178 research outputs found

    Physically and chemically modified starches as texturisers of low-fat milk gels

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    In reduced fat-milk gels lack of fat globules results in undesirable texture changes. This study evaluates application of chemically modified (E-1412,E-1414,E-1422,E-1442), pregelatinized, and both pregelatinized (PG) and chemically modified (PGE-1414) starches as fat replacers. Skimmed milk was substituted with 2% of each starch. The pH and rheological evolution during the acidification process, viscosity of the stirred gels, texture of the set gels and syneresis of all gels were measured. Skimmed and full-fat milk gels were included as controls. All starches had lower or higher pH values, than skimmed or full fat milk gels during acidification. Gelation time was reduced for all starches compared to the skimmed milk gel. For both stirred and set milk gels, with PG, PGE-1414, E-1422 and E-1442 had viscosity/texture values similar or higher to those found for full fat milk gel. For syneresis, E-1412 had drastically increased values when compared with both controls.  Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project AGL2014-52928-C2)European Regional Development Fund (FEDER

    Caracterización de las unidades productivas del cultivo de kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) en las provincias de Yungay, Huaylas y Carhuaz, en el departamento de Áncash, Perú

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    The current work was carried out with the aim of characterizing the productive units of small-scale agricultural systems of kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) in five communities of the Yungay, Huaylas, and Carhuaz provinces, Ancash region, Peru. The population sample of the production units under study was determined employing a proportional and stratified unrestricted random sampling. The information was obtained from primary (surveys and interviews) and secondary sources. The analyses were carried out by grouping qualitative and quantitative variables, and using multi-dimensional statistical techniques. Three types of producers that are similar inside each group were identified, and, at the same time, they have differences compared to other groups based on land tenure, areas sown with kiwicha and with a secondary crop, and monthly net income. The first group that included smallholding producers with 0.42 ha of arable land, possesses on average 0.14 ha cropped with kiwicha, and 0.17 ha of a secondary crop; the second group, comprised small producers with 0.53 ha of land available for their crops, have 0.30 ha of kiwicha, and 0.43 ha of a secondary crop, and the third group is composed of medium-sized producers that on average have 6.13 ha of land, of which 1.87 ha are cropped with kiwicha and 0.63 ha with a secondary crop. The monthly net income of medium producers with PEN 493.50 is higher than that of small and smallholding farmers in 176.52 % and 279.03 %, respectively.El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de caracterizar las unidades productivas de sistemas agrícolas en pequeña escala de kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) en cinco comunidades de las provincias de Yungay, Huaylas y Carhuaz, región Áncash, Perú. La población muestra de las unidades de producción en estudio se determinó mediante un muestreo irrestricto aleatorio proporcional y estratificado. La información obtenida de fuentes primarias (encuestas y entrevistas) y secundarias se analizó agrupando variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, y utilizando técnicas estadísticas de análisis multidimensional. Se identificaron tres tipologías de productores que se asemejan al interior de cada grupo y, al mismo tiempo, presentan diferencias frente a otros grupos por la posesión de tierras, área sembrada de kiwicha, área sembrada de cultivo secundario e ingreso neto mensual. El primer grupo, compuesto por productores de minifundio con 0,42 ha de tierras cultivables, posee en promedio 0,14 ha de cultivo de kiwicha y 0,17 ha de un cultivo secundario; el segundo grupo, compuesto por pequeños productores con 0,53 ha de tierras disponibles para sus cultivos, cuentan con 0,30 ha de kiwicha y 0,43 ha de un cultivo secundario; el tercer grupo, compuesto por medianos productores, en promedio dispone de 6,13 ha de tierras, de los cuales 1,87 ha son de kiwicha y 0,63 ha son de cultivos secundarios. Los ingresos netos mensuales de los medianos productores con PEN 493,50 resultan mayores a los de los pequeños y los de minifundio en 176,52 % y 279,03 %, respectivamente

    Objetos diversos procedentes del poblado calcolítico de Amarguillo II (Los Molares, Sevilla)

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    Abordamos en este texto el estudio de una serie de objetos del poblado calcolftico de Amarguillo II (Los Molares, Sevilla) procedentes de excavaciones arqueológicas, de prospecciones y de hallazgos casuales que parecen estar relacionados en su mayor parte con el Arte Esquemático Típico. Sus paralelos podemos encontrarlos por diversos ámbitos de la Península Ibérica y por la fachada atlántica europea, principalmente por Bretaña, Escocia e Irlanda

    Sostenibilidad de las unidades de producción del cultivo de kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) en las Provincias de Yungay - Huaylas Región - Ancash.

