832 research outputs found

    Can the EAEU deliver external integration to business?

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    Purpose: The research aims to analyze the EAEU's abilities to develop business connections as part of external-integration relations. It is to check whether or not free trade agreements and economic cooperation agreements translate into business and economic effects. As the EAEU has its ambition to become a bridge connecting Asia with Europe, the agreements concluded with third countries seem to be part of its strategy to achieve this goal. Due to the above, the research attempts to answer the question about key advantages enabling the creation of such a bridge. It takes into account a vantage the EAEU countries have resulting from their geographical location as well as evaluates skills and possibilities of developing logistics corridors in transcontinental relations, creating appropriate transport infrastructure, logistics centers and comprehensive development of logistics competences. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was carried out with a multi-criteria method using critical literature analysis, logical construct method as well as statistical research. Findings: The research identifies and assesses main business and logistics areas of the EAEU's impact on external-integration in Eurasia. Practical Implications: The areas studied in the article may constitute significant comaparative advantages of the EAEU and affect business relations in Eurasia. Originality/Value: The research concerns a new dimension of external integration of the EAEU. The researched agreements as well as their business and logistic effects can have significant consequences for the whole of Eurasia.peer-reviewe

    Generation and control of resonance states in crossed magnetic and electric fields

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    A two-dimensional electron system interacting with an impurity and placed in crossed magnetic and electric fields is under investigation. Since it is assumed that an impurity center interacts as an attractive δ\delta-like potential a renormalization procedure for the retarded Green's function has to be carried out. For the vanishing electric field we obtain a close analytical expression for the Green's function and we find one bound state localized between Landau levels. It is also shown by numerical investigations that switching on the electric field new long-living resonance states localized in the vicinity of Landau levels can be generated.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Synthesis and Properties of High Tilted Antiferroelectric Esters with Partially Fluorinated Alkoxyalkoxy Terminal Chains

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    Novel chiral esters with partially fluorinated alkoxyalkoxy terminal chains are described. Their phase transition temperatures, enthalpies, and electrooptical properties are reported. A helical pitch in pure compounds and their mixtures based on selective reflection of light is also characterized

    On Collective Effects in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We investigate the role of collective effects in the micromaser system as used in various studies of the physics of cavity electrodynamics. We focus our attention on the effect on large-time correlations due to multi-atom interactions. The influence of detection efficiencies and collective effects on the appearance of trapping states at low temperatures is also found to be of particular importance.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 36 reference

    Dynamics, correlations and phases of the micromaser

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    The micromaser possesses a variety of dynamical phase transitions parametrized by the flux of atoms and the time-of-flight of the atom within the cavity. We discuss how these phases may be revealed to an observer outside the cavity using the long-time correlation length in the atomic beam. Some of the phase transitions are not reflected in the average excitation level of the outgoing atom, which is the commonly used observable. The correlation length is directly related to the leading eigenvalue of the time evolution operator, which we study in order to elucidate the phase structure. We find that as a function of the time-of-flight the transition from the thermal to the maser phase is characterized by a sharp peak in the correlation length. For longer times-of-flight there is a transition to a phase where the correlation length grows exponentially with the flux. We present a detailed numerical and analytical treatment of the different phases and discuss the physics behind them.Comment: 60 pages, 18 figure files, Latex + \special{} for the figures, (some redundant figures are eliminated and others are changed

    Macroscopic Interference Effects in Resonant Cavities

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    We investigate the possibility of interference effects induced by macroscopic quantum-mechanical superpositions of almost othogonal coherent states - a Schroedinger cats state - in a resonant microcavity. Despite the fact that a single atom, used as a probe of the cat state, on the average only change the mean number of photons by one unit, we show that this single atom can change the system drastically. Interference between the initial and almost orthogonal macroscopic quantum states of the radiation field can now take place. Dissipation under current experimental conditions is taken into account and it is found that this does not necessarily change the intereference effects dramatically.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Deterministic generation of an on-demand Fock state

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    We theoretically study the deterministic generation of photon Fock states on-demand using a protocol based on a Jaynes Cummings quantum random walk which includes damping. We then show how each of the steps of this protocol can be implemented in a low temperature solid-state quantum system with a Nitrogen-Vacancy centre in a nano-diamond coupled to a nearby high-Q optical cavity. By controlling the coupling duration between the NV and the cavity via the application of a time dependent Stark shift, and by increasing the decay rate of the NV via stimulated emission depletion (STED) a Fock state with high photon number can be generated on-demand. Our setup can be integrated on a chip and can be accurately controlled.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Solvable model of a strongly-driven micromaser

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    We study the dynamics of a micromaser where the pumping atoms are strongly driven by a resonant classical field during their transit through the cavity mode. We derive a master equation for this strongly-driven micromaser, involving the contributions of the unitary atom-field interactions and the dissipative effects of a thermal bath. We find analytical solutions for the temporal evolution and the steady-state of this system by means of phase-space techniques, providing an unusual solvable model of an open quantum system, including pumping and decoherence. We derive closed expressions for all relevant expectation values, describing the statistics of the cavity field and the detected atomic levels. The transient regime shows the build-up of mixtures of mesoscopic fields evolving towards a superpoissonian steady-state field that, nevertheless, yields atomic correlations that exhibit stronger nonclassical features than the conventional micromaser.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Revival-collapse phenomenon in the fluctuations of quadrature field components of the multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model

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    In this paper we consider a system consisting of a two-level atom, initially prepared in a coherent superposition of upper and lower levels, interacting with a radiation field prepared in generalized quantum states in the framework of multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model. For this system we show that there is a class of states for which the fluctuation factors can exhibit revival-collapse phenomenon (RCP) similar to that exhibited in the corresponding atomic inversion. This is shown not only for normal fluctuations but also for amplitude-squared fluctuations. Furthermore, apart from this class of states we generally demonstrate that the fluctuation factors associated with three-photon transition can provide RCP similar to that occurring in the atomic inversion of the one-photon transition. These are novel results and their consequence is that RCP occurred in the atomic inversion can be measured via a homodyne detector. Furthermore, we discuss the influence of the atomic relative phases on such phenomenon.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure