44 research outputs found

    A Q-Learning-Based Approach for Simple and Multi-Agent Systems

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    This study proposes different machine learning-based solutions to both single and multi-agent systems, took place on a 2-D simulation platform, namely, Robocode. This dynamic and programmable platform allows agents to interact with the environment and each other by employing a variety of battling strategies. Q-Learning is one of the leading and popular machine learning-based solutions to be applied to such a problem. However, especially for continued spaces, the control problem gets deeper. Essentially, one of the main drawbacks of reinforcement learning (RL) is to design an appropriate reward function that the function can be described by only employing few parameters for simple tasks, whereas estimating the goal of the reward function may be a challenging problem. Recent studies prove that neural network-based approaches can handle these challenges and achieve to learn control strategies from 2-D or 1-D data. Besides those problems of RL algorithms for single robots, once the number of robots increases and the systems need to behave as multi-agent systems, the overall design requirements become more complex. Accordingly, the proposed system is validated by considering different battle scenarios. The performance of the Q-Learning-based system and the supervised learning techniques are compared by employing different scenarios for this problem. Results reveal the superiority of the ANN-based approach over other methods

    Multiagent Systems for 3D Reconstruction Applications

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    3D models of scenes are used in many areas ranging from cultural heritage to video games. In order to model a scene, there are several techniques. One of the well-known and well-used techniques is image-based reconstruction. An image-based reconstruction starts with data acquisition step and ends with 3D model of the scene. Data are collected from the scene using various ways. The chapter explains how data acquisition step can be handled using a multiagent system. The explanation is provided by literature reviews and a study whose purpose is reconstructing an area in 3D using a multiagent UAV system

    Recoil analysis for heavy Ion beams

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    Given that there are 94 clinics and more than 200,000 patients treated worldwide, proton and carbon are the most used heavily charged particles in heavy-ion (HI) therapy. However, there is a recent increasing trend in using new ion beams. Each HI has a different effect on the target. As each HI moves through the tissue, they lose enormous energy in collisions, so their range is not long. Ionization accounts for the majority of this loss in energy. During this interaction of the heavily charged particles with the target, the particles do not only ionize but also lose energy with the recoil. Recoil occurs by atom-to-atom collisions. With these collisions, crystalline atoms react with different combinations and form cascades in accordance with their energies. Thus, secondary particles create ionization and recoil. In this study, recoil values of Boron(B), Carbon(C), Nitrogen(N), and Oxygen(O) beams in the water phantom were computed in the energy range of 2.0-2.5 GeV using Monte Carlo simulation and the results were compared with carbon. Our findings have shown that C beams have 35.3% more recoil range than B beams, while it has 14.5% and 118.7% less recoil range than N and O beams, respectively. The recoil peak amplitude of C beams is 68.1% more than B beams, while it is 13.1% less than N and 22.9% less than O beams. It was observed that there is a regular increase in the recoil peak amplitude for C and B ions, unlike O and N where such a regularity could not be seen. Moreover, the gaps in the crystal structure increased as the energy increases

    Proton therapy for mandibula plate phantom

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    Purpose: In this study, the required dose rates for optimal treatment of tumoral tissues when using proton therapy in the treatment of defective tumours seen in mandibles has been calculated. We aimed to protect the surrounding soft and hard tissues from unnecessary radiation as well as to prevent complications of radiation. Bragg curves of therapeutic energized protons for two different mandible (molar and premolar) plate phantoms were computed and compared with similar calculations in the literature. The results were found to be within acceptable deviation values. Methods: In this study, mandibular tooth plate phantoms were modelled for the molar and premolar areas and then a Monte Carlo simulation was used to calculate the Bragg curve, lateral straggle/range and recoil values of protons remaining in the therapeutic energy ranges. The mass and atomic densities of all the jawbone layers were selected and the effect of layer type and thickness on the Bragg curve, lateral straggle/range and the recoil were investigated. As protons move through different layers of density, lateral straggle and increases in the range were observed. A range of energies was used for the treatment of tumours at different depths in the mandible phantom. Results: Simulations revealed that as the cortical bone thickness increased, Bragg peak position decreased between 0.47–3.3%. An increase in the number of layers results in a decrease in the Bragg peak position. Finally, as the proton energy increased, the amplitude of the second peak and its effect on Bragg peak position decreased. Conclusion: These findings should guide the selection of appropriate energy levels in the treatment of tumour structures without damaging surrounding tissues. View Full-Text Keywords: proton treatment, biomaterials, bragg peak, mandible plate phantom, dental tumour, paediatric dentistrypublishedVersio

