787 research outputs found

    The Global 21-cm Signal in the Context of the High-z Galaxy Luminosity Function

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    Motivated by recent progress in studies of the high-zz Universe, we build a new model for the global 21-cm signal that is explicitly calibrated to measurements of the galaxy luminosity function (LF) and further tuned to match the Thomson scattering optical depth of the cosmic microwave background, τe\tau_e. Assuming that the z≲8z \lesssim 8 galaxy population can be smoothly extrapolated to higher redshifts, the recent decline in best-fit values of τe\tau_e and the inefficient heating induced by X-ray binaries (HMXBs; the presumptive sources of the X-ray background at high-zz) imply that the entirety of cosmic reionization and reheating occurs at redshifts z≲12z \lesssim 12. In contrast to past global 21-cm models, whose z∼20z \sim 20 (ν∼70\nu \sim 70 MHz) absorption features and strong ∼25\sim 25 mK emission features were driven largely by the assumption of efficient early star-formation and X-ray heating, our new fiducial model peaks in absorption at ν∼110\nu \sim 110 MHz at a depth of ∼−160\sim -160 mK and has a negligible emission component. As a result, a strong emission signal would provide convincing evidence that HMXBs are not the only drivers of cosmic reheating. Shallow absorption troughs should accompany strong heating scenarios, but could also be caused by a low escape fraction of Lyman-Werner photons. Generating signals with troughs at ν≲95\nu \lesssim 95 MHz requires a floor in the star-formation efficiency in halos below ∼109M⊙\sim 10^{9} M_{\odot}, which is equivalent to steepening the faint-end of the galaxy LF. These findings demonstrate that the global 21-cm signal is a powerful complement to current and future galaxy surveys and efforts to better understand the interstellar medium in high-zz galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, in pres

    Fast Large Volume Simulations of the 21 cm Signal from the Reionization and pre-Reionization Epochs

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    While limited to low spatial resolution, the next generation low-frequency radio interferometers that target 21 cm observations during the era of reionization and prior will have instantaneous fields-of-view that are many tens of square degrees on the sky. Predictions related to various statistical measurements of the 21 cm brightness temperature must then be pursued with numerical simulations of reionization with correspondingly large volume box sizes, of order 1000 Mpc on one side. We pursue a semi-numerical scheme to simulate the 21 cm signal during and prior to Reionization by extending a hybrid approach where simulations are performed by first laying down the linear dark matter density field, accounting for the non-linear evolution of the density field based on second-order linear perturbation theory as specified by the Zel'dovich approximation, and then specifying the location and mass of collapsed dark matter halos using the excursion-set formalism. The location of ionizing sources and the time evolving distribution of ionization field is also specified using an excursion-set algorithm. We account for the brightness temperature evolution through the coupling between spin and gas temperature due to collisions, radiative coupling in the presence of Lyman-alpha photons and heating of the intergalactic medium, such as due to a background of X-ray photons. The hybrid simulation method we present is capable of producing the required large volume simulations with adequate resolution in a reasonable time so a large number of realizations can be obtained with variations in assumptions related to astrophysics and background cosmology that govern the 21 cm signal.Comment: 14 pages and 15 figures. New version to match accepted version for MNRAS. Code available in: http://www.SimFast21.or

    Hubble Diagram of Gamma-Rays Bursts calibrated with Gurzadyan-Xue Cosmology

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) being the most luminous among known cosmic objects carry an essential potential for cosmological studies if properly used as standard candles. In this paper we test with GRBs the cosmological predictions of the Gurzadyan-Xue (GX) model of dark energy, a novel theory that predicts, without any free parameters, the current vacuum fluctuation energy density close to the value inferred from the SNIa observations. We also compare the GX results with those predicted by the concordance scenario Λ\Lambda-CDM. According to the statistical approach by Schaefer (2007), the use of several empirical relations obtained from GRBs observables, after a consistent calibration for a specific model, enables one to probe current cosmological models. Based on this recently introduced method, we use the 69 GRBs sample collected by Schaefer (2007); and the most recently released SWIFT satellite data (Sakamoto et al. 2007) together with the 41 GRBs sample collected by Rizzuto et al. (2007), which has the more firmly determined redshifts. Both data samples span a distance scale up to redshift about 7. We show that the GX models are compatible with the Hubble diagram of the Schaefer (2007) 69 GRBs sample. Such adjustment is almost identical to the one for the concordance Λ\Lambda-CDM.Comment: 9 pages, 17 figures, 11 tables; Astr. & Astrophys. (in press

    Lyman-alpha Damping Wing Constraints on Inhomogeneous Reionization

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    One well-known way to constrain the hydrogen neutral fraction, x_H, of the high-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM) is through the shape of the red damping wing of the Lya absorption line. We examine this method's effectiveness in light of recent models showing that the IGM neutral fraction is highly inhomogeneous on large scales during reionization. Using both analytic models and "semi-numeric" simulations, we show that the "picket-fence" absorption typical in reionization models introduces both scatter and a systematic bias to the measurement of x_H. In particular, we show that simple fits to the damping wing tend to overestimate the true neutral fraction in a partially ionized universe, with a fractional error of ~ 30% near the middle of reionization. This bias is generic to any inhomogeneous model. However, the bias is reduced and can even underestimate x_H if the observational sample only probes a subset of the entire halo population, such as quasars with large HII regions. We also find that the damping wing absorption profile is generally steeper than one would naively expect in a homogeneously ionized universe. The profile steepens and the sightline-to-sightline scatter increases as reionization progresses. Of course, the bias and scatter also depend on x_H and so can, at least in principle, be used to constrain it. Damping wing constraints must therefore be interpreted by comparison to theoretical models of inhomogeneous reionization.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures; submitted to MNRA

    Ultraviolet Line Emission from Metals in the Low-Redshift Intergalactic Medium

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    We use a high-resolution cosmological simulation that includes hydrodynamics, multiphase star formation, and galactic winds to predict the distribution of metal line emission at z~0 from the intergalactic medium (IGM). We focus on two ultraviolet doublet transitions, OVI 1032,1038 and CIV 1548,1551. Emission from filaments with moderate overdensities is orders of magnitude smaller than the background, but isolated emission from enriched, dense regions with T~10^5-10^5.5 K and characteristic sizes of 50-100 kpc can be detected above the background. We show that the emission from these regions is substantially greater when we use the metallicities predicted by the simulation (which includes enrichment through galactic winds) than when we assume a uniform IGM metallicity. Luminous regions correspond to volumes that have recently been influenced by galactic winds. We also show that the line emission is clustered on scales ~1 h^-1 Mpc. We argue that although these transitions are not effective tracers of the warm-hot intergalactic medium, they do provide a route to study the chemical enrichment of the IGM and the physics of galactic winds.Comment: replaced by version to appear in ApJ (conclusions unchanged, one new figure), 16 pages (emulateapj), 11 figures, version with higher resolution figures available at http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~sfurlane/metals/coverpage.htm

    The Effects of Dark Matter Decay and Annihilation on the High-Redshift 21 cm Background

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    The radiation background produced by the 21 cm spin-flip transition of neutral hydrogen at high redshifts can be a pristine probe of fundamental physics and cosmology. At z~30-300, the intergalactic medium (IGM) is visible in 21 cm absorption against the cosmic microwave background (CMB), with a strength that depends on the thermal (and ionization) history of the IGM. Here we examine the constraints this background can place on dark matter decay and annihilation, which could heat and ionize the IGM through the production of high-energy particles. Using a simple model for dark matter decay, we show that, if the decay energy is immediately injected into the IGM, the 21 cm background can detect energy injection rates >10^{-24} eV cm^{-3} sec^{-1}. If all the dark matter is subject to decay, this allows us to constrain dark matter lifetimes <10^{27} sec. Such energy injection rates are much smaller than those typically probed by the CMB power spectra. The expected brightness temperature fluctuations at z~50 are a fraction of a mK and can vary from the standard calculation by up to an order of magnitude, although the difference can be significantly smaller if some of the decay products free stream to lower redshifts. For self-annihilating dark matter, the fluctuation amplitude can differ by a factor <2 from the standard calculation at z~50. Note also that, in contrast to the CMB, the 21 cm probe is sensitive to both the ionization fraction and the IGM temperature, in principle allowing better constraints on the decay process and heating history. We also show that strong IGM heating and ionization can lead to an enhanced H_2 abundance, which may affect the earliest generations of stars and galaxies.Comment: submitted to Phys Rev D, 14 pages, 8 figure

    Modificação de atributos do solo pela calagem incorporada em um solo argiloso cultivado com macieira.

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    Is Double Reionization Physically Plausible?

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    Recent observations of z~6 quasars and the cosmic microwave background imply a complex history to cosmic reionization. Such a history requires some form of feedback to extend reionization over a long time interval, but the nature of the feedback and how rapidly it operates remain highly uncertain. Here we focus on one aspect of this complexity: which physical processes can cause the global ionized fraction to evolve non-monotonically with cosmic time? We consider a range of mechanisms and conclude that double reionization is much less likely than a long, but still monotonic, ionization history. We first examine how galactic winds affect the transition from metal-free to normal star formation. Because the transition is actually spatially inhomogeneous and temporally extended, this mechanism cannot be responsible for double reionization given plausible parameters for the winds. We next consider photoheating, which causes the cosmological Jeans mass to increase in ionized regions and hence suppresses galaxy formation there. In this case, double reionization requires that small halos form stars efficiently, that the suppression from photoheating is strong relative to current expectations, and that ionizing photons are preferentially produced outside of previously ionized regions. Finally, we consider H_2 photodissociation, in which the buildup of a soft ultraviolet background suppresses star formation in small halos. This can in principle cause the ionized fraction to temporarily decrease, but only during the earliest stages of reionization. Finally, we briefly consider the effects of some of these feedback mechanisms on the topology of reionization.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, in press at ApJ (reorganized significantly but major conclusions unchanged

    Reionization and the large-scale 21 cm-cosmic microwave background cross correlation

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    Of the many probes of reionization, the 21 cm line and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are among the most effective. We examine how the cross-correlation of the 21 cm brightness and the CMB Doppler fluctuations on large angular scales can be used to study this epoch. We employ a new model of the growth of large scale fluctuations of the ionized fraction as reionization proceeds. We take into account the peculiar velocity field of baryons and show that its effect on the cross correlation can be interpreted as a mixing of Fourier modes. We find that the cross-correlation signal is strongly peaked toward the end of reionization and that the sign of the correlation should be positive because of the inhomogeneity inherent to reionization. The signal peaks at degree scales (l~100) and comes almost entirely from large physical scales (k~0.01 Mpc). Since many of the foregrounds and noise that plague low frequency radio observations will not correlate with CMB measurements, the cross correlation might appear to provide a robust diagnostic of the cosmological origin of the 21 cm radiation around the epoch of reionization. Unfortunately, we show that these signals are actually only weakly correlated and that cosmic variance dominates the error budget of any attempted detection. We conclude that the detection of a cross-correlation peak at degree-size angular scales is unlikely even with ideal experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Resposta do pessegueiro à adubação nitrogenada em um Cambissolo Húmico na Serra Gaúcha.

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