and structural properties of the 2dOCP for NN values up to 14 and Γ\Gamma equal to 4, 6 and 8. In this work, we explore two applications of this formalism to study the moments of the pair correlation function of the 2dOCP on a sphere, and the distribution of radial linear statistics of the 2dOCP in the plane