    Machine Learning Applications in Dentistry

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    Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a breakthrough in many fields including medicine and dentistry where new approaches can be employed to solve challenging decision making processes faced in the dental field. Artificial intelligence can be used as a decision support mechanism to solve the increasing population and consequently the increasing dental treatment needs. It also assists dentists in diagnosis and treatment planning stages that require expert opinion. This mini-review covers some of the recent studies in this area and envisions future directions on the use of machine learning in dental problems

    Determination of antioxidant compounds in foodstuff

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    © 2017 Scrivener Publishing LLC. Phenolic compounds, vitamins and carotenoids are naturally found in different foodstuff. These antioxidant compounds play an important role in human health and are of interest for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. Modern chromatographic and spectrometric techniques have made analysis easier than ever before, but their success depends on the extraction method used. In fact, the different antioxidants are identifified using chromatographic techniques coupled to diff erent specififi c detectors according to the characteristics of each molecule. Beyond their well-known health-promoting effects, antioxidant molecules can also be used to functionalize or preserve the freshness, nutritive value, flflavor and color of foodstuff s, which justify their incorporation into several matrices. In this chapter, the most common antioxidant compounds in foodstuff will be described, as well as the methodologies involved in their extraction, separation, identifification and quantifification. The bioactive properties and industrial applications of these compounds through innovative techniques will also be taken into account.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Doğadan ilham alınan bir çekirdek malzeme ihtiva eden sandviç panellerin dinamik ezilme davranışları

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2017Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 108-111)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and EnglishIn the current study, a new approach was shown to develop an innovative loadcarrying and energy absorbing structure which can fulfill the requirements in the fields of automotive, defense and aerospace. Two different topics which have been in great demand in the recent times were combined: sandwich structures and bio-inspiration. Balanus which is a barnacle living along the seashores and on the ships’ surfaces was taken under examination to design a novel sandwich structure core geometry. The designed geometry was manufactured with deep drawing process. The sandwich structures were produced with different face sheets using a pattern to ensure the repeatability of the crushing tests. Firstly, the advantage of the bio-inspired core over the conventional core geometries was shown with a numerical study. Then, the crushing tests were conducted at both quasi-static and dynamic loading rates. Further, the effects of foam filling, confinement, inertia and strain rate sensitivity on the crashworthiness performance of the proposed structure were investigated. In addition to the experimental studies, numerical analyses were also performed using LS-DYNA 971. In the numerical studies, manufacturing process of the core geometry was also modeled to count in the residual stress/strain so that a good proximity was obtained between the experimental and numerical results. Moreover, the penetration and perforation behaviors were inspected. Utility of the proposed geometry where a high resistance is needed against dynamic crushing was demonstrated. Finally, several suggestions were proposed for the future works to elaborate the present study.Bu çalışmada; otomotiv, savunma ve havacılık-uzay alanlarındaki ihtiyaçları karşılayabilecek yeni bir yük taşıyıcı ve enerji yutucu yapı geliştirmek için farklı bir yaklaşım gösterilmiştir. Son zamanlarda büyük rağbet gören iki farklı konu olan sandviç yapılar ve biyobenzetim birleştirilmiştir. Özgün bir sandviç yapı çekirdek geometrisi tasarlamak amacıyla deniz kıyılarında ve gemi yüzeylerinde yaşayan bir deniz kabuklusu olan balanus inceleme altına alınmıştır. Tasarlanan geometri derin çekme yöntemiyle üretilmiştir. Sandviç yapılar farklı yüzey malzemeleri ile üretilmiş olup ezilme testlerindeki tekrar edilebilirliği garanti altına alabilmek için kalıp kullanılarak üretilmiştir. İlk olarak, biyobenzetim esaslı çekirdeğin alışılagelmiş çekirdek geometrilerine karşı olan avantajı bir nümerik çalışma ile gösterilmiştir. Daha sonra, kuasi-statik ve dinamik yükleme hızlarında ezilme testleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca; köpük dolgunun, çevresel sınırlandırmanın, geometri kaynaklı ataletin ve şekil değiştirme hassasiyetinin önerilen geometrinin çarpışma dayanıklılığı performansına etkileri araştırılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalara ek olarak, LS-DYNA 971 kullanılarak nümerik analizler de yapılmıştır. Nümerik çalışmalarda, artık gerilme ve gerinimleri de hesaba katmak için çekirdek geometrinin üretim süreci de modellenmiştir, böylece deneysel ve nümerik sonuçlar arasında yüksek bir yakınlık elde edilmiştir. Bunlara ek olarak, penetrasyon ve perforasyon davranışları üzerine de çalışılmış olup önerilen geometrinin dinamik ezilmelere karşı yüksek direnç gereken yerlerdeki işe yararlılığı ispatlanmıştır. Son olarak, bu çalışmayı detaylandırmak için yapılabilecek gelecek çalışmalar ile ilgili çeşitli öneriler sunulmuştur.TUBITAK (MAG/214M339

