16 research outputs found

    Effects of environmental pollutants on the reproduction and welfare of ruminants

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    Anthropogenic pollutants comprise a wide range of synthetic organic compounds and heavy metals, which are dispersed throughout the environment, usually at low concentrations. Exposure of ruminants, as for all other animals, is unavoidable and while the levels of exposure to most chemicals are usually too low to induce any physiological effects, combinations of pollutants can act additively or synergistically to perturb multiple physiological systems at all ages but particularly in the developing foetus. In sheep, organs affected by pollutant exposure include the ovary, testis, hypothalamus and pituitary gland and bone. Reported effects of exposure include changes in organ weight and gross structure, histology and gene and protein expression but these changes are not reflected in changes in reproductive performance under the conditions tested. These results illustrate the complexity of the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds on the reproductive axis, which make it difficult to extrapolate between, or even within, species. Effects of pollutant exposure on the thyroid gland, immune, cardiovascular and obesogenic systems have not been shown explicitly, in ruminants, but work on other species suggests that these systems can also be perturbed. It is concluded that exposure to a mixture of anthropogenic pollutants has significant effects on a wide variety of physiological systems, including the reproductive system. Although this physiological insult has not yet been shown to lead to a reduction in ruminant gross performance, there are already reports indicating that anthropogenic pollutant exposure can compromise several physiological systems and may pose a significant threat to both reproductive performance and welfare in the longer term. At present, many potential mechanisms of action for individual chemicals have been identified but knowledge of factors affecting the rate of tissue exposure and of the effects of combinations of chemicals on physiological systems is poor. Nevertheless, both are vital for the identification of risks to animal productivity and welfare

    An externally validated age-related model of mean follicle density in the cortex of the human ovary

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    The population of non-growing follicles present in the ovary is defined as the ovarian reserve. This underpins the reproductive lifespan in women, with its depletion determining age at loss of fertility and the menopause. Data amassed from published results of indirect invasive and non-invasive procedures has resulted in the generation of predictive models which estimate the ovarian reserve from conception throughout adult life. The distribution of follicles in the ovary is not uniform, with the great majority of NGFs located in the cortex, which is the region normally biopsied and used for fertility preservation. Previous models have however analysed whole ovary NGF populations and ovarian volumes, but not cortical NGF density. In this study we compared mean non-growing follicle density values obtained from tissue samples from 13 ovarian cortical biopsies (16-37 years) against age- matched model-predicted values generated from population and ovarian volume models, taking into account the proportion of the ovary that is cortex. A mean non-growing follicle density was calculated for each patient by counting all follicles in a given volume of freshly biopsied ovarian cortical tissue. These values were compared to age-matched model generated densities and the correlation between data sets tested. Non-growing follicle density values obtained from fresh biopsied ovarian cortex samples closely matched model generated data with low mean difference, tight agreement limits and no proportional error between the observed and predicted results. These findings validate the use of the population and ovarian volume models to accurately predict mean follicle density in the ovarian cortex of adult women.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    Extending ICPC-2 PLUS terminology to develop a classification system specific for the study of chiropractic encounters

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    BACKGROUND: Typically a large amount of information is collected during healthcare research and this information needs to be organised in a way that will make it manageable and to facilitate clear reporting. The Chiropractic Observation and Analysis STudy (COAST) was a cross sectional observational study that described the clinical practices of chiropractors in Victoria, Australia. To code chiropractic encounters COAST used the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2) with the PLUS general practice clinical terminology to code chiropractic encounters. This paper describes the process by which a chiropractic-profession specific terminology was developed for use in research by expanding the current ICPC-2 PLUS system. (cont.