101 research outputs found

    Modeling dimethylsulphide production in the upper ocean

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    Dimethylsulphide (DMS) is produced by upper ocean ecosystems and emitted to the atmosphere, where it may have an important role in climate regulation. Several attempts to quantify the role of DMS in climate change have been undertaken in modeling studies. We examine a model of biogenic DMS production and describe its endogenous dynamics and sensitivities. We extend the model to develop a one-dimensional version that more accurately resolves the important processes of the mixed layer in determining the ecosystem dynamics. Comparisons of the results of the one-dimensional model with an empirical relationship that describes the global distribution of DMS, and also with vertical profiles of DMS in the upper ocean measured at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series, suggest that the model represents the interaction between the biological and physical processes well on local and global scales. Our analysis of the model confirms its veracity and provides insights into the important processes determining DMS concentration in the oceans

    Modelling dimethylsulphide production at the Bermuda Atlantic time series (BATS)

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    Dimethylsulphide (DMS) is produced by upper ocean ecosystems and emitted to the atmosphere where it may have an important role in climate regulation. Several attempts to quantify the role of DMS in climate change have been undertaken in modeling studies. We examine a model of biogenic DMS production and describe its endogenous dynamics and sensitivities. We extend the model to develop a one-dimensional version that more accurately resolves the important processes of the mixed layer in determining the ecosystem dynamics. Comparisons of the results of the one-dimensional model with vertical profiles of DMS in the upper ocean measured at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series suggest that the model represents the interaction between the biological and physical processes well. Our analysis of the model confirms its veracity and provides insights into the important processes determining DMS concentration in the oceans

    Parameterizing the impact of seawater temperature and irradiance on dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the Great Barrier Reef and the contribution of coral reefs to the global sulfur cycle

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Jackson, R. L., Gabric, A. J., Matrai, P. A., Woodhouse, M. T., Cropp, R., Jones, G. B., Deschaseaux, E. S. M., Omori, Y., McParland, E. L., Swan, H. B., & Tanimoto, H. Parameterizing the impact of seawater temperature and irradiance on dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the Great Barrier Reef and the contribution of coral reefs to the global sulfur cycle. Journal of Geophysical Research:Oceans, 126(3), (2021): e2020JC016783, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JC016783.Biogenic emissions of dimethylsulfide (DMS) are an important source of sulfur to the atmosphere, with implications for aerosol formation and cloud albedo over the ocean. Natural aerosol sources constitute the largest uncertainty in estimates of aerosol radiative forcing and climate and thus, an improved understanding of DMS sources is needed. Coral reefs are strong point sources of DMS; however, this coral source of biogenic sulfur is not explicitly included in climatologies or in model simulations. Consequently, the role of coral reefs in local and regional climate remains uncertain. We aim to improve the representation of tropical coral reefs in DMS databases by calculating a climatology of seawater DMS concentration (DMSw) and sea-air flux in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. DMSw is calculated from remotely sensed observations of sea surface temperature and photosynthetically active radiation using a multiple linear regression model derived from field observations of DMSw in the GBR. We estimate that coral reefs and lagoon waters in the GBR (∼347,000 km2) release 0.03–0.05 Tg yr−1 of DMS (0.02 Tg yr−1 of sulfur). Based on this estimate, global tropical coral reefs (∼600,000 km2) could emit 0.08 Tg yr−1 of DMS (0.04 Tg yr−1 of sulfur), with the potential to influence the local radiative balance.Australian Research Council. Grant Number: DP150101649 National Science Foundation (NSF). Grant Number: 1543450 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research. Grant Number: 23310016,16H02967,24241010,15H01732 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists. Grant Number: 17K1281

    Dimethyl sulfide production: what is the contribution of the coccolithophores?

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    Multitrophic Interactions in the Sea: Assessing the Effect of Infochemical-Mediated Foraging in a 1-d Spatial Model

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    The release of chemicals following herbivore grazing on primary producers may provide feeding cues to carnivorous predators, thereby promoting multitrophic interactions. In particular, chemicals released following grazing on phytoplankton by microzooplankton herbivores have been shown to elicit a behavioural foraging response in carnivorous copepods, which may use this chemical information as a mechanism to locate and remain within biologically productive patches of the ocean. In this paper, we use a 1D spatial reaction-diffusion model to simulate a tri-trophic planktonic system in the water column, where predation at the top trophic level (copepods) is affected by infochemicals released by the primary producers forming the bottom trophic level. The effect of the infochemical-mediated predation is investigated by comparing the case where copepods forage randomly to the case where copepods adjust their vertical position to follow the distribution of grazing-induced chemicals. Results indicate that utilization of infochemicals for foraging provides fitness benefits to copepods and stabilizes the system at high nutrient load, whilst also forming a possible mechanism for phytoplankton bloom formation. We also investigate how the copepod efficiency to respond to infochemicals affects the results, and show that small increases (2%) in the ability of copepods to sense infochemicals can promote their persistence in the system. Finally we argue that effectively employing infochemicals for foraging can be an evolutionarily stable strategy for copepods

    Impact of future Arctic shipping on high-latitude black carbon deposition

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    The retreat of Arctic sea ice has led to renewed calls to exploit Arctic shipping routes. The diversion of ship traffic through the Arctic will shorten shipping routes and possibly reduce global shipping emissions. However, deposition of black carbon (BC) aerosol emitted by additional Arctic ships could cause a reduction in the albedo of snow and ice, accelerating snowmelt and sea ice loss. Here we use recently compiled Arctic shipping emission inventories for 2004 and 2050 together with a global aerosol model to quantify the contribution of future Arctic shipping to high-latitude BC deposition. Our results show that Arctic shipping in 2050 will contribute less than 1% to the total BC deposition north of 60°N due to the much greater relative contribution of BC transported from non-shipping sources at lower latitudes. We suggest that regulation of the Arctic shipping industry will be an insufficient control on high-latitude BC deposition

    Physical and biological variables affecting seabird distributions during the upwelling season of the northern California Current

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2004. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B. V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (2005): 123-143, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2004.08.016.As a part of the GLOBEC-Northeast Pacific project, we investigated variation in the abundance of marine birds in the context of biological and physical habitat conditions in the northern portion of the California Current System (CCS) during cruises during the upwelling season 2000. Continuous surveys of seabirds were conducted simultaneously in June (onset of upwelling) and August (mature phase of upwelling) with ocean properties quantified using a towed, undulating vehicle and a multi-frequency bioacoustic instrument (38-420 kHz). Twelve species of seabirds contributed 99% of the total community density and biomass. Species composition and densities were similar to those recorded elsewhere in the CCS during earlier studies of the upwelling season. At a scale of 2-4 km, physical and biological oceanographic variables explained an average of 25% of the variation in the distributions and abundance of the 12 species. The most important explanatory variables (among 14 initially included in each multiple regression model) were distance to upwelling-derived frontal features (center and edge of coastal jet, and an abrupt, inshore temperature gradient), sea-surface salinity, acoustic backscatter representing various sizes of prey (smaller seabird species were associated with smaller prey and the reverse for larger seabird species), and chlorophyll concentration. We discuss the importance of these variables in the context of what factors may be that seabirds use to find food. The high seabird density in the Heceta Bank and Cape Blanco areas indicate them to be refuges contrasting the low seabird densities currently found in most other parts of the CCS, following decline during the recent warm regime of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.Support from National Science Foundation Grant OCE-0001035, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution-CICOR Grant NA17RJ1223 is gratefully acknowledged

    Acknowledgement to reviewers of journal of functional biomaterials in 2019

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