4,551 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of correlation techniques for noise measurements

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    The cross-correlation technique makes it possible to perform noise measurements with a sensitivity that would otherwise be unreachable, well below the noise floor of the amplifiers. Not all noise contributions from the amplifiers can however be eliminated or even just attenuated by cross-correlation: therefore it is important to take into consideration the detailed characteristics of the DUT (Device Under Test) and of the amplifiers when setting up the measurement system. Here we discuss the relative advantages of the different (“series” and “parallel”) configurations coupled with our technique for the accurate evaluation of the transimpedance between the noise source to be measured and the amplifier output. In particular, we show (i) the importance of the comparison between the real and the imaginary part of the cross-spectrum due to the asymmetry of the correlation amplifiers and (ii) how to estimate the maximum number of averages in the cross-spectrum evaluation that leads to an actual advantage from the point of view of the measurement accuracy. Finally we discuss the issue of shielding from external spurious signals, whose relevance is often underestimated


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    The repeated deletions of access to rights of a constitutional nature by LGBTQIAP+ people, as well as the mitigation of the principle of the dignity of the human person towards this group, made the present work focus on the evaluation of possible restrictions carried out in the practical field regarding the refusal to donate blood against this group. In order to achieve the results listed above, it was necessary to: (i) address the historical construction of the image of the minority group being studied; (ii) collate the negative impacts regarding the refusal to donate; (iii) elucidate practical inconsistencies after the STF decision; (iv) bring the impacts of the restriction on donation by the minority group in the face of the crisis in blood banks.O presente trabalho abordou, a partir da revisão bibliográfica, os empecilhos e desafios na doação de sangue por pessoas LGBTQIAP+ à luz da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal, relacionados à garantia do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Historicamente, essa população tem enfrentado restrições e discriminações no contexto da doação de sangue, baseadas em estereótipos discriminatórios. No entanto, a decisão do STF na Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade 5543/DF reconheceu a inconstitucionalidade das restrições impostas pelo Ministério da Saúde, representando um avanço na busca pela igualdade e inclusão. Neste contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar os fundamentos jurídicos que sustentam a garantia da dignidade da pessoa humana e seu vínculo com o direito à doação de sangue, bem como examinar criticamente as limitações e estigmas históricos que perpetuaram a exclusão desse segmento social. Para isso, foram discutidas as implicações da decisão do STF, identificando avanços e lacunas existentes. Por meio de uma abordagem teórico-conceitual embasada em referencial bibliográfico especializado, o estudo debateu os desafios enfrentados pelas pessoas LGBTQIAP+ no acesso igualitário à doação de sangue. Além disso, demonstrou as implicações dessa decisão no contexto dos direitos fundamentais e da dignidade da pessoa humana. Ao trazer à tona essa discussão, contribuiu-se para o fortalecimento dos direitos humanos e a promoção da igualdade, incentivando reflexões e ações que visem superar os obstáculos e desafios enfrentados pelas pessoas LGBTQIAP+ no contexto da doação de sangue

    A New automatic system of cell colony counting

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    The counting process of cell colonies is always a long and laborious process that is dependent on the judgment and ability of the operator. The judgment of the operator in counting can vary in relation to fatigue. Moreover, since this activity is time consuming it can limit the usable number of dishes for each experiment. For these purposes, it is necessary that an automatic system of cell colony counting is used. This article introduces a new automatic system of counting based on the elaboration of the digital images of cellular colonies grown on petri dishes. This system is mainly based on the algorithms of region-growing for the recognition of the regions of interest (ROI) in the image and a Sanger neural net for the characterization of such regions. The better final classification is supplied from a Feed-Forward Neural Net (FF-NN) and confronted with the K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN) and a Linear Discriminative Function (LDF). The preliminary results are shown

    Tactile distance illusions reflect a coherent stretch of tactile space

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    Illusions of the perception of distance between two touches on the skin have been described since the classic work of Weber in the 19th century. The perceptual mechanisms underlying such spatial distortions, however, remain poorly understood. One potential interpretation is that the representational space of touch is related to the true structure of the skin by a geometrically simple stretch. If distortions of tactile distance perception reflect a simple stretch of tactile space, perceived distance should vary predictably as a function of the orientation of the stimulus on the skin, showing a sinusoidal pattern. Here, we tested this prediction by obtained judgments of perceived tactile distance for pairs of touches aligned with eight orientations on the skin. Across four experiments, the results were highly consistent with this prediction, showing no apparent deviation from a model of simple stretch of tactile space. Similar results were apparent on both the dorsum and palm of the hand, as well as the forehead. These results show that spatial distortions of touch are well characterized by a geometrically simple stretch of tactile space

    A contribuição do BIM para gestão de facilities na construção civil / BIM contribution to facilities management in civil construction

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    O artigo objetivou identificar a contribuição do BIM para a gestão de facilities na construção civil. Para tal, foi utilizada a metodologia Revisão da Literatura. Concluiu-se que o BIM impacta a gestão de facilities, gerando benefícios em três situações: no processo, no sistema FM e na troca de informação. Além disso, também auxilia na gestão de dados e manutenção de edifícios históricos pelo levantamento e representação de estruturas arquitetônicas através de tecnologias híbridas.

    Therapeutic Strategies and Oncological Outcome of Peritoneal Metastases from Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis

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    The peritoneum is an unusual site of metastases from lung cancer, and optimal management at the moment remains unclear and mostly based on palliative strategies. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate demographic characteristics, management and overall survival of patients with peritoneal metastases from lung cancer (PCLC). A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and pooled analysis was performed searching all English studies published until December 2022. PROSPERO, CRD42022349362. Inclusion criteria were original articles including patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis from lung cancer, specifying at least one outcome of interest. Exclusion criteria were being unable to retrieve patient data from articles, and the same patient series included in different studies. Among 1746 studies imported for screening, twenty-one were included (2783 patients). Mean overall survival was between 0.5 and 5 months after peritoneal carcinomatosis diagnosis and 9 and 21 months from lung cancer diagnosis. In total, 27% of patients underwent first-line or palliative chemotherapy and 7% of them surgery. Management differs significantly among published studies. The literature on PCLC is scarce. Its incidence is low but appears to be substantially rising and is likely to be an underestimation. Prognosis is very poor and therapeutic strategies have been limited and used in a minority of patients. Subcategories of PCLC patients may have an improved prognosis and may benefit from an aggressive oncological approach, including cytoreductive surgery. Further investigation would be needed in this regar

    End-of-life practices in patients admitted to pediatric intensive care units in Brazil : a retrospective study

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of life support limitation (LSL) in patients who died after at least 24 h of a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) stay, parent participation and to describe how this type of care is delivered. Methods: Retrospective cohort study in a tertiary PICU at a university hospital in Brazil. All patients aged 1 month to 18 years who died were eligible for inclusion. The exclusion criteria were those brain death and death within 24 h of admission. Results: 53 patients were included in the study. The prevalence of a LSL report was 45.3%. Out of 24 patients with a report of LSL on their medical records only 1 did not have a donot- resuscitate order. Half of the patients with a report of LSL had life support withdrawn. The length of their PICU stay, age, presence of parents at the time of death, and severity on admission, calculated by the Pediatric Index of Mortality 2, were higher in patients with a report of LSL. Compared with other historical cohorts, there was a clear increase in the prevalence of LSL and, most importantly, a change in how limitations are carried out, with a high prevalence of parental participation and an increase in withdrawal of life support. Conclusions: LSLs were associated with older and more severely ill patients, with a high preva-lence of family participation in this process. The historical comparison showed an increase inLSL and in the withdrawal of life support