187 research outputs found

    Methane Flux in Cropland and Adjacent Riparian Buff ers with Different Vegetation Covers

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    While water quality functions of conservation buffers established adjacent to cropped fields have been widely documented, the relative contribution of these re-established perennial plant systems to greenhouse gases has not been completely documented. In the case of methane (CH(4)), these systems have the potential to serve as sinks of CH(4) or may provide favorable conditions for CH(4) production. This study quantifies CH(4) flux from soils of riparian buffer systems comprised of three vegetation types and compares these fluxes with those of adjacent crop fields. We measured soil properties and diel and seasonal variations of CH(4) flux in 7 to 17 yr-old re-established riparian forest buffers, warm-season and cool-season grass filters, and an adjacent crop field located in the Bear Creek watershed in central Iowa. Forest buffer and grass filter soils had significantly lower bulk density (P \u3c 0.01); and higher pH (P \u3c 0.01), total carbon (TC) (P \u3c 0.01), and total nitrogen (TN) (P \u3c 0.01) than crop field soils. There was no significant relationship between CH(4) flux and soil moisture or soil temperature among sites within the range of conditions observed. Cumulative CH(4) flux was -0.80 kg CH(4)-C ha(-1) yr(-1) in the cropped field, -0.46 kg CH(4)-C ha(-1) yr(-1) within the forest buffers, and 0.04 kg CH(4)-C ha(-1) yr(-1) within grass filters, but difference among vegetation covers was not significant. Results suggest that CH(4) flux was not changed after establishment of perennial vegetation on cropped soils, despite significant changes in soil properties

    Carbon clusters near the crossover to fullerene stability

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    The thermodynamic stability of structural isomers of C24\mathrm{C}_{24}, C26\mathrm{C}_{26}, C28\mathrm{C}_{28} and C32\mathrm{C}_{32}, including fullerenes, is studied using density functional and quantum Monte Carlo methods. The energetic ordering of the different isomers depends sensitively on the treatment of electron correlation. Fixed-node diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations predict that a C24\mathrm{C}_{24} isomer is the smallest stable graphitic fragment and that the smallest stable fullerenes are the C26\mathrm{C}_{26} and C28\mathrm{C}_{28} clusters with C2v\mathrm{C}_{2v} and Td\mathrm{T}_{d} symmetry, respectively. These results support proposals that a C28\mathrm{C}_{28} solid could be synthesized by cluster deposition.Comment: 4 pages, includes 4 figures. For additional graphics, online paper and related information see http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~prck

    On post-Lie algebras, Lie--Butcher series and moving frames

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    Pre-Lie (or Vinberg) algebras arise from flat and torsion-free connections on differential manifolds. They have been studied extensively in recent years, both from algebraic operadic points of view and through numerous applications in numerical analysis, control theory, stochastic differential equations and renormalization. Butcher series are formal power series founded on pre-Lie algebras, used in numerical analysis to study geometric properties of flows on euclidean spaces. Motivated by the analysis of flows on manifolds and homogeneous spaces, we investigate algebras arising from flat connections with constant torsion, leading to the definition of post-Lie algebras, a generalization of pre-Lie algebras. Whereas pre-Lie algebras are intimately associated with euclidean geometry, post-Lie algebras occur naturally in the differential geometry of homogeneous spaces, and are also closely related to Cartan's method of moving frames. Lie--Butcher series combine Butcher series with Lie series and are used to analyze flows on manifolds. In this paper we show that Lie--Butcher series are founded on post-Lie algebras. The functorial relations between post-Lie algebras and their enveloping algebras, called D-algebras, are explored. Furthermore, we develop new formulas for computations in free post-Lie algebras and D-algebras, based on recursions in a magma, and we show that Lie--Butcher series are related to invariants of curves described by moving frames.Comment: added discussion of post-Lie algebroid

    Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations and New Physics

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    We study the robustness of the determination of the neutrino masses and mixing from the analysis of atmospheric and K2K data under the presence of different forms of phenomenologically allowed new physics in the nu_mu--nu_tau sector. We focus on vector and tensor-like new physics interactions which allow us to treat, in a model independent way, effects due to the violation of the equivalence principle, violations of the Lorentz invariance both CPT conserving and CPT violating, non-universal couplings to a torsion field and non-standard neutrino interactions with matter. We perform a global analysis of the full atmospheric data from SKI together with long baseline K2K data in the presence of nu_mu -> nu_tau transitions driven by neutrino masses and mixing together with sub-dominant effects due to these forms of new physics. We show that within the present degree of experimental precision, the extracted values of masses and mixing are robust under those effects and we derive the upper bounds on the possible strength of these new interactions in the nu_mu--nu_tau sector.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX file using RevTEX4, 5 figures and 4 tables include

