944 research outputs found

    Development of a multiblock procedure for automated generation of two-dimensional quadrilateral meshes of gear drives

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    This article describes a new multiblock procedure for automated generation of two-dimensional quadrilateral meshes of gear drives. The typical steps of the multiblock schemes have been investigated in depth to obtain a fast and simple way to mesh planar sections of gear teeth, allowing local mesh refinement and minimizing the appearance of distorted elements in the mesh. The proposed procedure is completed with two different mesh quality enhancement techniques. One of them is applied before the mesh is generated, and reduces the distortion of the mesh without increasing the computational time of the meshing process. The other one is applied once the mesh is generated, and reduces the distortion of the elements by means of a mesh smoothing method. The performance of the proposed procedure has been illustrated with several numerical examples, which demonstrate its ability to mesh different gear geometries under several meshing boundary conditions

    La apariencia en Gracián

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    [Resumen] El artículo estudia el concepto de “apariencia”, en el ámbito de la Filosofía de la naturaleza, como una segunda naturaleza del ser, tras un repaso al marco general de la narrativa graciana. Se analiza la fábula del pavo real desde el ámbito moral y se muestra que la apariencia es una exigencia ontológica en el campo normativo y, en el campo táctico, un punto de partida del triunfo en la vida cortesana.[Sommaire] L’article étudie le concept d’“apparence” dans le domaine de la Philosophie de la nature, comme étant une deuxième nature de l’être, après avoir procédé à une révision du cadre général de la narration graciane. On analyse la fable du paon royal du point de vue moral et on montre que l’apparence est une exigence ontologique dans le champ normatif et, dans le champ tactique, un point de départ du triomphe dans la vie courtoise.[Abstract] The article focuses on the concept of “appearance”, in the area of the Philosophy of nature. After reviewing Gracián’s narrative, the author interprets the concept of appearance as the “second nature” of being. The fable of the royal turkey is analyzed from a moral perspective, and it is the author’s contention that “appearance” is an ontological exigency in the normative field and, in the tactical field, a point of departure in order to attain success in courtier life

    Los comienzos de la historia de la traducción en España : Juan Antonio Pellicer y saforcada, entre el humanismo áureo y el humanismo moderno

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    Juan Antonio Pellicer y Saforcada (1738-1806) fue un erudito y bibliotecario de la Biblioteca de Palacio. Autor de varias obras sobre escritores del Siglo de oro español (principalmente, Cervantes), aprovechó el inmenso legado que custodiaba en la citada biblioteca para alzar la suya propia: el Ensayo de una Bibliotheca de Traductores españoles (1778), obra pionera en la materia, tanto en España como en Europa. Con dicho libro podría decirse que comienzan los estudios sobre Historia de la Traducción, y de él partirá, un siglo más tarde, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo para ir conformando a lo largo de tres décadas su Biblioteca de Traductores españoles. Pellicer representa, tal y como se expone en este trabajo, la síntesis entre el Humanismo entendido como el estudio y la preservación de la cultura clásica grecolatina y el nuevo Humanismo dieciochesco, preocupado por la colección, la biblioteca, la enciclopedia: esto es, atesorar el legado cultural desde una perspectiva historiográfica.Juan Antonio Pellicer y Saforcada (1738-1806) was a scholar and librarian at the Royal Library in Madrid. The author of various works on Spanish Golden Age writers (mainly Cervantes), he took advantage of the immense legacy for which he was responsible at the library to nourish his own writings: his Ensayo de una Bibliotheca de Traductores españoles (1778), was a pioneering work on the subject, both in Spain and in Europe. As is argued in the present article, this work arguably marked the beginning of History of Translation studies, and a century later was to be the starting point for Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo's Biblioteca de Traductores españoles, a project spanning three decades. This article shows how Pellicer represents the synthesis of Humanism, understood as the study and preservation of classical Greco-Latin culture, and the new eighteenth-century Humanism, with its emphasis on collections, libraries and encyclopaedism: in other words, preserving the cultural legacy from a historiographical perspective

    El arte de la traducción, by Alejandro Cioranescu

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    Alejandro Cioranescu's work (1911-1999) as a researcher in Comparative Literature was developed in Spain since the fifties. Cioranescu is not only author of the first modern manual of Comparative Literature written in Spanish but his interest in this discipline issues (exchanges, contacts, translation) remained present over more than four decades in his Spanish bibliography. This work recovers one of the Romanian philologist article that may well be seen as his ideal for literary translation.La labor de Alejandro Cioranescu (1911-1999) como estudioso de la Literatura Comparada se desarrolla en España desde la década de los cincuenta. Cioranescu no es sólo autor del primer manual moderno sobre Literatura Comparada escrito en español sino que su interés por los temas relativos a esta disciplina (intercambios, contactos, traducción) se mantuvo presente a lo largo de más de cuatro décadas en su bibliografía española. Este trabajo recupera un artículo del filólogo rumano que bien podría entenderse como su ideal para la traducción literaria.This article is the English version of “'El arte de la traducción', según Alejandro Cioranescu” by José Francisco Ruiz Casanova. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism

    Hierarchical Kernel and Sub-kernels

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    This paper shows the theoretical development of hierarchy by kernels and an algorithm used to obtain an interesting class or partition from a hierarchy. Also shown is the theorem about the Kernels Optimal Criterion and how it is expressed as a function of the masses of the points of the vector space and product scale points, the inertia of the cloud formed by those two points or hierarchical nodes, which are called subcores or sub-kernels. The application is made on the terminal efficiency of postgraduate degrees at ESIA, IPN Mexico, along its first 48 years of academic and scientific life and the development of students´ graduation

    Math Words and Their Dendrograms

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    A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on graph theory is presented, which, from generation of a path from a given vertex, builds a math word and calculates clusterization under an index. This is possible due to modification of Tarry’s algorithm, through exchange of path elements. The unidimensional clustering index applied to σ gives us what I have called Tarry’s hierarchy. From the definition of net word, cycle, tree, tree word, and vertex, a theorem on the relationship between vertices, lines, and letters of a labyrinth is shown, which allows the generation of words and their dendrograms with the application of the Euclidean distance. Practical use of these concepts provides possibilities of connections in arrangements for telephone centrals and robotic arms’ paths