485 research outputs found

    New air castles (at1430): readings and rewrittings of the milkmaid`s tale and some new versions

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    [Resumen] El trabajo parte de la idea de que los textos populares mantienen un diálogo intercultural que permite reconocer muestras base con diferentes variantes, adaptadas según los momentos y el espacio. A partir del cuento de la lechera, que recrea el motivo de castillos en el aire (AT1430), se realiza un repaso histórico - comparativo a las versiones hispánicas de la fábula conocidas hasta la actualidad, relacionándolas con producciones de otras culturas y, finalmente, se da cuenta de algunas reescrituras de los últimos años, particularmente de la literatura in fantil y juvenil , que reinterpretan el motivo clásico[Abstract] A number of studies and reports have confirmed that popular texts maintain an in tercultural dialogue in which we can recognize basic samples with different variants adapted according to the time and space. From the tale of the milkmaid, which recreates the motif Air castles (AT1430), it performed an historical - comparative review to the spanish versions of the story to the present, relating them to productions of other cultures and finally it offers versions, not studied until now, of rewritings of the twentieth century, particularly in children's literature

    Improving the Quality of Teaching Internships with the Help of the Platforms

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    This article presents an empirical study on the perceptions of university students toward the development of the teaching practicum, using the CourseSites platform as a communication and support tool for their training. The opinions of the students were collected through a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 1500 students who were registered in the degrees of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Pedagogy (2008-2018). A descriptive, inferential and multi-level analysis was conducted, which confirmed that future teachers had activated their professional competences, as they had the chance to share their internship experiences with their faculty members and with their own classmates

    El envejecimiento de las poblaciones: los casos de España y México

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    Spain and Mexico are countries in different demographic transition stages, but in both countries the ageing process is characterized by its intensity and high pace. The number of aged (over 65 years and over 80 years) people is growing and they face problems believed by everybody to be inherent to ageing. Both countries have the same concern for the increasing «load» aged people represent for the economically active population and for the impact that increasingly retirement pensions exercise on social welfare and general economy. A better understanding of aged population on different geographical environments, of their residential, leisure and consumption preferences, of their needs and of their social and spacial behaviours may contribute to the so-needed inter-generation solidarity, one of the challenges set for the 21st century.España y México son dos países en estadios diferentes de la transición demográfica, pero en ambos países el proceso de envejecimiento se ha caracterizado por su rapidez e intensidad. La creciente población mayor de 65 años y sobre todo la de más de 80 años se enfrenta a diversas dificultades que la misma población considera que son inherentes a su edad. La preocupación por incremento de la «carga» que este grupo representa para la población económicamente activa, así como por el impacto de la creciente demanda de pensiones de jubilación que afectan al gasto social y la economía en general es común en ambos países. El conocimiento más detallado de la población mayor de 65 años en entornos geográficos diferentes, de sus preferencias residenciales y de ocio y consumo, de sus necesidades, de sus comportamientos socioespaciales puede contribuir a la necesaria solidaridad intergeneracional que constituye uno de los retos del siglo XXI

    Simultaneous determination of food allergens by multiple analysis strips

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    Motivation: Some substances in food, even in small traces, are responsible of severe allergic reactions becoming harmful to human health of sensitized individuals. Therefore, the food sector is forced to produce innocuous food for consumers by implementing safety management systems and using labeled to alert of the presence of allergens. Consequently, the monitoring of cross-contamination of materials during production lines and proper labeling of ingredients is crucial in quality control in the food industry. Currently, the presence of food allergens is determined by analytical techniques such as ELISA or PCR in real time [1]. However, there is not a technique that can simultaneously analyze a variety of allergens in order to avoid expensive and difficult individual analysis. The aim of this work is the construction of a new analysis system based on a serie of test strips, which allow the simultaneous detection of more than one type of allergen in the same food and in a short time.Methods: The basis of this system is the use of different antibodies bound to an enzyme and immobilized in, that bind to specific areas of each allergen (specific proteins) test strips [2][3]. This antigen-antibody complex mobilizes and be joined to other immobilized antibody, producing a positive colorimetric signal. In the absence of allergen in the sample, the first antibody is mobilized but not joined to second antibody and then there isn’t positive signal indicating the presence of allergens. All the construction has a control system where the primary antibody will bind to a third immobilized antibody, generating a signal indicating that the scanning process has been carried out properly [4].Results: The validation of the system through different assays with positive controls at different concentrations of allergens is carried out. Consecuently, the obtained results verify that the analytical system is working properly and the detection limit is calculated

    La literatura infantil y juvenil de autor en los libros de texto de Educación Primaria

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    This paper presents the conclusions of a research carried out from the Spanish Language and Literature textbooks latest edition by four traditional and reknown publishers, in order to analyze the presence and treatment that receives the children’s Literature and decide whether the repertoire of literary works that they include can be considered a canon.En este trabajo se presentan las conclusiones de una investigación realizada a partir de la última edición de los libros de texto de la asignatura Lengua castellana y Literatura, publicados por cuatro editoriales con larga tradición y uso actual,  con el fin de analizar la presencia y el tratamiento que recibe en ellos la Literatura infantil y juvenil (en adelante LIJ) y delimitar si el repertorio de obras literarias que incluyen tiene como referencia o puede constituir en sí mismo un canon

    La literatura infantil y juvenil de autor en los libros de texto de Educación Primaria