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    Kiwicha is a sub specie used with recognized, nutritional value and drought tolerance. Considering the damages caused by climate change, food shortages and deterioration of resources, it becomes an important alternative to ensure quality of food and contribute to reduce the problems of malnutrition of families and improve the family economy by being an export product not traditional. The research was carried out with the aim of evaluating the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the kiwicha agricultural units in the communities of Mato, Yungay and Santa Cruz. The economic index values ​​(IK) in the communities of Mato, Yungay and Santa Cruz were 2.07, 2.08 and 2.67 are not sustainable because they have values ​​lower than 3. In the environmental indicator (AI) the values ​​were 2.70, 2.67 and 3.31 , respectively, being sustainable only in the community of Santa Cruz for its value greater than 3. On the other hand, in the social indicator (IS) the values ​​for the communities of Mato, Yungay and Santa Cruz were 2.88, 2.86 and 2.88 were not sustainable. The General Sustainability Index (ISG) had values ​​of 2.52, 2.54 and 2.93, confirming that the production of kiwicha in the three communities evaluated is not sustainableLa kiwicha es una especie sub utilizada con reconocido valor nutritivo y con tolerancia a la sequía. Considerando los daños ocasionados por el cambio climático, escases de alimentos y deterioro de los recursos se convierte en una alternativa importante para asegurar alimentación de calidad y contribuir a disminuir los problemas de desnutrición de las familias y mejorar la economía familiar por ser un producto de exportación no tradicional. La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar la sostenibilidad económica, ambiental y social de las unidades agropecuarias de kiwicha en las comunidades de Mato, Yungay y Santa Cruz. Los valores de índices económicos (IK) en las comunidades de Mato, Yungay y Santa Cruz fueron 2.07, 2.08 y 2.67 y no son sostenibles por tener valores menores a 3. En el indicador ambiental (IA) los valores fueron 2.70, 2.67 y 3.31, respectivamente, siendo sostenibles solo en la comunidad de Santa Cruz por su valor mayor a 3. Por otro lado, en el indicador social (IS) los valores para las comunidades de Mato, Yungay y Santa Cruz fueron 2.88, 2.86 y 2.88 y resultaron no sostenibles. El Índice de Sostenibilidad General (ISG) tuvo valores de 2.52, 2.54 y 2.93, confirmando que la producción de kiwicha en las tres comunidades evaluadas no es sostenible


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    Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a strategic crop for the Andean communities because it is not very demanding on soil conditions, tolerates low temperatures and can be used for both human and animal consumption. Frosts, on the other hand, are phenomena that usually occur in the Andes and can affect the proper development of crops. This research aims to illustrate the influence of frost on the yield and quality of barley in the central highlands of Peru. For this, two locations were chosen: Valle del Mantaro (11°50’33” S 75°22’45” W, 3200 m asl) and Ñahuimpuquio (12°19’35” S 75°04’00” W, 3630 m asl). A meteorological frost was recorded during the study. Four cultivars were evaluated, comparing seven yield variables and three quality variables. A randomized complete block design by locality was used. Statistical analyses were performed using the SAS program. The results obtained reflected that the occurrence of said frost during flowering compromised the adequate development of cultivars in Ñahuimpuquio; while, in Valle del Mantaro, there were no effects when it occurred during vegetative growth. Frosts that occur in sensitive stages of the crop can compromise yield and quality, as well as food sovereignty.La cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.), es un cultivo estratégico para las comunidades alto andinas, dado que, es poco exigente en suelo, tolera bien las bajas temperaturas y se le puede aprovechar tanto para la alimentación humana como animal. Las heladas, por otro lado, son fenómenos que suelen presentarse en Los Andes y pueden afectar el desarrollo adecuado de los cultivos. La presente investigación pretende ilustrar la influencia de las heladas en el rendimiento y calidad de la cebada en la sierra central de Perú. Para ello, se escogieron dos localidades: Valle del Mantaro (11°50’33” S 75°22’45” O, 3200 m s.n.m.) y Ñahuimpuquio (12°19’35” S 75°04’00” O, 3630 m s.n.m.). Se registró una helada meteorológica durante el estudio. Se evaluaron cuatro cultivares mejorados, comparando siete variables de rendimiento y tres de calidad. Se empleó un diseño de bloques completos al azar por localidad. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron mediante el programa SAS. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron que, la ocurrencia de dicha helada durante la floración comprometió el desarrollo adecuado de los cultivares en Ñahuimpuquio; mientras que, en el Valle del Mantaro, no hubo afectaciones al ocurrir durante el crecimiento vegetativo. En conclusión, las heladas ocurridas en etapas sensibles del cultivo pueden comprometer el rendimiento, la calidad y, por consiguiente, la soberanía alimentaria. &nbsp

    Therapeutic Strategies of Secretome of Mesenchymal Stem Cell

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    Great progress has been made in the therapeutic strategies of multiple diseases that lack curative treatments with the transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), such as in onco-hematological diseases, myocardial infarction (MI), cerebrovascular diseases, degenerative diseases of the nervous system (multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease), and diseases of the immune system, among others. Stem cells (SC) participate in the biological processes of tissue regeneration and repair through cell replication. Recently, the beneficial therapeutic effects of SCs that are generated by the release of proteins with paracrine actions and not by cell differentiation are more well known, and 80% of the therapeutic effect of SC is attributed to paracrine actions. The MSCs release large amounts of proteins and growth factors (GF), nucleic acids, proteasomes, exosomes, and microRNA, and membrane vesicles known as the secretome are released into the extracellular space, regulating multiple biological processes. Currently, the therapeutic strategies in tissue engineering (TE) and regenerative medicine (RM) are focused on the management of products derived from cells that act, both locally and remotely, in the affected tissue or organ, achieving regenerative actions. The application of new knowledge of the secretome initiates a change in the paradigm of regenerative therapy by knowing more about and using cell products derived from cells as a “factory” for biological drugs

    OpenFog-Compliant Application-Aware Platform: A Kubernetes Extension

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    Distributed computing paradigms have evolved towards low latency and highly virtualized environments. Fog Computing, as its latest iteration, enables the usage of Cloud-like services closer to the generators and consumers of data. The processing in this layer is performed by Fog Applications, which are decomposed into smaller components following the microservice paradigm and encapsulated into containers. Current state-of-the-art container orchestrators can manage hundreds of simultaneous containers. However, Kubernetes, being the de facto standard, does not consider the application itself as a top-level entity, which limits its orchestration capabilities. This raises the need to rearchitect Kubernetes to benefit from application-awareness, which refers to an orchestration method optimized for managing the applications and the set of components that comprise them. Thus, this paper proposes an application-aware and OpenFog-compliant architecture that manages applications as first-level entities during their lifecycle. Furthermore, the proposed architecture allows the definition of organizational structures to group subordinated applications based on user-defined hierarchies. This logical structuring makes it possible to outline how orchestration should be shaped to reflect the operating model of a system or an organization. The proposed architecture is implemented as a Kubernetes extension and provided as an operator.This research was funded by the project PES18/48 funded by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and by the PhD fellowship granted under the frame of the PIF 2022 call funded by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), grant number PIF22/188

    Litterfall deposition and leaf litter nutrient return in different locations at northeastern Mexico

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    The aim of this study was to determine the litterfall production and macronutrient (Ca, K, Mg, N, and P) deposition through leaf litter in four sites with different types of vegetation. Site one (Bosque Escuela) was located at 1600 m a.s.l. in a pine forest mixed with deciduous trees, second site (Crucitas at 550 m a.s.l.) in the ecotone of a Quercus spp. forest and the Tamaulipan thornscrub and third and fourth sites (Campus at 350 m a.s.l. and Cascajoso at 300 m a.s.l., respectively) were in the Tamaulipan thornscrub. Litter constituents (leaves, reproductive structures, twigs, and miscellaneous residues) were collected at 15-day intervals from December 21, 2006, throughout December 20, 2007. Collections were carried out in ten litter traps (1.0 × 1.0 m) randomly situated at each site of approximately 2,500 m2. Total annual litterfall deposition was 4407, 7397, 6304, and 6527 kg ha−1 y−1 for Bosque Escuela, Crucitas, Campus and Cascajoso, respectively. Of total annual litter production, leaves were higher varying from 74 (Bosque Escuela) to 86% (Cascajoso) followed by twigs from 4 (Cascajoso) to 14% (Crucitas), reproductive structures from 6 (Bosque Escuela) to 10% (Crucitas), and miscellaneous litterfall from N> K > Mg > P, whereas on site basis of total nutrient deposition (Ca + N + K + Mg + P), the order was Cascajoso > Campus > Crucitas > Bosque Escuela. Ca, K, Mg, N, and P nutrient use efficiency values in leaf litter were higher in Bosque Escuela, while lower figures were acquired in Cascajoso and Crucitas sites. It seems that the highest litterfall deposition was found in the ecotone of a Quercus spp. forest and the Tamaulipan thornscrub; however, the Tamaulipan thornscrub vegetation alone had better leaf litter nutrient return

    Goldstone Bosons and Global Strings in a Warped Resolved Conifold

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    A warped resolved conifold background of type IIB theory, constructed in hep-th/0701064, is dual to the supersymmetric SU(N)×SU(N)SU(N)\times SU(N) gauge theory with a vacuum expectation value (VEV) for one of the bifundamental chiral superfields. This VEV breaks both the superconformal invariance and the baryonic symmetry. The absolute value of the VEV controls the resolution parameter of the conifold. In this paper we study the phase of the VEV, which corresponds to the Goldstone boson of the broken symmetry. We explicitly construct the linearized perturbation of the 4-form R-R potential that contains the Goldstone boson. On general grounds, the theory should contain global strings which create a monodromy of the pseudoscalar Goldstone boson field. We identify these strings with the D3D3-branes wrapping the two-cycle at the tip of the warped resolved conifold.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Potencial hídrico xilemático en cuatro especies arbustivas nativas del noreste de México = Xylem water potential in four native browse species from northeastern Mexico

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    RESUMEN Dado que el estrés hídrico es el principal factor limitante en esta región, el estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar cómo el potencial hídrico xilemático (Ψ) de especies arbustivas nativas tales como Celtis pallida (Ulmaceae), Acacia amentacea (Leguminosae) Forestiera angustifolia (Oleaceae) y Parkinsonia texana (Leguminosae) es influido por el contenido de humedad del suelo, la temperatura del aire, la humedad relativa y la precipitación. El estudio se llevó a cabo en un área localizada en el municipio de China, Nuevo León. Usando una bomba de presión tipo Scholander los Ψ fueron estimados a intervalos de 15 días entre enero 15 y septiembre 28 de 2009, en cinco plantas de cada especie a las 06:00 h (pre-amanecer) y 14:00 h (mediodía). En el periodo más húmedo, el Ψ al pre-amanecer varió de -0.30 (C. pallida) a -0.90 MPa (P. texana); en cambio, en el periodo más seco, el Ψ al pre-amanecer fluctuó de -2.18 (P. texana) a -3.94 MPa (F. angustifolia). Al mediodía, P. texana y F. angustifolia tuvieron el mayor (-1.14 MPa) y menor (-3.38 MPa) valor, respectivamente. El contenido promedio de humedad en el suelo en el perfil de profundidad de 0-50 cm explicó entre 82 y 33 % de la variación del Ψ al pre-amanecer. El Ψ del mediodía, los contenidos de humedad del suelo a diferentes profundidades y la humedad relativa se correlacionaron significativamente y positivamente con el Ψ al pre-amanecer; en cambio la temperatura del aire y el déficit de presión de vapor se correlacionaron negativamente. Dado que A. amentacea y P. texana mantuvieron altos valores en el Ψ al pre-amanecer y al mediodía bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico, estas especies pueden ser consideradas como especies tolerantes a la sequía. ABSTRACT Since water stress is the most limiting factor in this region, the aim of the current study was to establish how the xylem water potential (Ψ) in native shrubs such as Celtis pallida (Ulmaceae), Acacia amentacea (Leguminosae) Forestiera angustifolia (Oleaceae), and Parkinsonia texana (Leguminosae) is influenced by soil water content, air temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall. The study was carried out in an area located the municipality of China, state of Nuevo Leon. Using a Scholander pressure bomb the Ψ were estimated at 15 days intervals between January 15 and September 28, 2009 in five different plants per species at 06:00 h (predawn) and 14:00 h (midday). At the wettest period, Ψ oscillated from -0.30 (C. pallida) to -0.90 MPa (P. texana) at predawn, in contrast, at the driest period, Ψ oscillated from -2.18 (P. texana) to -3.94 MPa (F. angustifolia) at predawn. At midday, P. texana and F. angustifolia achieved the highest (-1.14 MPa) and lowest (-3.38 MPa) Ψ values, respectively. Average soil water content at depth profile 0-50cm showed between 82 and 33 % of the variation of Ψ at predawn. Soil water content at different soil depths, and relative humidity were significantly and positively correlated with Ψ at predawn; whereas air temperature and vapor pressure deficit was negatively correlated. A. amentacea and P. texana maintainedhigh values in Ψ at predawn and midday under water stress conditions, so these species may be considered as drought tolerant species