24,792 research outputs found

    Structural changes at the semiconductor-insulator phase transition in the single layered La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 perovskite

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    The semiconductor-insulator phase transition of the single-layer manganite La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 has been studied by means of high resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and resonant x-ray scattering at the Mn K edge. We conclude that a concomitant structural transition from tetragonal I4/mmm to orthorhombic Cmcm phases drives this electronic transition. A detailed symmetry-mode analysis reveals that condensation of three soft modes -Delta_2(B2u), X1+(B2u) and X1+(A)- acting on the oxygen atoms accounts for the structural transformation. The Delta_2 mode leads to a pseudo Jahn-Teller distortion (in the orthorhombic bc-plane only) on one Mn site (Mn1) whereas the two X1+ modes produce an overall contraction of the other Mn site (Mn2) and expansion of the Mn1 one. The X1+ modes are responsible for the tetragonal superlattice (1/2,1/2,0)-type reflections in agreement with a checkerboard ordering of two different Mn sites. A strong enhancement of the scattered intensity has been observed for these superlattice reflections close to the Mn K edge, which could be ascribed to some degree of charge disproportion between the two Mn sites of about 0.15 electrons. We also found that the local geometrical anisotropy of the Mn1 atoms and its ordering originated by the condensed Delta_2 mode alone perfectly explains the resonant scattering of forbidden (1/4,1/4,0)-type reflections without invoking any orbital ordering.Comment: 3 tables and 10 figures; accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmic Microwave Background temperature and polarization anisotropies from the large-N limit of global defects

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    We determine the full C_l spectra and correlation functions of the temperature and polarization anisotropies in the CMB, generated by a source modeled by the large N limit of spontaneously broken global O(N)-theories. We point out a problem in the standard approach of treating the radiation-matter transition by interpolating the eigenvectors of the unequal-time correlators of the source energy-momentum tensor. This affects the CMB predictions from all type of cosmic defects. We propose a method to overcome this difficulty, and find that in the large-N global model that we study, differences in the final CMB power spectra amplitudes reach up to 25%, when compared to implementations of the eigenvector interpolation technique. We discuss as well how to optimally search for the contribution in the CMB from active sources such as cosmic defects, in experiments like Planck, COrE and PRISM.Comment: 16+4 pages, 13 figures (Version 2: minor changes to match published version in PRD

    The local B-polarization of the CMB: a very sensitive probe of cosmic defects

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    We present a new and especially powerful signature of cosmic strings and other topological or non-topological defects in the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We show that even if defects contribute 1% or less in the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum, their signature in the local B~\tilde{B}-polarization correlation function at angular scales of tens of arc minutes is much larger than that due to gravitational waves from inflation, even if the latter contribute with a ratio as big as r≃0.1r\simeq 0.1 to the temperature anisotropies. We show that when going from non-local to local B~\tilde{B}-polarization, the ratio of the defect signal-to-noise with respect to the inflationary value increases by about an order of magnitude. Proposed B-polarization experiments, with a good sensitivity on arcminute scales, may either detect a contribution from topological defects produced after inflation or place stringent limits on them. Even Planck should be able to improve present constraints on defect models by at least an order of magnitude, to the level of \ep <10^{-7}. A future full-sky experiment like CMBpol, with polarization sensitivities of the order of 1ÎŒ1\muK-arcmin, will be able to constrain the defect parameter \ep=Gv^2 to a few ×10−9\times10^{-9}, depending on the defect model.Comment: Version Published in Physics Letters

    Change in the North Atlantic circulation associated with the mid-Pleistocene transition

