1,060 research outputs found

    Pobres y pobreza en las Comedias Bárbaras de Valle-Inclán (análisis de una serie simbólica).

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    Tentativa de descripción minuciosa de la escritura simbolista de 1900 mediante el análisis de las Comedias Bárbaras (1906-1923>, la trilogía trágica de Valle-Inclán. En la obra de Valle, la noción de «pobreza» reúne elementos significativos de varias series semánticas, plenas de antecedentes culturales o literarios, y entrelazadas mediante diversos métodos asociativos. El peculiar funcionamiento de estos elementos simbólicos aclara algunos lugares oscuros y permite comprender mejor las dificultades de interpretación del conjunto.Attempt at close depiction of 1900 symbolic writíng by means of the study of Comedias Bárbaras (1906-1923), Valle-lnclán's tragic trilogy. In Valle's play, the idea of «poverty» grasps significant elemenrs from several semantic sedes, fulí of literary and cultural antecedents; these sedes are intertwined through diverse associative method. The particular functions of these symbolic elements enlightens some dark loci and leads to a better comprehension of the interpretative difficulties of the whole

    Sound recordings of leading professors of Spanish Manufacturing Engineering. Analysis of contents.

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    ISBN 978-84-09-10387-4"Academic Lives in Industrial Engineering" is one of the different initiatives developed by PATRIF, a Working Group of the Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES) / Sociedad de Ingeniería de Fabricación (SIF). This activity intends to create a sound recording archive with interview format, in order to disseminate the trajectory of the great professors of the Spanish Industrial Engineers Faculties. It seeks to preserve and bring closer to the new generations the experiences and the personality of these professors, with a story told in the first person. This work aims to show the characteristics of this activity, presenting the profile of the interviewees, pointing out the most outstanding aspects of their interventions, carrying out an analysis of the follow-up of the broadcasted interviews and assessing their impact. Despite other areas of engineering are covered in this initiative, present work limit its analysis to the group of professors who have developed their academic and professional life within the Manufacturing Engineering and it also wants to serve as tribute and recognition to their trajectories and dedication to the Spanish Manufacturing Engineering.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Literatura espiritual en España (1901-1930)

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    Price dynamics, informational efficiency and wealth distribution in continuous double auction markets

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    This paper studies the properties of the continuous double auction trading mechanishm using an artificial market populated by heterogeneous computational agents. In particular, we investigate how changes in the population of traders and in market microstructure characteristics affect price dynamics, information dissemination and distribution of wealth across agents. In our computer simulated market only a small fraction of the population observe the risky asset's fundamental value with noise, while the rest of agents try to forecast the asset's price from past transaction data. In contrast to other artificial markets, we assume that the risky asset pays no dividend, so agents cannot learn from past transaction prices and subsequent dividend payments. We find that private information can effectively disseminate in the market unless market regulation prevents informed investors from short selling or borrowing the asset, and these investors do not constitute a critical mass. In such case, not only are markets less efficient informationally, but may even experience crashes and bubbles. Finally, increased informational efficiency has a negative impact on informed agents' trading profits and a positive impact on artificial intelligent agents' profits

    Pobreza y salud

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    Las enfermedades no se distribuyen aleatoriamente entre la población, los condicionantes socioeconómicos influyen poderosamente en generar enfermedad. Existen importantes evidencias, recogidas de la epidemiología, la economía de la salud y las ciencias sociales, que demuestran cómo la pobreza o las crisis económicas generan desigualdades en salud, tanto a nivel individual como poblacional. Para eliminar las desigualdades en salud es imprescindible la iniciativa de las instituciones públicas y de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, además de establecer un marco de cooperación entre todas ellas. Esta necesidad se hace más aún urgente en el contexto de crisis que vivimos, en el que la brecha económica entre clases se está acentuando mientras que las políticas del estado del bienestar se debilitan

    The Black Box of Mutual Fund Fees

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    This paper re-examines the determinants of mutual fund fees paid by mutual fund shareholders for management costs and other expenses. There are two novelties with respect to previous studies. First, each type of fee is explained separately. Second, the paper employs a new dataset consisting of Spanish mutual funds, making it the second paper to study mutual fund fees outside the US market. Furthermore, the Spanish market has three interesting characteristics: (i) both distribution and management are highly dominated by banks and savings banks, which points towards potential conflicts of interest; (ii) Spanish mutual fund law imposes caps on all types of fees; and (iii) Spain ranks first in terms of average mutual fund fees among similar countries. We find significant differences in mutual fund fees not explained by the fund’s investment objective. For instance, management companies owned by banks and savings banks charge higher management fees and redemption fees to nonguaranteed funds. Also, investors in older non-guaranteed funds and non-guaranteed funds with a lower average investment are more likely to end up paying higher management fees. Moreover, there is clear evidence that some mutual funds enjoy better conditions from custodial institutions than others. In contrast to evidence from the US market, larger funds are not associated with lower fees, but with higher custody fees for guaranteed funds and higher redemption fees for both types of funds. Finally, fee-setting by mutual funds is not related to fund before-fee performance

    Derechos laborales conculcados de trabajadores del sector privado frente al Decreto de Urgencia 038-2020 y la emergencia sanitaria - Lima 2020

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    El presente informe menciona que el gobierno central en pandemia emitió el decreto de urgencia 038-2020 que desnaturaliza el artículo 12 del código de trabajo de suspensión perfecta de labores el cual tiene naturaleza garantista transformando a facultativa del empleador como consecuencia el Estado protege los capitales de los grupos económicos , es por ello que nuestra investigación tiene como objetivo analizar cuáles son los criterios que se fundamenta para emitir este decreto de urgencia, además se analizara que derechos fundamentales se vulneran, los efectos al procedimiento formal y sus garantías de protección al derecho al trabajo. La metodología que se ha llevado acabo para esta investigación es de enfoque cualitativo, aplicando las técnicas como las guías de entrevistas a profesionales en materia laboral, este procedimiento demostrará que el gobierno central a través de su representante emitieron decretos de urgencia contradiciendo la ley y vulnerando la defensa de los derechos de los trabajadores a tener una calidad de vida y tener un trabajo decente