    Cyclosporin-A in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Romatoid Artrit (RA), immünolojik anormalliklerle birlikte olan ve etyolojisi tam bilinmeyen kronik inflamatuar bir hastalıktır. Son zamanlarda tedavi yaklaşımları sıklıkla immünolojik anormalliklere yönlendirilmektedir. Nonsitotoksik ve immünmodülatör bir ilaç olan Siklosporin A (CyA), CD4+ T lenfositlerin aktivasyonunu inhitae etmekte ve özellikle bu açıdan otoimmün hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, daha önce klasik RA tedavileri uygulanmasına rağmen aktif hastalıkları devam eden, yaş ortalaması 45.1 yıl ve ortalama hastalık süresi 11.2 yıl olan 10 RA'lı hastada CyA'nın etkinliği ve yan etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. İlacın başlangıç dozu 3 mg/kg/gün olup tedavi 6 ay sürdürüldü. Hastalarda Ritchie ve Lee indeksleri, hassas ve şişmiş eklem değerlendirmeleri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu. Görsel ağrı skalası, sabah sertliği süresi, serum kreatinin düzeyi, eritrosit sedimantasyon hızı, kan basıncı değerlerindeki değişiklikler istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi. Hastalarımızda hipertansiyon, başağrısı, hipertrikozis, gingival hipertrofi, oral kandidiazis, hiperürisemi gibi yan etkiler gözlendi.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology that is associated with several immunologic abnormalities. Recently therapeutic approach has been against these abnormalities. Cyclosporin A (CyA) is a noncytotoxic, immunomodulatory drug, which functions by inhibiting the activation of the T helper/inducer lymphocyte and it is used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. We aimed to study the effects and side effects of CyA in 10 RA patients refractory to other agents. Their mean age was 45.1 years and mean duration of illness was 11.2 years. The initial daily dose of CyA was 3 mg/kg and the drug was continued for 6 months. There were significant improvements in the Ritchie and Lee indices, tender or swollen joints. The changes in visual analogue scale, morning stiffness, serum creatine, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and systolic or diastolic blood pressure values were not statistically significant. The side effects were hypertension, headache, hypertrichosis, gingival hypertrophy, oral candidiasis, hyperuricemia