524 research outputs found

    PCR-ribotype distribution of Clostridium difficile in Irish pigs

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    Clostridium difficile is an important enteric pathogen in humans causing infections in the healthcare environment and the community. Carriage of C. difficile and C. difficile-related enterocolitis has been reported in piglets worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the rates of C. difficile isolation from pigs in Ireland. Faecal samples from piglet litters and sows were collected from six farms in 2015. The sows were non-diarrhoeal at the time of sampling. The diarrhoeal status of the piglets was unknown. C. difficile was isolated from 34/44 (77%) of piglet litter samples and from 33/156 (21%) of sow samples. The isolation rate in sows varied from 3 to 39% and in piglet litters from 72 to 86% depending on farm location. Toxin A and toxin B were present in 99% (66/67) of isolates; and binary toxin in 85% (57/67). Only PCR-ribotypes 078 (88%) and 193 (12%) were identified in piglets. Seven PCR-ribotypes were detected in sow C. difficile isolates: PCR-ribotypes 078 (67%), 050 (12%), 014/020 (6%), 015 (6%), 029 (3%), 035 (3%) and 193 (3%). This study shows that toxigenic C. difficile strains such as PCR-ribotype 078 can be commonly isolated from pigs at different geographical locations in Ireland. Since PCR-ribotype 078 is frequently found in humans in Ireland, this highlights the potential for interspecies transmission

    Lie-detection by strategy manipulation: Developing an Asymmetric Information Management (AIM) technique

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    Liars can, when prompted, provide detailed statements. Ideally, interview protocols to improve lie-detection should (a) encourage forthcoming verbal strategies from truth tellers and (b) encourage withholding verbal strategies from liars. Previous research has investigated (a) but not (b). We designed an asymmetric information management (AIM) instruction—informing interviewees, inter alia, that more detailed statements are easier to accurately classify as genuine or fabricated—to encourage truth tellers to be verbally forthcoming and to encourage liars to be verbally withholding. Truth tellers (n = 52) and liars (n = 52) took part in one of two counterbalanced missions, and were assigned to either the AIM or control interviewing condition. Truth tellers provided (and liars withheld) more information in the AIM condition (compared to the control condition), and thus, discriminant analysis classificatory performance was improved. Therefore, a simple instruction can simultaneously modify the respective strategies of liars and truth tellers

    Making Critical Thinking Skills Training Explicit, Engaging, and Effective through Live Debates on Current Political Issues: A Pilot Pedagogical Experiment

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    We piloted a pedagogical experiment to find out whether students can benefit from explicit demonstrations on critical thinking skills through live debates between two instructors on current political issues that are relevant to, but not necessarily a specific part of, the curriculum. The empirical results show that through a series of interventions in the form of explicit demonstrations and debriefs on critical thinking skills over these issue-based live debates, the students' academic performance can significantly improve over a relatively short period of time. This result, we suggest, demonstrates that training the students' critical skills through explicit, engaging pedagogy is not only economical in practical and pragmatic terms, but also proven to have at least significant immediate, short-term effects in a setting where there is a high proportion of first generation undergraduate students of varying abilities and backgrounds

    A randomized open-label trial on the use of budesonide/formoterol (Symbicort®) as an alternative reliever medication for mild to moderate asthmatic attacks

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    BACKGROUND Conventionally, a nebulized short-acting β-2 agonist like salbutamol is often used as the reliever in acute exacerbations of asthma. However, recent worldwide respiratory outbreaks discourage routine use of nebulization. Previous studies have shown that combined budesonide/formoterol (Symbicort®, AstraZeneca) is effective as both a maintenance and reliever anti-asthmatic medication. METHODS We performed a randomized, open-label study from March until August 2011 to compare the bronchodilatory effects of Symbicort® vs. nebulized salbutamol in acute exacerbation of mild to moderate asthmatic attack in an emergency department. Initial objective parameters measured include the oxygen saturation, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and respiratory rate. During clinical reassessment, subjective parameters [i.e., Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and 5-point Likert scale of breathlessness] and the second reading of the objective parameters were measured. For the 5-point Likert scale, the patients were asked to describe their symptom relief as 1, much worse; 2, a little worse; 3, no change; 4, a little better; 5, much better. RESULTS Out of the total of 32 patients enrolled, 17 patients (53%) were randomized to receive nebulized salbutamol and 15 (47%) to receive Symbicort®. For both treatment arms, by using paired t- and Wilcoxon signed rank tests, it was shown that there were statistically significant improvements in oxygen saturation, PEFR and respiratory rate within the individual treatment groups (pre- vs. post-treatment). Comparing the effects of Symbicort® vs. nebulized salbutamol, the average improvement of oxygen saturation was 1% in both treatment arms (p = 0.464), PEFR 78.67 l/min vs. 89.41 l/min, respectively (p = 0.507), and respiratory rate 2/min vs. 2/min (p = 0.890). For subjective evaluation, all patients reported improvement in the VAS (average 2.45 cm vs. 2.20 cm), respectively (p = 0.765). All patients in both treatment arms reported either "a little better" or "much better" on the 5-point Likert scale, with none reporting "no change" or getting worse. CONCLUSION This study suggests that there is no statistical difference between using Symbicort® vs. nebulized salbutamol as the reliever for the first 15 min post-intervention

    Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Carina Nebula: The steady march of feedback-driven star formation

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    We report the first results of imaging the Carina Nebula with Spitzer/IRAC, providing a catalog of point sources and YSOs based on SED fits. We discuss several aspects of the extended emission, including dust pillars that result when a clumpy molecular cloud is shredded by massive star feedback. There are few "extended green objects" (EGOs) normally taken as signposts of outflow activity, and none of the HH jets detected optically are seen as EGOs. A population of "extended red objects" tends to be found around OB stars, some with clear bow-shocks. These are dusty shocks where stellar winds collide with flows off nearby clouds. Finally, the relative distributions of O stars and subclusters of YSOs as compared to dust pillars shows that while some YSOs are located within pillars, many more stars and YSOs reside just outside pillar heads. We suggest that pillars are transient phenomena, part of a continuous outwardly propagating wave of star formation driven by massive star feedback. As pillars are destroyed, they leave newly formed stars in their wake, which are then subsumed into the young OB association. Altogether, the current generation of YSOs shows no strong deviation from a normal IMF. The number of YSOs suggests a roughly constant star-formation rate over the past 3Myr, implying that star formation in pillars constitutes an important mechanism to construct unbound OB associations. Accelerated pillars may give birth to O-type stars that, after several Myr, could appear to have formed in isolation.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) strategy 2021 - executive summary and rationale for key changes.

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    The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Strategy Report provides clinicians with an annually updated evidence-based strategy for asthma management and prevention, which can be adapted for local circumstances (e.g., medication availability). This article summarizes key recommendations from GINA 2021, and the evidence underpinning recent changes. GINA recommends that asthma in adults and adolescents should not be treated solely with short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA), because of the risks of SABA-only treatment and SABA overuse, and evidence for benefit of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Large trials show that as-needed combination ICS-formoterol reduces severe exacerbations by ≥60% in mild asthma compared with SABA alone, with similar exacerbation, symptom, lung function and inflammatory outcomes as daily ICS plus as-needed SABA. Key changes in GINA 2021 include division of the treatment figure for adults/adolescents into two tracks. Track 1 (preferred) has low-dose ICS-formoterol as the reliever at all steps: as-needed only in Steps 1-2 (mild asthma), and with daily maintenance ICS formoterol (maintenance-and-reliever therapy, MART) in Steps 3-5. Track 2 (alternative) has as-needed SABA across all steps, plus regular ICS (Step 2) or ICS-long-acting beta2-agonist (LABA) (Steps 3-5). For adults with moderate-to-severe asthma, GINA makes additional recommendations in Step 5 for add-on long-acting muscarinic antagonists and azithromycin, with add-on biologic therapies for severe asthma. For children 6-11 years, new treatment options are added at Steps 3-4. Across all age-groups and levels of severity, regular personalized assessment, treatment of modifiable risk factors, self-management education, skills training, appropriate medication adjustment and review remain essential to optimize asthma outcomes

    Acute kidney disease and renal recovery : consensus report of the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) 16 Workgroup

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    Consensus definitions have been reached for both acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) and these definitions are now routinely used in research and clinical practice. The KDIGO guideline defines AKI as an abrupt decrease in kidney function occurring over 7 days or less, whereas CKD is defined by the persistence of kidney disease for a period of > 90 days. AKI and CKD are increasingly recognized as related entities and in some instances probably represent a continuum of the disease process. For patients in whom pathophysiologic processes are ongoing, the term acute kidney disease (AKD) has been proposed to define the course of disease after AKI; however, definitions of AKD and strategies for the management of patients with AKD are not currently available. In this consensus statement, the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) proposes definitions, staging criteria for AKD, and strategies for the management of affected patients. We also make recommendations for areas of future research, which aim to improve understanding of the underlying processes and improve outcomes for patients with AKD

    Memory Th1 Cells Are Protective in Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Infection

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    Mechanisms of protective immunity to Staphylococcus aureus infection in humans remain elusive. While the importance of cellular immunity has been shown in mice, T cell responses in humans have not been characterised. Using a murine model of recurrent S. aureus peritonitis, we demonstrated that prior exposure to S. aureus enhanced IFNγ responses upon subsequent infection, while adoptive transfer of S. aureus antigen-specific Th1 cells was protective in naïve mice. Translating these findings, we found that S. aureus antigen-specific Th1 cells were also significantly expanded during human S. aureus bloodstream infection (BSI). These Th1 cells were CD45RO+, indicative of a memory phenotype. Thus, exposure to S. aureus induces memory Th1 cells in mice and humans, identifying Th1 cells as potential S. aureus vaccine targets. Consequently, we developed a model vaccine comprising staphylococcal clumping factor A, which we demonstrate to be an effective human T cell antigen, combined with the Th1-driving adjuvant CpG. This novel Th1-inducing vaccine conferred significant protection during S. aureus infection in mice. This study notably advances our understanding of S. aureus cellular immunity, and demonstrates for the first time that a correlate of S. aureus protective immunity identified in mice may be relevant in humans