7 research outputs found

    Observations of old age in the family: an approach from intergenerational co-residence

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    El envejecimiento en Chile se constituye como un proceso en desarrollo, que no sólo se hace visible en el aumento demográfico de las personas mayores, sino que también incide en los ámbitos más íntimos de la sociedad, como en la conformación de la familia. Es en consideración de lo anterior, que este artículo tiene como objetivo dar cuenta de las observaciones sobre vejez que se realizan en un contexto familiar intergeneracional. Para ello abordamos las percepciones, proyecciones e imágenes de vejez de los integrantes de cuatro familias extensas de clase media baja de la comuna de La Granja, en Santiago de Chile.Aging in Chile is a process in development that is visible not only in demographic increase of old people, but is also having an impact in the smallest spheres of society, as in the conformation of the family. Considering these factors, this paper presents observations about old age that occur inside an intergenerational family context. For this purpose, we approach the perceptions, projections, and images about old age of members of four extended families, who are from middle-low class and live in the area of La Granja, in Santiago de Chile.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    Numeral incorporating roots in numeral systems: a comparative analysis on two sign languages

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    Numeral incorporating roots in the numeral systems of Argentine Sign Language and Catalan Sign Language are described and compared, as well as the main features of both languages’ number systems. Participant observation has been carried out in both languages, in most cases in natural contexts where informants discussed the use of numerals and roots. Ten informants took part in LSC data collection and six in LSA data collection. Data were corroborated by analyzing the videos available at www.youtube.com/confargsordos for LSA, and the videos and books provided by the ILLESCAT Foundation for LSC, and previous research. A general inventory of roots in both languages and specifically of roots in both numerals systems was carried out. The role of roots in the formation of ordinals and cardinals and the main features of both number systems are described. Data suggest that numeral incorporating roots in the number systems of these two sign languages are formed only from numerals that do not derive from manual counting. This assumption is discussed and further research about this point is emphasized.Fil: Fuentes, Mariana. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Massone, Maria Ignacia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Viader, María del Pilar. Universidad de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Maikotrinsky, Alejandro. Centro de Estudios y Acción para el desarrollo de la Comunidad Sorda; ArgentinaFil: Pulgarín, Francisca. Universidad de Barcelona; Españ