    Explicit differential characterization of the Newtonian free particle system in m > 1 dependent variables

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    In 1883, as an early result, Sophus Lie established an explicit necessary and sufficient condition for an analytic second order ordinary differential equation y_xx = F(x,y,y_x) to be equivalent, through a point transformation (x,y) --> (X(x,y), Y(x,y)), to the Newtonian free particle equation Y_XX = 0. This result, preliminary to the deep group-theoretic classification of second order analytic ordinary differential equations, was parachieved later in 1896 by Arthur Tresse, a French student of S. Lie. In the present paper, following closely the original strategy of proof of S. Lie, which we firstly expose and restitute in length, we generalize this explicit characterization to the case of several second order ordinary differential equations. Let K=R or C, or more generally any field of characteristic zero equipped with a valuation, so that K-analytic functions make sense. Let x in K, let m > 1, let y := (y^1, ..., y^m) in K^m and let y_xx^j = F^j(x,y,y_x^l), j = 1,...,m be a collection of m analytic second order ordinary differential equations, in general nonlinear. We provide an explicit necessary and sufficient condition in order that this system is equivalent, under a point transformation (x, y^1, ..., y^m) --> (X(x,y), Y^1(x,y),..., Y^m(x, y)), to the Newtonian free particle system Y_XX^1 = ... = Y_XX^m = 0. Strikingly, the (complicated) differential system that we obtain is of first order in the case m > 1, whereas it is of second order in S. Lie's original case m = 1.Comment: 76 pages, no figur

    Model-independent search for CP violation in D0→K−K+π−π+ and D0→π−π+π+π− decays

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    A search for CP violation in the phase-space structures of D0 and View the MathML source decays to the final states K−K+π−π+ and π−π+π+π− is presented. The search is carried out with a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1 collected in 2011 by the LHCb experiment in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. For the K−K+π−π+ final state, the four-body phase space is divided into 32 bins, each bin with approximately 1800 decays. The p-value under the hypothesis of no CP violation is 9.1%, and in no bin is a CP asymmetry greater than 6.5% observed. The phase space of the π−π+π+π− final state is partitioned into 128 bins, each bin with approximately 2500 decays. The p-value under the hypothesis of no CP violation is 41%, and in no bin is a CP asymmetry greater than 5.5% observed. All results are consistent with the hypothesis of no CP violation at the current sensitivity

    Branching fraction and CP asymmetry of the decays B+→K0Sπ+ and B+→K0SK+

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    An analysis of B+ → K0 Sπ+ and B+ → K0 S K+ decays is performed with the LHCb experiment. The pp collision data used correspond to integrated luminosities of 1 fb−1 and 2 fb−1 collected at centre-ofmass energies of √ s = 7 TeV and √ s = 8 TeV, respectively. The ratio of branching fractions and the direct CP asymmetries are measured to be B(B+ → K0 S K+ )/B(B+ → K0 Sπ+ ) = 0.064 ± 0.009 (stat.) ± 0.004 (syst.), ACP(B+ → K0 Sπ+ ) = −0.022 ± 0.025 (stat.) ± 0.010 (syst.) and ACP(B+ → K0 S K+ ) = −0.21 ± 0.14 (stat.) ± 0.01 (syst.). The data sample taken at √ s = 7 TeV is used to search for B+ c → K0 S K+ decays and results in the upper limit ( fc · B(B+ c → K0 S K+ ))/( fu · B(B+ → K0 Sπ+ )) < 5.8 × 10−2 at 90% confidence level, where fc and fu denote the hadronisation fractions of a ÂŻb quark into a B+ c or a B+ meson, respectively

    Long Term Cyclic Pamidronate Reduces Bone Growth by Inhibiting Osteoclast Mediated Cartilage-to-Bone Turnover in the Mouse

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    Bisphosphonates, used to treat diseases exhibiting increased osteoclast activity, reduce longitudinal bone growth through an as yet undefined mechanism. Pamidronate, an aminobisphosphonate, was given weekly to mice at 0, 1.25, or 2.50 mg/kg/wk beginning at 4 weeks of age. At 12 weeks of age, humeral length, growth plate area, regional chondrocyte cell numbers, chondrocyte apoptosis, TRAP stained osteoclast number, and osteoclast function assessed by cathepsin K immunohistochemistry were quantified. Humeral length was decreased in pamidronate treated mice compared to vehicle control mice, and correlated with greater growth plate areas reflecting greater proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocyte cell numbers with fewer hypertrophic cells undergoing apoptosis. Pamidronate treatment increased TRAP stained osteoclast numbers yet decreased cathepsin K indicating that pamidronate repressed osteoclast maturation and function. The data suggest that long term cyclic pamidronate treatment impairs bone growth by inhibition of osteoclast maturation thereby reducing cartilage-to-bone turnover within the growth plate
