1,415 research outputs found

    Monarquía y paisajes portuarios en la Edad Moderna: génesis de la iconografía urbana de las ciudades atlánticas del norte de España.

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    A lo largo de la historia, el poder siempre se ha servido del arte como medio de propaganda y exaltación. De hecho, gran parte de las obras más relevantes de la Humanidad tuvieron finalidades políticas, representativas, ideológicas o propagandísticas. Partiendo de esta consideración, recorreremos el nacimiento de la iconografía urbana de las ciudades portuarias del norte de España, con el fin de entender su génesis en su contexto original. Se tratará de mostrar su vinculación con el afán de conocimiento propio de la Edad Moderna, pero también de ilustrar su uso práctico y simbólico por parte de la monarquía.All through history, authorities have always used arts as a tool for propaganda and exaltation. In fact, many of the most important artworks of Humanity had political, representative, ideological or propagandistic aims. Starting from this consideration, we will revise the beginning of urban iconography of the port cities in the north of Spain, in order to understand its genesis within its original context. We will try to explain not only its link to the urge for knowledge, characteristic for the Modern Age, but also to illustrate its practical and symbolic usage by the Monarchy

    La menopausa, trauma o alliberació? Una aproximació antropològica a l'experiència de la menopausa

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Antropologia Social i Cultural, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Olga JubanyEl present article aporta informació referent a la diversitat d’experiències de les dones entorn la menopausa, en el context actual a l'Estat espanyol. Mostra com l’imaginari social entorn la menopausa és encarnat per les mateixes dones i explora fins a quin punt aquest condiciona l'experiència de les dones en aquesta etapa de la vida. Així com en quina mesura aquesta construcció social es basa en fets vivenciats. Partint d’una breu etnografia i el seu anàlisi, enmarcat en l'antropologia del gènere i del cos

    Human duality in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Murders in the Rue Morgue

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Ingleses. Curso académico 2021-2022Este estudio tiene como objetivo el análisis de los personajes de Dupin y el villano en la obra Los Crímenes de la Calle Morgue de Edgar Allan Poe, examinando la caracterización de ambos protagonistas y la separación entre ellos. Además, este Trabajo de Fin de Grado presenta la escena del crimen y las opiniones de los testigos que prueban la dualidad del hombre, a la vez que se propone la cuestión de si ambos tipos de hombre, el primitivo y el intelectual, pueden manifestarse en un mismo individuo de forma simultánea.This study tries to offer an analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin and the villain in The Murders in the Rue Morgue, by examining his characterization of both personae and the gap between them. Additionally, this dissertation presents the crime scene and the witnesses’ thoughts proving the duality of man and posing the question of whether the two types of man, the primitive and the intellectual, can be revealed within the same individual

    When risk becomes illness: The personal and social consequences of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia medical surveillance

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    [Abstract] Background, After the early detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), medical surveillance of the precancerous lesions is carried out to control risk factors to avoid the development of cervical cancer. Objective. To explore the effects of medical surveillance on the personal and social lives of women undergoing CIN follow-up and treatment. Methodology. A generic qualitative study using a poststructuralist perspective of risk management was carried out in a gynecology clinic in a public hospital of the Galician Health Care System (Spain). Participants were selected through purposive sampling. The sample consisted of 21 women with a confirmed diagnosis of CIN. Semistructured interviews were recorded and transcribed, and a thematic analysis was carried out, including researcher triangulation to verify the results of the analysis. Findings. Two main themes emerged from the participants’ experiences: CIN medical surveillance encounters and risk management strategies are shaped by the biomedical discourse, and the effects of “risk treatment” for patients include (a) profound changes expected of patients, (b) increased patient risk management, and (c) resistance to risk management. While doctors’ surveillance aimed to prevent the development of cervical cancer, women felt they were sick because they had to follow strict recommendations over an unspecified period of time and live with the possibility of a life-threatening disease. Clinical risk management resulted in the medicalization of women’s personal and social lives and produced great uncertainty. Conclusions. This study is the first to conceptualize CIN medical surveillance as an illness experience for patients. It also problematizes the effects of preventative practices in women’s lives. Patients deal with great uncertainty, as CIN medical surveillance performed by gynecologists simultaneously trivializes the changes expected of patients and underestimates the effects of medical recommendations on patients’ personal wellbeing and social relations

    Iconografía urbana, memoria e identidad de las ciudades portuarias Norte y Noroeste de España

