34 research outputs found

    A Syntactic-Semantic Approach to Incremental Verification

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    Software verification of evolving systems is challenging mainstream methodologies and tools. Formal verification techniques often conflict with the time constraints imposed by change management practices for evolving systems. Since changes in these systems are often local to restricted parts, an incremental verification approach could be beneficial. This paper introduces SiDECAR, a general framework for the definition of verification procedures, which are made incremental by the framework itself. Verification procedures are driven by the syntactic structure (defined by a grammar) of the system and encoded as semantic attributes associated with the grammar. Incrementality is achieved by coupling the evaluation of semantic attributes with an incremental parsing technique. We show the application of SiDECAR to the definition of two verification procedures: probabilistic verification of reliability requirements and verification of safety properties.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures. Corrected typo

    Statistical Symbolic Execution with Informed Sampling

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    Symbolic execution techniques have been proposed recently for the probabilistic analysis of programs. These techniques seek to quantify the likelihood of reaching program events of interest, e.g., assert violations. They have many promising applications but have scalability issues due to high computational demand. To address this challenge, we propose a statistical symbolic execution technique that performs Monte Carlo sampling of the symbolic program paths and uses the obtained information for Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing with respect to the probability of reaching the target events. To speed up the convergence of the statistical analysis, we propose Informed Sampling, an iterative symbolic execution that first explores the paths that have high statistical significance, prunes them from the state space and guides the execution towards less likely paths. The technique combines Bayesian estimation with a partial exact analysis for the pruned paths leading to provably improved convergence of the statistical analysis. We have implemented statistical symbolic execution with in- formed sampling in the Symbolic PathFinder tool. We show experimentally that the informed sampling obtains more precise results and converges faster than a purely statistical analysis and may also be more efficient than an exact symbolic analysis. When the latter does not terminate symbolic execution with informed sampling can give meaningful results under the same time and memory limits

    Further steps towards efficient runtime verification: Handling probabilistic cost models

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    Abstract-We consider high-level models that specify system behaviors probabilistically and support the specification of cost attributes. Specifically, we focus on Discrete Time Markov Reward Models (D-MRMs), i.e. state machines where probabilities can be associated with transitions and rewards (costs) can be associated with states and transitions. Through probabilities we model assumptions on the behavior of environment in which an application is embedded. Rewards can instead model the cost assumptions involved in the system's operations. A system is designed to satisfy the requirements, under the given assumptions. Design-time assumptions, however, can turn out to be invalid at runtime, and therefore it is necessary to verify whether changes may lead to requirements violations. If they do, it is necessary to adapt the behavior in a selfhealing manner to continue to satisfy the requirements. We have previously presented an approach to support efficient runtime probabilistic model checking of DTMCs for properties expressed in PCTL. In this paper we extend the approach to D-MRMs and reward properties. The benefits of the approach are justified both theoretically and empirically on significant test cases

    Exact and Approximate Probabilistic Symbolic Execution

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    Probabilistic software analysis seeks to quantify the likelihood of reaching a target event under uncertain environments. Recent approaches compute probabilities of execution paths using symbolic execution, but do not support nondeterminism. Nondeterminism arises naturally when no suitable probabilistic model can capture a program behavior, e.g., for multithreading or distributed systems. In this work, we propose a technique, based on symbolic execution, to synthesize schedulers that resolve nondeterminism to maximize the probability of reaching a target event. To scale to large systems, we also introduce approximate algorithms to search for good schedulers, speeding up established random sampling and reinforcement learning results through the quantification of path probabilities based on symbolic execution. We implemented the techniques in Symbolic PathFinder and evaluated them on nondeterministic Java programs. We show that our algorithms significantly improve upon a state-of- the-art statistical model checking algorithm, originally developed for Markov Decision Processes

    Autotuning control structures for reliability-driven dynamic binding

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    Abstract-This paper explores a formally grounded approach to solve the problem of dynamic binding in serviceoriented software architecture. Dynamic binding is a widely adopted mean to automatically bind exposed software interfaces to actual implementations. The execution of an operation on one or another implementation, though providing the same result, could turn out in different quality of service, e.g. due to failure occurrence. Dynamic binding is thus of primary importance to achieve what in the Software Engineering domain is called "selfadaptiveness", the capability to preserve a desired quality of service, if this is feasible. It is important to reach this goal also in the presence of environmental fluctuations -a route congestion increase -or even abrupt variations -a server breakdown. A quite general dynamic binding problem is here reformulated as a discrete-time feedback control one, and the use of autotuning techniques is discussed, extending previous research, in a view to guaranteeing the desired quality of service without the need for computationally-intensive optimisations

    Syntactic-Semantic Incrementality for Agile Verification

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    Abstract Modern software systems are continuously evolving, often because systems requirements change over time. Responding to requirements changes is one of the principles of agile methodologies. In this paper we envision the seamless integration of automated verification techniques within agile methodologies, thanks to the support for incrementality. Incremental verification accommodates the changes that occur within the schedule of frequent releases of software agile processes. We propose a general approach to developing families of verifiers that can support incremental verification for different kinds of artifacts and properties. The proposed syntactic-semantic approach is rooted in operator precedence grammars and their support for incremental parsing. Incremental verification procedures are encoded as attribute grammars, whose incremental evaluation goes hand in hand with incremental parsing

    Syntactic-Semantic Incrementality for Agile Verification

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    Abstract Modern software systems are continuously evolving, often because systems requirements change over time. Responding to requirements changes is one of the principles of agile methodologies. In this paper we envision the seamless integration of automated verification techniques within agile methodologies, thanks to the support for incrementality. Incremental verification accommodates the changes that occur within the schedule of frequent releases of software agile processes. We propose a general approach to developing families of verifiers that can support incremental verification for different kinds of artifacts and properties. The proposed syntactic-semantic approach is rooted in operator precedence grammars and their support for incremental parsing. Incremental verification procedures are encoded as attribute grammars, whose incremental evaluation goes hand in hand with incremental parsing

    Discrete-time dynamic modeling for software and services composition as an extension of the Markov chain approach

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    Abstract-Discrete Time Markov Chains (DTMCs) and Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMCs) are often used to model various types of phenomena, such as, for example, the behavior of software products. In that case, Markov chains are widely used to describe possible time-varying behavior of "self-adaptive" software systems, where the transition from one state to another represents alternative choices at the software code level, taken according to a certain probability distribution. From a control-theoretical standpoint, some of these probabilities can be interpreted as control signals and others can just be observed. However, the translation between a DTMC or CTMC model and a corresponding first principle model, that can be used to design a control system is not immediate. This paper investigates a possible solution for translating a CTMC model into a dynamic system, with focus on the control of computing systems components. Notice that DTMC models can be translated as well, providing additional information

    Compositional Solution Space Quantification for Probabilistic Software Analysis

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    Probabilistic software analysis aims at quantifying how likely a target event is to occur during program execution. Current approaches rely on symbolic execution to identify the conditions to reach the target event and try to quantify the fraction of the input domain satisfying these conditions. Precise quantification is usually limited to linear constraints, while only approximate solutions can be provided in general through statistical approaches. However, statistical approaches may fail to converge to an acceptable accuracy within a reasonable time. We present a compositional statistical approach for the efficient quantification of solution spaces for arbitrarily complex constraints over bounded floating-point domains. The approach leverages interval constraint propagation to improve the accuracy of the estimation by focusing the sampling on the regions of the input domain containing the sought solutions. Preliminary experiments show significant improvement on previous approaches both in results accuracy and analysis time

    Please, talk about it! When hotel popularity boosts preferences

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    Many consumers post on-line reviews, affecting the average evaluation of products and services. Yet, little is known about the importance of the number of reviews for consumer decision making. We conducted an on-line experiment (n= 168) to assess the joint impact of the average evaluation, a measure of quality, and the number of reviews, a measure of popularity, on hotel preference. The results show that consumers' preference increases with the number of reviews, independently of the average evaluation being high or low. This is not what one would expect from an informational point of view, and review websites fail to take this pattern into account. This novel result is mediated by demographics: young people, and in particular young males, are less affected by popularity, relying more on quality. We suggest the adoption of appropriate ranking mechanisms to fit consumer preferences. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd