3,235 research outputs found

    Quantitative study of the evolution of notified cases of Zika Virus and the relationship with rainfall indexes in the state of Rondônia

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    Introduction: The Zika Virus is a virus transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which is of great medical importance because it causes numerous public health issues. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the history of probable cases of the infection caused by the Zika Virus in the state of Rondônia from January 2016 to December 2018, demonstrating the relation between the evolution of cases (increase or decrease) with the rainfall indexes occurred during the study period. Additionally, to compare the reported cases in the state of Rondônia with the other states of the North region and to compare the reported cases in the North region with other regions of the country. Methods: The data collected for statistical analysis were acquired through epidemiological bulletins published by the Secretariat of Health Surveillance and by the Ministry of Health. Results: The data demonstrated a total of 1,107 probable cases of the acute disease caused by the Zika Virus between the years of 2016 and 2018 in the state of Rondônia, being that 89% of this total were registered only in 2016, demonstrating a relation with the high rainfall index occurred in the same year in the state. Conclusion: Considering the findings of this study, the development of new studies addressing the clinical development of the disease among those notified with the infection becomes of extreme scientific relevance

    Mechanical Analysis of Asphalt Pavements with Alternative Materials in Manaus - Amazonas

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    Pathologies in urban roads are common and recurring problems in the municipality of Manaus - AM, where defects have appeared early and successfully, especially the climatic condition of the differentiated region and the non-participation of the coarse aggregate in the asphaltic coating and sublayers. predominantly made of clay. Nevertheless, the Government often performs simple "hole-covering" operations to recover and restore such a structure, corroborating all the problems that trigger poor paving in the State Capital of Amazonas. Another challenge of the municipal administration is the disposal of construction waste, making it necessary to recycle it, highlighting the serious environmental problem caused by the extraction of the pebble. Aiming to contribute with alternatives the scarcity of stone material and the natural aggregate (pebble), substitute of gravel in the regional civil construction, it is proposed the use of construction and demolition waste (RCD). Asphalt concrete (AS) mixtures were made with recycled material, residual sand, portland cement, petroleum asphalt cement (CAP 50/70) and this binder modified with the addition of SBS (styrene and butadiene copolymer). Characterization tests were performed with aggregates, filler and petroleum asphalt cement (original and polymer), dosed by the Marshall method, and the asphalt mixtures were subjected to the Beam Fatigue Test at three different stress levels. The studies indicated satisfactory results of asphalt mixtures with the participation of RCD and SBS binder, compared to regional composites

    Consumo di integratori alimentari da parte dei giovani nella località turistica di Ouro Preto do Oeste-RO

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    In the past ten years, physical exercise has become a major part of the lifestyle of a growing number of people. Workout gyms have filled up worldwide. This has contributed to the growth in the market for food supplements (FS), whether those supplements be for improving appearance or health. The objective of this research paper is to look into the consumption of food supplements by young bodybuilding athletes in gyms located in Estância Turí­stica de Ouro Preto do Oeste - Rondônia. 178 male and female athletes, from different social classes, were evaluated and filled out a questionnaire. The athletes are members of 5 different gyms in the city. According to the questionnaires filled out by the athletes, 33.15% currently use food supplements, 44.30% male and 24.24% female. The three most consumed products among the athletes are hyper proteins (34.83%), branch chain amino acids (BCAA) (32.58%), and creatine (21.91%). The athletes' main goal by consuming food supplements is to build muscle mass (46.63%) and improve their physical performance (38.20%). Most participants in the research (73.59%) reported non-prescribed use of food supplements by a qualified professional. Such being the case, the presence of qualified professionals to prescribe these products in gyms where they are commercialized, is of uttermost importance. Such professionals could inform athletes on the health risks related to misuse of the drugs

    Evaluation of methods of determination of soil available water in cotton cultivation

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar dois métodos de determinação de água disponível no solo (um direto e outro de laboratório), e o efeito de três níveis de água disponível (10%, 25% e 40%) na cultura do algodoeiro herbáceo (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium Hutch). O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Solos e Engenharia Rural/Centro de Ciências Agrárias/Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Município de Areia, PB. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com distribuição em esquema fatorial 2 x 3, com três repetições. Conforme a análise de variância, a faixa de água disponível no solo, encontrada mediante a utilização do método direto, supera significativamente (p £ 0,05) a obtida pelo método de laboratório. O manejo das irrigações do algodoeiro com base em 40% da água disponível, determinado pelo método direto, proporcionou os maiores resultados de evapotranspiração, de área foliar e acumulação de fitomassa na parte aérea da cultura. Observou-se ainda interação métodos x níveis de água disponível em todas as variáveis estudadas.The main objective of this work was to evaluate two methods of determination of soil available water (a direct method and other in laboratory) and the effect of three levels of available water (10, 25 and 40%) in cotton crop (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium Hutch). This work was developed in green house condition in the Departamento de Solos e Engenharia Rural/Centro de Ciências Agrárias/Universidade Federal da Paraíba, located in Areia, PB, Brazil. A completely randomized block was utilized in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, with three replications. The variance analysis showed that the values of the available water in soil using the direct method were significantly (p £ 0.05) bigger than the lab method. The management of irrigation in the cotton crop using 40% of available water determinated through the direct method showed the better results of evapotranspiration, leaf area, aboveground biomass. There was interaction of methods x levels of available water for all variables studied


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    A Atenção Farmacêutica é uma recente área da atividade farmacêutica, que prioriza a orientação e o acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico e a relação direta entre o farmacêutico e o usuário de medicamentos, visando uma melhora do seu objetivo terapêutico, através, principalmente, da detecção de PRMs

    Análise da transformada de Hough por partes e interpolação B-spline para detecção de faixa de rodagem. / Analysis of piecewise hough Transform and B-spline interpolation for lane detection

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    Este artigo especifica uma metodologia para identificar a faixa de rodagem em rodovia utilizando visão computacional e técnicas de processamento de imagens tais como filtro de Canny e transformada de Hough. Para possibilitar a detecção da faixa de rodagem em curva, a imagem é fatiada para possibilitar a aplicação da transformada de Hough para linhas retas, uma vez que pequenos segmentos de curva podem ser aproximados por linhas retas. Em seguida a curvatura da faixa de rodagem é aproximada através de uma interpolação B-spline que usa como entrada pontos extremos das retas detectadas pela transformada de Hough em cada fatia. A metodologia desenvolvida detectou faixas de rodagem em rodovias em diferentes situações, porém, os resultados dos testes realizados se mostraram bastante influenciados pelo estado de conservação da pista


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    A atenção farmacêutica é uma prática realizada pelos profissionais farmacêuticos com o objetivo de fazer uma orientação melhor ao paciente sobre o uso de medicamentos, além de hábitos de vida, visando um melhoramento da qualidade de vida do paciente

    Effects of chronic food stress on morphometry and expression of nuclear organizing regions in the adult rats hippocampus Chronic food stress on morphometry and expression of agnor in the rats hippocampus / Efeitos do estresse alimentar crônico na morfometria e expressão das regiões de organização nuclear nos ratos adultos hipocampo Testemunho crônico de alimentação sobre morfometria e expressão do agnor no hippocampus das taxas

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    The aim of this study was to verify the immediate and late effects of chronic food stress on the expression of Nuclear Organizing Regions (NORs) in hippocampal neurons. Twenty Wistar rats were separated into two groups: test (n = 10) and control (n = 10). Food stress started from the 60th day of life and lasted for a month. After this time the animals were anesthetized, euthanized and had their hippocampus dissected. The obtained hippocampus were histologically processed, stained by the HE technique for morphological description and by the AgNOR technique for NOR analysis. From each image the total number of neurons, the number of neurons with NOR in Dispersion (NND), the total number of NORs (NNOR), and then performed a ratio of NNOR by the total number of neurons to obtain the number Of NOR by neuron (NNN). Of the analyzed variants, the number of neurons was higher (p <0.001) in the stressed group (41.98 ± 17), when compared with the control group (33.57 ± 14). In addition, NND was also higher in the stressed group (4.523 ± 4.04) than the control group (1.4 ± 2.20) with p <0.001. Thus, we have that chronic food stress increases the number of granular neurons in the hippocampus in rats as well as increases the number of NOR in dispersion. 

    Evidências desfavoráveis para avaliação da personalidade com um instrumento de 10 itens

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    This study analyzes the internal structure, precision and differences of averages by gender and age on a 10-item scale, designed to assess the Big Five Personality traits. A total of 404 high school students, with an average age of 15.9 years, from São Paulo, Brazil participated in the study. The Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) scale is comprised of pairs of adjectives representing personality traits arranged on a Likert scale varying from 1 to 7, measuring levels of agreement. It was not possible to identify the five-factor solution through analysis of the main components, but a three-factor structure was found that encompassed the content of social desirability, adjustment problems, and emotional stability, with the alpha varying from 0.41 to 0.63. Additionally, statistically significant differences associated with age were found. Results are discussed in terms of the study and scale limitations.Este estudio tuvo objetivo analizar la estructura interna, precisión y las diferencias de acuerdo con género y edad en una escala de 10 ítems para evaluación de los cinco grandes factores de la personalidad. Participaron 404 estudiantes de la escuela secundaria, con una edad media de 15,9 años, del estado de São Paulo. La escala Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), conformada por 10 ítems, que son pares de adjetivos que representan los rasgos de la personalidad bajo en una escala tipo Likert de 1 a 7. No fue posible recuperar la estructura de cinco factores a través del análisis de componentes principales, pero sí una estructura de tres factores que abarca el contenido de la deseabilidad social, problemas de ajuste y la estabilidad emocional, con la precisión entre 0,41 y 0,63. Además, fueron encontradas diferencias de medias significativas asociadas con la edad. Los resultados se discuten en relación a las limitaciones del estudio y escala.Este estudo objetivou analisar a estrutura interna, a precisão e as diferenças de média por sexo e idade em uma escala de 10 itens para avaliação dos Cinco Grandes Fatores de Personalidade. Participaram 404 estudantes do ensino médio, com média de idade de 15,9 anos, do Estado de São Paulo. A escala Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) é composta por 10 itens, que são duplas de adjetivos e que representam os traços de personalidade respondidos em escala Likert de 1 a 7. Não foi possível recuperar a estrutura de cinco fatores por meio da análise dos componentes principais, mas sim uma estrutura de três fatores que englobaram conteúdos de desejabilidade social, problemas de ajustamento e estabilidade emocional, com precisões entre 0,41 e 0,63. Além disso, houve diferenças significativas de média associadas à idade. Os resultados são discutidos em termos das limitações do estudo bem como da escala utilizada