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    Among the several sources we have at our disposal for our knowledge of them stands out the compendium of graphic documents, which allows us to observe how it was their urbanism at a certain epoch, and also which the very conception. Precisely, this article aims to expound a research which studies how the artistic image of the port cities in the North and Northwest of Spain was made and propagated. From the Modern Age to the nineteenth century, the portraits of their urban landscape, besides representing their physical transformations, were altered depending on the messages they were intended to immortalize or the objectives pursued. In summary, it will expound a methodology which allows to understand the utility of the plastic testimonies for the study of the urban evolution and to know ways and lifestyles from the past, cultural conceptions and different perceptions of the same reality.Entre las diversas fuentes de las que disponemos para el conocimiento de la ciudad destaca el repertorio de documentos gráficos que nos permiten observar cómo era su urbanismo en una época determinada, pero también cuál era la propia concepción que de ella se tenía. Precisamente, este artículo pretende exponer una investigación que estudia cómo se fue elaborando la imagen artística de la ciudad portuaria del norte y noroeste de España. Desde la Edad Moderna hasta el siglo XIX, los retratos de sus paisajes urbanos, además de plasmar sus transformaciones físicas, sufrieron variaciones dependiendo de los mensajes que debían inmortalizar o los objetivos que perseguían. En síntesis, se mostrará una metodología que permite entender la utilidad de los testimonios plásticos para el estudio de la evolución urbana y para conocer formas y modos de vida del pasado, concepciones culturales y distintas percepciones de una misma realidad

    Creation of a large news corpus for the discourse analysis of Violence Against Women (VAW)

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    The press is considered to play a fundamental social role, as it shapes public opinion. In this regard, CDA Critical discourse analysis (CDA) has as a primary aim to study “the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk in the social and political context” with the purpose of resisting “social inequality (van Dijk, 1991: 353). The analysis of ideologies in news discourse has a long tradition, but only recently have linguists started to use large corpora and corpus techniques to study them. This presentation describes the process of developing a large corpus of journalistic news in English, Spanish and Catalan on Violence Against Women (VAW) in the digital press, which contains over 80,000 texts and 70 million words so far. This corpus is part of the NEWSGEN project of the University of Valencia, which aims to document and investigate the historical evolution and the political, cultural, social, and ideological impact of discourses on VAW in recent times. Methodologically, the three phases for creating this corpus will be described: design, compilation, and annotation. The seed words on VAW have been defined in the design phase. The Factiva database was used for the compilation of the corpus, and then the texts were cleaned of irrelevant data and duplicates were eliminated. Finally, the texts were annotated with metadata such as the article's date, title, and body. A statistical analysis of the corpus was conducted, and case studies showing its potential and possible applications will be presented.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Gender inequality on Twitter during the UK election of 2019

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    Social media platforms such as Twitter play an essential role in politics and social movements nowadays. The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the language used on Twitter to refer to the candidates of the last UK general election of December 2019 in order to raise awareness of gender inequality in politics. The methodology followed is based on three aspects: (a) a quantitative analysis using Sketch Engine to extract the main collocates from the corpus; (b) a sentiment analysis of the compiled tweets by means of two lexicon classifications: BING (Hu & Liu, 2004) and NRC (Mohammad & Turney, 2013), which classifies words into eight basic emotions and two sentiments (positive and negative); and (c) a qualitative analysis employing a Critical Discourse Analysis approach (Fairclough, 2013) to examine verbal abuse towards women from a linguistics perspective

    The associations between suicides, economic conditions and social isolation: insights from Spain

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    Suicide is among the main challenges that need to be addressed in developed countries. In this paper, we analyse suicides across the 17 Spanish regions over the period 2014-2019. More precisely, our objective is to re-study the determinants of suicides focusing on the latest economic expansion period. We use count panel data models and sex stratification. A range of aggregate socioeconomic regional-level factors have been identified. Our empirical results show that: (1) a socioeconomic urban-rural suicide gaps exist; (2) there are significant gender differences, for the women a Mediterranean suicide pattern appears whereas unemployment levels have a significant importance for men, (3) social isolation factors, when significant, they show an (a priori) surprisingly positive result. We provide new highlights for suicide prevention in Spain. Precisely, it is highlighted that jointly policies by gender and attending to vulnerable groups are both necessary

    Mapping of political events related to the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter using topic modelling and keywords over time.

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    This research aims to study the relationship between actual, real-world events related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact these events produced on social media. To achieve this objective, we employ topic modelling and keyword extraction techniques. Topic modelling is a Natural Language Processing technique that attempts to identify topics automatically from a collection of documents (Vayansky and Kumar, 2020). This is similar to keyword extraction but, unlike this, topic modelling algorithms return clusters of words that make up the topic. Thus, a second objective is to compare the results of these two methods when it comes to identifying the salient topics in a corpus. We have used the publicly available and multilingual COVID-19 Twitter dataset collected from January 21, 2020 (and still ongoing) available via the COVID-19-TweetsIDs GitHub repository (Chen, Lerman & Ferrara, 2020). For this study, we will focus on tweets written in English from 2020 and 2021. We limited our study to the years 2020 to 2021, which contains 1 billion tweets (31 billion tokens), and extracted a random, time-stratified sample of 0,1%, which resulted in a total of approximately 1 million tweets (31 million tokens). In terms of methods, we employed unsupervised machine learning methods for both tasks. For topic modelling we used BERT embeddings and the BERTopic library (Grootendorst, 2022). Our script generates a full list of topics and assigned terms, a coherence score, and several data visualisations, such as topics-over-time graphs, heatmaps, and topic hierarchies. For keyword extraction, we used TextRank (Mihalcea & Tarau, 2004), a language-independent, graph-based ranking model. We then compare results returned by both methods in terms of usefulness and, finally, provide an interpretation of results by relating the extracted topics to the situation of the global pandemic at different stages of the crisis.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech