95 research outputs found

    Aroma Fingerprint Characterisation of La Mancha Red Wines

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    In the present study, Rojal, Moravia Dulce and Tortosí wines were elaborated across four harvests (2006to 2009) from minority red grape varieties cultivated in the La Mancha region of Spain. Wines werestudied by instrumental and sensory analysis to determine the influence of grape variety on the aromaof the wine. Aroma compounds were isolated by solid phase extraction (SPE) to later be analysed usinggas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The odour activity values (OAVs) for the differentcompounds were classified into seven odorant series that describe the aroma profile of these wines (1: fruity,2: floral, 3: green/fresh, 4: sweet, 5: spice, 6: fatty, and 7: other odours). The total intensities of everyaromatic series were calculated as sum of the OAV of each one of the compounds assigned to this series. Allwines showed the same sequence, with the highest aroma contribution being those of the sweet and fruityseries, followed by fatty. The sensory profile of Rojal, Moravia Dulce and Tortosí wines was evaluated byexperienced wine tasters using a non-structured scale. The panellists founded several differences betweentheir sensory profiles. This study provides a complete aromatic characterisation of these wines

    Afectación tumoral del sistema nervioso periférico

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    Se han estudiado 18 pacientes con afectación del S.N.P. por lesiones tumorales tratados en nuestra unidad en un período de 8 años. La mayoría de estos tumores tenían una localización intraneural (14 casos), eran de naturaleza benigna (13 casos) y afectaban al miembro superior. La prueba diagnóstica más exacta fue la R.M.N. Destacamos la existencia en nuestra seria de algunos tumores de rara presentación en la clínica, como un caso de fibrolipoma, condroma intraneural y neurosarcoma de la variedad "Tritón", respectivamente.Eighteen patients who had tumours of peripheral nerves have been studied retrospectively. They were treated in our department for eight years. Most of these tumours were placed intraneuraly (14 cases), were benignant (13 cases), and located in the upper limb. The most precise test for diagnosis was the MRI. We want to emphasize the existence in our series of some tumours which rarely appears in clinic, for example a Fibrolipoma, a intraneural chondroma and a malignant triton tumour

    Virtual reality in rehabilitation: WIITM as an occupational therapy tool in patients with spinal cord injuries

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    The use of virtual reality has gained importance in the rehabilitation sector over the last few years. The Wii™ console complements traditional treatment by exercising the motor skills in a motivating context, which is important in long-term interventions, such as spinal cord injury. Objectives: to describe our work with the Wii™ console and the different support products used in occupational therapy at the Fundación del Lesionado Medular, and to discuss advantages and disadvantages. Method: 63 patients with spinal cord injury (of whom 46 with quadriplegia and 17 with paraplegia), treated over the period of one year in weekly 30-minute sessions. Results: motor-skill improvements, more involvement of the patients in the treatment. Conclusion: the features of the console and the support products created by our department make the Wii™ accessible to patients, increase their motivation and enrich the treatment

    Transcriptomic analysis of a near-isogenic line of melon with high fruit flesh firmness during ripening

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Zarid, M., García-Carpintero, V., Esteras, C., Esteva, J., Bueso, M.C., Cañizares, J., Picó, M.B., Monforte, A.J. and Fernández-Trujillo, J.P. (2021), Transcriptomic analysis of a near-isogenic line of melon with high fruit flesh firmness during ripening. J Sci Food Agric, 101: 754-777, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10688. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] BACKGROUND A near-isogenic line (NIL) of melon (SC10-2) with introgression in linkage group X was studied from harvest (at firm-ripe stage of maturity) until day 18 of postharvest storage at 20.5 degrees C together with its parental control ('Piel de Sapo', PS). RESULTS SC10-2 showed higher flesh firmness and whole fruit hardness but lower juiciness than its parental. SC10-2 showed a decrease in respiration rate accompanied by a decrease in ethylene production during ripening, both of which fell to a greater extent than in PS. The introgression affected 11 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the levels of which during ripening were generally higher in SC10-2 than in PS. Transcriptomic analysis from RNA-Seq revealed differentially expressed genes (DEGs) associated with the effects studied. For example, 909 DEGs were exclusive to the introgression, and only 23 DEGs were exclusive to postharvest ripening time. Major functions of the DEGs associated with introgression or ripening time were identified by cluster analysis. About 37 genes directly and/or indirectly affected the delay in ripening of SC10-2 compared with PS in general and, more particularly, the physiological and quality traits measured and, probably, the differential non-climacteric response. Of the former genes, we studied in more detail at least five that mapped in the introgression in linkage group (LG) X, and 32 outside it. CONCLUSION There is an apparent control of textural changes, VOCs and fruit ripening by an expression quantitative trait locus located in LG X together with a direct control on them due to genes presented in the introgression (CmTrpD,CmNADH1,CmTCP15,CmGDSL esterase/lipase, andCmHK4-like) and CmNAC18.This work was funded by grants 11784/PI/09 (Seneca Foundation, Region of Murcia) and Ministry of Economy and Innovation (AGL2010-20858). M Zarid acknowledges an UE-Erasmus predoctoral fellowship, a program coordinated by the University of Murcia in the framework of CMN. Thanks are due to Semillas Fitó SA (Barcelona, Spain), for providing seeds of PS melons and IRTACRAG for the seeds of SC10-2. We acknowledge the assistance of P Varó and his team in CIFEA-Torre Pacheco for crop management, to N Dos-Santos, M Medina, M García-Gutiérrez, A Hakmaoui, E Cuadros, I Canales and AA Escudero (UPCT) for sampling and technical assistance, to SAIT-UPCT for GC-MS analysis, to AG Sifres (COMAV) for RNA extraction, and to CNAG (Barcelona) for professional assistance in RNA-Seq. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.Zarid, M.; García-Carpintero, V.; Esteras Gómez, C.; Esteva, J.; Bueso, MC.; Cañizares Sales, J.; Picó Sirvent, MB.... (2021). Transcriptomic analysis of a near-isogenic line of melon with high fruit flesh firmness during ripening. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 101(2):754-777. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10688S7547771012Ríos, P., Argyris, J., Vegas, J., Leida, C., Kenigswald, M., Tzuri, G., … Garcia-Mas, J. (2017). 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    Aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías en la rehabilitación del lesionado medular

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    Las nuevas tecnologías se han ido introduciendo como una herramienta más de neurorehabilitación durante los últimos años. Gracias a los últimos desarrollos tecnológicos y sus diferentes aplicaciones, contamos con diferentes dispositivos que facilitan la diversidad de actividades como complemento al tratamiento rehabilitador tradicional. En este artículo se realiza un breve repaso de ellos

    On logical relativity

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    One logic or many? I say—many. Or rather, I say there is one logic for each way of specifying the class of all possible circumstances, or models, i.e., all ways of interpreting a given language. But because there is no unique way of doing this, I say there is no unique logic except in a relative sense. Indeed, given any two competing logical theories T1 and T2 (in the same language) one could always consider their common core, T, and settle on that theory. So, given any language L, one could settle on the minimal logic T0 corresponding to the common core shared by all competitors. That would be a way of resisting relativism, as long as one is willing to redraw the bounds of logic accordingly. However, such a minimal theory T0 may be empty if the syntax of L contains no special ingredients the interpretation of which is independent of the specification of the relevant L-models. And generally—I argue—this is indeed the case