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    The southwestern Iberian margin is highly sensitive to changes in the distribution of North Atlantic currents and to the position of oceanic fronts. In this work, the evolution of oceanographic parameters from 812 to 530 ka (MIS20-MIS14) is studied based on the analysis of planktonic foraminifer assemblages from site IODP-U1385 (37 degrees 34.285' N, 10 degrees 7.562' W; 2585m b.s.l.). By comparing the obtained results with published records from other North Atlantic sites between 41 and 55 degrees N, basin-wide paleoceano-graphic conditions are reconstructed. Variations of assemblages dwelling in different water masses indicate a major change in the general North Atlantic circulation during MIS16, coinciding with the definite establishment of the 100 ky cyclicity associated with the mid-Pleistocene transition. At the surface, this change consisted in the redistribution of water masses, with the subsequent thermal variation, and occurred linked to the northwestward migration of the Arctic Front (AF), and the increase in the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation with respect to previous glacials. During glacials prior to MIS16, the NADW formation was very weak, which drastically slowed down the surface circulation; the AF was at a southerly position and the North Atlantic Current (NAC) diverted southeastwards, developing steep south-north, and east-west, thermal gradients and blocking the arrival of warm water, with associated moisture, to high latitudes. During MIS16, the increase in the meridional overturning circulation, in combination with the northwestward AF shift, allowed the arrival of the NAC to subpolar latitudes, multiplying the moisture availability for ice-sheet growth, which could have worked as a positive feedback to prolong the glacials towards 100 ky cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Statistical Error in Particle Simulations of Hydrodynamic Phenomena

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    We present predictions for the statistical error due to finite sampling in the presence of thermal fluctuations in molecular simulation algorithms. Specifically, we establish how these errors depend on Mach number, Knudsen number, number of particles, etc. Expressions for the common hydrodynamic variables of interest such as flow velocity, temperature, density, pressure, shear stress and heat flux are derived using equilibrium statistical mechanics. Both volume-averaged and surface-averaged quantities are considered. Comparisons between theory and computations using direct simulation Monte Carlo for dilute gases, and molecular dynamics for dense fluids, show that the use of equilibrium theory provides accurate results.Comment: 24 pages postscript (including 16 figures

    Surface plasmon enhanced absorption and suppressed transmission in periodic arrays of graphene ribbons

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    Resonance diffraction in the periodic array of graphene micro-ribbons is theoretically studied following a recent experiment [L. Ju et al, Nature Nanotech. 6, 630 (2011)]. Systematic studies over a wide range of parameters are presented. It is shown that a much richer resonant picture would be observable for higher relaxation times of charge carriers: more resonances appear and transmission can be totally suppressed. The comparison with the absorption cross-section of a single ribbon shows that the resonant features of the periodic array are associated with leaky plasmonic modes. The longest-wavelength resonance provides the highest visibility of the transmission dip and has the strongest spectral shift and broadening with respect to the single-ribbon resonance, due to collective effects.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Statistical Error in Particle Simulations of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer

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    We present predictions for the statistical error due to finite sampling in the presence of thermal fluctuations in molecular simulation algorithms. Specifically, we present predictions for the error dependence on hydrodynamic parameters and the number of samples taken. Expressions for the common hydrodynamic variables of interest such as flow velocity, temperature, density, pressure, shear stress and heat flux are derived using equilibrium statistical mechanics. Both volume-averaged and surface-averaged quantities are considered. Comparisons between theory and computations using direct simulation Monte Carlo for dilute gases, and molecular dynamics for dense fluids, show that the use of equilibrium theory provides accurate results.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Misalignment of the microquasar V4641 Sgr (SAX J1819.3--2525)

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    In the microquasar V4641 Sgr the spin of the black hole is thought to be misaligned with the binary orbital axis. The accretion disc aligns with the black hole spin by the Lense-Thirring effect near to the black hole and further out becomes aligned with the binary orbital axis. The inclination of the radio jets and the FeKαK\alpha line profile have both been used to determine the inclination of the inner accretion disc but the measurements are inconsistent. Using a steady state analytical warped disc model for V4641 Sgr we find that the inner disc region is flat and aligned with the black hole up to about 900Rg900 R_{\rm g}. Thus if both the radio jet and fluorescent emission originates in the same inner region then the measurements of the inner disc inclination should be the same.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