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    En este trabajo se presentan las conclusiones de una investigación realizada a partir de la última edición de los libros de texto de la asignatura Lengua castellana y Literatura, publicados por cuatro editoriales con larga tradición y uso actual,  con el fin de analizar la presencia y el tratamiento que recibe en ellos la Literatura infantil y juvenil (en adelante LIJ) y delimitar si el repertorio de obras literarias que incluyen tiene como referencia o puede constituir en sí mismo un canon

    Libros de texto y especialistas cara a cara

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    El trabajo presenta un cotejo de los datos extraídos tras la revisión de tres corpus: en primer lugar, el catálogo de autores y obras de Literatura infantil y juvenil-LIJ que aparecen en los materiales didácticos propuestos por las editoriales más usadas en Educación Primaria; en segundo, el listado de nombres y títulos recomendados por algunos de los especialistas más reconocidos y, en último lugar, el palmarés de autores y obras galardonadas con los principales premios nacionales de LIJ. A partir de estos datos, analizamos coincidencias, preferencias genéricas y temáticas, tendencias y posible contribución de cada uno de los corpus analizados a la educación literaria de niños y jóvenes.In this paper are collated the data extracted from the review of three corpus: the catalog of authors and works of Children and Youth Literature (LIJ) that appear in the didactic materials proposed by the most used publishers in Primary Education; the list of names and titles recommended by the specialists and the list of authors and works awarded with the 82 main national awards of children’s literature. Based on these data, we analyze coincidences, generic and thematic preferences, trends and possible contribution of each of the analyzed selections to the literary education of children and young people

    Reescrituras del Cancionero popular infantil desde la perspectiva de género: contribución de Once damas atrevidas y Teresa la princesa a la educación literaria:

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    Aquest treball analitza el procés de reescriptura i recodificació pel qual s’han transformat recentment dues cançons populars de tradició infantil en àlbums il·lustrats lírics que es presenten com un recurs privilegiat per desenvolupar tant l’educació literària dels joves lectors com el seu sentit crític davant de representacions estereotipades del gènere. L’objectiu és que ambdues obres serveixin d’exemple de la vigència que segueix tenint el Cancionero popular infantil actualment, així com de les possibilitats didàctiques que ofereixen les reescriptures de la tradició oral per a desenvolupar una educació literària basada en el dialogisme, la creativitat i el pensament crític.This paper analyzes the process of rewriting and recodification by which two popular songs of children's tradition have recently been transformed into two illustrated lyrical albums that are presented as a privileged resource when it comes to developing both the literary education of young readers and their meaning. critical of stereotyped representations of gender. The objective is for both works to serve as an example, both of the validity that the Children's Popular Songs continues to have today and of the didactic possibilities offered by the rewriting of the oral tradition to develop a literary education based on dialogism, creativity and critical thinking.Este trabajo analiza el proceso de reescritura y recodificación por el que dos canciones populares de tradición infantil han sido recientemente transformadas en sendos álbumes ilustrados líricos que se presentan como un recurso privilegiado a la hora de desarrollar tanto la educación literaria de los jóvenes lectores como su sentido crítico ante representaciones estereotipadas del género. El objetivo es que ambas obras sirvan como ejemplo de  la vigencia que el Cancionero popular infantil sigue teniendo en nuestros días, así como de las posibilidades didácticas que ofrecen las reescrituras de la tradición oral para desarrollar una educación literaria basada en el dialogismo, la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico

    Updating the Master Management Plan for El Cachucho MPA (Cantabrian Sea) using a spatial planning approach

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    Located in the Cantabrian Sea (NE Atlantic), 30 nm off the Asturian coast, “El Cachucho” was the first off-shore Marine Protected Area (MPA) to be declared in Spain. The area includes Le Danois Bank and its intraslope basin. It joined the OSPAR Network of MPAs in 2009 and, thereafter, was included in the Natura 2000 Network in 2011. The main reason for its declaration as MPA was the presence of the 1170 Reefs habitat included in Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive. In 2018, the MPAs Master Management Plan was under revision and its design criteria were subjected to evaluation. We used Marxan decision support tool to evaluate the MPA's management design criteria. This tool selects the most important conservation features, while minimizing the socioeconomic cost. First, the 1170 Reefs habitat was defined as the main environmental value. Specifically, we took into account the six large sized target species that are more representative of this habitat in the area: the sponges Asconema setubalense, Geodia cf. barretti and Phakellia robusta, the anthipatarian Leiopathes glaberrima, and the gorgonians Placogorgia sp. and Callogorgia verticillata. A spatial distribution map was produced for each species using Generalized Additive Models (GAM). We also considered the presence of spawning stocks of fish species which are present in the area as an important conservation value. Their spatial distribution was modeled through Maxent software. Additionally, for the socioeconomic cost, fishing effort of the different fisheries operating in the area was estimated linking VMS/Logbook data before and after the MPA was declared. The first results obtained with the Marxan tool were presented in public consultation, in the context of the LIFE + INTEMARES Project, to help in decision making within the new Management Plan. Thus, to improve the management measures aimed at the conservation of the environmental values of the MPA, an enlargement of the protected area to the West was proposed, and a more reasonable use of the buffer area to fishermen than that defined in the former Management Plan was suggested. Involving all stakeholders in the development of the management plan for this MPA is a decisive step for the creation and consolidation of an important network of MPAs in Spain.En prensa2,08